Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 15, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Doug's Place: Chloe gets a call from Marlena about the party's guestlist. Chloe confirms she won't change the date. They hang up, John brings a guest list to Chloe. At the Pub, Marlena talks to Roman about Anna's visible heartache; Anna is worried that Nicole-who's-really-Kristen will work her wiles on Tony, and she and Marlena recap the DiMera plot.

Tony is in the Square, remembering his talk with Anna. Kate's barbs break him from his reverie, she continues to want Tony's help and protection from Kristen.

Brady is looking at Nicole-who's-really-Kristen and remembers telling Chloe that her scar is where Kristen's tattoo was. (Sorry, I can't link to the summary, this was from 8/12, Monday.) He sees her phone, with a call from Xander, worries that she is being harassed by Xander. Later, he has helped her dress as she prepares to oust Gabi.

Ben and Ciara recap the case he's working because he's getting up early to investigate. They recap Ted's murder; Ben plans to break in to Nicole's hotel room.

Back at Doug's Place, Hope runs into John, learns they found prints on the bill from the ground.

At the Kmansion, (after his call to Kristen) Xander has closed some Titan deal that he's stolen from DiMera. Hope & John arrive to question him. They say there is evidence that places him in Ted's apartment (after they recap Xander's plot to help Kristen frame Ted). Xander gets a lot of barbs in, and nothing really happens beyond that.

In the gated area behind the Pub, Nicole is about to meet Shin and hears Xander's message. She leaves him a message implicating him in Ted's murder, then encounters Anna, who threatens to kill her and moves to attack; Roman stops it.

Marlena joins Tony in the Square, asks about him & Nicole-who's-really-Kristen. Tony can't explain, but asks Marlena to deliver Anna a message.

Ben breaks in to Nicole's hotel room. Ciara is already inside, convinced the maid she was Nicole's assistant; she wants to have Ben's back. They are startled by someone entering, they hide under the bed. Kate has entered, makes a threatening call to Nicole-who's-really-Kristen. The masked one arrives and they have a verbal exchange about how Stefan wasn't the kidnapper. (Kate says it.)

At the Club, Chloe and Brady talk about his relationship with Nicole-who's-really-Kristen, his concerning thoughts about Kristen, and how she sicced Marlena on "Nicole". They also talk about the surprise party, how the surprises and lists are almost identical, keeping the secret with the guests, and the fact that Tony, Nicole, and Brady and a date are invited.

Back inside the Pub, Anna asks Marlena about Tony; Anna is convinced that "Nicole" has gotten to Tony. Later Roman gives her some chowder when she asks for a martini; Tony enters and Anna surprises both her exes by saying she's marrying Roman.

In the Kmansion foyer, Hope and John discuss their bluff while Xander hears Kristen's message in the study. He invites them in to talk about who is really the mastermind. END.
Thanks, Jason..........what surprises me with that mask. When you see it, the lips are smack dab together, and yet when the mask is put on, the lips evidently fit over Kristen's easily, she can talk, eat, etc. AND, when Kristen removes it, her lipstick not even smeared! Just perfect! Truly, one, amazing mask, for sure.
I truly hope Xander spills all the beans, and I do mean ALL. But am thinking that in all probability, since the show is so determined to drag this nonsense out til the end of the month/summer......that Kristen won't be really exposed until everyone is at the "surprise" anniversary party on the 22nd. And then it will still drag. LOL
Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day in Salem.

I was hoping John would raise his eyebrow when Hope did.

Will Anna start saying "my Roman" instead of "my Tony" since she told
Tony she's going to marry Roman? Will she kiss Roman? Roman would
be so happy.

Brady is still thinking about Kristen when he's with "Nicole". What's he going
to do when he ever finds out it is Kristen?
The magic mask and its awful story line continues to drag on and on and on. Enough already. If only Xander had sold it to the Salem Halloween shop. The X-man would also be doing everyone a favor if he outed creepy Kristen ASAP. She could be Melinda Trask's first scalp as the new-old D.A. Finally, Xander seems to be the only one who's watching out for Titan -- stealing a deal from DiMera. This is far more than Brady is doing. Victor ought to make Xander CEO and send Brady to some class where he'll be taught how to tell if he's sleeping with a creepy woman wearing a rubber mask.
or how Kristen has the same teeth Nicole has when she wears
the mask
That could be explained with a set of false teeth over top of her own teeth, like when you see Robin Williams being fitted with the fake teeth in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire.