Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 15, 2016


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Apologies in advance, folks. For some reason my box wouldn't let me pause/back up, so I may have missed a bit of Gabi/Dario and of Justin/Rafe (thanks to a nasty spill on the floor that I was scrubbing out on an ad break).

In prison, Hope is fiddling with a computer which isn't working. A guard (Ortiz) strikes up a conversation with her, they have a mutual friend (Joe Maloney) whom Hope saved during a gunfight. Cops, we look out for each other, Hope says. The guard agrees. The two naughty inmates (Goldilocks and Coco) dislike this. Later, she is talking with a new inmate (Annabelle) who forged prescriptions as Ortiz has been called to stop a fight elsewhere. Don't show your fear, Hope advises, or the naughty ones will get you. Sure enough, in the next Orange is the New Days scene, Coco and Goldilocks are moving in on Annabelle. Hope stops them. Fisticuffs ensue, Hope gets Goldilocks then Coco attacks Hope as Annabelle stands back. Ortiz arrives, pulls Coco and Goldilocks away.

Dario exits the Pub, talking to someone about his microchip scheme. He'll get the 10th microchip, but they must beat the DiMeras to the punch, or the deal is worthless.

At the Pub, Rafe and Gabi are talking about Stefano's murder and Chad's help in the case, including Stefano's plan to get someone to use the gun Harold had on him. Gabi updates Rafe that she's not working with Chad anymore. Rafe is flabbergasted, dumping Chad as a client doesn't seem like a good way to build her business. Gabi doesn't explain, says she has lots to do, etc., when Dario pops in to throw his support. Small talk about Dario working with Eduardo. Rafe and Gabi leave to pick out a gift for Mami, Rafe needs Gabi's advice. Gabi asks Dario to watch her stuff. He goes for the purse. Gabi arrives, what the h are you doing? [I think I missed the follow up to this scene?]

At the Horton House, Jennifer is bringing Abby coffee. JJ thought this was over, that Abby was going to tell Chad. Jennifer doesn't want to push her. Abby comes down, she knows who Chad is, and is ready to tell him. BUT NOT NOW, she looks terrible. She is lingering around the house for some reason in her next two scenes. She has a flashback to calming Thomas. JJ sees her looking for the toy lamb, decides to track down the lamb by tracking Doug to the golf course. Abby says, nevermind, I'll take care of it. JJ goes to the kitchen, Abby dons her witch hat and leaves.

At the DiMansion, Chad is talking to Father Louie about a memorial plaque for Abby. Later he meets with Father Louie in the Private area and shows him a statue he commissioned of an angel in Abigail's honour. He and Thomas sit with the statue, Chad tells Thomas how much Abby loved him and how perfect Abby was while Abby listens. Chad would do anything to tell Abby he loved her one more time. He goes on, has to move on, takes off his ring. Thomas appears to be looking in Abby's direction, saying Daddy. Chad doesn't look. Abby bolts; Chad notices the movement.

[Might be missing a bit here.] Justin and Rafe talk in the Square about Hope's appeal. Justin says positive things, but sounds (in my opinion, at least) reserved. Rafe is glad, needed good news for Hope.

Rafe Dario and Gabi are talking about JJ at the pub, Gabi is trying to rebuild trust, can't do that on a short leash. Gabi does not appreciate Dario's advice and points out his lackluster record on relationships. JJ arrives and picks up a takeout order. Gabi notices that it is large, but JJ says it's just for me and mom. JJ asks Gabi to call him when she's done with work. Nice to see you, Dario; he leaves. Dario remains sceptical of JJ, leaves. Later, Gabi remembers her special night with JJ. She calls him and leaves a message that she's on the way to his house.

André flashes back to talking to Abby about softening Chad up before she reveals herself as he walks to the Private area to see Chad. Chad shows off the statue. André doesn't feel Abby's gone. Chad feels like she's near sometimes. Beating around the bush. André says he's been keeping something, but his intentions were honourable. He's got a program that can tap into any camera (which is how he found Orpheus). He's been working on it since before he re-joined DiMera. Chad says it's André's, not DiMera's. André is committed to the family, but there's a catch. He was about to sell to the highest bidder, but had to work out the kinks; someone found out and stole the {microchips}. Kate is looking into it, but André needs help. Chad will help; this program's potential is unlimited, and he has no social life, so can focus on business. Chad implores André to tell him everything.

Abby is having a panic attack, runs into Dario on the docks. Dario calms her down, Abby just says she made a horrible, un-undoable mistake. Dario wants to make sure that Abby is all right before he goes about his illegal activities. She relays what she overheard with Chad, Dario points out that as far as Chad knows, he has to move on. She claims she was going toward Chad & Thomas when she started "going into blackness" and had to run away. Dario urges her to return; Chad will be the happiest man on earth when he lays eyes on her.

Back at the prison, Hope and Ortiz talk. Ortiz suspects that Goldilocks and Coco won't back down, and points out that Hope's a cop all the way. Hope protected Annabelle, which earned her a phone. Hope calls Ciara, leaves a message. Then she sets it up for video chat and calls Rafe. This makes his day, and he has good news about the appeal, Justin thinks it will go through. They talk about going camping on "Mack-i-knack" island, he spots her bruise. She refuses to talk about it. Phone call must end. Rafe says "I love you."

