Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 24, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the hospital, replay of the Chad/Sonny mutual best man nuttiness. They gush about how awesome things are now compared to 24 hours ago.

In Abby's room, Abby looks at pictures of Thomas and gushes about marrying Chad hastily. Jennifer is distracted because Adrienne ruined Lucas's life. Abby won't judge after how she cheated on Ben, then pushed Chad to Gabi and got mad at him when he moved on.

At Adrienne's hotel room, Lucas barges in (he still had a key). He's wasted; Bonnie tells him to sleep it off, he resolves to do so, there. He's about to be fired by his mother from the company he saved, his daughter is at large, his son is dead - he can't lose the last thing he has. He starts to see double, knocks something off the desk. He goes to pick it up - it's the dossier on Adrienne. He only manages to see his corporate headshot, Bonnie claims she missed him, he knew she wanted him, too. They kiss. Bonnie resists for a moment, then says, "What the...," and kisses him back. Later, they are in bed, Bonnie is enjoying herself when Lucas stops and says something's're not Adrienne. Bonnie says, "What's in a name?" and back at it.

Anjelica calls Bonnie from the private area in the Square, scolding her for not returning calls. (Hey I know, let's all leave voicemails about our evil plan with our co-conspirators.) Keep your hands off Lucas, and Justin. Hattie saunters up, tells her about John's following her and how she locked him up. Anjelica scolds her.

At Bayview, Marlena recalls seeing John, wonders what happened to him. She has a mix of old and new flashbacks which relay how John figured things out and was captured.

At Kmansion, Brady downs some booze. Victor emerges, thankful Sonny's free. He wonders why Brady hasn't implicated his brother for the murder yet. He's seeking vengeance, especially after Eric killed you-know-whom. Brady says he didn't do it. Victor demands evidence and the name of the killer (lest there always be a cloud over Sonny's head); Brady stonewalls, allowing Victor to deduce it's Nicole. Brady admits it, explains about Deimos's plan to swipe Holly. He begs Victor not to turn her in, explains she didn't remember it until he showed her the amulet. Victor reasons that Nicole would be let off by a jury; Brady fears Nicole will lose Holly forever, which Victor also doesn't want. Victor advises Brady to keep his mouth shut and hold on to the amulet. Later, Sonny comes in as Brady is gazing at the amulet.

At the Horton Center, Eric is working on a letter when Nicole enters, offering to help (he has claimed it's a business-thank-you letter). He slams them shut, claims it's an incoherent draft. She reminds him he's a wonderful writer, she wishes she'd read those letters he wrote her from prison earlier, mayhap she'd not have ended up falling for Deimos if she could have let go of her hatred earlier. She almost lets slip that she took a life, but corrects. They talk about their complicated relationship, full of compassion and understanding mostly from Eric's side. He is not going to turn Brady in for sacking his room, and Nicole has a flashback of recounting the murder.

Chad brings Abby applesauce. (Jennifer has left, noticed a missed call from Eric re: Lucas.) Jennifer goes to the Horton Center, and Nicole leaves.

Anjelica and Hattie go to Adrienne's hotel room (Hattie reminds Anj to call her "Adrienne" when they are knocking). Bonnie lets them in, they see Lucas on the bed.

In Bayview, John and Marlena are able to communicate through a wall.
I hate how they have had Brady and Lucas both fall off the wagon. Lucas especially. He has gotten through way worse than being dumped without drinking. But the thought of not having Adrienne is just too much to bear? This storyline is too much to bear. Hey, now he could just be with Bonnie.

I hope Marlena and John aren't locked up too long. I was hoping to have John walk in her door today. ugh.
Marlena did have a long and tough time, recalling what happened, since she really has been sedated constantly. When the two guards came in, John was so thankful, saying to call the Salem PD, but I guess Hattie made sure he would be considered as delusional, like Marlena.

I don't think Anjelica is too happy about her lookalikes not following orders.
Heck, I'm surprised Hattie knew about John being a Robicheaux. Or being quick enough on her feet to remember it (if she read it in her notes) to tell the staff that John is crazy and doesn't know if he's John Black or John Robicheaux.
Thanks, Jason.

Not the best episode we've seen lately.

I enjoyed the John and Marlena flashback scenes.

Will Lucas remember the woman he slept with wasn't Adrienne?
Lucas mentioned he didn't know where his daughter was.

