Days of our Lives - Monday January 24, 2022


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Possessed Johnny Day Abigail for the Win
Gabi and DeJohnny at the new club chatting

Allie visits Chanel who tells Allie that Paulina saw them together in bed.

Paulina at hospital flashbacking to that scene. She reminds herself that it’s non of her business. Trip walks in.

Rafe on the phone to Trask, shouting. Nicole walks in.

Replay of Sarah, Abigail and Gwen.

Gabi schools DeJohnny on being rude/boorish. DeJohnny followed Gabi to the bar because his sister so rudely interrupted.

Allie tries to make the best of it. But Chanel explains that they weren’t sleeping. Allie panics that Paulina will tell Tripp.

Paulina wants another doctor.

Gwen, Sarah, Abigail at the square. MaskedSarah tells Gwen that Abigail isn’t a stranger. A story is being told. MaskedSarah tells Abigail that her mom knew who she was, the man she lived with knew who she was so now do you know who I am?

Rafe and Nicole chat. Ava isn’t home. Rafe has no idea where Ava is. (I do I know where Ava is)

Gwen, MaskedSarah, Abigail continues with more stupid conversation. MaskedSarah tells Abigail to get some help. Abigail leaves. Masked Sarah returns telling, Gwen that was close. It was Gwen tells Ava.

Allie continues to panic over Tripp finding out she is a cheater. Because she swears that she will never sleep with Chanel again.

Paulina is freaking out with Tripp treating her ankle. How did this woman become so rich if she can’t keep any secrets.

DeJohnny is hitting on Gabi as Jake wanders in.

Abby walks in she is most upset after the Horton Town Square and she tells Chad, but most confusing in a way. Abigail isn’t sure that it was really Sarah.

Ava and Gwen have drinks and explain what happened.

Swelling is down and Paulina doesn’t need the cane any longer. But Chanel is doing better now because of Allie.

More conversation that this will never happen again between Allie and Chanel. (it’s fine for others to have adult relations, but not same sex folks that’s bad we must say it’s bad every chance we get.) Chanel feels bad for making things bad between Allie and Tripp. The real reason Allie came over to see Chanel was she walked in on Johnny kissing another woman.

DeJohnny, Jake and Gabi try to out cute each other

Allie and Chanel can’t get over DeJohnny was trying to get it on with his Uncle’s Girlfriend.

Jake goes to get drinks for all. DeJohnny wants a hot toddy, Jake offers to get a shawl for DevJohnny.

Abigail is still trying to figure out what is going on.

Ava and Gwen continue to talk about how Gwen insisted that Ava take over playing MaskedSarah a bit longer in Gwen’s hotel room drinking. (Neither Gwen nor Xander have a job, who keeps refilling the mini bar?) Wearing the mask per Gwen is Bloody Hell. Gwen tells of Maggie flying across the room and hugged her. No one ever looked at me or hugged me with that much love. Poor Poor Gwen. Now Gwen tells Ava she owes her she really owes her. Ava has to go get dinner with Rafe and Nicole. Gwen wonders why, you hate them? Ava says you know that, but they don’t.

Nicole and Rafe discuss how weird Ava is acting. Nicole is in Jeans!!! Not a skin tight dress but jeans.

Jake returns with DeJohnny’s Toddy, and they should start talking.

Abigail and Chad continue to talk over how weird the Masked Sarah situation is. Abigail asks Chad to think but what if this was Kate? Chad sees parallels. Kristen and the masks aren’t here, so it wasn’t Kristen. Abigail thinks it was all staged. Abigail is really worried for Sarah.

Gwen can’t believe that Ava is making dinner for them. Gwen can’t take chances that anyone sees her as MaskedSarah. Please do it one more time, I won’t ever ask you to do anything again.

Rafe and Nicole, talk about this is fatal attraction but Glenn Close is the wife. Ava calls tells them to have the salad and put the parm in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. Then hangs up. Nicole thinks Ava has them there alone on purpose.

