Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 21, 2016


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Pub, Nicole (fresh from meeting with Victor) meets with Jeannie T and Brady, tells about the favour Vic's requested (seducing, marrying, and fleecing Deimos). Jeannie T thinks (like Victor) that Nicole could pull it off, Brady is incensed. He worries Deimos is slimy, Nicole will keep it from going too far, etc.

At the police station, Hope is in her giant office, looks in her file sorter at the file on Deimos. A uniform brings in Bo's badge (Roman cleaned out his own desk). A voice calls Hope, tells her she was right to move on Deimos. Encourages her to challenge Deimos head-on to get to the truth. Rafe stops by her office, wonders who was on the phone. She says it was Shawn, talk about a case that's back to Square one now. Asks her to an early dinner. She makes plans to meet him at the Pub.

At the Kmansion, Deimos is throwing away pictures of the Kiriakes. Later, Hope has arrived, turns down a drink, is here on business, but not a criminal matter. Deimos asks for a direct question so he can give a direct answer. She wants to know about Dr Seth Malcolm, and Bo's kidnapping and torture. Was he involved? He answers, yes, but his hands are clean, there's nothing she can do. Hope asks why he did it, Deimos did it for the money, he was paid to obtain the formula. She's angry, says what if I'm wearing a wire. Deimos knows she wasn't expecting a confession, there's nothing more she can do. Hope pulls her gun, points it at his head. He rises, she keeps it leveled at his eyes, as he reminds her there's no evidence. So what will she do? She lowers her weapon. Nicole enters and asks if she's interrupting something. Deimos says no, Detective Brady was just leaving. Hope asks what business Nicole has with Deimos, Nicole says it's none of Hope's business. Hope leaves, vowing to be back. Nicole asks about Deimos' way with women, asks him if he's made up with Kate. (He doesn't answer.) She asks him to dinner...he'd love to, but doesn't want to start things off with a lie.

Chad has a bead on Abby, who used her credit card to check into a motel. (She must be crazy.) JJ wants to go along, as Abby's brother.

In the motel, Thomas cries as Abby tries to console him. Her neighbour pounds on the wall, irritated, as she tries to calm the baby. She's upset, sets him in his carrier, on the bed, says she has to walk away. Thomas stops crying. She goes back to him, he starts fussing again, she realises he's upset because she's upset. Chad and JJ break the door down, she growls at them to stay right there. Chad promises not to hurt her, JJ says that Ben's in prison, can't hurt her anymore. Abby rails against them, that's what they said before, Ben will continue to try to hurt her. Chad vows that he won't let that happen, Abby correctly points out Chad's earlier measures didn't work. Only she knows what is best for her son, how to take care of him. JJ talks calmly of the people who are there for her, Chad speaks of Thomas having a mother and a father, this life on the run isn't what she wants for him. He takes the carrier slowly, holds Thomas lovingly as Abby watches in horror/shock. She yelps, knocks over the carrier, and bolts. JJ stops her; she marvels at how quiet Thomas is, how she tried everything, couldn't calm him. Just lucky, Chad asserts, baby just needs sleep, just like his mother. Abby can't sleep...she has nightmares, worries Thomas does, too. Chad says Thomas is strong like his mother, she breaks down, doesn't feel strong, hugs Chad as she holds the baby.

Back at the DiMansion, Jennifer has been waiting for Abby, hugs her when the group returns. Abby worries about not knowing what to do all the time, like Jennifer did (she made it seem so easy), Jennifer admits she made mistakes, but struggled, did the best she could, and now has two amazing kids despite her shortcomings as a mom. The hardest thing for a mom is to see her children suffer, but she had a village helping her. Jenn begs Abby to let them help her. Jen, JJ, and Thomas leave the room, Abby wants Chad to stop looking at her like she's crazy. Chad says there's no shame in admitting she needs more help than he can offer. She doesn't want to be locked up, she's convinced that anyone would have tried to kill Ben, continues to wish he'd let her just finish it. He talks about the danger to Thomas, did she think about that? She leaves out the garden doors, Chad follows.

