Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 12, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Prison: Justin and Will have a terse encounter. Lots of blah blah and no reveals, but Justin only hates what Will did, not Will. He considers Will a part of his family, and tells him he's with Kayla now, and happy.

Back of the Pub: Sonny tells Gabi (via Phone) that he's having breakfast alone. Then he thinks about Evan Frears, who shows up moments later.

Pub: Roman learns Eric was out all night, not patching things up with Nicole. He consoles him. Later, Evan (who's scared of the waitress [Kate]) tries to tell jokes to make the distant Sonny laugh. (Evan is dressed as static from old TV sets.) They talk about their kiss, which Kate overhears. Kate shoots off her mouth, orders Sonny to see Will (and she ignores Evan's claim that he initiated the kiss). Will doesn't want Sonny around, Sonny reminds her; across the room, Roman offers to go see Mickey with Eric, who will go alone.

Basic Black: Brady gets news about Mickey and gives it to Nicole. They fret about whether or not to go to Eric. Nicole is resolved, bolts over. She arrives at the Pub as Eric is leaving (editing makes no sense today). Nicole is sorry, though Eric is pensive. He can't forgive Nicole because he's focused on his daughter.

Kmansion: Sarah tells Maggie about Mickey's cancer. Maggie asks if Xander knows, Sarah updates Maggie on Eric's blackmail. Sarah's picking her battles, can't fight for Xander, whom Maggie assiduously defends as Mickey's father.

Kayla's Office: Kayla catches Xander digging about for information on Mickey. In Salem's insta-fix society, Xander has no rights based on Eric's orders. Kayla sees Xander's in pain, doesn't blame Eric for his anger.

Pub: Kate lays into Sonny, who defends his actions to save his marriage. Evan tries to leave, Sonny won't let him. Sonny and Evan decide to go elsewhere; Kate zips away.

Hospital: Kayla will overlook this, but warns Xander not to do it again. Outside, he runs into Sarah and Maggie with Mickey. Sarah lets him hold Mickey, and he says, "It's okay, Daddy's here," as Eric appears. Eric frowns, upset that he wasn't clear enough with Sarah. Sarah admits it was a mistake, Xander tries to reason with Eric, they both want to help Mickey. Eric flatly says he doesn't want Xander around, leaves with Mickey; Sarah apologizes to Xander and follows.

Prison: Kate tells Will to get over himself and about Evan (whom Will knows from seeing him and David in the park) kissing Sonny.

Private Area: Sonny and Evan talk about Kate (and Sonny, finally, lists Kate's anti-résumé for giving marital/life advice). Evan apologizes for kissing Sonny. Sonny doesn't think that's necessary, and admits that he was willing to stay away from Will when Will asked, because he can't get over "what Will did" to his mom. Evan thinks his being around is too much, he'll keep his distance; Sonny doesn't want this, likes his friendship with Evan. Evan is interested in more, and again tries to put distance between him & Sonny, only for Sonny to keep the chat going. Will calls from prison, Sonny accepts the charges. Evan is in the background as Will asks Sonny to come to the prison.

Basic Black: [Ed Note: The offices look very nice.] Nicole enters, sadly tells Brady that she's not what Eric needs right now. She is sullen but ready to work; Brady sends her home. Brady thinks Nicole has guts.

Pub: Roman is still viewing something on the laptop (as he was when Kate left) when Kate arrives. He doesn't want to hear about anything, tells Kate about Mickey's cancer.

Hospital room [it also looks unique, though I'm no prop-spotter]: Sarah is distraught, Eric assures her they'll do everything to get her through this.

Hospital (outside Mickey's appointment): Xander frets; Maggie admires that he took the high road, but doesn't think he should torture himself. Sarah will update him; and if she doesn't, Maggie will.

Kayla's home: Kayla comes home in some sort of clownsuit, learns Justin just returned from the prison. They talk about Will and Sonny going through this alone, while they have each other.

Kmansion: Xander is waiting as Sarah and Maggie arrive. He wants an update.

Eric and Nicole's apartment: Nicole arrives; Eric is packing. He tells her he and Sarah are leaving town.

Kmansion: Sarah has told Xander that she and Eric are leaving with Mickey. END.
Xander absolutely should have said I am on her birth certificate!! Eric's holier than thou is getting old! And how is he madder at Nicole than Sarah??!! Sarah didn't tell him and didn't want anyone to tell him! It was her secret to tell!! Nicole should tell him to take a hike! I always liked her and Brady better. Yes the baby bundle needs to be bigger!!

They keep alluding to what happened to Adrienne was an accident but Will is in jail. Just the way they talk makes me think accident. When on earth are they going to show us??!!
Justin's speech to Will about loving him as another son was actually really touching.

I liked Maggie pointing out that Sarah named her baby Mickey, after the man who wasn't her biological father, the man who loved her, bathed her, read to her, held her, etc. and pointed out that one doesn't need to be blood-related to be a devoted and loving father, as Xander's been for Mickey since she was born.