Chad thinks that since neither Maggie or Xander didn’t think this Sarah was a fake, Abigail is over reacting.

Tripp knows that in the past, Allie and Chanel are really good friends. Paulina thinks he is dim witted. Paulina walks out.

Allie and Chanel are still talking about Gabi and Johnny’s kiss. Call me if you need anything Allie says as she walks out.

Pool our shares and get a heavy hitter on our board? DeJohnny wants to know who? Victor, DeJohnny likes the idea but needs to think about it. Something or someone needs to convince me. Jake wants to know what Gabi hasn’t told him.

Nicole and Rafe talk about what Ava is up to. Rafe reaches over and kisses Nicole.

Abigail finds MaskedSarah at the airport.

Gabi is sure she can control DeJohnny’s desires.

Allie arrives at the hospital, with food for Tripp. (Who is watching Henry? Nicole is getting it on with Rafe and Allie is getting it on with Tripp? Is Holly old enough to babysit?)

Paulina walks into her apartment as Chanel is drowning her sorrows in tea. Chanel wants to know why she has to wake up at the crack of dawn to make a living? When he gets to live the high life.?

DeJohnny talking to himself about how Gabi is overestimating herself.

Abigail has ripped the mask off of a MaskedSarah, as the demasked person rolls over, we see Ava and Abigail says, YOU?
DeJohnny was trying to get it on with his Uncle’s Girlfriend.
He‘s just taking after double-step-granny Kate.

I am glad that Ava has someone to talk to, I always say they need to have a friend (it was a major complaint of mine during her pre-death run) to confide in. That said, I hate that they are making Gwen an idiot and failing on the arc they half-started to make Ava more (?) likable.

So the "Sarah" we saw in the public area was Ava, but the one at the k-mansion was Gwen? Jeez a Gwen mask would have made more sense. At least they're using their terrible editing to justify their terrible writing.
Abby and DeJohnny are beyond annoying. Good acting and Abby has the Salem brain...but still, enough.

Kudos to Rafe and Nicole on figuring it out with Ava. Loved the kiss at the end!
It's often been said of various Salemites that they weren't playing with a full deck. Today, several Salemites were also playing short.

Kayla: She's definitely short of doctors. She ought to recruit some of the medical all-stars from yesteryear. Paulina would have forgotten her problems if she refused Dr. Trippy's care and found herself being tended to by the handsome Dr. Dingo or by doctor-male stripper Cameron Davis.

Little Johnny: He's decidedly short of common sense, which means that his inane schemes are doomed from the start.

Jake: If he had some savoir-faire, his quest for big business glory would have a far better chance.

Ava: She has no common sense. She's in a relationship with the best guy in Salem and she's endangering it by getting involved with the Sarah mask nonsense. If Cousin Angelo knew about this, he'd be shaking his head over this conduct unbecoming to a Vitali.
I don't know why the storylines are all over the place, and the "not making sense", or lacking common sense" is blatant and everywhere. Johnny seems to be enjoying the devil making himself at home within Johnny, but while the actor is doing a good job, the storyline stinks, seems juvenile, & silly.
I like Jake, I do, but I honestly wish he would admit he really prefers his mechanic shop to pretending to want to be a corporate CEO. I liked him as the mechanic, it was honest work, but I do understand how the budget would not cover different cars/bikes, etc. & it gets stupid seeing the same vehicle for weeks. LOL
And Gabi......for shame. You created a fabulous company, built it into a huge profit making corporation. Why do you need DiMera Enterprises or Titan? You are still so young, definitely need more experience in corporate shenanigans before you try to "take over".
So, o.k. I know the young crowd needs story, needs to be out front, etc. The characters we all loved so much have aged, are no longer able to handle the kinds of stories they did in their youth. Days is hampered by the huge budget cuts to do "adventure" tales. But these young'ns are TOO young. The middle ground is where corp. intrigue should be, Brady, Chad, Chloe, Abby, Philip, Lucas......
Currently the repetition within the storylines has become boring. Masks? Kristen had the person who made those in her pocket. She is in Italy. How did Ava get hold of one of Sarah?? Why would Kristen have had one made of Sarah (if she did).
I like that some Salemites are getting wise, Nicole, Rafe, Abby (who told Chad, thank goodness). I Hate that Marlena isn't around Johnny at all, as she, at least, might realize what was going on with him. Johnny is just enjoying his possession entirely too much.
I agree, Poirot. Heck, even Kate should be involved more in these business stories. I would love to see her and Roman on-screen more, and to see Brady and Chloe do something besides make googly eyes at each other or talk about Philip.
Do we need the Devil for this story with Johnny? Other than the horrible stuff with Chanel, it doesn’t add or explain anything. He could be married to Chanel and scheming against his dad. We don’t need him hitting on Gabi. Why not team up to take his dad down because he wants to have access to money without begging his father who doesn’t respect him and his dreams? There are perfectly good human stories to tell.