Will Sonny open the drawer and find the amulet? It's not in
the best hiding place.
Due to the shooting today in Charleston SC all channels had only coverage of it. NBC does not have Days on demand (Directv) but I can probably go to and find it.
But the thought of not having Adrienne is just too much to bear?
I thought that at first, too, but I actually feel they explained it well last week and then reiterated it again this week. He had Adrienne to lean on when Will died, and when Sami absconded with Allie. She's his world. I still don't like that he fell off, but I like that they played the beat of why this was worse than the death of his son.
Not the best episode we've seen lately.
That's funny, I was happy with today's episode. But, it was a clockwork episode and those aren't as fun as other episodes. On balance there's more I'm happy with than unhappy with at the moment....
doesn't know if he's John Black or John Robicheaux.
I'm not sure Ron Carlivati (head writer) has decided yet, LOLOL. This was a nice beat to play though, and I'm sorry I forgot to mention it in the summary.
I felt this required its own post.

I actually liked how the Bonnie/Lucas sex (?) played out. He realized it wasn't Adrienne during foreplay, she brushed it off, he went for it anyway (or did he?). There's room for forgiveness because he was so drunk, he couldn't think straight about how if this isn't Adrienne, he maybe wasn't dumped. And Bonnie has kept him at arm's length enough for Adrienne not to be mad (perhaps after a bit, depending on how rough prison is) that he didn't know who she was. (Justin, who's known her for 30 years, and Steve, deserve more of her ire In My Opinion.)

I also like that they played the beat about anatomy. That always bothered me during the Arnold/Rafe thing. I have no reason to believe that Sami couldn't tell the ...difference between her husband and a stranger. (And I don't even want to think about Stefano taking the time to craft...let's say a perfect replica of Rafe.) It's one thing to pose as someone else in business - and a completely different thing to pose as them in an intimate encounter.

So far, Bonnie is still maybe almost salvageable, too. Although she is a co-conspirator and complicit in Hattie's and Anjelica's actions, she didn't drug anyone or assault anyone (Lucas's being drunk and thinking she was Adrienne at first not entirely withstanding). Although this is definitely worse than the character was played in '04.
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Dialogue that I might have liked to have seen today.

Anjelica: OMG, Bonnie and Hattie really are a pair of idiots. Why did I start this stupid plot? After all, Justin Kiriakis is no prize. He's the kind of guy who cheats on his wife.

Lucas: Good grief, I'm so wasted that Adrienne is starting to look like Sami.

John: This is bad. Doc and I are in a tight spot. That's a fact.

Bayview Guard: Hey, we're starting to run out of padded cells.

Chad: I hope remarrying Abigail isn't a mistake. After all, she is something of a head case. I hope that my theme song won't turn into "Wedding Bells Blues."

Brady: Hmm, this amulet actually looks pretty tacky. Who knew that the ancient Egyptians produced such junky jewelry?
Nicole, and her Salem "friend," Eric, were inching ever closer to each other during their talk. Jen arrived just in time! :rolleyes:

I was surprised that John, a highly trained ISA assassin, was unable to overpower two hospital orderlies. When the ISA finds out, they may allow him to finally retire. :rolleyes:

Will Sonny open the drawer and find the amulet? It's not in the best hiding place.

Not to worry, Brady, as he put the amulet in that drawer the other day, said that no one would ever find it in there.
Nicole, and her Salem "friend," Eric, were inching ever closer to each other during their talk. Jen arrived just in time! :rolleyes:

I had the same thought. Could Nicole and Eric be standing any closer? I mean, if I talked to someone who invaded my personal space like that, I would feel... uneasy, to say the least. Like "back up, buddy, I can't even breathe". Frankly, these two are playing with fire. "Friends"... Yeah, right, o.k.

And Eric... seriously, the martyr face and the mumbling. :rolleyes: Will it ever stop? Enough, already.
Could Nicole and Eric be standing any closer? I mean, if I talked to someone who invaded my personal space like that, I would feel... uneasy, to say the least. Like "back up, buddy, I can't even breathe". Frankly, these two are playing with fire. "Friends"... Yeah, right, o.k.
I had the very same reaction and thoughts about personal space. What's next for these two?

Marlena did have a long and tough time, recalling what happened, since she really has been sedated constantly. When the two guards came in, John was so thankful, saying to call the Salem PD, but I guess Hattie made sure he would be considered as delusional, like Marlena.
Thought this scene was very well done - not too draggy and yet full of answers.

I don't know what to think about Lucas. I hate the drinking so I hope he and Adrienne get back together soon and he can get sober again.

Loved the Chad/Sonny/Abigail stories.

Where's Gabi?

I liked that Brady told Victor the truth and they agreed to keep the secret. Now what?