Sonny saying Kate's been in prison more times than she's been married...and she's been married more than Henry the 8th, was pretty funny.
I did like Sonny standing up to Kate and reciting her past summary to Evan. I also like that the show moved from day to night pretty well, despite some bad editing to allow characters to meet conveniently.

I'm really not sure what Kate's appeal is supposed to be, especially since we know she's just a snake hiding Steve-ano from the world including her own "special" Chad.
Agree...Will's conversation with Justin very moving. Justin's saying Will is like a son, you can hate what your son does, you can hate what he says, you can hate his choices, but you always love him. And I love you. Their hug solidified Will's apology & justin's assurances. Sonny , tho, cannot get past it all, and did say Will killed his mother. Tis odd if it is referred to as an accident so often, yet Will is in jail!
Misery abounded today, but at least there was no Princess Gina and Steve-ano.

Eric: This man is insufferable. Just who does he think he is? He threatened Sarah about custody, was unkind to Nicole, and told Xander to get lost. He'd better hope that the hurt look on Xander's face isn't replaced by the scowl of a man who's about to do something drastic.

Sarah: What's happened to the former aggressive loudmouth? When it comes to Eric it seems that she's been reduced to a quivering blob of obedient Jello. Sure, she put herself in the wrong when she withheld the alleged truth about Baby Mickey's paternity, but being exposed as a cheating wife never had her groveling to Rexy.

Kate: Does she realize the absurdity of her giving out marital advice? And why is she so invested in the Will-Sonny relationship? She clearly needs more to do than slinging hash at the Pub. And somebody should remind her that she wasn't cured of cancer because of anything she did. It was cured, like most other Salem medical problems of that time period, by the genius of the mighty Love Doctor, Dr. Daniel Jonas.

Will: So he didn't "mean to hurt" Adrienne. If so more information would be appreciated. Most criminal offenses require intent to commit a crime.
I LOVED Sonny telling Kate to mind her own business and the line about her being in jail more times than she has been married was great!!! Bring it on. And then in the next scene, she hightails it right to the jail to tattle on him to Will. I just can't stand this woman and was glad that today people were speaking their minds.

And then Maggie rips into Sarah about letting Eric have all the control and how Xander has been Mickey's father all this time and she needed to remember that. Usually I am not crazy about the busy body meddling, but today, it was welcome.

I really thought the scenes with Justin and Will were good and am glad they had that talk.

This is just another annoying soap opera staple - but how many much longer would it have taken for Sarah to say, "to Boston for treatment for Mickey," instead of just saying that she and Eric were leaving town and taking Mickey and leaving Xander devastated?
If Adrienne's death was an accident why would Will even be in jail, let alone due for execution? Aren't inmates due for execution on death row? No visitors, etc. Oh and the inmates visit back and forth like some club. Loved the Justin/Will scenes. Was Mickey born with this cancer????? And why wasn't it discovered sooner?
Will wasn't been sentenced to death, Ben was. In the land of Salem, death-row inmates and regular inmates are housed together.

Mickey only showed signs of illness now; not within the first six months of her life.
Will is not on death row. Ben is.

Also, why is Sonny the only person in Adrienne's life who can't get past Will accidentally killing Adrienne?
Thanks, Jason.

A new day in Salem.

Kate must have ridden her broom to go from the pub to the prison and
back again so fast :)

The best part was Will and Justin's talk. Justin said he still loved
Will then
they hugged.

The ending was odd because we are told Eric, Sarah and Mickey are leaving town.

But we don't know why or where. Maybe they are taking Mickey to Disneyland
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Nicole is sorry, though Eric is pensive. He can't forgive Nicole because he's focused on his daughter.

I know it's true... but like everything else in Salem these days it MAKES NO SENSE......

Thank you for the summary.... thank you all summary writers..... I'm outta here..... I don't need to watch this sad, gloomy, dreadful treatment of people any longer perhaps in a month or two something like a smile, a joyful exchange between two people friendship happiness.... will over take Salem and the stories will be balanced out and I will return.....
I haven't watched this episode yet but the thing with Xander being pushed around by Eric and everybody else is beginning to affect me the same way the thing with Lani and Gabi did. As others have said, it seems Xander should have some rights because he is listed as the baby's father on the birth certificate. It's never been proven that Eric is the father. He gets told that by somebody about two minutes ago and all of a sudden he is running the whole show. The fact that he is bullying Xander, and Sarah is letting him get away with it, is highly irritating to me!
I actually get that Sonny can't get past it. It's one thing to forgive someone and go on with your life, but it's another thing to forgive them and sleep with them and have them be the first person you see in the morning every day (assuming Will weren't in jail).
Thanks for the summary!

He'd better hope that the hurt look on Xander's face isn't replaced by the scowl of a man who's about to do something drastic.
That's exactly why I have no trust in Xander! Not so sure I'd want him around my child - BUT I wouldn't be so surly or mean as Eric!

Kat: I thought they said they were going to a doc in Chicago - I surely could be mistaken!
Maybe they did say where they were going. My station didn't show Days Thurs and
I had to watch elsewhere.