Days of Our Lives - Mon., Sept. 9, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 9, 2019

Vivian finishes filling the grave with dirt, lays down, smoothing the dirt, telling Kate how she is last “witch” (yeah, a different letter there) left standing. She pats the grave, smiling away. Stefan arrives at his mother's room with some food, calling out to her, upset as he told her to stay put, and she went out. In comes Viv, startled to see him, happy he brought her food. He asks why she has all this dirt and leaves on her, she claims she was foraging, the in thing now.

Brady tells Vic to stop strangling Ben, nope, he won't, tells Brady to leave, forget what he saw. Brady pulls the tie away, (Vic thinks tie is poetic justice), Ben is coughing, Brady berates Xander, who comments he refused to do the killing when told. Xander is told to leave, he does, Brady wants to know the why, Ben says because I would not break it off with Ciara, and I never will. Brady goes to untie Ben, Vic says don't you dare. Brady wins out. Ben leaves, says he won't give Ciara up, he won't go to cops, but will let Ciara know what kind of man her grandfather is.

Gabi comes into hospital with a vase of flowers, asks Ciara how Julie is. Ciara rips into her, Gabi does her “I thought she was faking” bit, Ciara isn't buying it, knows how much Gabi hates Julie. Gabi starts to leave, Ciara calls her back, apologizes for lighting into her, explains how badly Julie is doing, heart damaged so much, nothing they can do. Gabi says Julie will be in her prayers.

Rafe in cop shop, Lani tells him how Gabi was there when Julie had heart attack, but walked off and left her. Rafe finds that hard to believe, Lani says Gabi admitted it. We go thru the whole “thought she was faking” bit. Rafe goes home, Gabi pouring a drink, he questions her, she says she thought Julie was faking, Rafe believes her, is understanding, but reminds her about revenge not going well, about what she did to Abby, then bogus marriage with Stefan. Not bogus, she claims, Rafe realizes she does have feelings for Stefan, she tells him Stefan loves her as well.

Eric sits Nicole down, slowly telling her about Sarah, how she was so supportive when he thought Nicole to be dead, cared about Holly, his grief that lasted so long. He says they got close, and admits Sarah is in love with him. But she knows how much he loves Nicole, she is his soulmate. He talks of going back to Salem, being a family with Holly, the 3 of them. They kiss a lot, Nicole is very understanding, knows he thought her dead, feels bad for Sarah.

And Sarah sits on her bed, rereading the lab report, which she hides under the pillow when Xander comes in. She has already called Eric, learned Nicole & Holly are alive, tells Xander. He has brought back her wastebasket which he cleaned for her. He is very worried for her, she puts on a smiling face, is happy for Eric, etc. Xander leaves, she pulls out the report, reads it, wonders if she should tell Eric this is his child, crumples it, throws it in the wastebasket, pulls blanket and curls up. Later, Xander comes in with tea tray for her, she is asleep. He caresses her hair, tucks the blanket around her, spots the crumpled paper in the wastebasket, takes it out and reads it.. He looks at Sarah, concerned.

Ben comes upon Ciara, who is so happy to see him, hugs. He tells of her grandfather wanting to see him, she is all bubbly, talks of how he looks gruff, but is an old softy underneath. She tells of the job offer, she is very excited about it, no answer yet, tells of how it is meant to have her break of with Ben, but she won't do that. She goes on and on about family business, how always the boys club, but now some girl power could be injected. She has not made up her mind yet, but Ben sees how excited she is, tells her she should go for it. She is thrilled, hugs to Ben. No, he doesn't tell her what happened to him. He only wants what makes her happy.

Stefan tells his mother his plan of working together to oust Kate, and take over the company. Oh, mommy dearest already has taken care of that. Viv proudly announces she shot Kate dead, buried her. Stefan cannot believe this, she repeats it. He is not happy about this at all, but Viv is munching on her food, Kate is dead, she shot her dead, like Kate shot her. She buried her, and there is no way she will ever be back.

At the cemetary, the grave is covered with the freshly poured dirt. Suddenly a hand pokes thru, feeling around on the dirt.
Forgot to mention, Ciara goes to see Vic, tell him she will take the job, but will not break it off with Ben, those are her terms. Vic is smiling (realizing Ben did not tell her what Vic had done) and agrees, welcome aboard. Brady sees Ben in the foyer, wonders if he brought the cops back with him. No, Ciara is with her grandfather, all I care about is that she is happy.
It wasn't a Halloween episode! When Vivian buried Carly at least she was in a coffin! Crazy stuff.

I am still hoping beyond hope that Xander will be the father of Sarah's baby. I don't know why she thinks it can't possibly be Rex. She literally left his bed and went to Eric. It would just be nice if Nicole and Eric could be happy for a little while.

I had thought Ben's neck would pretty red after getting strangled so much but it didn't look like when he was with Ciara. It looked a little red at the end with Brady.
How could Vivian not be concerned about being arrested for murder? This is sloppy. The real Vivian (Louise Sorel) was not written so sloppily and cartoonish. (Well, there were times she was written in a comedic way-when Stefano put that dental implant that affected her mood). However, she was intelligent, calculating, menacing (especially toward Carly Manning). The writers are taking Vivian in a different direction- and it is no fun to watch, especially when I can remember the lovely Louise Sorel in the role.

This show is descending into ridiculousness like I have never seen before. The Dr. Rolf injections and resurrections have been over done and it’s no longer interesting to watch. The show needs some new writers and better stories. And stop the recasts....the Kristen recast and Vivian recast are both epic fails (to me). Writers should create new characters if they want to bring in new actors. Stop destroying beloved characters with the horrible writing and recasts.

Thanks for letting me rant. Just hard to see good characters (in this case, villains) ruined like this!
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Thank you for the summary, Poirot.

