Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 4, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 4, 2019

Replay of Friday closing scene, Lani walking down the aisle, Abe taking the bouquet, Jen fixing Lani's dress, Marlena begins. Shots of the smirking Gabi. Flashbacks to her ultimatum to Lani. Ceremony begins, no one says aloud they object, then Lani makes a heartfelt plea to Gabi, first noting the phone, which Gabi says is to stream the wedding to Julie, then Lani talks of having shot Stefan, an accident, but she knows how much Gabi suffered. She talks of being so sorry (Eli is very puzzled by this) asks her if they can just put this all behind them, Gabi says this is her day, go on with it. Marlena continues, Eli makes a speech about coming to this town to bury his dad, finding love, etc. etc. Now they are doing vows, Eli says I do, Lani's turn..........she goes after Gabi, wrestling her on the floor for the phone. Alas, just a daydream, as Lani, now in tears, says she is sorry, but she can't. Guests are shocked. Lani runs out, Eli takes off after her. Xander wonders how long they wait around, Sarah tells him they are there to support, and just wait.

Meanwhile, Justin has come home with a bottle of champagne, Adrienne scolding him for being late, they need to get to wedding. But Justin relates seeing Jack at courthouse, picking up a marriage license. Adrienne is all bubbly about Jack & Jen getting married. Ah, but Justin got one, too. Adrienne thrilled, starts kissing him, wedding already started, they can go to reception, and down on the sofa they go. Later, straightening their clothes, he zips her up, talk of Maggie's white sofa, how her figurines will never tell what they did, he grabs his tie & jacket, she her sweater (yes, folks, November in the midwest, but they do not need coats) and off they go. Adrienne has forgotten her phone, which starts buzzing as Sonny is calling to tell them of the delay.

Back to the wedding. Gabi has risen, says my work here is done, Will was sitting next to her, asks what she mean, but of course she talks of streaming for Julie & Doug. Jen is worried about Adrienne & Justin being late, Sonny says he just called, Jack mentions seeing Justin at the courthouse, getting license. Sonny relates his dad's proposal to his mom. Jen all excited about that.

Marlena talks to Sarah, Xander comes up. One of them notes they should take their seats. Marlena notes here is the idiot who shot her at her wedding, she saw the footage, do not deny it. Xander says he doesn't even know her, why shoot her. She knows he was aiming at her son. He has no grudge against her son, except for the way he treated this lovely lady here (Sarah). Marlena realizes Xander is Sarah's date, says she knows she is nursing a broken heart, but don't take up with this guy. Abe & Tamara talk a bit, not knowing why Lani did this, but they will support her.

Lani has rushed out to that private park area, but is on the ground, not the bench, crying. Eli comes, wants to know what the heck is going on. Lani avoids, just saying she can't, she can't, he is begging her, knows she loves him,...this goes on quite a while. She finally says they came together after David died, and it wasn't love, it was grief. She doesn't love him enough to marry him. She can't and won't. She rushes off. Eli sits on the bench, sad, and here comes Gabi. Oh, poor Eli...she sits down beside him, he cries and sobs on her shoulder, as she pats his back, strokes his neck, smirky smile on her face.
Ugh I am so sorry that Lani/Gabi fake out was a fake out!! Why didn't she take Gabi down?! Doesn't everyone else see how weird Gabi is being? Lani's little speech doesn't make anyone think that Gabi is up to something after what she did to Abigail! She is just pure evil. Poor Arianna. I bet she will give Sami a run for her money when she's older after the example her mother has set! I hate it!!!! And Gabi comforting Eli?!! Hate it!!!
I was hoping for a knock-down drag-out cat fight with Lani punching Gabi into next week! Well, it looks like it might be next year what with the "twist" and all.

And, why in the world couldn't Lani tell Eli what was going on when he tracked her down? They are both cops and they could find a way to deal with Gabi and her nasty plot. Speaking of Gabi, why would she want to blow up Stefan's heart if she loved him so much?
This episode certainly didn't play out the way that I'd have wanted. In my version, Lani would have outed Gabi who would then have been swarmed by the wedding guests led by Xander who grabs the phone out of her hand. Then as Gabi is marched off to jail by a couple of uniformed cops, the old "I'm with Jack" crowd appears and thoroughly loots the "gabichic" store in the Town Square. That said, here are a few comments on today's disaster.

Lowest of the Low: Gabi has hit rock bottom even by Salem standards. Even Stefano would gag over the utter viciousness of her revenge plot.

Biggest Loser: If Sami had come to town for the wedding, she'd be declaring Lani the "biggest loser." She was too dumb to tell Eli what was going on, too weak to act until the last minute, and then compounded her bad behavior by making up all sorts of ugly lies about why she was dumping poor Eli.

