Days of Our Lives - Mon., Sept. 2, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 2, 2019

Replay of Friday's scenes, Julie chasing after Gabi, out of breath, apologizing, Gabi being nasty, sarcastic, Julie having heart attack, Gabi thinks she is faking. She recalls being in the park with Eli, Julie coming along and faking the attack. Gabi calls Julie a few names, makes fun of her a bit, Julie is begging her for help, is on the ground, Gabi laughs it off, tells her to get acting lessons, takes off. Julie is calling for help, anyone, passes out.

Jen, Eric & Jack are in the apartment in Chicago, surprised to see Rolf. Eric badgers him about Nicole and Holly, Rolf professes to know nothing, they are not here, arguing back and forth, Rolf tells someone to come out, astonished Jen say “Vivian”! More questions, yes Viv is alive, she goes thru a adjective strewn speech of how she was shot by that witch (spelled differently) Kate, declared dead by that quack, Kayla, left alone in the operating room (HUH?) and Dr. Rolf swooped in, injected her, and voila! Eric tells Jack to stay, keep an eye on Viv & Rolf, he & Jen will search the place. They leave, Viv tells Rolf she remembers how nosy those two always were. Jack hocks on to that, she has her memory, how possible. Oh, Rolf did it.

Eric & Jen return, he found Holly's blanket, where are they. Viv says they escaped, they don't know where they are. (This all got a bit silly and confusing). Eric wonders if Nik back in Salem, Rolf says no, & he says something about then there could be 2 Nicoles bumping into each other, causing problems for Kristen. He has been unable to reach her. Jen tells of Kristen locked up, Jack is all excited about getting memory back. Sorry, Rolf says all his stuff was blown up in the warehouse. Jen blathers about getting him a lab in Salem, Jack chimes in, yes, his own lab at hospital, fully funded, no overseeing him. Rolf is agreeable, let's go now. Eric says he is staying, they should go back. Jen promises to let him know if they learn any more.

Back in Salem, Kayla comes into the break room, finds mopey Sarah, who goes over the entire Eric thing, Nicole & Holly alive, the search, her knowing she will never be #1 with Eric, Nicole his soulmate. She goes on and on, (mentioning she tried to break it off with him, but he would not let her) She can't stand all this waiting, Kayla says call him, she does.

Ben & Ciara are having a lovely time in the park, he got day off, they are hungry, yak about where to eat. She tells of Tripp leaving, JJ & Haley wanting privacy at the loft. Ben decides to surprise her, will be back, returns with a bag of Chinese food, like their first date. They tease and kid around about fortune cookies, each picking one, reading and happy with them.

At DiMansion, Stefan holds the gun on Kate, really wants to kill her. She begs, pleads, explains, to no avail. She tells him she is not worried, no bullets in the gun, he fires a shot into the floor. She is looking scared, getting panicked, Gabi arrives. She attempts to convince Stefan this a bad idea, steps in front of Kate. Stefan will not be swayed, even talks of Gabi helping him dispose of the body, no one the wiser. Gabi talks and pleads, she loves him, doesn't want to lose him, etc. Finally tells him of how Kate helped her when this guy was attempting to rape her, and she hit him with a rock, how Kate helped her get rid of the body in the river, and months later he showed up again. But she never told anyone, yada, yada. Stefan finally puts the gun down, but keeps it, Kate scurries out of there, Stefan warning her not to tick him off. He & Gabi smooch a bit.

Eric is with Vivian, gets the call from Sarah, goes out in hall, tells Sarah yes, there is news.

Stefan talks with Gabi, he still doesn't trust Kate, and his mother(Vivian) is dead. Phone rings, he doesn't recognize number, goes out in hall. This is Stefan DiMera, who is this? It's me, your mother, my darling boy!

Ben & Ciara decide to take their nighttime picnic to the private area of the park, and thus come thru the arch, finding Julie on the ground. She calls 911, Ben starts CPR. Later, at the hospital, Kayla tells the EMTs to take her to ER, follows the gurney. Ben comforts Ciara.
I know I need to give it more than one day, but I miss Louise Sorel (original Vivian) already. The rest of the action was good, but I do wonder about Stefan. That scene with the gun came out of nowhere--except that they are re-introducing Vivian. It felt forced. Stefan's been trying to stay out of jail for two months, and the minute he's finally free of all the framed charges, he plans a murder? I don't think they needed to take it that far in order to set up whatever drama is coming with Vivian's return.

Women really need to quit falling in love with Eric. I'm crossing my fingers that Nicole returns and wants Brady. That would be awesome!
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I thought Rolf looks great!!

I like the actress but a new Vivian will be hard to adjust to. I was absolutely expecting her to walk in when Stefan was holding the gun on Kate. But he finds out with a phone call that is mother is not so dead?

And of course something dire has to happen to Julie because Eli is already feeling guilty.
Revenge, revenge!: Zero once again showed that he was not a real DiMera by pointing a gun at Kate and blathering about revenge for Viv's murder. Stefano always had people like Sergio and Ricardo to do his dirty work. Actually, shooting people is work for the flunkies. Stefano also might not have been too pleased by his idiotic surprise son putting a bullet in the DiMansion's fine hardwood floor.

Rudeness is the best policy?: If Sourpuss Eric wanted help from Rolf was it really wise to barge in, start barking demands, and knock his Tribune or Sun-Times out of his hands? The next time Salemites go on a rescue mission, they should leave the overwrought ex-priest behind.

