Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 25, 2021


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Possession Day.

Hospital Waiting Area: Paulina is going crazy because she doesn't know what's going on. Lani tries to calm her. Eli will make a check. While he's gone, Julie congratulates Paulina on her engagement, and remarks that they've known Abe for 40 years. They first met because of a police case involving David Banning, Julie's son.

Operating Room: Kayla is trying to save Abe; he's not doing well.

St Luke's: John tells Mar-devil he'll fight for his wife. The devil's prepared for this; John can’t use the holy water because the devil has prepared for this contingency. There are some demonstrations of the devil's power. Mar-devil teleports and threatens to kill Marlena; the devil made a deal with Marlena to save Doug. Mar-devil talks about the last possession and the Salem Stalker murders, making a remark that Abe's not so lucky this time. They rehash about 10 years of history, during which time the devil was trying to get back with Marlena, but was never successful. That's how she settled on Doug, who is now banished to solitary at Bayview. Mar-devil wonders what to do about John. John vows to fight and leave the church with his wife. Mar-devil laughs at this and has completely sidelined Marlena. Marlena disagrees (we hear her calling to John). John yells to her. Mar-devil silences Marlena and slaps John around.

Operating Room: Eli enters. Kayla tells him Abe's gone. She continues to try to revive him.

Hospital Waiting Area: Paulina remembers the day she met Abe. She can't lose him. Eli comes out, tells them that they're still working on Abe. Julie suggests they go to St Luke's.

Carver Garden: Abe wanders around the area where Lexie died. "Lexie?" he asks. "Hello, Abe." Abe talks about Theo and losing Lexie "10 years ago" (this is accurate - she died in 2012 + one year for the jump). He sees Lexie in Theo's smile. He has a flashback to a time when he and Lexie were trying to get pregnant, and to the day she told him she was pregnant. He also recalls the times of pain, and flashes back to a confrontation during the baby switch storyline, when Lexie put herself ahead of JT, Zack, Bo, Hope, Glenn, Barb, and Abe. They also show Lexie's death. Now they can be together again. Lexie says no.

Hospital Waiting Area: Lani decides she has to call Theo and Brandon. She and Eli step aside to take care of this matter. Meanwhile, Julie and Paulina comfort each other about Abe and Doug. Paulina has a lawyer who could help Julie. Later, Lani relays to the group that Theo's flying in and she left a message for Brandon. Lani can't lose her dad after all the years they lost.

Carver Garden: Lexie tells Abe that it is not his time, but she'll be waiting for him when it is. Abe knows he has to go back for his kids and Paulina. He will continue to see Lexie in Theo's smile. He walks away from her.

Operating Room: Kayla's continuing to attempt to revive Abe. Her coworker suggests it's been too long. Kayla accepts this. Immediately Abe's vitals revive.

St Luke's: Mar-devil is planning to bludgeon John to death. Marlena stops her. Mar-devil acquiesces and removes the unconscious John.

Hospital Waiting Area: Kayla tells Paulina and Lani that Abe has some surgery but will have a road to recovery. Lani will see Abe, for a short time, and requests Paulina join her.

Abe's Hospital Room: Abe recognises Paulina and Lani. They're glad he fought his way back to them. Lexie's figure, in the background, leaves the hospital room. END

Glossary. Marlena is Marlena. "Marlena" means the character is thought to be Marlena by her scene partner/s. Mar-devil is when the yellow contacts and/or the voice modulator are in use. Mar-devil-lena refers to Marlena when she’s not visibly possessed.
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Why didn't someone tell Paulina to go donate blood, could have been a PSA or what not but Abe's going to need blood

Special effects today were super cheesy, glad to know they didn't use the renewal money on that....

Nice to know security at the hospital is the same as police station

Will we get a Brandon Nicole scene?

Kayla’s cpr was annoying…I know you should never do CPR on a living person but the amount of pressure she was applying and the location wouldn't have resuscitated a hamster

Devil’s waited a lifetime??? To kill John?? what's a lifetime I guess.....

Heading to surgery major trauma and you can visit? Why wasn't Abe rushed upstairs/downstairs/down the hallway to surgery once stabilized how many germs are they going to allow into the room???

Thanks Jason, I did enjoy seeing all the old Abe and Lexie scenes......
I enjoyed Abe & Lexie flashbacks. I loved they met in the light. I held it together while they showed the flashback of her passing in his arms. And then, I lost it at the end scene when Abe is back & Lani and Paulina are in his hospial room. Seeing Lexie's spirit leave his room in the background drove me to the tears I had held back.
I want to say also that I think the choice of flashback to Abe and Paulina's first meeting was ill-thought-out. It's crystal clear that she's not Lani's birth mother in that scene and that the idea for that plot point hadn't yet crossed our writer's mind. They could have picked a dozen other flashbacks and they chose the one that illustrates how crummy this story (Lani’s re-redone parentage) is? Yikes.
I loved the Abe and Lexie scenes and I'm glad we didn't see a recast Lexie. It would have been great if they could have convinced Renee Jones to come back for it. The downside is it was a big reminder of how good the show used to be. I was a little surprised they didn't put something up at the end saying it was James Reynolds' anniversary.
John: He's clearly overmatched in his battle with Satan. When he wakes up, he'd better call Bishop Wright about sending out a first-rate exorcist.