Back at the Horton House, Jennifer has returned with dresses. JJ is shocked, had thought Abby was with Jennifer seeing Chad. No big deal, Jennifer says, maybe Abby went on her own to see Chad. JJ relays the lamb incident, Jen is worried Abby's not strong enough yet. JJ hopes this goes well because he can't keep this secret from Gabi much longer. Gabi arrives at the front door and hears this. (Through. The. Closed. Door.)
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Meh another snoozefest. Thanks Jason. I tuned out most of this one even though I was watching live.

Rafe and Gabi are talking about JJ at the pub

This was Dario not Rafe.

I liked Abigail's outfit today. Enough with the dragging out already! She should have revealed herself before Chad removed the ring. Also, it was funny how Thomas was pointing at her but Chad was oblivious to it.

So it takes Nicole almost a year to remove an engagement ring but Chad only 5 months to remove a wedding band?
I'm sure Shawn appreciated that his mom was thinking of him today when she found the time to call Ciara and Rafe. :sarcasm: I could have done without Rafe and Hope and their phone fantasies.
This was Dario not Rafe.
Thanks, it's fixed.
I'm sure Shawn appreciated that his mom was thinking of him today when she found the time to call Ciara and Rafe.
I was surprised she bothered to call Ciara first. Pleasantly so. She could have shot Shawn-D a text before calling Rafe. And I still don't like the idea of Hope getting off of killing Stefano nor of covering it up.
It is ridiculous that Abby is literally standing 10 feet away and he doesn't notice. I wish Thomas had said mommy! And she did overreact a tad. He's professing his love for her and takes off his ring. That is when you make yourself known! Ugh. But nope, I'm sure now she'll see Gabi and Chad since I'm sure Gabi is under the impression that JJ is cheating again. So she'll be off to Chad more than likely.

Apparently they are not going to let the Rafe and Hope pairing die. Why do they think she needed to find someone so soon after Bo dies. Still not a fan, hated the phone call and I hate prison stories. And I have to agree, I do not think she should get off scot free for killing Stefano. I don't care if he goaded her, she still killed him and covered it up! Do they know that Rafe helped or do they think Hope lugged his body to that warehouse? But it's a soap, Hope can't stay in prison.
So Hope wants to talk about what they could be doing, & Rafe mentions Mackinac Island? The Grand Hotel? This is mid-December. Mackinac is in very, very northeastern Michigan. NO ONE would be sitting on the porch now, sipping anything. And besides, you can only get there by ferry boat or snowmobile if the lake has frozen. (Been there). Chad sits in that park or cemetery with Thomas....who is NOT wearing a snowsuit, jacket or cap! Hey, it is WINTER! And I don't think anyone puts live poinsettias outside in zero weather. Yes, zero weather. It is cold in winter in midwest. What the heck is wrong with these people?? (am talking wardrobe, set designers, writers)

LOL, at how very Salemish it is that Gabi can clearly hear the conversation on the other side of what has been a thick front door. Amazing!

And Rafe tells someone not on the police force all about the new evidence, who has come forth with info, who will be testifying, etc???? Don't care if it is his sister, & he is telling because her "boss" came forth. Do cops really do that?
I've said before that I'm liking the prison story as kind of a guilty pleasure but this is probably kind of a nitpick but Hope's conversation with the guard didn't ring quite true to me. It's no secret that cops tend not to have an easy time of it if they end up behind bars. Not surprisingly the other inmates aren't too fond of them but I would think that would extend doubly to the staff.

I mean police officers are supposed to uphold the law and if they end up on the opposite side of the bars that means they failed to do that. I don't think that would set well with the staff. I'll grant that the fact that Hope saved the life of a personal friend of the guard makes her attitude toward Hope somewhat plausible but I just didn't quite buy it. I know that's probably an thing to raise my antenna but I think we all know by now that I march to the beat of my own drummer. :)

I have to agree with Heather I really enjoyed Hope's conversation with Shawn. It moved me to :cry:. To see a mother and son bond with each during a time of such adversity is truly inspiring especially during the holidays. :sarcasm:

Seriously I didn't hate Hope and Rafe's video phone conversation but the show's insistence on painting Rafe as the only person of real consequence in Hope's life has gone far past annoying. There is no reason why Shawn couldn't fill his mom in on the progress of her appeal while visiting with Ciara or Claire for that matter or preferably both. Heck Justin is her lawyer isn't it kind of his job to personally keep her abreast of things? I've said several times I'm not anti Hope and Rafe but I see how this constantly making him her end-all-and-be-all isn't doing the couple any favors popularity wise.

I loved Thomas pointing at Abigail and squeaking like he was trying to say "Well she's right there, so turn around ya knucklehead." LOL

I like seeing Gabi with both of her brothers and the different dynamic she has with them. It's clear she still sees Rafe as a paternal figure but with Dario she's far snarkier and more combative. I guess you could say she plays the "bratty little sister" more with Dario than she does Rafe. I like that.

