Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 16., 2015


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At Eve's apartment, Paige & JJ are talking. He tells her that he & Eve are lying to her, but a flashback of him & Eve keeps him silent. JJ babbles, tries to get her to come back to his place, so they have privacy, even though Eve is on campus paying her tuition. They make it to the Horton house, more babbling from JJ, insists that he & Eve hate each other and it will never change, no matter what they say. Paige thinks if they spent more time alone (Eve & JJ), they'd like each other. More vehement insistence from JJ about Eve's insistence to break them up. JJ promises that no matter how he hates Eve, he loves her. [I missed a brief part due to a weather test but when I could hear the dialogue again...] Paige and JJ declare how much they love each other and Paige doesn't want to wait anymore, pulls him into a kiss. Later, they're on the Salem sheets, making out heavily, JJ pulls away to confirm this is in fact what Paige really wants. Cue musical montage with cheesecloth (and maybe grab a bucket :sick:).

At Salem U, Eve runs into Kevin/Ben and they chat briefly about the diner in Miami where he used to serve her & Paige bunches of lunches (Eve's order: tuna on rye with extra pickles). She introduces herself, and recalls his name as Kevin. Cue constipated look. He explains he goes by Ben now, apologises for lying to Paige, likes her & is glad she & JJ have worked things out. Abby inserts herself into the conversation, gets snippy. Ben takes a call from Aiden, allowing the ladies to trade insults, Abby gets suspicious that Eve is suddenly talking to Ben, thinking she blabbed, just because she loves trouble. More barbs; Ben returns and Eve excuses herself. Abby tells Ben her theory about Eve blabbing. [Missing short scene due to weather test. It never came back to Ben & Abby.]

At Kmansion, Daniel wants Victor to give him a straight answer about Nicole. Victor just ate, doesn't want to hear news, LOL; Daniel wonders if Xander was summoned by Victor to come between him & Nicole. Victor admits that sounds like something he'd do, but he didn't do it. He promises to order Alexandros to stay away from Nicole. Daniel says they're good, but Victor smells a rat; Daniel tries to change the subject and wonders what Xander's doing in town, remembers Xander's troubled youth. (Apparently Victor had a brother we never heard of called "Titus" with whom he didn't get along.)

Nicole and Jeannie T argue about her blabbing to Daniel in the Square. They trade insults (including the "porn star" bs, which sends Nicole over the edge) and get into a catfight. Xander separates them. Later, he and Nicole have a drink, she declares he's a nice guy. Nicole talks about how loyal Victor is to family, thinks it's odd that Victor never mentioned Alexandros. (Oh and of course they talk about how super duper Daniel is.) Xander explains he always kind of did his own thing, keeps apologising for the trouble he caused between Daniel/Nicole.

At the Jonas apartment, Brady thinks over Melanie's tale. Melanie says that the "embryo transplant" is chancey, but do-able. Melanie realises that Kristen might have given birth already, because this procedure often leads to an early delivery. Brady apologises for yelling at Melanie re: investigating Jeannie T. Brady is determined to find Kristen to "make sure" since Melanie now thinks there could be another explanation. Brady can't go to the police, because there are "too many DiMera spies on the force" (his exact words) and that would send Kristen back into hiding. They also resolve not to tell Jeannie because she's such a loose cannon. He wants to go alone, she won't let him. More Melonhead babbling, while Brady posits that he'll be safe because of Kristen's sick love for him. He vows to take the child, if it exists, with him. He manages to escape the apartment without her, tells her to keep her phone on. Daniel comes home, Melanie was leaving him a note, explaining that she's going to surprise Carly in London (they've been emailing and Carly's lonely). He worries about work, Melanie explains it away (with a bunch of nonsense about covering enough doubles that they just gave her the time as a favour - that's not how hospitals work, LOL). Daniel worries about Brady, who she says will be out of town for a work thing. They hug, Melanie waxes sentimental about how Carly & Daniel were the parents she always hoped for, then launches into a string of freely associated words about bio parents raising kids. (Sorry, I watched it twice and that was enough - couldn't make sense of it.)

In limbo or Chez Rouge or somewhere, Kristen and Mandrake recap Clint's mission to snatch Jeannie T in order to get her bone marrow. Kristen hopes Jeannie's been clean. Mandrake feels any suitable donor would be better, as people might question when Jeannie T disappears. Maybe Brady will figure it out. Kristen thinks that everyone will rejoice when Jeannie T vanishes. Mandrake worries that Jeannie might spill the beans, Kristen's sure that won't be a problem. Later, she comes into the room on Cloud 9, Christopher fell asleep in her arms, blah blah, Mandrake is still worried about the Jeannie T abduction, as he doesn't have a drug that can reliably wipe out a memory for the time that they'll need her for the transplant. Kristen informs Mandrake that Jeannie T won't be going home. Mandrake seems to have qualms about this, Jeannie's the boy's mother...Kristen insists that SHE is the only mother that matters while we see Jeannie T sipping on a martini.

Brady goes to Victor, needs confidential information from him about Kristen. Victor worries that he's rethinking his relationship with Kristen, Brady hates her more than ever, can't explain why he needs to find her, but needs to know where she is. Back and forth. Turns out Victor has, no fooling, Kristen's exact address in Italy. She's in a DiMera compound in an old castle east of Rome. Brady wants nobody to know, not John, not K-goons, nobody. Victor promises to cover for Brady if John calls about him. (He's been dodging John's calls.)

Nicole has dropped by Daniel's to talk, he of course answers the door in a towel, invites her in. He wants to get dressed, she says this will be quick, apologises (that's original) for the Xander thing, she's over Eric, sorry she's needy, etc. He thinks they could have something deep, she can take things slow as long as he's really ready to try this.