Abe: His reunion with Lexie was enjoyable, but it would have been more interesting if it had included:
  • Lexie telling Abe that Paulina isn't worthy of him;
  • Abe confessing to Lexie that their precious baby, Theo, had grown up to become a wife-stealer;
  • a mention of the long-lost Tek Kramer.
Kayla: She should have called in med-student Trippy to try to revive Abe. He couldn't have done a more unprofessional job than she did. (kudos to robinsnest for her mention of the resuscitation of a hamster).
So much of Abe's past they could have used. Lexi looked so young. Also, I hadn't realized how much James Reynolds (Abe) had changed! They actually made some good points re Julie/Doug. Get a lawyer!!! Not from Salem.
I was really hoping we'd get clips from the 1980s and 1990s, too. So much history connected to almost every character. Oh, well.
Abe confessing to Lexie that their precious baby, Theo, had grown up to become a wife-stealer
I kept thinking about this too. When does Theo smile anymore?
Julie shouldn't even need a lawyer. Just move Doug to another facility. In Chicago. With top specialists.

Speaking of, the nearby city is full of ne'er-do-wells who would be more interesting targets with exponentially larger capacity for spreading evil than John and Marlena. The devil needs bigger dreams. Maybe "world dominators" Jake and Gabi can give him tips on aiming high.

I liked seeing the history with Abe, and I was glad they didn't cast some other actress to be Lexie for the day. It highlighted how much they went through together. How many months has he known Paulina? It makes the current relationship look so paltry by comparison. Wake me up when Paulina's secret is out and the devil is gone.

Oh, wait. I'm doing the summary on Wednesday. :sick: Please, please, let it be a Xander day! I'll even watch Justin struggle with pushups this time.
Thanks, Jason.

I wondered myself what demon Marlena meant when she said waited for a lifetime. Who's lifetime? The devil's???

Will someone notice the cross upside down?

Good to know Marlena is still in her body somewhere.

Someone asked Lani if she got a hold of Brandon. She said she had to leave a message. I thought Theo and Brandon
were together.

John asked the devil why he wait so long to come back. Will we get an answer? He probably can't say well there was a
change in writers and they want good ratings for the show :)

Good special effects with demon Marlena moving around the chapel.

I enjoyed seeing Abe with Lexie. They did a good job with a different actress in the part.

I wish they could have done more flashbacks with Abe for the 40th anniversary. It probably wasn't done for all
the actor changes in some characters.
The downside is it was a big reminder of how good the show used to be.

I was thinking the same thing oldschool as I was watching today. :)

I really enjoyed the flash backs, they were the highlight of the day for me and I like how they did not show the face of the person who was portraying Lexie.

I bet if the show were cancelled tomorrow and they started airing reruns (it would be cool to see re-airings of some of the best story lines from the 80s & 90s), the reruns would get higher ratings then the crap they are currently airing.
I agree that if they showed reruns from the 1980’s or 1990’s more people would tune in and watch.
Just curious…was Lexie visible or just a voice? Did it sound like her voice? I didn’t watch. But maybe I’ll check it out on Peacock.
It was Lexie in all the flashbacks, but in present time, it was a sort of hazy thing, mostly Abe, Lexie only from her back to the camera.
Someone asked Lani if she got a hold of Brandon. She said she had to leave a message. I thought Theo and Brandon
were together.
I thought Theo and JJ were together and Brandon was still somewhere else... (Chicago?)

As for Mar-devil - really? You prepared against holy water? I'd like to know how *that* happened.
John, you acquiesced and resorted to begging awfully quickly when Marlena was threatened with harm. Besides, Mister Former ISA Bright Guy... who would the devil inhabit if they hurt their vessel? Didja think about that before you started begging?
I was glad they didn't cast some other actress to be Lexie for the day.
I understand why they didn't, but in my opinion it came off as too much for a non-face actress. I think if they'd shown some pictures a few weeks ago (Abe could show them to Paulina) with a new actress it wouldn't have been so jarring. It's been 9 years since Renee Jones left and she has no interest in coming back. I think they did the best they could because a surprising majority agree with the "no recast" idea.

They also could have just used archival footage and had him talking to nobody. I just felt it was too many scenes not to show the face.
Did it sound like her voice?
It was a pretty good imitation. The first few lines I thought were Renee Jones (ex-Lexie). I'm honestly wondering if they used some of her old lines ("Hello Abe" was her first line today, and it's easy to think that was lying around somewhere.)
Theo and JJ were together and Brandon was still somewhere else.
South Africa last we heard, now including Claire, Shawn-D, Belle, and maybe Hope.