Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 22, 2019


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Western Wisconsin
At Doug's Place, Abe admires the party layout as Brady predicts a party they'll never forget.

At the Police Station, Eli and Lani discuss Xander's attempts to make a deal with Melinda Trask.

Hope startles Kate and rattles her by asking kidnapping-related questions outside Doug's Place. Kate tells nothing, big surprise, Hope gets a text about Xander's pending deal.

In her hotel room, Nicole-who's-really-Kristen threatens Tony and wants Gabi and Stefan murdered. Tony wants assurances from her that she will not do anything drastic. She sends Tony to get dressed (I guess his white tux wasn't good enough for the party?) so she can look romantically at a gun.

At Marlena's townhouse, Susan is befuddled when John says he didn't invite her to the party he is throwing. She explains she was invited by Brady, John says she has to vamoose lest she spoil the surprise about which Marlena doesn't know. Susan continues to act dumbfounded and Marlena walks out. (These scenes are supposed to be funny, but they bore me.) Roles reverse as John goes to dress, and Marlena explains that they are celebrating the anniversary of their first wedding from 1986.

At the Pub, Roman seems to be going along with Anna's plan as they prepare to attend the party.

At the Kmansion in the study, Will tells Sonny Gabi hasn't called Arianna yet tonight. They resolve to call her tomorrow, and investigate the DiMera European bank account that paid Xander. Sonny thinks Kristen's alive, Will doubts it, because she'd be unable to stay away from Brady. Out in the foyer, Sarah descends the steps in a lovely gown and she and Eric recap their troubles.

At the party, Kate, Hope, and Brady chuckle about the double surprise. Abe pulls Brady aside and they recap Nicole-who's-really-Kristen's erratic behaviour in her play to be DiMera CEO; Brady admits he is with Nicole-who's-really-Kristen. Later, Sonny tells Brady he and Nicole deserve to be happy after Brady tells him about his odd Kristen feelings. On the other side of the room, Hope and Eli discuss with Lani the case and Xander's not yet existing deal. Tony keeps Nicole-who's-really-Kristen from a public display of affection with Brady; Nicole-who's-really-Kristen taunts him about Anna, who arrives with Roman and says hello to Brady, showing off her ring. Roman needs booze, Brady wants no drama.

Eric and Sarah enter, he offers Brady a truce because they are celebrating "my mom and your dad". Brady gets a text that the couple are arrived, they yell "Surprise!" at the next entrant, who turns out to be Susan. She is scared, says "your daddy and stepmama" are right behind her. Kate eyes Susan. Outside, John tells Marlena he's lucky to be married to her. They stop "for a drink", the crowd yells, and they each say, "Surprise!...What?" (OK that was funny.)

Brady explains the mutual surprise, everyone laughs. Kate lunges at Susan, trying to pull our her teeth. She is subdued, apologises, everyone reacts for about 3 seconds, then John tells Nicole-who's-really-Kristen that he just wants Brady to be happy. She promises to make him happy while acting with her eyes.

Susan meets André, who she thought was dead, and learns it is Tony, about whom she had thought the same. Susan talks about having lookalikes, including her sister who ran off with the gardener. Anna and Roman talk to Marlena, revealing their plot. Marlena wonders if it is working; Tony figures out that it was Kristen who impersonated Mary Moira. Nicole-who's-really-Kristen plans to murder Susan.

John and Marlena discuss the possibility that Nicole-who's-really-Kristen is behind the kidnapping of Kate & Ted; he's worried about Brady's happiness because he loves Nicole-who's-really-Kristen so much. Abe comes over, discusses how odd their reunion is and how Nicole-who's-really-Kristen has been a different person since her return. Susan thanks Brady for inviting her and they discuss her advances toward him, which she denies. Nicole-who's-really-Kristen drags Susan off. Sarah approaches Tony, she wants to talk to him sometime about Rolf, who Tony says was insane. She recaps his inventions like the mask, wants to talk about Tony's recovery. Brady has Marlena and John dance. Music plays; John & Marlena dance, and Anna stomps out. Nicole-who's-really-Kristen has taken Susan to an office, where she holds a gun on her.

Kate tells John she's happy for them. Marlena tells them that Maggie and Victor couldn't make it because Victor's not feeling well. Kate recaps Maggie's sighting of Kristen in Nicole's room. Eli (sitting with Hope and Lani) gets a call from Melinda. Outside, Tony follows Anna (ah-na), demanding she stop playing these childish games. She tells him to go to hell, he kisses her. Back inside, Eli reports that Xander has implicated Kristen DiMera. Nicole-who's-really-Kristen tries to get Brady to leave; he needs to wait until "Dad & Marlena's" toast is over.

