Days of Our Lives - Monday, Dec. 25, 2023


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's Christmas Day in Salem.

Ava is in her apartment. There's a knock on the door. Ava answers it. It's Harris. He knows what she's doing at the Bistro. He arrests her. Ava wakes up.

Sloan is looking at Jude in his crib. She talks to Eric about the rocking horse he bought since Jude is too small for it. Eric wants to take a family picture when Jude wakes up. Sloan doesn't want Jude to wear the onesie that Nicole bought him. She doesn't want Nicole near him again. Jude wakes up and Sloan is upset since he didn't sleep long. Eric takes Jude out of crib and will take him for a ride. After Eric leaves, there's a knock on the door. It's Leo.

Nicole and EJ arrive home. Nicole can't believe Holly hasn't opened her presents. She feels guilty she missed Holly's birthday. She can't believe Holly is still in bed. She goes up to check on her. After she leaves, Stefan arrives.

Holly is passed out on the top of her bed. She wakes up and looks at her phone. She's glad she didn't send the message to Johnny, but realizes she called him. When she's taking aspirin, Nicole walks in. Nicole is sorry she missed her birthday and starts to sing the "Happy Birthday" song. Holly tells her to stop. She says she has a headache. A migraine. When Nicole sits close to her, she realizes that Holly smells like alcohol. Holly says she was bored and sad. She starts to talk about Johnny. Nicole tells her she needs to change her clothes and then they will go out to get fresh air.

Ava is at apartment and there's a knock at the door. (Could it be? Yes it is) Harris comes by with a Christmas gift. He wanted her to have it since he didn't keep his receipt. Ava opens it and finds a necklace. He puts it on her. He wants to get back together. (Ava has a flashback with Stefan and telling him she broke up with Harris). Ava tells Harris she doesn't want a man with a wandering eye. Harris talks about the drug problem in Salem getting worse every day.

Stefan tells EJ he spent the night at the infirmary with Gabi. Her leg was broken and it was EJ's fault. EJ wonders what Stefan means. Stefan says Clyde was sending a message. Stefan tells EJ that since he didn't want to help Clyde's drug operation than Stefan's doing it. Stefan mentions Ava is doing it to protect her son. EJ realizes that's why Stefan bought the Bistro. Stefan wants EJ's help to stop Clyde. He mentions the DiMera Enforcement Team to get rid of Clyde and he wants EJ's help. EJ looks at Stefano's portrait and talks about putting family first. He wants revenge on Clyde. Then he mentions he's not the old EJ anymore (that's a fact). He reminds Stefan that Gabi is a nemesis and so is Ava. He's the DA and he won't help.

Leo pushes his way into the apartment. Sloan tells him he smells. He's been at the men's shelter. Leo knows Sloan almost told the truth about Jude, but changed her mind. Sloan promised him things and he knows she sent Dimitri to the Supermax. Leo wants money and a roof over his head. Sloan keeps telling him that she can't afford that. Her apartment is expensive and she just had a baby (Eric needs to get a job). Leo wants a room at the Salem at the top that has a full bar and room service. Then he won't tell anyone about Jude.

Paulina and Chanel are still in the hospital. Paulina wants to leave. Kayla comes in and asks Paulina about her symptoms. Paulina has a cough and is fatigued. Chanel mentions the lump on Paulina's neck. Paulina mentions she hasn't had a physical since she's come to Salem. Paulina is afraid it's cancer. Kayla says usually an enlarged thyroid isn't cancerous. They can usually fix it with a pill. Kayla wants Paulina to have a biopsy and see an endocrinologist. Kayla mentions she has to dress up as Santa and she can't read the Christmas story. Kayla asks Chanel, but Paulina wants to do it.

Nicole and Holly are at Horton Town Square. Nicole says it's a beautiful day. Holly tells Nicole that she doesn't like Tate, but likes Johnny. Holly tells Nicole she called Johnny, but not sure what she told him. Nicole tries to tell Holly that Johnny probably thinks of her as a little sister. Holly says she loves him and how she feels when he's near. Nicole says that's not love when it's one sided. Eric comes up to them and wishes Holly a Happy Birthday. Nicole apologizes about taking Jude. Eric says that's fine. Nicole says she's going to start seeing Marlena this week. Nicole talks about how Holly celebrated her birthday on her own. Eric mentions the Salem Inn is having a breakfast buffet.

Kayla is dressed as Santa and Paulina tells the Christmas story to the kids.

Eric, Holly and Nicole are eating breakfast at a table in the outside area. They talk about Holly when she was younger. Holly wants to hold Jude. Eric tries to tell her the proper way to hold him. She picks him up like she should.