I totally agree that Jake was better as a mechanic. The CEO stuff is dumb, and yes, Gabi should have taken her company back (I think Philip made that possible at some point) and made it a screaming success. Schemes don’t ever work out for her. But if I’d written this, I’d have matched up Philip and Gabi back when they teased that.

I do enjoy Abby’s smarts. But she’s about to get Vitali’ed. The question is how it will fly if Abby disappears. Please tell me Chad isn’t going to be dumb enough to waste time wondering what happened when she just told him her concerns about Kristen, Gwen, and the masks. Hopefully, Xander will continue to be on the case. Maybe they’ll end up a couple. That’d be hilarious. Gwen’s head would explode.
Thanks, robin.

Tripp asked Paulina how she was doing tonight. Then she asked for another doctor. I know it's Salem, but why
would you go at night for a check up. And since Kayla is gone I don't think there is another doctor besides Tripp.

Johnny hitting on Gabi had me think he's scum.

I loved Abby's face when she thought Gwen was in the mask, then Gwen came out of the Salem Inn.

It was interesting to see Abby explain to Chad what was going on with Sarah and someone might be in a mask.
Then she said it made her head hurt. Our heads hurt too from all the revolving masks.

Nicole and Rafe got lucky when kissing because Ava was dressed as Sarah going to the airport.

Allie told Chanel she's upset with Johnny. She said the Johnny she knew is gone. Is just gone. Allie should
get the Salem brain after Abby.
Do we need the Devil for this story with Johnny? Other than the horrible stuff with Chanel, it doesn’t add or explain anything. He could be married to Chanel and scheming against his dad. We don’t need him hitting on Gabi. Why not team up to take his dad down because he wants to have access to money without begging his father who doesn’t respect him and his dreams? There are perfectly good human stories to tell.

I totally agree that Jake was better as a mechanic. The CEO stuff is dumb, and yes, Gabi should have taken her company back (I think Philip made that possible at some point) and made it a screaming success. Schemes don’t ever work out for her. But if I’d written this, I’d have matched up Philip and Gabi back when they teased that.

I do enjoy Abby’s smarts. But she’s about to get Vitali’ed. The question is how it will fly if Abby disappears. Please tell me Chad isn’t going to be dumb enough to waste time wondering what happened when she just told him her concerns about Kristen, Gwen, and the masks. Hopefully, Xander will continue to be on the case. Maybe they’ll end up a couple. That’d be hilarious. Gwen’s head would explode.
I like Brandon Barash MUCH better when they gave him an actual acting part like when he was Stefan. But this JAKE character he plays is too cartoonish. And Gabi....please any role except scheming or screaming!
I liked the Stefan character too. But I also liked Jake when he was a mechanic and happy to be a mechanic. The whole story with him and Gabi and their scheming has been silly and boring to me.

Why was Ava, in the Sarah mask, going to the airport? I know she told people she had to fly right out and didn't want to miss her flight, but couldn't she just have stepped away and taken off the mask, leaving people to believe Sarah was gone? Or did she think/know someone might be following her so she had to appear at the airport?