Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 29, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 29, 2018

Happiness, sadness are the scenes today, as not only are the Nashville adventurers back in Salem, but even the badly burned, (90% of his body) mystery patient has been transported, despite his fragile state, to the Salem hospital, under the care of good ol Dr. Kayla. Sami sits with Eric, talking of returning to Salem, Holly is in care of some nurse, Sami is giving him pep talk, he can take care of Holly as he promised Nicole. He leaves.

Kayla tells Sami the mystery man is in a great deal of pain, is sedated, but Sami wants to peek under the bandages, wants a way to tell if he is EJ. Sorry, no can do, Sami wants to check fingerprints, sorry, risk of infection. Finally, she suggests blood sample, DNA check. Well, only problem there is we need something from the DiMeras to compare. G(ee, didn’t they have Stefano on file or something so that Stefan could claim to be a DiMera?) Sami wants to stay, Kayla says the man needs rest, but allows her a few minutes.

Over at the DiMera house, Chad & Jennifer are struck dumb by Abby’s announcement that only her husband can commit her, and Chad isn’t him. Chad insists he is, Stefan pops up, no (flashing his ring), I am. Chad & Jen seem disbelieving, Chad says you can’t be, Stefan pulls a folder of paper work, all very legal, divorce, their marriage. Chad protests that Stefan only wants Gabby. Abby says she is not Gabby, that neither both Chad & Jen wanted to put her away, did not believe her when she said Gabi was setting her up, she is fine. Chad asks what about Thomas, Abby replies that by now you would have had be in a strait jacket, so how would I have taken care of Thomas then? No I can do so. Stefan pops up about his wife, she is expecting, our children, (after all, I will be Thomas’s stepfather) and how he has the family he always wanted. He asks Chad & Jen to leave, or he will get security to remove them. (hmmm, where was security when Gabi dragged the drugged Abby into the house? Chad & Jen leave. Stefan starts to say he is sorry, did not mean to upset her. Abby says “THEY” are upset, and I am grateful for your help.

Maggie opens the door, surprised and so happy to find daughter Sarah standing there. She ushers her inside, they do a catchup. Sarah talks of being a doctor, having been out of the country with Doctors Without Borders, is back. Maggie comments Neil always wanted one of his children to be a doctor. He would be so proud of you. Sarah tells of engagement, met him at residency in Chicago, she had just been chewed out by Dr. Spector for reminding him he can’t give patient penicillin, she is highly allergic. The doctor resented being embarrassed in public. She went to be alone in a supply closet, Rex came along, talked her out of her mood, they had coffee, another date, another and fell in love. Maggie leaves to make some tea & get Sarah’s fav ginger cookies.

Meanwhile, Rex is at the pub, staring at a pic of Sarah on his phone, in walks a despondent looking Brady. They have a fun name exchange, doing an inside joke thing since Kyle Lowder (Rex) used to play Brady Black. Rex says “Brady”? Brady doesn’t recognize him, Rex says, Rex……….Brady. So Brady repeats Brady, they go back & forth, laugh a bit, Rex has gotten off his stool, they joke about who’s on first, etc. Rex can see Brady doesn’t look too good, buys him a beer, they sit, Brady says a woman he cares about died. Rex thinks she knew Brady cared about her, he doesn’t think so. Brady doesn’t drink his beer, should not, sorry, no, doesn’t want coffee, he leaves.

Rex goes over to Maggie’s, surprises Sarah, hugs & kisses, Maggie returns, is so happy to see Rex, more hugs. Doorbell. Tis Eric. Maggie happy to see him, looks around for Nicole & Holly. He comes in, says Holly is playing outside with kids (Ari, Parker, Thomas???) It takes him a bit, but he finally tells Maggie Nicole is dead. She is overwrought, Rex & Sarah come out, Sarah tells Rex Nicole is the one who sublet her apartment, Eric realizes she must be Maggie’s daughter. Condolences all round, Maggie has to run out, wants to see her granddaughter, Holly, Sarah follows her, want to also see Holly. Rex tells Eric he knows they have not been close or in touch, but he is family, is his brother, will help any way I can. Just ask.

Brady has gone to see Eve, who is rather distant. But Brady manages to tell her about Nicole being dead, blames himself, really dumps the hot coals on himself, all his fault, everything. He is crying. She is trying to tell him not his fault, Xander & Kristen to blame for Nicole’s death. You help Eric take care of Holly, Brady knows Eric hates him, as he relates how Eric refused to leave Nicole, how he got Holly to a safe place, had to knock Eric out to get him out of the place. The debris too heavy for them to pull it away, Eric did not want to leave her, he had to sav e his brother. She says he did the right thing, hugs him, kisses, and fall on the bed.

Sami is at mystery patient’s bedside, Kayla has warned only a few minutes, do not touch him. She calls him EJ….but does add “if that is you”, says he is now back in Salem, she is making sure he gets absolute best care, will be there every day, no matter how long it takes.
It is weird that no one mentions whether Kristen & Xander are dead or alive? Eric does say there is not chance, shows Sami the necklace he gave Nicole to protect her, says "they" meaning firemen, searched the whole place, no sign. Nothing. Fire, explosions, etc. Well, it does seem odd, there is no trace of anyone, not a bone fragment, nothin, yet 3 people perished? Why has no one even ASKED about the horrible Kristen & Xander?
That's what I find so weird. They haven't seen each other in almost 30 years but there were not hard feelings? It's Days just gotta roll with it.

The Brady Rex scene was a little funny. And Maggie - I almost didn't recognize you!

