Days of our Lives - Monday, December 11, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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36 minutes of rehashing the previous month's stories in all sorts of way to appear new again. No writers listed, as Jason47 has stated.

Jail: Dimitri and Lucas have a meeting

Steve’s condo: Abe answers a knocking door. It's Kate, who is there to see Abe, but he doesn’t remember her.

HTS: Melinda and Paulina snark at each other. Paulina has presents for "mind your own business!", Melinda has a job now as an adoption attorney.

Eric and Sloan's apartment: Replay of Eric listening to the message from the lawyer about the adoption of not going through. Sloan tells Eric she’s not been truthful about the adoption.

DiMansion: Leo at the door with Nicole, in a replay of the jail scene from Friday.

Steve’s condo: Kate loves the cookie Abe has offered her. Abe wants to know what Kate is doing visiting him? Abe tells of spending Thanksgiving, and Kate pries as Kate does. Abe spills more information than he needs to.

HTS: Paulina wouldn’t trust Sloan to raise a pet rock. But Eric will be a good father. Paulina is not a fan of Sloan.

Eric and Sloan’s apartment: Eric wants to know about the message, Sloan spins a tale. This baby is the best thing that ever happened to her. Eric didn’t know they were in the running for other babies. That’s because Sloan kept him in the dark. A play on the audience to feel sorry for poor Sloanie. She’s sorry she didn’t tell Eric that he was in the running for lots of babies.

DiMansion: Nicole is upset with Leo because her baby is dead. But what if that’s not true?

Steve’s condo: Kate reminisces about attending Abe and Paulina’s weddings. The harder Abe tries to remember the further those memories go. Abe is saddened by his lack of memories. Kate recommends one day at a time.

Jail: Dimitri and Lucas discuss good times, kidnapping of Kate, complete with a happy ending. Lucas thinks Dimitri is exactly where he needs to be.

Eric and Sloan’s apartment: Eric uses dog commands to Sloan, who responds. Eric then apologizes for Sloan's need to lie to him or something like that. Eric thinks Sloan is a wonderful mother.

DiMansion: Nicole argues with Leo at the front door. EJ appears and snaps at Leo, then threatens Leo without listening to what he has to say.

Steve’s condo: Kate admits that she is a hopeless romantic. Since when? She hopes Paulina and Abe fall back in love. Kate wishes Roman didn’t remember all of her/their memories. Kate leaves, they had fun having tea and cookies. Kate goes to leave and Paulina is at the door.

Jail: Dimitri tells of turning himself in. Lucas can’t believe Dimitri did it for love.

Eric and Sloan’s apartment: Melinda comes to the apartment after being called. Sloan replays all of last week with Nicole, the DNA test, Sloan is having problems coping.

DiMansion: EJ will get a restraining order against Leo. Nicole needs some air and alone time. She leaves. Leo enters the house via the tunnel. EJ goes to call the police, and Leo says your baby is alive.

Eric and Sloan’s apartment: Sloan recounts of Eric hearing the lawyer’s message. Melinda hears about Dimitri knowing about the baby. Melinda has an idea how to muzzle Dimitri.

Jail: Lucas can’t believe Dimitri fell on his sword for Leo. Dimitri tells of leaving a parting gift.

DiMansion: Leo is on the ground, EJ continues to threaten him, as Leo tries to tell the truth.

Park: Eric is out walking Jude, telling him about the story of Christmas, then Eric stops to pray. Nicole walks by, because of course.

Steve’s condo: Paulina tells of seeing a 3-piece suit and thought wouldn’t Abraham look snazzy in that suit? They have a sweet but complicated conversation.

Eric and Sloan’s apartment: Melinda has an answer for Dimitri. The two legal minds are going to get Dimitri charged with federal crimes and sentenced to a SuperMax. Melinda mentions she was only a mother for a short time, then tells Sloan to cherish her time.

Park: Nicole and Eric talk while sitting in the snow with a less than a month-old infant. Nicole talks of EJ wanting another child. But she doesn’t want to. Nicole recounts her accident and loving her son, in case you’ve been in a coma for the past month.

Jail: replay of the same conversation they’ve had in all previous scenes until Lucas brings up Dimitri slamming his car into Lucas’ ex-wife’s car. This really upsets Dimitri

DiMansion: EJ talks to the picture, Leo chats at the front door. Leo schemes about horses and getting right back on again.

Steve’s condo: Abe doesn’t remember Christmases past. He has no plans at the moment. Paulina invites Abe to make some new memories. Paulina leaves, Abe gets a text from Kate Brady.