Other than Kate pushing her hand up through her grave, the show sounds very ho hum.

I guess the writers will throw Xander and Sarah together now. Poor Xander. I wouldn't wish Sarah on anyone.

Victor would never ever do the dirty work himself. He would've called in another henchman or had someone grab Ben when he left the K-mansion.
Red squirrel I agree about Victor. This makes no sense in the timeline. I can see if Victor did this 6 months ago. Why now? And he would not be the one holding the necktie around Ben’s neck. It would be a big muscled henchman doing it for him.

I agree about Sarah. She is intolerable. If the writers could write her more as a mature adult and professional, she would be bearable. Instead she is written as a teenager. This character should be in her 30’s at the least....or even 40’s if you consider that she was a teenager in the 1980’s. Wish they can make her more emotionally intelligent. She is a doctor. Remember Marcus Hunter from the late 80’s early 90’s? He was such a well written character. A doctor. Best friend to Patch. Funny. Charming. A pleasure to watch. Can they do the same for a female doctor character? I am certain this actress has range and can play a mature adult.
So, we all knew that Gabi and Stefan would have feelings for each other, despite their hate sex, and now they do. And we can all see that Xander will be the one to help Sarah with her pregnancy so she doesn't ruin Eric's life, but I cannot, in any way, see them as a real couple. Xander is too cool and she is too much of an idiot. She is certainly not worth him changing his character to be a better man for her. Unfortunately, since the Sarah character seems to be one that the writers or producers love to write for, I guess we are stuck with her. I just hope that they don't ruin Xander too badly, although I am guessing they will.
Let's not overdo it: Xander now says that he's not just muscle, but he also has feelings. This is fine as long as he doesn't overdo it. Sourpuss Eric is the poster boy for what happens to somebody who overindulges on their feelings.

Let's get serious: Lani wants poor Rafe to "do something" about Gabi. How? Gabi is an adult woman who's going to do what she's going to do. And asking her to admit that she's "cruel and evil" was absurd. How many Salemites apart from perhaps Stefano, Vivian, and Kristen would agree that they're cruel and evil? If Lani would pay attention, she'd realize that Gabi views herself as a victim of Salem's dirty doings.

Let's not get carried away -- part 1: Nicole thinks that Eric is "easy to love." Based on a lot of the nonsense that he's been involved with lately, a better description would be "something that only a mother could love."

Let's not get carried away -- part 2: Ciara thinks that going to work at dysfunctional Titan would be the "chance of a lifetime." Sure, she's young and enthusiastic, but working for Titan didn't do much for the careers of Philly K., Deimos, Sonny, and Ian McAllister. And Ciara actually thinks that Victor is a "big old softie?" Ben was kind not to tell her that grouchy grandpa is still the same old homicidal criminal that he always was.

Thriller Salem style: People rose from their graves in Michael Jackson's old video, Thriller, but they were zombies. Since Kate is unlikely to now be a zombie, she either has the super-human strength needed to climb through many feet of dirt, or foolish Vivian doesn't realize that murder victims should be buried six feet under.
Vivian and Kristen are both written cartoonish. Certainly nothing like the old Vivian. I've been complaining about the science fiction garbage for years, but I guess they think it's funny. I still like Eric and wish him and Nicole a little happiness, they both need it.
Thanks, Poirot.

It was funny when Stefan looked under the bed for Vivian.

Ben is keeping a 3rd secret from Ciara now.

I wish we had little Ciara back. This Ciara didn't ask Ben why his
neck was pinkish, after Victor put the tie around his neck.

I don't think Eric answered Nicole when she asked him if he
loved Sarah.

I laughed when Nicole ask Eric if he got close to Maggie.
she claims she was foraging, the in thing now.
This isn't Vivian. I can't see Louise Sorel doing this. (But it is totally something Dorian Lord - Robin Strasser's OLTL character - would have said.)
*Louise Sorel (ex-Vivian); Robin Strasser (current Vivian)
Sourpuss Eric is the poster boy for what happens to somebody who overindulges on their feelings.

Sarah pregnant by Eric is absolute hogwash.

I no longer care about Eric or Nicole. I hope they leave together.

Please stop with the business stories.

Finally - Vivian shooting Kate just dredges up the two-shots nonsense that Rolf's serum was supposed to need. Vivian didn't get any shots before her death, so her resurrection explanation is laughable. But what's to stop anyone from injecting Kate?
OH, VIV GOT A SHOT...........she was then pacing, the door opened and she said "YOU"!!!
Later, Xander comes in with tea tray for her, she is asleep. He caresses her hair, tucks the blanket around her, spots the crumpled paper in the wastebasket, takes it out and reads it.. He looks at Sarah, concerned.

sign this man up for the Salem PD or the Black detective agency.... he can sure sleuth out information....

Can they do the same for a female doctor character? I am certain this actress has range and can play a mature adult.

While I'm sure the actress has the range it is totally apparent the writers don't have the range.... I don't think we have any mature adult/competent adults on this show...folks may have a dash of intelligence for at most a day or two before they go into childhood rages
Viv, why not go for a two for one??? Push Sarah in with her dear ol mom in law Kate and let them do each other in! Please? Pretty please? I mean, if you really really want to hurt Kate, big mouth Sarah is your gal!
I was waiting for Eric to say to Nicole “ Sarah knows that I want to be with you,,,,,,,but just in case you die, again, can I keep her and Jennifer on speed dial?”
Sarah learns Nicole is alive, Xander walks in, Sarah becomes all smiley and starts giggling and battting her eyes at him in place of screeching and belittling him. :rolleyes:
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All there going to have to do is give Kate Rolf's serum now that he is in the hospital. I am also annoyed by the storyline. Vivian would have poisoned Kate or had her sent off to some island alone imprisoned.