Days of our Lives - Monday, June 19, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38:57 minutes today, strong doses of caffeine suggested.

Talia is hanging flyers with the a picture of the mayor “Have you seen this man” as if Abe is a missing puppy and Chanel, whose panties are in a permanent twist, snarks at her.

Chad wandering through the square with a cup of coffee sees Theo and gives him a big hug. Chad apologizes for what is going on with his dad. Chad tells Theo that Doug and Julie are so worried about the mayor.

Doug is sitting eating a meal that looks like a salad. So, is it lunch time? Julie talks of the grief in this family. It’s Juneteenth, Paulina’s wedding anniversary. Julie can’t eat because of Abraham missing. When did good ole Abe become Abraham to everyone all the time? Eli walks into the dining room. He hopes Julie doesn’t mind he let himself in.

Paulina is petting a picture of Abe, and Big Mama knocks on her door.

Abe was watching the soap when he remembered something and he asks Nurse Whitless if she has something to say to him. Cue the soap shock and wonderment stare

Julie fawns over Eli. She is going to make him a plate. Doug tells Eli that he was about to break out the truffles to get Julie to eat. Julie makes the fastest sandwich ever. The grandkids are with Eli’s mom. Rafe and Eli are in constant contact but there is no news about where Abraham has gone.

Nurse Whitless and Abe continue this fantastic story. Seems that Cassandra and Rhett, from the soap Body and Soul, were celebrating their 2nd anniversary of their 4th marriage when it stuck Abraham that today was his and Paulina’s 1st wedding anniversary.

Big Mama wishes she could say Happy Anniversary and Happy Juneteenth to her, but Big Mama can’t, so she can say I love you and I’m here for you. Paulina is shocked that she came.

Talia printed out the signs to help. Chanel says that the flyers is just performative, Abe is the mayor of the town, everyone knows what he looks like. Talia explains to Chanel why she said all those hurtful things at the room above the pub and thanks Chanel for calling the police. I’m not sure if that happened yesterday, the day before or last month with the flaky timeline.

Chad would have asked for the jet to pick up Theo if he had known he was coming. Ahh, how sweet, anyway like a normal person Theo purchased a ticket months ago to come to Salem. Abe was to give a big speech for Juneteenth and now Theo is going to give it. Chad thinks that is a great idea. But the speech is to happen in a half hour. Theo wants someone else to do it, but Lani can’t do it and Abe’s staff didn’t want to deal with Paulina so it’s up to Theo and public speaking is his biggest fear.

Chad is also fearful of public speaking. Chad tells of giving the eulogy at Abby’s funeral. It was big pressure to say the right words and stuff but looking at the family around him, everyone was there to support him, Chad was able to give the speech. Chad tells Theo to look out and he will be there, Lani, Paulina, Brandon will be there with him and so will his dad. Theo doesn’t want to let his dad down. They joke about some boring white dude talking of Juneteenth.

Julie asks Eli how Lani is doing. They see each other as often as allowed. Lani is eligible for parole in 6 months so hopefully she’ll be home by Christmas. (Has Lani now spent more time in prison than Kristen and Megan combined?) Julie is all a twitter at the idea of them being together at Christmas. Lani is mentoring prisoners and changing lives. She is doing good work in there. But when she is released she won’t be allowed to be a cop again and that’s a shame.

Paulina tells of Black Patch trying to find Abe. No one has an idea. Big Mama tells Paulina to not go to that dark place, and have faith that her husband will come back to her.

Nurse Whitless asks if his memory is returning? Abe explains how he figured it out. More stories and fantastical spinning of yarns. Abe wants to hear about the wedding to spark memories.

Chanel continues her I hate you tour on Talia. Talia is going to see Dr. Evans and she has helped Talia to understand that Colin had her in an abusive relationship. The girls both go over what happened just a few episodes ago, no flashbacks, just a rehash of the story. Talia says she was falling off the roof to save Chanel’s life. Chanel thanks her for saving her life.

Nurse Whitless asks why do you want to hear the gory details? She tells that after the vows, their daughter confessed to killing someone. Abe is confused, he wants to know about all of his other children that he can’t remember. Yes, you have a son. Actually, Abe has two that we know about. Theo and Brandon. Brandon is Nicole’s brother.

Theo starts to practice the speech, making changes as needed and if you don’t know the history behind Juneteenth, it’s in the speech.

Big Mama tells Paulina to have faith. They discuss Lani getting arrested. The good and the bad.

More Talia and Chanel. Chanel made tea cakes for the anniversary and she used Talia’s recipe. Talia is going to continue to hang flyers and knock on doors.