Paulina is done with the story. She's happy since she had a little good news about her illness. Paulina tells Chanel they need to leave. She wants breakfast and to get ready for Abe's visit.

Ava tells Harris good luck bringing the drug dealers to justice. She decides she doesn't want the necklace and tries to give it back to him. He tells her to put it away for the future. He's not giving up on her. He leaves. She's sad.

EJ tells Stefan he can't help him. He reminds Stefan that he and Gabi kicked him out of DiMera Enterprises. And Ava almost killed his mother to get revenge on him. EJ's not going to jeopardize his family and career to go after Clyde. EJ tells Stefan if he gets in trouble he could be in Statesville in a cell next to Gabi. EJ walks out. Stefan picks up something and throws it. It breaks.

Holly, Nicole and Eric are still having breakfast. Holly doesn't want Nicole to tell anyone what she did. Nicole says she won't. Nicole says remember how sweet she was? Eric says sweet and stubborn. They all laugh. Leo walks to Salem Inn door with Sloan behind him. They see the three of them at the table. Leo says to Sloan what a perfect little family.
So Holly, who has been a good kid all this time, first gets drunk, passes out, assures mom she has never done it before, promises never again, then suddenly has a bunch of pills? Pretty fast and drastic change in personality.

I know the midwest is having a very mild winter so far.......but no one knew that when this was filmed. So maybe it is true, Salem exists under a dome, thus folks don't have to worry about sweaters, coats, scarves, etc. unless they feel like perhaps they should at least look like it is end of December. ????
Good job, Kat, thank you!

I, too, was surprised that Holly admitted her crush on Johnny.

Also surprised at EJ's shift in morals. He can't help Stefan with Clyde due to his job as DA and turning a new leaf? How long will THAT last?

I hope Ava tells Harris the truth so he can help her, and they can be together.

Paulina did a great job reading to the children. I hope she sees the endocrinologist as soon as possible and has the biopsy done.
Just a note here........NO writers listed in the these episodes were scripted by the "temporary, substitute" writers, during the writers' strike. The fired guy was still exec producer tho, so just GUESSING, that we are in for a bumpy ride now til spring. It will be obvious (and guessing) that the subs don't know the character's strengths or be interesting.
Ava should wise up and entrust her fate to Action Hero Harris. The mighty ex-SEAL would make short work of a squirrel-eating loser like Clyde. Similarly, Zero should forget the newly-ethical EJ and seek help from Harris. He could pull off a holiday double, saving both Gabi and Ava by fixing their Clyde problem.

Elsewhere, Sloan could solve her Leo problem by using her underhanded legal talents to get Dimitri freed and then helping him get his rightful share of the family fortune. Once Leo is sharing nights of passion with Dimitri on a bed awash in $100 bills, he’ll forget all about bothering the shyster.

Finally, Nicole could solve her Holly problem by seeking help from another Salem superhero, Doc Evans. Fixing what ails Holly would be a walk in the park for Marlena compared to the messed-up clients she’s dealt with in the past
Merry Christmas and thanks for the summary.

If Holly is going to continue on her path I think I would have preferred they skip the brunch thing they had today. I'm not crazy about them writing Nicole as so insensitive on Holly's birthday but I'd rather it play out a bit with Holly eventually calling out Nicole AND Eric. Just unload on both of them for the chaos. I wonder if they'll ever make like there was a Holly/Rafe connection since they really didn't show much interaction there. I understand with covid and everything but Nicole and Rafe were written almost like she didn't have a kid.

As I was fast forwarding I realized I'm just going about life like the Ava and Harris stuff is some show I don't even watch. Stefan is caught up in that area with me too. I don't care if they recast Gabi since they made them so boring before she left. Just make all of that stuff into a spin off show so I don't have to keep exercising my FF finger.
What is Eric doing? We all know the truth, but he doesn’t. Why be cozy with Nicole when you have a new baby with another woman you allegedly love? A baby Nicole took yesterday, causing your alleged main squeeze great upset. If Sloan weren’t the worst (which no one knows except Leo and Dmitri), she would have the right to throw an absolute fit and get a protective order to keep Nicole away from her home and family.

Remind me why EJ hates Gabi so much? I know they bickered over DiMera, but that was business. He stole her company and she tried to get it back. Big deal. Clyde also killed him (Rolf sci-fi aside) and murdered Abigail. Just a few months ago, he was trying to murder Ava. He’s not so different.

That said, Stefan would have better luck getting Chad on board knocking off Clyde. I hope they succeed.