A moment after Chad and Abby leave, Jenn and JJ talk about the plans for Abigail, and how bad it's getting. Jennifer feels guilty for letting her down, not being there. JJ says she's not the only one in the family that has a problem. He's not judging, but she rebukes him. The last thing she needs is her son hovering over her. She's fine and together, and will be there for her daughter. Thomas cries, and Jennifer zips out to get him, JJ follows. Chad and Abby re-enter the room, as she thinks about what she did to Ben. She admits she'd never thought herself capable of something like that, she just wanted it to go away. She didn't call the police, couldn't trust them. Chad is understanding, calm. Abby sits on the couch, admits she put Thomas in danger, didn't want to do that. Chad tells her she's amazing, she was just pushed to the edge. She admits she snapped. He tells her not to tell anyone besides JJ and Marlena, they'll protect her/keep it confidential, but if anyone else finds out, he can't protect her. He can't lose her. He will do whatever it takes to protect her and Thomas. As she looks over Thomas' basinet (sorry, I thought he was in a room to the back, but the whole scene they look at the basinet...?) Abby says that she is hurting Thomas, because when she holds him, he feels how "freaked out" she is. She was so afraid of losing Thomas she walked away from everyone, even Thomas. She never thought she'd do that, so she'll go...she has to, even though she doesn't want to be away from Thomas, she needs to get better. Jennifer and JJ come out from the back as Chad asks if Abby wants to hold Thomas; she does, but he needs his rest. She'll go and get better, and then come back to her son and hold him, and never let him go. She and Chad walk to the doors in the study (?), she goes back to hug Jenn and JJ.

Back at their townhouse, Brady and Jeannie T talk about Nicole's mission. Brady vows to take the fight on, Jeannie T worries about Brady, says it's not about the money. Brady remembers how Victor and Maggie saved him multiple times. Brady remarks, "Ever since Daniel died, life is getting weirder." Make of that what you will. He recaps the plot points, and he then says he's holding on to Jeannie T and Tate. He just feels like there's something else that he should be doing.

At the Kmansion, Nicole asks about Deimos's lie. He points out she's lying, wants to know why she's really here. She wants his side of the story, finds the way Deimos looks at her (like she's someone else) fascinating. Tell me more about Helena.
I feel bad for poor baby Thomas. When Chad was holding Abby and she was crying Thomas just looked like what is going on here? I feel bad for Abby that they are making it that her son can't even be around her without being hysterical. While I am sure children do pick up on tension this is above and beyond I think. I was very glad that JJ said to Jen I don't think Abby is the only one in the family with a problem.

Hope. . . Do we even know this woman anymore? What, was she just gonna shoot Deimos like she did Stefano and the call Rafe to dispose of another body? I just love how Deimos admits everything he does. Will be interesting with Nicole trying to help Victor and Maggie. Speaking of Maggie, the Summer story is so dumb. Brady just said Maggie was 17. Suzanne Rogers (Maggie) is 72, that means Summer would have to be 55. The actress playing her is 41. Maggie sure as heck is not 58. Do the writers really not think of these things at all? Just bugs me.
Was a good episode. I kept thinking, Kate Mansi (Abby) should be having a half dozen Emmys for this storyline. Wow, she just has been so terrific whatever Abby is doing, feeling, etc.

Deimos is always so calm, cool, collected. Maggie was right about him. He just shows no emotion whatsoever.

Absolutely do NOT like Nicole going to see Deimos. I just do not want her anywhere near that slimeball.

Hated Theresa telling Nicole the job of seducing Deimos, etc. would be so easy for her. That was low, & nasty. She is jealous of Summer, of Nicole, & I bet even with a wedding ring on her finger, she will still be the same.
Oh no Nikki! I am doomed. It rained again today. I wonder between the flooding problems & Prince, how much I will get to see.

Update: I got to see the whole show finally! Wow, Kate Mansi/Abigail really needs that Emmy!
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Was a good episode. I kept thinking, Kate Mansi (Abby) should be having a half dozen Emmys for this storyline. Wow, she just has been so terrific whatever Abby is doing, feeling, etc.
Yes, she should. With the great job that she does with the often thin material dished out by the writers, she should have a bright future in the acting profession. As for today's episode, Maybe Abigail is right about nobody stopping Ben. Who knows, even now, he's getting together with State Prison's aspiring escape artists, and his favorite film is Escape from Alcatraz starring Clint Eastwood, and favorite TV series was I Almost Got Away with It about numerous remarkable prison escapes. Over at the K-mansion, Deimos should stop blathering about legalities to Hope about the fate of Bo. If he'd talk to Andre, he's realize that Hope doesn't need "no freakin' legalities" and is now a master of private revenge.
A very good episode today. I cried with Abby and agree that Kate Mansi (Abby) should receive many awards for her acting. I wish the writers would've given her this kind of material to work with earlier on.