OH, MY look at the time, Julie has promised to take Thomas and Charlotte to the park. Considering they are in Boston with Jack and Jennifer this is complicated. They are going to the Juneteenth celebration. Doug wants to go but he’s still feeling a little wiped out. Doug had the flu last week. But Doug’s recovered and is still getting his energy.

More Theo speech rehearsing. Chad and Theo head to the park to give the speech.

Chanel comes in to get her momma and spies Big Mama and hugs and kisses. Paulina isn’t in the mood to go to the park.

Abe thinks he is close to a memory. There is a knock at the door, it’s Talia handing out flyers about the missing mayor. Nurse Whitless tells Talia that she doesn’t want her cats to get out so she goes in the hallway for the conversation.

They push Paulina to get out. Julie pounds on the door and runs happily to see Olivia aka Big Mama. Since Paulina wasn’t feeling up to going to the park, Julie brought part of the park to Paulina. In comes Eli to big hugs.

Chad tells Doug about the Juneteenth celebration and the anniversary of Abby’s death. Doug salutes Chad for raising some amazing and quiet kids.

As everyone is hugging and kissing at Paulina’s, Theo comes in.

Nurse Whitless tells Talia she didn’t see anything. Inside the apartment Abe is grabbing his head, having a “memory” or a something.

Julie leads everyone in prayer to help Abe find his way back to this family.

Abe remembers the wedding.

Chad and Doug are playing cards. Chad is feeling good about his hand. Doug says I’m glad you are feeling good about your hand, as gin. Chad has been beaten.

Julie and Olivia want to propose a toast. Julie breaks down, she’s known Abraham longer than anyone. Toasts are given. Sparkling yellow beverage consumed. Paulina flashes back to the wedding.

Abe remembers jumping the broom. Nurse Whitless comes in, Abe is looking stern and she asks what’s wrong.

You are not my wife, he says.
Thanks Robin.....I swear I felt like today's show was written by several different writers at different times, then just thrown together (perhaps from scenes cut from other episodes) & bingo.....they another episode to bore folks with during summer.

First off, I have been annoyed for some time. I don't know about everywhere else, but I guarantee you, where I live, people who deal with any kind of food preparation, have their tied up, or they have short hair. I do not want to eat food prepared by someone with their very long hair spread out all over the place. Nor do I want to be treated by a doctor who does that as well.

Yes, it is Salem, a miracle town where no one ever loses a hair, even in their brush or comb, where the food stays hot no matter how long you dawdle, chat, etc. before touching a bite, where ants & mosquitoes just do not exist, and where they need police & medical personnel, they do not need firemen, or even plumbers, electricians, or any sort of repairmen.

And the TV is hidden away in a secret space, cuz no one watches unless they are unable to get out and about (after all, one can get instant news flashes on their phones or tablets, thus be kept aware of current events)
However, I was grateful not to have Leo, Gabi, Gwen, Stefan, Colin, know, those asinine filler scenes we get subjected to that go no where, mean nothing. But I do wonder where are john, Marlena, Steve, Kayla, Shawn, Belle, Brady all hiding. Maybe they are all in that hidden TV room, watching the latest info on the search for Abe! LOLOL.

Am glad Abe is regaining some memory at last. Am glad kids are not forgotten, and at least are mentioned. (Eli's twins, plus Thomas, Charlotte) And was very happy to see Doug & Julie. Some characters do get trotted out once a month or so. :)
Since Lani has turned out to be a model prisoner, perhaps it's time for Kristen and Megan to get a chance to do the same.

Big Momma is proving quite adept in keeping a lid on Paulina's noisy outbursts. Perhaps, she ought to consider sticking around a while.

Every day brings more stress to the crazy Nurse Katzenmutter holding Abe captive. How long will it be before the stress lands her in Bayview?
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Thanks, robin.

It's interesting that nurse Whitley knows a lot about Abe, but didn't mention his son Brandon. It's been awhile since
Brandon has been in Salem.

Nice scenes with Theo and Chad. I always enjoyed Chad with little Theo.

Poor Eli. Julie mentioned a homecooked meal and she brought him a sandwich.

Goodness, Chanel is starting to feel sorry for Talia since the toad abused her and she understands.

Eli said Lani should be out of jail by Christmas. I hope the family comes to Salem.

Nice to see Doug and Big Mama today.

I'm glad Abe told Whitley "she's not his wife". What excuse will she come up with and how much longer
will we have to see Abe wearing his head bandage?