Tactless, tactless, tactless: Did Marlena really have to bring up Xander's past attempted shooting of Eric and call the X-Man an "idiot" and a "clown." After all, nobody: 1) still holds Marlena's past career as the Salem Stalker against her, 2) trashed Andre for his criminal past during his last stay in Salem, 3) goes around condemning career criminal Victor, and 4) dumps on Brady for once ordering a Kiriakis thug to shoot Chad. As it is, she has needlessly made an enemy of Xander.

Snippy, snippy, snippy: Loudmouth Sarah could have been more polite to her long-suffering mother when she again asked about her staying in Salem. Her request was perfectly understandable and called for a more polite, if firm, response.

Rudeness is as rudeness does: Fie on Adrienne and Justin for blowing off the wedding for a romp on the sofa. If Lani had shown more spine, Gabi could have used a defense lawyer on the scene when she was arrested for her Julie plot.
I am betting even the cast is gnashing their teeth over Lani's failure to act...especially being a cop. Hard to believe she is one, and for as long as she has been..........
I wish Ron would address this, as viewers everywhere are commenting on the same thing. What a more satisfying closure if the wedding came to a screeching halt as Gabi is outed. Eli & Lani could get married later, as they leave to the cop shop to deal with all the issues with Gabi, her phone, the app, Julie, etc.
I for one would love it if all the people Gabi has screwed over banded together to make her pay...….with Abigail, Chad and Lani leading the charge. There is nothing that Lani has done to Gabi to warrant this, even if Lani did sleep with Eli. The things Gabi has done don't even compare and come on...…'s ELI!! wouldn't you? LOL! But seriously, Gabi can be taken out and I will dance the joy of joys. She's even making me like Julie and that's saying A LOT!!!!

Lani is being very stupid about this but isn't that par for the course when you get hired on with Salem Police Department? Your IQ goes down.....look at Rafe, MR. FBI agent...…..Eli? Kinda the same boat since he started working there.
Had to laugh at the marriage license Justin was holding. It said "Salem, USA" on the top. Love how they go out of their way to never say what state Salem is set in, other than in the state of confusion.
This is another futile effort to pretend that Salem is Anywheresville in the U.S. It's a place where the leaves turn and snow falls, but the locals seem to dress as if it's summer almost the year round. They'd be better off if they bit the bullet and admitted that Salem is indeed in Illinois. After all, they've already given the game away by having a large wall map of Illinois on the wall at the police station.
There many, many ways Lani could have outed Gabi. Even if she "pushed the button", Lani could have said what would happen and someone could call the hospital and have Julie taken care of. But that would be too easy. Now Lani can bawl and Gabi gloat and Eli fall in bed with the first woman he runs across.:angry::angry::angry:
I haven't had a chance to watch yet but earlier today I was thinking about it and it occurred to me that the preview of Lani attacking Gabi, which had me so hopeful, would probably turn out to be a fantasy. Still, I'm so disappointed to learn that's the way it played out:angry:, I almost don't think I'll watch the episode. (Don't want to see Adrienne and Justin mess up that nice sofa either). I can't even say how irked I am that Lani hasn't just told Eli the truth. There is no reason or excuse for her passive response to Gabi's threat. None! :angry:
When Billy Davis was introduced as an FBI buddy of Eli's, I thought that would have been a great way to stop Gabi. He could have recognized something on the phone and taken it, as well as all of the other methods that have been listed here and elsewhere. Like @Poirot was saying, I have not read a comment on any discussion board where people were buying this stupid story of Lani's inaction and martyrdom. It just comes across as stupid.

I also hate what has been done to Gabi. She is never going to be able to be redeemed, no matter what she looks like.
Tactless, tactless, tactless: Did Marlena really have to bring up Xander's past attempted shooting of Eric and call the X-Man an "idiot" and a "clown." After all, nobody: 1) still holds Marlena's past career as the Salem Stalker against her, 2) trashed Andre for his criminal past during his last stay in Salem, 3) goes around condemning career criminal Victor, and 4) dumps on Brady for once ordering a Kiriakis thug to shoot Chad. As it is, she has needlessly made an enemy of Xander.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm disappointed Lani only daydreamed about her fighting Gabi. Then she lost.

We probably shouldn't be surprised how things turned out for Lani and Eli. It's
Salem and most weddings there have problems.

Hopefully, what Lani and Eli said to each other before Marlena started was real.

Interesting conversation Marlena and Xander had. Will he do something to her?

Poor Eli. His mom didn't come to the wedding, then Lani called it off. Now he's
crying on Gabi's shoulder.
Poor Henderson. Now he's in the ranks of Harold for having to clean the K-Mansion "love couch" after Justin and Adrienne's romp.
1. Poor Henderson? What about the poor audience, us? Did I really need to see Adrienne and Justin lip smacking? Did I really need a visual on what they were doing? I'm sorry, it can't be pretty and I don't even need a suggestion of their sex life.

2. Is it just me, or does it look like Adrienne stole a shower curtain from a cheap hotel and made a dress from it? Talk about hideous!