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS
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Was a good episode
It definitely was. I love Deimos cutting through the bull. That's a character I can root for...heck, with Stefano that convo would have taken 2 days. LOL

I hate Jeannie T and I hate Brady. I want a meteor to crush them both. And I'm sick of Jeannie T, Heroine-in-Training.

I don't like that Nicole is doing this for Maggie. She should have an interest as well.

There was not a single bad moment for Kate Mansi's Abigail portrayal. Simply stunning. And Billy Flynn (Chad) brings his A game to every scene he's in. Nice job for Casey Moss (JJ), as well.
I just love how Deimos admits everything he does.
Me too. Cool as a cucumber, all the way.
Thanks, Jason.

Another interesting episode.

I was shocked when Deimos admitted he was the one who kidnapped and tortured Bo.
I hope Hope tells someone. She can work with the others and take Deimos down. I wonder
who called her. It sounded like 'Batman'

It was interesting to see Deimos throw the pictures away.

I'm glad Nicole said she wouldn't sleep with Deimos. I hope she won't. She should have
told Brady why Victor wanted her involved since she looks like Helena.

Brady mentioned Maggie still has Chez Rouge. I think we all agree with Brady things
have gotten weird since Daniel died

Abby wasn't thinking when she used the credit card. Or maybe she was. Maybe she
wanted to be found.
I'm glad Nicole said she wouldn't sleep with Deimos. I hope she won't

If she sticks to a "not until marriage" plan, that would be a Salem wedding first!

Hope's mystery caller sounds like Victor, to me. That is my dated, taking-future-credit, opinion! If right, I will expect a prize. :drunk:

Nicole asked Brady for advice? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Brady's "not afraid" of Deimos? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I liked Chad's new hairstyle when he and JJ broke into Abby's motel room. :) Incontrovertible proof that Days has a one-take policy!

I am not a Deimos fan! Forced into close quarters with him, I think the health of one (or more likely both) of us would suffer. :angry:
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I agree today was a excellent episode with wonderful acting. Of course hands down Kate Mansi (Abby) rocked the house with a awesome performance. I loved her facial expressions of fear and anxiety, she portrays that so realistic.

Brady is getting on my last nerve. In truth I actually never really liked any direction the writers' have gone with Brady since his return in 2008. Brady was a businessman and full of so much life when he was with Chloe, now he is a spoiled former addict who thinks he can handle anyone after a heart transplant. Maybe it's Super Dan the Man who Tan's heart making him stupid. Brady and Theresa can leave with Tate like Belle and Shawn left with Claire for so many years. Let them be gone and replace them with Nancy, Craig, and Joy Wesley.

So Victor and Maggie aren't entirely broke with Chez Rouge. Though logically the upkeep to a pricey 5 star restaurant might not be something Maggie and Victor can keep up with their financial situation. They can turn Chez Rouge into a Denny's? LOL! Though I think it would be nice to see Victor and Maggie not wearing 500 dollar outfits and instead Victor in a polo shirt with shorts and Maggie wearing a track suit comfy and just like regular citizens and not billionaires.

I wonder who that voice was? If almost sounded like Andre just because I heard hints of a Australian accent even though the voice was disguised. Good way to distract Hope while Andre figures out how to get out of jail.

Yes A. Guy I don't know what Billy Flynn (Chad) used on his hair but it was nice when it got in his face. I don't have the patience to grow mine out like that since it's wavy, but ya Eric and Chad have the best hair on Days in men category.
I am wondering if the voice that called Hope might be Aiden??? I mean, what if somehow that was not Aiden, but a look alike. OR Aiden wasn't really dead......and has been a prisoner, or maybe witness protection. The voice said he was taking a big chance in calling, which seems to indicate big trouble.
What puzzles me.....why doesn't Hope try tracing the call?