Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 24, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 24, 2016

Point & counterpoint today, as we finally get some real romance, plus a failed attempt at it. At the Pub, John, Marlena, Steve & Kayla talk about how nice it is to be free of danger, enjoy themselves, be happy. John's bank was able to retrieve the $20 million he had transferred into Orpheus's offshore account, Kayla mentions now they can plan a great wedding, they all need something decadent. John & Steve talk of finding rental space for BlackPatch, they want to get to work again, they leave for a couple appointments.

Later, they have seen a good one, Steve wants to put money down, John figures no hurry, with the city under siege for the past month, no businesses wanted to move into Salem, they can do it tomorrow. Steve gets a text from Kayla, she needs help, Pier 16.

After the guys left, Marlena & Kayla chat a bit, Kayla thinks she & Steve need some private time together wants Marlena's help, and she is delighted to do so. When Steve arrives at the pier, twinkle lights along a wall, a table set with candles, a small centerpiece. He calls out for Kayla, who finally appears, coming down the stairs, in a red dress. Steve thinks she looks beautiful, calls her "my Lady in Red", asks if she remembers their song.....(and dang it, no, they don't play it). They sit at the table, each with a beer, and talk. Kayla asks him to forgive her, that yes, she wanted to take things slow, but who knows how much time any of them have, and she wants to spend the time with him. He does the same, knows he lost sight of that for a bit, but won't ever make that mistake again. They both say I love you, clink the beer bottles.

At the cop shop, Aiden finds Hope at her desk, shoving the dress box he bought her back in a drawer. He chastises her, knows she will look beautiful in it, be at his hotel room for lunch, wearing it. She is curt, cold, refusing, has too much work. He ignores this, says the bad guys are in jail or dead, no lots of work, be there, or else he will call the boss man and play the tape. Rafe comes in, warning Aiden he is tired of having same conversation over and over, leave Hope alone. They argue, Hope tells Rafe to back off, none of his business. He thinks it is. Roman comes in, Raines is having a fit, they have to go to his office NOW. Hope comes out between them just as Aiden supposedly is getting ready to call someone, sweetly reminding Aiden he has a lunch meeting. Aiden grins, and leaves. Rafe goes off with Roman.

Elsewhere, Kate is having a drink with Andre' (in the square) praising his work in helping put Clyde back in jail, they exchange small talk, she even comments he reminds her of Tony. Perhaps Andre should channel him. Andre remarks how everyone loved Tony best, Kate says to ask yourself why that was? Marlena comes along, thanking Andre for his help, he gets a call, moves off as Sonic is calling for an interview with him on "courage". LOL. Marlena sits with Kate a bit, noting they seem to be rather close, warning her that no matter how well she thinks she knows him, do not trust him...ever.

Later Eduardo has come to see Kate, just checking on how she is doing after her accident. Fine. He is still blaming himself for all the misery, she notes that she herself has done a lot of terrible things, and he just has to let it go, stop beating himself up. He was just trying to protect his family. She comments he still in danger, he agrees, they are getting close, His hand is on her shoulder/neck. Her hand is on his face (what long fingernails!!), he kisses her other hand.

Roman & Rafe come storming back from Raine's office, stupid mtg. Rafe sees Hope is gone, is having a fit, Roman wants to know what is up. They go into another room, Rafe tells Roman that Aiden is blackmailing Hope, knows all about Stefano. They both try to figure out what they could do.....Roman wants to go beat the crap out of Aiden, ha. Rafe decides he is going to confess to killing Stefano, get Hope off the hook. Nope, Adien not stupid, will figure it out. But Rafe figures Aiden is blackmailing Hope, because he knows all about Roman & Rafe. Now Roman wants to take the rap, say Rafe confessed to him months ago, and he kept it under wraps. Both men are perplexed.

At the pier, all is going well with Kayla & Steve. She tells him how she got the complete big deal cable pkg, he can watch the Bulls all he wants, all the games, any games, from the comfort of his own living room.....our living room. She puts some music on from her phone, asks him to dance with her. They do, holding each other close, hugging, kissing each other's cheeks, neck. Her phone rings, she has to go to the hospital. He tells her to go, heal the sick. They kiss, kiss again. (Really, these scenes are just wonderful ).

And they contrast with Aiden's hotel room, where Hope arrives, in the black dress, pleasing Aiden. But Hope is stiff, cold, and barely says anything. Aiden is trying to get her to lighten up, offers glass of wine, she has to go back to work. He ordered cold salmon, she is not hungry. O.K. Let's get this over with. She sits at the table. He tries light conversation, talking of surprising her by the lake, their first kiss. Hope is silent. She remembers, tho. He knows he told some lies, but it is in the past, let's put it behind us. She is indignant, the lies piled up, he even was stealing her children's future.