Jail: Kate walks in to Dimitri and Lucas shoving each other around. Dimitri leaves. Kate demands Lucas stay away from that sick *bleep*. Lucas plays poker with the warden. He will recommend kitchen duty for Dimitri so Dimitri will be the one cutting the fish.

Park: Nicole talks of the accident. Eric offers cliché advice. Nicole tells of Leo arriving at her house. Jude wakes and cries, Eric has to go home because of course he didn’t bring diapers, formula or anything with him.

Eric and Sloan’s apartment: Melinda and Sloan make final arrangements for Dimitri and other schemes.

Park: EJ has found Nicole sitting and thinking.

Eric and Sloan’s apartment: Sloan's looking a picture of her little family on her phone saying "everything is going to be fine." Leo knocks on the door and demands to be let in.
Ahhh, thank you, Robin. Know it is hard sitting thru dialogue we've heard dozens of times and Days is on a roll in that dept. Plus, Rolf must be collecting all the brains in Salem for some reason, as the characters certainly don't have theirs any longer. Maybe Days wants to do a longer variation of The Wizard of Oz??? Bet Rachel and even Thomas could figure out some things better and faster than Eric, Nicole, Sloan, EJ, and all the other so-called grown ups.

Honestly do not understand why Melinda is involved in any of this.

Boy, does the show ever need Tom & Alice, or at least similar wise characters who give good advice. A shame the show decided not to fill those vacant spots with other characters.
No Eric, Sloan can't tell you anything.

Why on earth won't Nicole or EJ just listen to Leo for one minute? Nicole questioned why did he say that? Why didn't you ask him? And EJ. If someone said to me your baby is alive, I would want to know what they are talking about. I am just so frickin' tired of seeing Nicole with her heart broken into pieces.
Thanks, robin.

I don't think anything important happened today did it?

Eric found out the adoption was cancelled and Sloan talked her way out of it as always. Will Eric
ever get smart about how odd his baby and Nicole's baby born were on the same day? And
Eric knows how those DNA tests go in Salem.

Will EJ fill in the secret tunnels since Leo crept in the house that way?

Melinda told Sloan her secret will stay safe. Really .. It's Salem.

Nice to see Kate and Lucas.
P.S. - Don't care for Dimitri's new hair style, the bangs just don't look well on him..........JUST ME!
Agree. My first thought was what has Dimitri done to himself?
While I'm always glad to be able to see Lucas, I felt this was a complete waste of time. This was the best use of the actor?

Shouldn't he be released soon?? He's been in prison a very long time for Salem.
Prisoners only get early release if it serves “da plot.” Just ask Vargas, Gus, and Ian McAllister who have been stuck in state prison for years.

Elsewhere, bad qualities were on display:

—Sadism — Sloan for wanting to put poor Dimitri in solitary.:eek:
—Extreme rudeness — Angry Nicole and Elvis s would now be better off if they had been far more polite to Leo.; Lucas was also remarkably nasty to new inmate Dimitri, apparently forgetting that he’s a kidnapper too.

Finally, today’s biggest loser is clearly Melinda. Ususally, prosecutors go on to become high-paid defense attorneys, representing well-heeled defendants. They don’t “find” babies for sad-sacks like Eric and as Paulina would say, a “sadistic witch” like Sloan.
Agree about Dimitri's bad haircut and seeing Lucas again just for the one scene. While he wasn't "wasted," he was wasted. He also looked rough.

Laughed when Leo came in from the tunnels. Who DOESN'T know about the tunnels? Wasn't his first time down there, anyway. Just wish EJ and Nicole listened to him.

I had sorta started liking Melinda a smidge before the baby mess. Now I just want her, Sloan and the doctor shipped off to parts unknown. Maybe Rolf can inject all of us so we don't remember them.

I have a feeling Abe will never recover his memories. Or he will have an accident, bump his head, and then they're back. It's been known to happen.

Sloan is just too good at lying. She can teach a master class.
They don't "listen" to their viewers who have been very vocal about Nicole's suffering. Just rid off the band-aid already! And this includes the truth about Jude's bio parents, even though I don't want Nicole and Eric back together. That ship has sailed and brought back to shore too many times. At the same time, it would be cruel to have EJ bond with the baby, only to eventually learn (?) that Jude is not his bio son. I do like EJ with Nicole this time around, even if I don't agree with many of his choices and actions. We can't go into the new year with this storyline.
