Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 4, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, October 4, 2010
Episode #11431 Taped 7/30 Director – Albert Alarr

Sami has told Rafe she knows who shot EJ, he asks who. She is hesitant, her face shows how torn up she is about this. He knows this is difficult, she wants to tell him, gets upset because she doesn’t want to keep anything from him, the last time she did, not telling him about the ransom for Sydney, she lost him. He promises this will not happen, he is not the same man he was then, whatever it is, he will do all he can to help her and the kids. She sits down, starts to talk, and ……..knock, knock, knock at the door.

Rafe tells her to ignore it, but Sami says it might be the kids. Tra La, it is Arianna and Gabi with wine and housewarming gifts (Gabi now being played by Camila Banus). Arianna realizes bad timing, Sami assures her not, invites them in. A bit later, Ariana is waving a glass of wine, still talking of perhaps this not being a good time, Rafe agrees, says maybe tomorrow, Sami says no, they are family, are always welcome. But Arianna tells Gabi they should go, Gabi protesting the gift is not opened, but starts to leave with Ari, notices the laptop open, comments on Green Mountain Lodge, realizes Rafe & Sami are going to go there to get married. Arianna has a fit, worries about EJ, Rafe says it is not any of his business, they don’t plan on telling him….at least until after the wedding. Arianna begins protesting about someone putting a bullet in EJ’s head, goes on a bit, but eventually leaves with Gabi.

Nicole & Brady are into some intense making out, much to Vivian’s chagrin, but decide at Brady’s behest to “talk” somewhere else. Later, they are rolling around in his bed, and then even later, are in those L shaped sheets, reposing in afterglow. Brady seems far away, Nicole happy as a clam, but then unsure of what this all actually meant. She talks of the horrible past 24 hrs. she had, lousy baby shower, visit to a pet cemetery, finding a woman inside a sarcophagus in a mausoleum, & then ending up in bed with someone she loves. Brady tells her he had a bad couple of days, then met up again with a dear friend he thought he had lost, and realized how much this friend really meant to him. Kiss, kiss, they cuddle. Brady next has received a phone call, has to leave.

Nicole spots the ear piece on the bed, sort of moves the sheet to cover it, and Brady takes off. Nicole gets dressed, goes downstairs, runs into Henderson who warns her about letting Victor see her there, leaves the room. She puts on the earpiece, and chats with Vivian (who has been counting, 11709 Mississippi, trying to pass the time). Viv wants to know if the police are on the way, no, not yet. They go back and forth a bit, Vivian mentions Brady being there at the mausoleum, wonders why.

Well, Brady is paying off two burly men, who have evidently delivered his mother’s coffin back to the mausoleum. One says he must have really loved his orangutan to put it in such a fancy place.

Nicole is still chatting with Viv who is wanting out, getting exasperated, and refers to Nicole’s porn past and how she hasn’t change. Wrong comment, Nicole was feeling sorry for her, now has changed her mind, will have to think about what to do. Oops, Viv did not mean it…..but too late. Brady, tho, is talking to his mother, telling her how this started because of what Vivian was going to do to Maggie, and to her, and he felt justified, but now he is feeling somehow that his mother would be disappointed in him.

Justin sits at a table in the Pub, on the phone with Victor, trying to explain that since Viv has not responded to the divorce papers, he cannot yet go forward. Adrienne comes in, (gosh she looks absolutely beautiful!) sits down, smiles as she listens. Justin hangs up, they talk a bit about Victor trying to divorce Vivian, comments that in a way he is lucky. He is divorcing someone he doesn’t care about. It is much different with a divorce where you still love the the person. Adrienne agrees, she knows only too well.

Roman has come into EJ’s room, wants EJ to tell him all he remembers. EJ agrees, Stefano is a bit worried, Roman shags a protesting Stefano out, has a flashback to Lexie telling Roman he cannot mention the fact EJ & Sami are not married. Roman doesn’t intend to, but doesn’t give a hoot about EJ. Now he asks EJ if he remembers the wedding, yes, he does, says something about Roman coming in to try and stop it, Sami protesting, Roman agrees, talks of wanting to leave and Sami making him stay. He asks EJ about after the wedding, EJ begins holding onto his head, the machines start beeping away, end of questioning.

Roman is out in the hall, asking Lexie if EJ could possibly manipulate those machines himself, as they seem to go off so conveniently. Lexie is indignant, says she knows what EJ has done, but he is still her brother, and her patient.

Stefano goes into the room, EJ is all calm, Stefano tells him of Roman’s question. EJ grins, says all he has to do is think of Sami together with Hernandez and it works. Stefano worries, wants to know what the plan is. EJ has none yet, is opting for time to figure out what he will do. Stefano asks about Johnny & Sydney…EJ replies that one thing is certain. He will make sure that neither of them ever see Hernandez or their mother again.

Sami & Rafe sit back on the sofa, she gets a phone call from EJ, who is thanking her for bringing the kids by, hopes she will do it again, goes on about them all living together happily as a family soon, yada, yada. She says she will call him tomorrow, hangs up, is upset that she has to keep pretending like this.

Over at the hospital, EJ grins, saying aloud he could hear the quiver in her voice, but don’t worry, the charade will not last much longer, that as soon as he finds out whether it was Sami or Will who shot him, the real fun will begin.