Now he puts on music, the waltz they danced at the Gala. He wants her to dance with him now. She refuses, he plays some of her statements with Rafe about Stefano. She says to turn it off, gets up, dances with him, but won't look at him. He pulls her closer, putting her hand on his shoulder. He begins kissing her neck, she pushes him away, she cannot do this. He says she has no choice. Oh, my God, he got it from you, shocked expression on her face. Aiden looks puzzled. Your son forced my daughter, just as you are. You forced me to come here, forced me to wear this dress. You think forcing a woman is how to get your own way. You are NOT going to do to me what your son did to my daughter. It is NOT happening.

Aiden is looking confused. Hope moves up closer to his face, angry expression on her face.
Today's episode could have been entitled: "Romantic Dinners: A Study in Contrasts." Down at the most unlikeliest of all venues, the piers, Steve and Kayla had a truly romantic dinner. Luckily for them nobody had been sentenced to community service that consisted of cleaning-up there. It might have spoiled the mood a bit if somebody like Max came through pushing a broom. Meanwhile, over at the Salem Inn, deranged or deluded Aiden staged a farcical imitation of a romantic encounter with Hope. He'd better watch out. He imagines that he has the upper hand, but the last time Hope had the expression that she did at the end, somebody was fatally shot. Finally, over at police headquarters, the power of Hope was on display as both Rafe and Roman discussed committing career suicide in order to save her. Somewhere Ghost Stefano must be smiling.
Really loved the romantic, lovely, private and quiet time between Steve & Kayla. As she said to Marlena, Steve tried to change because of me, took that safe bartender job. And yet all this trouble still happened. He is who he is, I accept him for who he is, just as he has always accepted me for who I am. Their conversation as they sipped their beers.......everything was just THEM! It was great.

All the more contrast to the pathetic attempts to eventually get Hope into his bed by Aiden.

And then, there is Kate, appearing to be about to bed yet another "dangerous" man. And here I thought Eduardo was all ready to be with Mamie again. Guess not. And Kate....wonder if she keeps a ratings book for all those Blanche Deveraux of the Golden Girls. Actually, Kate has bedded some non-dangerous men as well, like...Daniel, Nicholas Alamain, Rafe, but her taste has always been those who rain trouble on all around them.
I thought Kayla looked beautiful today in her red dress. I guess her hair grew in pretty quickly, considering she was all bandaged up, then wrapped in scarves for a couple weeks (which was actually a few days in Salem time).
Thanks for the summary. This was a nice show. I just loved the scenes at the Pier with Kayla and Patch, and also that Black Patch is a thing again. THIS is how to do romance and showcase the supercouples and vets! Well done! I bet the actors really loved doing these scenes. I know the audience did!!! Heck, I even kind of liked Kate and everything with her today! But are they going for a love triangle between her, Andre, and Eduardo? Could be interesting, yet gross at the same time.

I normally don't care for the Hope/Aiden/Rafe stuff and agree it needs to be in the back burner soon, but today's scenes were good, especially with Hope at the end telling off Aiden and standing up for herself. Finally it seems as if the old Hope is back---the strong and independent Hope. I just wish Rafe would stop acting like such a caveman about the whole thing, lol.
I remember years ago I was flipping through the channels I stopped on "Days of Our Lives" and Hope had been taken prisoner by a thug named Jude St. Clair and she asked what he intended to do with her. In an attempt to intimidate her he mentioned selling her into white slavery to which she replied that was a great idea. He sputtered that she couldn't possibly like the idea of being sold into slavery. She explained that it could be a good scam to make them some money. I don't remember the details but she was quite convincing. She had a spine of steel.

It's been hard to reconcile that version of Hope with the shrinking violet we've been getting over the past several weeks. It's about time she got some of that steel back. And it looks like she may have finally snapped Aiden back into reality. At least one can hope. No pun intended LOL.

It looks like we may be headed toward a Andre/Kate/Eduardo triangle type situation. If that's the case I'm going to say no thanks. I mean I like Eduardo and I have been entertained by Kate and Andre's banter but I'm not really interested in anything romantic involving them.

The Steve and Kayla scenes were very nice. There has been so many false starts and stops between these two for months now that I pretty much stopped paying attention but what we got today was very nice.
Her hand is on his face (what long fingernails!!), he kisses her other hand.
Ouch, what a sharp turn! Either that or Eduardo is the King of the Players.
You think forcing a woman is how to get your own way. You are NOT going to do to me what your son did to my daughter. It is NOT happening.
Hey, it worked for EJ. Seriously though, ick. Great, creepy scenes. Glad Hope stood up for herself. Meanwhile, Roman is a joke. But he's the perfect leader for Salem's inept PD.
I'm glad Black Patch is back on. I wonder where their office will be.

John got his money back. Lucky him.

Kate said to Andre "channeling Tony" and he replied "everyone loved
him best" That's true.

Another good line Kate to Eduardo "And God knows stuff happens in Salem"

Interesting to see Marlena thank Andre, but than he had to say something
to upset Kate.

DrBakerfan, is correct about the contrast in dinners. I'm glad we were told why
Kayla had it on the pier since it was where they meant. I kept thinking Salem is
having a warm October like where I live.

The dances the couples did were interesting to watch. I'm glad Steve said "my
lady in red" since they couldn't play their song. It was sad to hear the song
with Aiden and Hope. I think a lot of us enjoyed them dancing to it before. So
much has changed since then :(
He'd better watch out. He imagines that he has the upper hand, but the last time Hope had the expression that she did at the end, somebody was fatally shot.
This could become a farce movie. Hope keeps murdering men who blackmail her with knowledge of the previous murder(s). I imagine it would be a sleeper hit and well-received on the film festival circuit.
Finally, over at police headquarters, the power of Hope was on display as both Rafe and Roman discussed committing career suicide in order to save her
Well, to be fair, he works for the Salem PD, so street sweeping would be a lateral move.
Really loved the romantic, lovely, private and quiet time between Steve & Kayla. As she said to Marlena, Steve tried to change because of me, took that safe bartender job
These scenes were terrific. I like what they did with the pier, too. And I LOVE that Steve can be Steve and BlackPatch can be BlackPatch. Wonderful!!!
I thought this was a good episode. I was happy to see the pier decorated in lights and Kayla and Steve having a romantic lunch together. The writing was well done. I liked the Aiden/Hope scenes also. I liked the building disgust and anger that Hope was feeling. The actress did a great job, especially the last scene.
I think she needs to start taking those sleeping pills she was taking back in 2009-2010. I loved angry Hope when she attempted to burn Bo alive because his affair with Carly.
I enjoyed the Steve and Kayla scenes. I just like how regular the two are, just laying back having a beer casual. That's what I like seeing, reality, not all this prissy priss stuff all time ya know. Great romance and chemistry!

Hope and Aiden.....whoah.....adding in the Gala music gave it a much creepy factor with the tape recorder. Almost seemed like a episode Law and Order SVU and Aiden had Hope tied to a chair or something LOL, that kind of creepy!

It's kind of interesting Aiden's resembling Chase more with the longer hair now and Hope is definitely the Ciara in this scenario relived.

I absolutely like Kate and Eduardo together. Much better then Mama Hernandez. They both can balance each other out yet are somewhat the same.
I really did like the contrast in the two couples and their lunches. "Dance with me, Patchman". And it was lovely, lyrics perfect. (Yes, it would have been wonderful to have the song be Lady in Red, but at least they mentioned it, which was a great touch and nod to their past.

And then that waltz from the Gala. Aiden seeing how much Hope did not want to be there, ignoring the fact he blackmailed her into it, even forcing her to get up and dance. Why he thought that would create a romantic atmosphere is beyond me, Why he could not comprehend that he was not going to change her reluctance with candles, cold salmon & a waltz is mind boggling.

Days did a good job with the 2 couples. Kudos to all.
I didn't even know people ate cold salmon. That alone would have been a deal killer for me! :sick: Sounds like a good episode though. I hope I get to watch it today. I'm looking forward to a Hope and Aiden scene (at least the last part of it), maybe for the first time. Glad Hope is getting some spunk back!
I guess her hair grew in pretty quickly, considering she was all bandaged up, then wrapped in scarves for a couple weeks (which was actually a few days in Salem time).

I thought Steve or John said Salem was under siege for a month? Still ridiculous for her hair to grow back but sounds a little better lol. I thought her surgery was before the trio arrived.

Finally it seems as if the old Hope is back---the strong and independent Hope.

That was great. And I agree about Rafe's possessiveness. Hope has told him repeatedly to back off yet he persists in egging on Aiden or pushing Hope. She can take care of herself. Hope isn't Sami.

Enjoyed the Lady in Red scenes. Wish we could have gotten the song considering they got Bo and Hope's song.

Glad BlackPatch is back too. John and Steve in scenes together is all kinds of win. I wish they would include Shawn or Andrew Donovan as well.

John and Marlena were on for a minute. Not okay.

The Hope/Aiden scenes were great because the actors still have chemistry and seem so at ease with each other.
Enjoyed the Lady in Red scenes. Wish we could have gotten the song considering they got Bo and Hope's song.
For the heck of it, I just checked. Tonight I Celebrate My Love (Bo and Hope's song) is licensed by Sony, who also has ownership in Days. But they do not own the licensing rights to Lady In Red. So I guess that's why we got Bo and Hope's signature love song, but not Patch and Kayla's.