On the Black jet, Lee (a pilot or something), is prepping for Mr Black's arrival, Melanie sneaks in asking to say goodbye to Brady, then asks to leave him a note since he's not arrived yet. Lee gives her his notepad, and she looks over the notes he's written. Brady boards, reads Melanie's note, she's full of surprises. Meanwhile, Melanie's hiding in the lavatory.

Xander calls Victor, tells him he'll make big bucks from the local deal, Victor doesn't want to know. Then he warns him to stay away from Nicole, she's trouble. Xander hangs up, says he likes trouble.
Thanks, Jason!!

Wow, so nice that Victor conveniently had Kristen's address. :rolleyes:

I guess Kristen plans to have Jeannie T killed after the bone marrow transplant? Or maybe dropped off on some remote DiMera island? Held in a dungeon?
Yeah, they weren't real specific about her plans. I'm sure it'll never come up that Kristen killed her son's bio mother. OY with this storyline!!

Elsewhere, Victor knows where Kristen is. BUT NOT BO!?!??!

JJ/Paige, I wouldn't like them or think this was special even if he hadn't boinked her mom. GROSS all around. And if Paige is so smart that she's already interning in her FRESHMAN year, why the heck doesn't she realise that NO MATTER THE REASON, it's not bright to get involved with someone who actively HATES your mother?

Xander is superfluous. Nicole is pathetic, Daniel is disgusting. WHY are we seeing this farce of a relationship. (AND WHO ANSWERS THE DOOR IN A TOWEL.)

Apparently, embryo transplants are possible. One of the first fertility cases used one in 1983. Meanwhile, is it possible that Titus existed previously, and was just never mentioned? Was it ever stated that Alexander (the original original, Justin's father) was Victor's only sibling? Just curious.
Melanie, Nicole and Xander were the stars of the show, in my opinion, today. I saw the sadness in Melanie's eyes when she knew she had set in motion this mission to get Brady's baby, it will change everything as she has known it, in regards to her relationship with him.

Nicole has done some nice groveling to Dan, but she seemed set back and almost confused that anyone would go out of their way to come to her defense, as Xander did today with both Theresa and Daniel, he seemed almost too good to be true, I think. Being quite the gentleman with Nicole. I hope she doesn't become smitten with him, what with Daniel putting her off all the time.
LOL, so Abby thinks Eve might be the one who set in motion the Florida Law place looking for Kevin?? Glad Aiden is going to call there and see what's up. Meanwhile, I absolutely LOVE JasonD's description of the JJ/Paige sex scene. Cheesecloth, indeed. LOLOL

Is Kristen planning on ending Theresa's life after taking the bone marrow? And really, do men honestly answer their door in towels? Would they not at least ask "who's there"? and grab a robe? Do men really do it does seem to be the norm in Salem.
Hummm, are they going to keep Jeannie around to suck bone marrow/body parts as needed by her child?? Keep her in a nice set of rooms and booze and it shouldn't be much of an issue. I mean if Stefano can have entire islands set up to look like Salem, why not a castle jail for someone???
Weren't Hope and Stefano imprisoned together at one point in a castle tower?
There may be a new storyline brewing, hopefully good, with Ben/Kevin as Eve also pointed out and recognized Ben as Kevin in Florida. Perhaps Paige will end up knowing something keeping it to herself and Ben in which the newly reborn siblings Abby/JJ will be left in the dark and both be flabbergasted when the truth comes out.
Victor can locate Kristen as if he has her low-jacked, but he didn't bother trying to clue the Salem PD or the International authorities in on her whereabouts when she was on the run after her rape of Eric was revealed. There's lazy and there's just not giving a flip (nicely put). Apparently the former writers were at the latter.

Theresa called Nicole a porn star and goes on about things Sami has said about Nicole. As if she or her cousin are any better than Nicole. I hate this shrew. Die, just die! I wanted Nicole to punch her in the throat, pull her purse on her shoulders and walk away whistling.

JJ is just trifling. No remorse whatsoever about bedding Paige after he's gone multiple rounds with her mother. I actually feel sorry for the silly girl.
Oh Nicole.... What was she thinking? Even though it would have been rewarding to have her cold cock the little shrew, she lost some points today. I'm so disappointed she allowed MOUTH ALMIGHTY (Theresa) pull her down to her level.
Thanks for the summary!
Once again, Eve, Abigail, and Ben are just useless filler material. And as for JJ & Paige, not much better. :sick::sick: Will Paige faint when she learns JJ slept with her mother many times before they made love?

Melanie, Nicole, Brady, Kristen, Theresa, Victor, Daniel and Xander really made the show today. So did the absence of John (who's irritating now) and Will.
I guess Kristen plans to have Jeannie T killed after the bone marrow transplant? Or maybe dropped off on some remote DiMera island? Held in a dungeon?

I think Kristen will try one of these things and Melanie will be the one caught in the crossfire. There have been way too many scenes where Melanie is telling people how much she loves them. That is foreshadowing at its finest. We also have yet to hear Kristen mention Melanie but she is the wildcard here. Plus Melanie is WAY out of her league with Kristen. I'd much rather have seen Nicole going with Brady. Anything to get her away from chasing Daniel.

And yes so Victor knows exactly where Kristen is but not his own son?!? Or so we think.

I may need to rewatch the Victor scenes as I completely missed the Titus mention.

Funny how I mentioned we never see Ben at Salem U last week and today he was there. And why exactly was Eve there? I do think Ben is hiding something from Abigail.

JJ and Paige: I successfully managed to check twitter and Instagram throughout their romp.
Nicole/Theresas' HRT argument: Round 1 to Theresa!

As a juror, I would vote to acquit Page of any charges stemming fron an assault(or worse) upon JJ. The consent he asked of her was not an informed one. :angry:

Run Daniel, run!