Oh lordy Sami you of all people should know how reliable Salem DNA tests are!!!
So, when was Maggie last in touch with her daughter???? It takes how many years to become a doctor?? And Maggie had no idea her daughter was preparing to become one? Let alone that she has been one for however many years? What is wrong with this picture?
Maggie knew Sarah was a doctor. They were just talking about Sarah's career as a doctor; Sarah wasn't telling this to Maggie as news she didn't know.
He comes in, says Holly is playing outside with kids (Ari, Parker, Thomas???)
He said as they came up the driveway, she saw Ari and Thomas with the nanny, playing in the leaves, and begged to go play with them. The most shocking part of that statement is that leaves have apparently fallen in Salem. I thought the trees stayed lush and green year round. :rolleyes:
I took that comment to mean Neil Curtis was no longer among the living. It was an odd way to phrase it. Mickey raised her, didn't he? Well, I wasn't watching then, so, no idea if Neil interacted with his daughter, Sarah or not. I do remember Melissa & Sarah moving to Nashville, so glad the dialogue referred to that.
It is weird that no one mentions whether Kristen & Xander are dead or alive? Eric does say there is not chance, shows Sami the necklace he gave Nicole to protect her, says "they" meaning firemen, searched the whole place, no sign. Nothing. Fire, explosions, etc. Well, it does seem odd, there is no trace of anyone, not a bone fragment, nothin, yet 3 people perished? Why has no one even ASKED about the horrible Kristen & Xander?
Brady provided a clue today when he said that Kristen and Xander are monsters -- not were monsters. And why shouidn't they have survived? Both were last seen in the room that had a door that led directly to the outside. Kristen was in a hysterical state, but Xander seemed to be his usual calm and collected self. As for other characters:

Abigail: She says that she's sane, but she married McPerv, which by itself is prima facie evidence of insanity. She also seemed remarkable impervious to Jenny's trademarked "concerned" look -- another sign of abnormal Deveraux behavior.

Sarah: She had to suffer through residency? How inconvenient. If she'd had the good sense to enroll in Salem University Medical School's quickie M.D. program, she wouldn't have had to deal with an annoying internship or tiresome residency. In only a few weeks, she would have become a qualified super surgeon like the legendary Dr. McScruffy.

Brady: He says that he's "a pathetic excuse for a man." He shouldn't be so hard on himself. Outside of Salem, he might be regarded as a self-serving lowlife, but there, his bad behavior is strictly par for the course for the typical guy.
Sami has always been a favorite. However, there have been times I wanted to swat her......HARD!!!!! Lately, I've been surprised, she's not shrieking at everyone. Almost acting human. Who's the mummy? Hope it's NOT EJ. Had enough of him already. Jack, Dr. Baker, anyone else.
It was Maggie's comment about Neil wanting one of his kids to be a doctor, and that he would be proud of her, that made it sound like Maggie was just learning about Sarah's career choice.
It was more of just a passing comment, like "boy, your grandfather would be so proud if he saw you doing xyz."

By the way, here is what Sarah looked like in 1991 before she left Salem:

Here's a 1987 picture with both Sarah and Eric:


Sarah is Red Riding Hood on the far left, and Eric is the red crayon standing on the far right.

The other kids are Carrie (bunny), Stephen Nichols' (Patch) real daughter (Vanessa as a princess) and son (Aaron as a ninja) who both had bit parts on Days, Max Brady in the karate outfit and Sami as the red crayon sitting in front of Eric (real life dark-haired fraternal twins played Sami and Eric at that time).
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed the Brady/Rex scene the best.

It was sort of funny when Stefan was waving his hand to show off the ring like
women do when they get engaged.

I'm glad Brady didn't drink his beer.

Did Rex brush his teeth before he kissed Maggie :)

They keep talking about no survivors, but no one talks about bodies.
Maggie comments Neil always wanted one of his children to be a doctor. He would be so proud of you
Is he dead?
He said as they came up the driveway, she saw Ari and Thomas with the nanny, playing in the leaves, and begged to go play with them. The most shocking part of that statement is that leaves have apparently fallen in Salem
I'd say the most shocking thing is that one of the Salem toddlers (especially young Holly, who isn't even 2 yet?) can actually form such a complex utterance! Salem tots are usually mute (aside from asking for their parents to "get back together") until they're 6 or 7.
Well, I wasn't watching then, so, no idea if Neil interacted with his daughter, Sarah or not.
This is during the era when it went from being the show I watched with my mom to the show I watched alone. Sarah found out about Neil and Maggie having an affair and was not happy about it. They definitely interacted a lot.
In only a few weeks, she would have become a qualified super surgeon like the legendary Dr. McScruffy.
We should remember, they share some DNA! By Salem Hospital DNA testing standards, 2000%!
Is he dead?
Really couldn't tell one way or another from that brief mention. It'll be interesting to see if Neil is mentioned again.
I'd say the most shocking thing is that one of the Salem toddlers (especially young Holly, who isn't even 2 yet?) can actually form such a complex utterance! Salem tots are usually mute (aside from asking for their parents to "get back together") until they're 6 or 7.
I thought that too, that there was no way Holly was begging (verbally) to go play with Arianna and Thomas. I remember when "Silent Bob" (Parker) would sit there mute, then they'd have someone pretend to be his voice from another room saying "Daddy, come here", when you darn well knew the kid could barely speak.
Holly could have pointed at the kids and cried a little to indicate she wanted to play with the others. Even when my nieces and nephews were small and did not really talk, they could make their wishes known what they wanted to do.