Outside, Tony apologises for everything to Anna, but laments that he can't leave Nicole-who's-really-Kristen. She gets angry and pulls away from the unbelievable Tony. John's toast is a recap of their aborted wedding and how lucky he is to have married her. Marlena talks about marrying "this man" 33 years ago, knowing everything about him, boy was she wrong...chuckles from the crowd. Marlena is talking about how great John is, Hope tells John that Xander swears Kristen is his boss. Hope remembers the bill that was dropped, just like the ones in Ted's room. Could she be in Salem? In this room? John recalls Kate's attack on Susan, but they were her real teeth; he recalls events from the episode that leads him to Nicole. (Too many flashbacks to recount, or link, go watch!) These include: Sarah talking about Rolf's masks, "Nicole"'s vow to make Brady happy, Abe thinking Nicole is different, Kate's story about Maggie seeing Kristen in Nicole's room.

Hope asks John where he went, he says Kristen is in this room. Marlena is finishing her toast. They kiss. Nicole-who's-really-Kristen tries to get Brady to leave; John stops them quickly and lowers the boom. He rips off her mask and Kristen is revealed. Cue shocked faces all around, especially Anna. Kristen glares.
Wow John sure put 2 and 2 together a lot faster than anyone else!! Hallelujah, Kristen is exposed!! I was surprised Xander actually ratted her out. I did think it was a little rude for John and Hope to be talking while Marlena is giving her speech.

Was cute with both of them thinking they planned the surprise party.
Thanks, Jason!
It was a good episode, first time I have gotten to watch in quite awhile, as my local NBC has been discontinued by DirecTV, so I can't DVR...home from work today and got to watch on "regular" TV.
So what is the consensus on what happened to Susan? Do you think Kristen really killed her? I didn't see a silencer on her gun... hmmmm...
tHANKS, Jason. I didn't catch the very beginning, & I had so many appt. today, plus the phone........anyway, I really liked John overhearing various conversations, all relevant, and then putting it all together, as he "flashbacked" to most all (in black & white). Ahh, there is a reason he is a master P.I. LOL. Twas funny for Sarah to be yammering about Dr. Rolf's jottings and wanting to talk to Tony about them, but instead of talking of the serum, she brings up the mask like real skin. Oh, those lightbulbs were going off like crazy in John's head. Yayyyyy. (I even delayed leaving when I had to, so was just a tad late, but that was worth it. Thank you again!
As dumb as this storyline was, and it was DUMB, the reveal was quite the payoff. Maybe the dumber it was, the more thrilled I was to have her unmasked. The writers might be more clever than I gave them credit for. LOL
I was really surprised that the actual reveal happened today - I was sure it would be the build up today and then go to tomorrow, so yay! I also liked when John and Hope debated who got "the honor" of unmasking Kristen. I missed the part where Kate went all Rambo on Susan and tried to pull out her "fake" teeth, but assume it was pretty funny. I got home with about 15 minutes left for the day and was justly rewarded. I wonder who will find the bodies and hope that Gabi and Stefan have managed to get dressed before they are rescued. Also, I am sure Susan is fine - just tied up.
Except for Susan being a character on the show and invited to the "surprise" party, I thought today's show was outstanding.
Thanks, Jason.

I loved the Scooby Doo ending (Scooby Doo animated TV show)

There was a flaw. There was a sign outside Doug's Place telling
there was Private Party inside. John and Marlena didn't say anything about
it. Maybe someone took it away when they were coming to the door.

We know why Victor and Maggie weren't there. Where was Doug, Julie
and Chloe?

I'm glad Eric shaved. I wish Brady would.

It was funny when Kate tried to take out Susan's teeth. Late Will said to Kate
"do we need to have that talk about personal space again?"

It was great when John was adding it all together and realized Nicole was Kristen.
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Wow, this was a great episode, and the most enjoyable in a long time. I loved the way John put all of the pieces together over the different conversations he kept hearing and realized that Nicole was Kristen. I was surprised they unmasked her today instead of saving it for a Friday cliffhanger.

Now I can't wait to see tomorrow's episode, and that hasn't happened for months now.
It was quite fitting that John, whose beloved Marlena has suffered so much at the hands of creepy Kristen, was the one to unmask her. He can mention this great reveal in promotional materials for Black Patch. After all, if John can expose the devious Kristen, any other case should be child's play.

Kudos to Xander for outing Kristen -- another coup by the X-Man (maybe it will impress Sarah and make her realize what an ineffectual loser sourpuss Eric really is.) Some people deserve no loyalty, which Tony should realize. Melinda must be salivating at the thought of putting a major DiMera monster behind bars.

As for Anna, she ought to slap some sense into Tony ASAP. As others have pointed out, he bears only the slightest resemblance to the Tony of old. In fact, he's more like a befuddled version of Andre.

No, I doubt she killed Susan. My guess is she either knocked her out to deal with later, or locked her into another room or something.
Agree. This is more Kristen's style, which makes her a second rate master criminal. In the case of Susan, creepy Kristen was probably afraid she'd get blood spatter on her Nicole dress and essential mask.
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