Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 20, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Gabi is looking forlorn in the Square, Eli comes along and says she needs cheering up. Later, they've had ice cream and resolve to go on a walk. (It's "the first real night of spring.") Gabi likes the peace and quiet as they've wandered to the private area. Eli steps away to take a call. (See more, below.)

At the teen loft, Jade is being forced to move out. Jade talks about the baby, looking at the sonogram. Joey says they're not soulmates.

In a hotel room, Steve talks with Adrienne about her recovery. She's going "glamping" in Scotsdale, arranged by her boys. She wants to know about his life, hears about Tripp's being alive and wanting nothing to do with him. Adrienne advises Steve to fight for Tripp. Later, Lucas is with her, worries about her taking the trip and laments he can't go with her because of the hacking, which has shut down distribution.

At the police station, Hope has called Kayla to bail Tripp out, Tripp had refused to allow Steve to be called. Hope said it was Kayla or a night in a holding cell. Kayla goes in to talk with Tripp, wants to know why Tripp behaved as he did. Tripp calls Roman a tool, learns he's Kayla brother. Tripp refuses to acknowledge Steve is his father, fathers play little league blah blah blah. (Of course, he considers Ava his mother anyway.) Round and round about the messed up situation of Steve killing Ava, Kayla can't defend it without trashing Ava, which she won't do. Tripp laments there are so many questions people don't want to answer.

In Hope's office, Julie visits Hope at the police station, wants the Gabi-setting-her-sights-on-Eli situation nipped in the bud. Hope points out there's no comparison between what Nick did and Eli. Julie claims she's not blind to what Nick was, but Eli is "her only remaining piece of David" and Gabi is bad news. Hope advises she butt out. Julie regrets butting out of David's life, storms out when Hope doesn't support her. Later, Rafe comes over and they joke about Raines, then talk about Tripp.

Kayla brings Tripp back to the teen loft, offers him to call her if he needs anything else. Tripp tells Joey of his misadventure with Joey's uncle Roman. Joey offers Tripp help with his hangover, they both admit they've always wanted a brother. Tripp plans to look for a place in Salem tomorrow, considers the place next door. Jade listens at the door. Tripp disrobes, Jade enters and they commiserate about their bad nights. Jade talks about Joey being mean to her, having to find a new place, etc. Tripp has an idea, offers her to live with him next door.

In the private area, Gabi is relaxing for a moment when Julie appears (while Eli is off taking a call). Julie makes nasty remarks about her being a predator/maneater, stomps off. Gabi calls her out, thinks she's heard enough about Alice Horton to know she'd be ashamed of Julie's actions, adds that Eli is an adult, if he asks her out and if she wants to go, that's between them. Julie grabs her chest and starts to fall, thinks she's having a heart attack.

At the Pub, Kayla arrives for dinner with Hope, Rafe, and Steve. They talk about Tripp and the effects Ava's videos had on him. Steve's thankful for Kayla's intercession, laments that he moved too quickly trying to alert Tripp to Ava's insanity. (Nobody mentions Stefano's murder even though this would be an appropriate time.) Hope offers to talk to Tripp as one of Ava's victims, Steve doubts it would work.

At the hospital, Valerie arrives, Gabi implores Valerie (whom Eli texted) to help Julie. Valerie enters, Julie feels better, Eli wants Julie checked anyway. Valerie shoos Eli, who goes out and scolds Gabi for yelling at Julie. Valerie comes out, EKG is normal, blood work is being rushed. Julie did not have a heart attack, and was perfectly fine until Gabi upset her. Julie is playing it up, and Eli the FBI whiz is none the wiser.

In the private area, Kayla tells Steve about Jade and Joey's epiphanies about Jade's treatment of herself. They worry that Joey will unload on Jade, and she'll reveal that he killed Ava.

At the hospital, Gabi tells Rafe and Hope what happened. Hope goes in to talk to Julie, learns they're still working on what actually happened, more tests are being ordered. Valerie comes out, tells Gabi it was no heart attack. Gabi flashes back to the incident, realises Julie faked it. In the hospital room, Hope wants to know more. Julie can finally sleep.
Apologies if I missed something. This was a truly tragic and awful episode in my opinion. I think I might be tapping out for awhile on Days, so the summaries might get a bit shorter until the writing turns around.

The Julie stuff is ridiculous and if Eli can't see through it, he needs to get out of town. We already have a useless cop or two laying about in Salem. I'm also not interested in seeing Eli/Gabi work through this mess when Julie's stupid ploy is revealed.

I miss the Jade that was nice to Ciara in jail and was starting to be fleshed out. Seems like it was 10 years ago, but it was just a year ago. :(

I have no more use for Joey or Tripp. These bros can take the Vitali money and move to Africa (which is the favoured place for exiles from Salem).

It was nice to see Adrienne and Adrienne/Lucas today, but they felt like a tacked-on afterthought, not somebody with real story.
but Eli is "her only remaining piece of David"
Hey, Julie, remember him??

I didn't think the episode was terrible. It felt pretty much like filler overall but other than that, it was okay. Of course there was one story I enjoyed more then others. LOL

Julie: Look at the faking faker faking stuff. When the "attack" came on I was half expected her to go the stricken Southern belle routine I can just hear her saying about Gabi as she clutched her chest: "Heavens to Betsy, she no sense of valor! No sense of valor at all."

I also had flashbacks of the classic sitcom "Sanford and Son" with Fred Sanford (Redd Foxx) arguing with his son clutching his chest looking up to heaven and declaring: "I'm coming Elizabeth!" Maybe Julie had recently watched a couple of episodes. LOL

I think Hope is on to her and hopefully Eli catches on because Julie was as transparent as Saran Wrap.

As far as Gabi goes, look at her pulling out the big guns and mentioning Alice. That surprised me and in all honesty, I couldn't have been prouder. LOL
Thanks for the summary. A blah episode. Loved Lucas and Adrienne, but yes JasonD is right---they were like an afterthought. The Jade/Tripp thing is so predictable it ain't even funny. And why is Joey being so dumb? Don't be mean to the girl who knows your secret and can rat you out!

Julie is juvenile and I hope she gets exposed. I like that Hope told her to back off and that Gabi mentioned Alice and gave her a verbal put down. This whole thing is getting old. Next, I expect she'll team up with Kate to put Gabi and Chad together so her precious Eli is free.
Thanks, Jason.

I thought it was interesting Hope told Julie to butt out. Instead, Julie talked
to Gabi and ended up in the hospital. I hope Hope realizes Julie faked
her attack.

So, Tripp is going to get an apartment next door to the rest of the Salem
young uns. I wonder how that's going to work out.

Nice to see Adrienne. It's been awhile since she had her surgery. I hope
she won't out of town too long.

Lucas still thinks Deimos stole the Countess W money. I wonder when
he will find out it was actually Dario?
Thanks, Jason. I know we're in the "beginning of the end" for Dena's stories but the past few days/weeks have been snoozefests. Faking a heart attack is a new low, even for Julie. Of course, Dr. Grant is probably on to her as well as Gabi. Julie was on point, however, about Gabi's daughter. Where is she? With no Mommy or Eduardo, is she with Dario? Doubtful. I'm ready for change, as I believe most of you are.
From what I can remember, the scene between Kayla and Tripp seems to be identical to the leaked audition tape that was posted last year.
It was very close. I recognised Tripp's use of the b-word and the early parts of the scene.
They're talking about how "awkward" it is that Steve killed Ava, and there isn't even a second of a flash of recognition on Hope or Rafe's faces that Hope killed Stefano (or a man she thought was Stefano). It seemed like that would have been a good time for that.

I did, however, appreciate that Rafe and Hope were the couple talking about other people's problems for a change.
As far as Gabi goes, look at her pulling out the big guns and mentioning Alice. That surprised me and in all honesty, I couldn't have been prouder.
I liked this, too, but it was immediately soiled when Julie started faking her attack.
Salemites who are bored with television fare should really trot over to the little park near the Town Square. Things are jumping there right now. Where else could you see an angry senior citizen call a young woman a "predator" and a "man-eater," and then be called "nasty and judgmental" in return, before suffering what looked like a heart attack? Elsewhere, angry Little Trippy was looking for answers in all the wrong places and made a major blunder by asking clingy, sketchy NuJade to move in with him. If he thinks that things now are, as he put it, "totally messed up," he should try housekeeping with the pill-popper for a few weeks. Finally, Eli, the self-proclaimed "world class cheerer-upper," seems to be fitting nicely into the Salem social scene. He now seems to spend more time sniffing after Gabi than doing any FBI work. How long will it be before he develops a taste for leisurely bubble baths?
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Thanks for the summary. I missed the first half of the show due to the President's press conference with the Italian Prime Minister :angry:. There was nothing earth shattering at the press conference, it was all stuff that could have been covered on the evening news.

I did, however, see Julie and Gabi's confrontation in the park. It does seem that Julie is aware of the way Nick was treating Gabi, so why can't she lay off of her? She doesn't have to like Gabi, but she could be civil to her for what she had to put up with when Nick was tormenting her. However, I did agree that lately I have not seen Gabi with Ari and she should have been home taking care of her.

Tripp is making a mistake, allowing Jade to move in with him. This girl really needs to go and work things out with her mother, rather than living off of first the Johnsons and now Tripp. I'm sure as she's upset with Joey that she's going to make a slip up and let Tripp know that Joey killed Ava.