Sami is going to start again, but Rafe stops her, telling her he doesn’t want to know. Then goes on that once they are married, he cannot be forced to betray anything she tells him, Sami never thought of that.

She grabs her purse, is leaving, Rafe opens the door to call her back, tells her he loves her. He shuts the door, telling himself as soon as Sami tells him, he will do whatever it takes to protect Will. And outside the door, Sami is saying she can never tell Rafe, sorry, but she just never can.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. Boy how silly of Viv to what Nicole's help yet bring up her porn pass. Boy EJ has not changed in the least. Sure hope that Sami is going to tell Rafe as soon as the wedding is over. Looking foreward to noon to see the show.
Thanks for the write up!
I am so sick & tired of EJ & Sami & all the "I'll get you back" & these poor kids. They need to go live with Grandma Caroline!

Thanks again!
Gotta confess that I definitely agree. It honestly made me sick to see EJ gloating cuz he can put one over on everyone with those machines. Ugh. And then he lays there, and smirks. shudder.
I really hope Sami and Rafe are married PRONTO.

I used to not like Rafe that much, and some things he does still irk me, but he's truly a good person and the way he and Sami are together feels very genuine, unlike the recent forced pairings of Arianna and Brady and Chloe and Daniel.
I acutally am enjoying EJ at this moment. To me, he is manipulating both sides Sami and his dad. He has to sound vindictive and angry but in control of the situation to Stefano or Stefano will go after Sami and/or Will himself. He also wants to see his kids again so he will use Sami shooting him in the head as a way to see his kids. I am loving every minute of this.
As Lucas said once, "too bad my aim wasn't better, you wouldn't have to go through this." I agree. Wish Sami's aim was better, and she had put the gun in EJ's hand to pull the trigger...
I was surprised the the SPD could test for gun powder residue on anyone's hands... they didn't do that in the past....
Totally off the subject of EJ, Sami, etc.... P; welcome back.... hope your vacation was good. Thanks for your daily postings....they make my day!!
Thanks for the write-up, Poirot

Arianna should mind her darn business. Bet she runs directly to EJ!

Lexie oversteps things, again!

Hope EJ's little trick w/machine backfires and causes his head to explode!

Sami not telling Rafe, she's proving yet again that she's an idiot! :(
Thanks for another great write up.

Silly Vivian...should have kept her mouth shut!

Sami not being honest with the man she loves. EJ vowing to get revenge on her. Yawn! Sorry, its just so been there-done that.

Glad to see movement with the Adrienne/Justin.
I'm liking Days a lot more lately. But, ugh EJ?! I can't stand how he's so fixated on Sami & if he can't have her nobody can & he'll do all kinds of terrible things to make sure she doesn't get to be happy. What a waste of his life. Can't he do something better with his time? Ok, I'm done ranting. Off topic~ does Sami & Rafe's new digs remind anyone else of Shawn/Mimi/Rex's apartment? And across the hall is Belle's loft? Hope everyone has a great weekend!:)
Ej really should not be Lexie's patient at all. Most doctors do not treat their own family members as an ethical code.
My first thought when they walked in was that it was the set from Mimi/Rex/Shawn/Belle's apartment.....
There has to be a twist in this manipulation between EJ/Sami. Is it really the same story as before? I hope not. I want Sami to recognize the signs that EJ is fine and she and Rafe start playing EJ. I want Rafe and Sami to get married before EJ can get out of the hospital. Once he is back in the mansion then all bets are off.

Sami wants to tell Rafe, but she thinks it will push him away. Sami wake up and grow up. You shot EJ to protect your kids. Rafe is going to understand.

Let's hope there is some more screen time for Justin and Adrianne. They are one of my favorite couples from when I first started watching Days.
Thank you, Barb.

Oh poop.... it sounds like Arianna is a whiney EJ loving brat no matter who plays her.

EJ - Barb will ban me if I say what I'm thinking.

Sami - Elope with Rafe, tell EJ to go suck rotten eggs, and get on with your life.
Let's hope there is some more screen time for Justin and Adrianne.

Unfortunately, GAGirl, I think Justin and Adrienne will fade into the sunset. Neither ever had a real storyline, except for Justin's infatuation with Hope, and I think they will eventually go the way of Steve and Kayla. :sigh:
Fast Forward

Thank goodness for FF- I just cannot take Rafe- what an unemotional bore. And, I agree, Sami lying again- the woman has no concept of love. She is still the selfish, unemployed, free loading women with any man she can get. Looking out for her children - ha- I sure hope Allie and Syd don’t learn how to sleep around like their mother.

Beware the writers are not through with EJ and Sami? The kiss in EJ’s hospital room seem mighty real to me – but then their chemistry is miles ahead of hers and Rafe.
Thank you all, I had a nice restful & fun time away....(Class reunion, too) tho I truly missed watching Days. Can't say how glad I was to return, find Rafe & Sami together, and now in their own place. I wanted to tape Arianna's mouth, and by the way, new Gabi is pretty cute.
Let's get real

Rafe CAN testify against Sami if she tells him she shot EJ cause she commited the crime before they were married. AND, it's time to let Vivian out, she has to use the bathroom for heavens sake.