I've fallen and I can't get up: Since Salem seems to be full of Bad Samaritans like Gabi, somebody with health problems like Julie ought to get one of those emergency buttons to wear around her neck. That way, she wouldn't have to count on a friendly face showing up in the nick of time.

Poor judge of character: Kayla needs a wake-up call about Eric. If somebody would supply her with the ugly truth, she wouldn't be saying things like the sourpuss being "smart."
And now DrBakerFan must get Black Patch onto the case of the missing portrait! When last we saw the portrait. it was sitting on the mantel and Stefan was pulling a gun. Cut to Stefan holding the gun on Kate, and said portrait is nowhere to be seen.

I enjoyed Robin Strasser today and think I will enjoy her short stay as Vivian.
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Thank for the summary on s holiday Poirot.

Great having Told on screen again. So glad his previous deaths didn't "take".

Vivian? That is not Vivian.

Jack & Jen were on too short a time but always make an episode for me.
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Thanks, Poirot.

I wondered about the picture of Vivian too. I guess they didn't have time to
put a picture of the new actress in the frame.

Today we learned Nicole escaped and she was under guard so she wouldn't.

I can't believe Jack told Dr Rolf he could put a lab in the hospital and he could
do anything he wants. Think of the possibilities.

Line of the day goes to Julie when she told Ben "Don't kill me"
I read somewhere that Louise Sorel (original Vivian) would have returned if they gave her more time to move to CA. They should have waited. I thought I was watching Bette Davis playing Vivian. Louise Sorel is still a very attractive woman. Hoping the acting will sell me. Louise said she would consider coming back in the future. Maybe this casting is temporary.
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For all that Stefan blathers about "family", I don't think he has ever once mentioned his half-brother, Quinn Hudson (Vivian's other son). Heck, I don't think Vivian has mentioned Quinn since he left Salem 7 years ago. Maybe Quinn hooked up with Maggie's daughter, Summer. :rolleyes:
lol........Heck, he was not even raised by Vivian.....Stefan camee into Salem not knowing ANY of his so-called family. But I will say, this actor has done a much better job of making himself a DiMera...
For all that Stefan blathers about "family", I don't think he has ever once mentioned his half-brother, Quinn Hudson (Vivian's other son). Heck, I don't think Vivian has mentioned Quinn since he left Salem 7 years ago. Maybe Quinn hooked up with Maggie's daughter, Summer. :rolleyes:
Perhaps, in addition to his other many faults, Stefan Zero is a snob who doesn't want to admit that he has a half brother who was once a pimp, who ran a tacky day spa, and who took up with the trampy Taylor "Tayhag" Walker. Of course Quinn and Tayhag might not want to admit to being related to Zero. After all, this is a man who despite his big reputation as a businessman was allegedly running DiMera into the ground, who had a torrid affair with a schizophrenic's alter, who's currently involved in an odd relationship with a convicted murderer, and who was unceremoniously dumped as CEO after being framed for a kidnapping. Even by Salem standards, this is a pretty tacky resume.
I'm still not buying the warm & cozy relationship with Vivian.
And no wonder........Let's not forget that Stefan was raised by an adoptive family, was on his own, successful in business, when he decided to try and find his bio parents. This eventually led him to the mean & spiteful Vivian, who was delighted he had sought her out, as she immediately realized she had a path to the DiMera fortune, since Stefano was dead. Vivian can really pour it on, thus her dramatic entrance into Salem's environs on New Year's, introducing the citizens to her heretofore unknown son........heir to the kingdom. LOL

As an aside, it truly has gotten boring, repetitive and unimaginative for Stefano to have fathered this enormous number of offspring, all with different mothers! He evidently felt he was above using birth control, could bed whoever and whenever he liked, spawned a large family, most of whom not faring well at all.
I have not seen the actor playing Vivian in her other daytime roles..... so I will hold off my complete opinion for a couple more days..... but who in the world picked that hair style?? it is horrible in every single manner.... I kept hoping she'd pull off a wig ...... it's distracting.....
It is a wig.........and I have seen pics of a couple others. No idea for the why, but yep....and I do agree, definitely not an attractive one one her currently. Maybe she purchased them all at Gabi Chic? LOL
I thought it was one of the better shows, but could've done without Sarah being shoved in unnecessarily.

Even Kayla and her mini-dress couldn't save those scenes for me. I had to fast forward.

And now DrBakerFan must get Black Patch onto the case of the missing portrait! When last we saw the portrait. it was sitting on the mantel and Stefan was pulling a gun. Cut to Stefan holding the gun on Kate, and said portrait is nowhere to be seen.

That was hilarious. No time had passed in the scene yet the photo magically disappeared.

For all that Stefan blathers about "family", I don't think he has ever once mentioned his half-brother, Quinn Hudson (Vivian's other son). Heck, I don't think Vivian has mentioned Quinn since he left Salem 7 years ago. Maybe Quinn hooked up with Maggie's daughter, Summer. :rolleyes:

I think Stefan has basically replaced Quinn in the Days universe.

Vivian's wig is awful. Doesn't the actress have red hair?

Jennifer, Jack and Eric was too easy. There should have been more awkwardness in those scenes. Jack and Jen were also color coordinated.

No doctor dresses at a "major" hospital the way Sarah does. And none of the other Salem docs dress that casually either.
Please correct me if my memory is off. Somehow I think it was never completely resolved as to whether Stefan was actually related to Vivian, or could have been a fraud and interloper who was playing a part to gain access to the DiMera fortunes? Was there ever a dna test to prove he was actually the child of Vivian and Stefano??