Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 15, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 15, 2018

Replay of all of Friday’s closing scenes. Extensive replays. Nicole is urging Eric to leave, he worries Xander might try to have sex with her, but Nicole assures him Xander only wants her cuz he cannot have her. Knock, knock. Eric hides, Nicole opens the door, Sami sprays pepper spray directly into Nik’s eyes. When she realizes it is Nicole, she stops, Eric has rushed out, holding Nicole, scolding Sami, who thought Kristen would be answering, since she got the address from Stefan. Sami jumps to conclusions as usual, figures Nik working with Kristen, blah, blah. Eric says Nik living there with Xander, Nicole relates being blackmailed into marriage. Sami realizes Kristen/Xander working together, hears Eric’s plan to follow Xander tomorrow, insists on going along with Eric, because she is sure to find EJ. She KNOWS he is alive, can feel it.

Brady peers into the E.D. room, sees the man in wheel chair, mutters E.J.?? He slowly walks in (what a lot of baloney, like he would walk so slowly). Meanwhile Xander confers with Kristen, who heard something, no one there. Xander checks, returns, someone broke in. He has crowbar in his hand. Thus, as Brady approaches the wheelchair, Xander comes in, knocks him out with crowbar, (gee, no blood!!) . Kristen comes in, Brady tied up in a chair. She figures this place is no longer safe, Xander leaves, she throws water in Brady’s face, he comes to, she berates him for using her to find out info, he admits it, she is not a happy camper. Picks up the gun, Brady looks a bit worried. Xander comes in, she gives him the gun.

Eve goes to see Victor, tells him Brady dumped her, moved out, knows it her fault he lost custody of Tate. Vic is sorry. He knows Brady has been unlucky in love, hoped this time it would work. She assures him she loves Brady. They talks of the recording of Nicole’s confession, Victor says Brady has it, Eve says Brady says Vic does, no he doesn’t. He knows now it has to be Xander, as Sonny saw him taking money from the safe. If he took the money, he took the recording.

Chloe is singing a lullaby to the baby, Mimi appears, you are not his mother. She now argues with Chloe about the baby, wants to take her sister, Chloe won’t let her. Words get heated, Mimi learns Lucas is going to sue for custody, nearly slips while arguing, says Lucas is not even…..stops. More arguing, Chloe leaves.

Meanwhile, Bonnie is arguing with Lucas, who tells her he is suing for full custody. Bonnie is doing her best to keep control of the conversation, talking of my baby, using big descriptions of their supposed night of passion. Lucas doesn’t want to hear it, she pours it on, nearly slips herself (having flashbacks of conversation with Mimi), saying if she doesn’t come back with that baby, Mimi will kill her, then covers, saying Mimi came specifically to meet her baby sister, they were to have a family day together today. Now she goes on and on about her miracle baby, yada, yada. Chloe rushes in, aahhh, back with the baby. Now Mimi barrels in, and the line is drawn in the sand. Lucas says they are not taking the baby, see you in court. Bonnie says they are taking the baby. Eli appears….you are not going anywhere, Bonnie Lockhart.

Man is wheelchair, moves his hands a bit……says aloud……..Samantha.
They did have extensive replays!! I was gonna say I was glad Brady said EJ because that would mean they aren't going the he had plastic surgery so looks different. I'm just assuming it won't be James Scott(former EJ). Don't know for sure. I hate when they do that. But Brady hasn't seen his face, just from behind and assumed it was EJ so they still could. Ugh.

This Lucas baby thing is so ridiculous. He's allegedly the baby's uncle so Kayla told him it was kid?! There could not have been that many matching markers. I know it was weird that yes Bonnie and Lucas were both related but it's just dumb. When was the last time in Salem that a baby was born knowing full well who the father was? Just gets old.

I really wish they would show some flashbacks of Mimi and Chloe. I don't remember them hating each other. That was a long time ago! But it's the same actresses I'm surprised they haven't shown any.
Kayla told Lucas they only used 15 markers, which matched; and said it was cost prohibitive to run a more in depth DNA test at the hospital. Oh please. Guess they got a batch of DNA tests at the dollar store. :rolleyes: I guess the line of thinking is that if they had run it back further, it would've shown both Bonnie and Lucas were related to the baby, but not her parents.
Are the people editing this show really that absent-minded or are the "writers" desperate to fill in their hour (not even an hour considering the commercial ads) because they lack imagination? They keep recycling stories after all, why not repeat ten minute scenes, now? :rolleyes:

I can't believe we are still on EJ. And Sami. Again, they are like pests and vermin we can't get rid of. :sick::sick::angry::angry:
Just an FYI, but according to Jason47, there is 37 minutes of "story" in an hour, with balance devoted to commercials, station preview clips of prime time, station I.D. etc.
Thus, really a shame that the show eats up 10 minutes of that "story" time using flashbacks. O.K. today is Monday, and they are continuing Friday stories.......but...they could have just had Nicole answering the door, getting peppersprayed, but evidently they felt they had to include all the conversation prior, declaring love forever,urging eric to leave, etc. Same goes from Brady, who could have just repeated walking into that E.D. room, but no, had to have all stuff prior. And then Bonnie's flashbacks, Mimi's.....egads.
Right now, we still don't know who is in that wheelchair, there is a reason we don't see the face. I doubt it is the very dead EJ. but that is just me. See, I don't think the show would make it that easy for the seekers to be finders.
Mimi: Would she feel so free to run her big mouth on Chloe if she knew that it was the diva who skewered the deadly Noodle?

Lucas: He should rethink his plan to take the "Baby Bonnie" custody battle to court. If the case is heard by either of Salem's leading judicial dunces, Judge Rose Duncan or Judge Damon Thorpe, it would be duly noted that both Lucas and Bonnie are ex-convicts and custody might just then be awarded to the Horton Cabin raccoons.

Bonnie: Lucas should have smelled a rat when Bonnie described their "encounter" as being "slow and methodical." When did two Salemites in the throes of lust ever go at things in a slow and methodical way?

Kristen: She's actually lamenting that Brady's snooping has spoiled "all her work?" What work? She's got "EJ" stashed in a bare room in a decidedly grubby warehouse. "Work" would have been setting up a modern clinic for him in a DiMera castle staffed by a small army of Dr. Rolf's white-coated disciples.

Eve: She wasn't exactly making a perceptive observation when she said that, "maybe [Brady] wasn't thinking straight." When does the bumbling Brady ever think straight?
Thanks, Poirot.

Did they repeat the Nicole and Eric scene for their fans? It was strange
to see them naked again after we saw Sami spray Nicole at the end
of Friday's show.

Now we know where the Marlena doll is because Victor sat on it.

Why didn't Mimi tell everyone the baby is hers? Will another DNA test
have to be done to proof she's the real mother?

I want to see Eve bowl the seven and ten split
Me, too. If she had said the 1-10 or 5/10 split...but the 7/10.....lololol
I am one that loved EJ and once upon the time the character of Kristen. I would love nothing more than for EJ to return but not as a recast. I don't think I could stomach both Kristen/EJ being played by different actors. It cheapens the story for me (although, I know plenty of you already find the Sami/EJ story cheap). Sometimes actors and actresses swoop in and it's easy for me to adjust (Brady and Eric and even Abby come to mind) and other times not so much! This is one of those times for me.

I am enjoying Mimi being back - Bonnie not so much!!
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In real life, Farah Fath (Mimi) is pregnant, which she found out just as she began filming what we are seeing now. She probably only has another month or so before due date.