Now as to how Gabi was able to hear Jennifer and JJ through the thick front door; I don't think it's that complicated. Clearly the microchip hidden in the lining of her purse is constructed of a metal that augments human senses. In Gabi's case her hearing. In other words, as long as she has the microchip in her possession she'll have Superman level hearing.

BOOM! With that exquisitely argued bit of unassailable logic I shall drop the mike and exit stage right.
Thanks, Jason.

Thomas was really cute. Instead of always looking up, he kept looking at his mommy.
He must understand mommy isn't "up" there after all.

It was funny when Gabi and Rafe were talking about Chad. Gabi told Rafe he was
all of that including a bag of chips, which is interesting because her bag has a
chip in it.

Today we found out what the chips are for. Talk about "big brother" watching
or actually knowing where we are.

So, Gabi heard the end of the conversation with JJ and Jen talking about
a woman and secret. Gabi must have super hearing because I don't
think the door was ajar.
Enough already! How many times are viewers going endure the following?
  • Hear Jenny say that Abigail is very fragile;
  • See Abigail freak out and flee the scene because of something Chad says or does;
  • Watch Gabi get distressed over something she heard about JJ or vice versa.
A theme today seemed to be one and all praising Chad. How would Stefano take this: "That's my boy" or "Grrr, DiMeras are supposed to be feared not loved, yes?"

Speaking of Chad what's he going to do with the Abigail memorial when he learns the amazing truth? Andre coud buy it and make it a monument to his dear father with the plaque now saying, "Murdered by Hope Brady." In the alternative, Julie could buy it as a memorial to her Nicky, and add a plaque saying: "To the Memory of My Near Nick Who Was Cruelly Slain by Gabrielle Hernandez."

Finally, there was Justin remarking that he hadn't found any precedents favorable to Hope's case. Big surprise -- there simply aren't any appellate court decisions that look favorably on the "he-goaded-me-into-killing-him" defense. Despite the fact that he hasn't got a shed of legal authority to support his case, Justin says that the appeal is going well. Only in Salem.
Thomas is so cute! I think the new Abby is doing a good job, but the scene in the alley today was very over acting in my opinion.
As someone who has suffered from panic attacks, and still does unfortunately (I won't go into details as to the why, but I can say they are truly horrible and very hard), I thought the actress was spot on. So Kudos.

Now... as for the storyline, and what makes Abbigail act the way she does. Nope, does not work at all. I'm beyond annoyed with this character and frankly, I now wish she loses everything and truly goes away. And I do not want Chad to forgive and forget. This couple is ruined, in my opinion.

Sure, Abigail first fled because she was scared and suffering from PTSD. All right, I can live with that. But faking her death, hiding for so long, blackmailing Dario (even though right now I don't like the guy), that is simply ridiculous. I can see Abigail still being fragile, and being afraid to get back to a normal life. Again, panic attacks can do that to someone. But as for me, I seek the comfort of those I love. In fact, when such a thing happens, I rely on my daughters and my husband. Heck, sometimes, when the attack is not so bad, not full blown if I may, I look at them and they soothe me, not even knowing they are doing it. So to run away from them ? Nope ! Only on Days, where the writers have no idea how to create true compelling stories without creating cheap drama.

And as far as the weather goes, I agree with Poirot. It is ridiculous how they keep saying it's cold out, but keep wearing ridiculous summer wear. Hey, I can live with the fact that they can't dress a toddler with numerous layers under the studio lighting. But then, again, stop putting the emphasis on winter and on the cold. Let us suspend disbelief (is that the right expression ?). Heck, here it is truly cold. This morning, it is -11 degrees Fahrenheit, so -24 degrees Celsius. Not THAT is cold. And let me tell you, I would not go out in the dress and light coat Gabi was wearing yesterday. Or that stupid overcoat and hat Abigail keeps putting on. :rolleyes:
In re: panic attacks...have known a couple different people who suffered with them, but in both situations, it was leaving the safety of their homes that would bring one on. Not always. But it would happen.

As to winter in Salem......I swear that town is under a dome, or something. Honestly, I understand they were filming this stuff in July/Aug. in CA. If that is what they have to do, film winter in Salem in the middle of summer in LA, fine. Then either turn on the big fans there, so the actors will not be perspiring, or have the scenes all in doors. Always makes me laugh when someone grabs their coats and runs outside before putting it on. Like that ever happens anywhere it is cold weather.

And honestly, people have hats, ear muffs, gloves & scarves, too. Ha. :)
Jennifer's front door was absolutely ajar. I noticed that immediately. But why JJ never fully closed the door when Jen came in made no sense. It's brrrr cold outside and all the heat now is going out the door. Also that was a long conversation JJ & Jen had about Abigail. It started when Gabi was still at the Brady Pub with Dario and was still going on by the time she got there.
Seriously I didn't hate Hope and Rafe's video phone conversation but the show's insistence on painting Rafe as the only person of real consequence in Hope's life has gone far past annoying. There is no reason why Shawn couldn't fill his mom in on the progress of her appeal while visiting with Ciara or Claire for that matter or preferably both. Heck Justin is her lawyer isn't it kind of his job to personally keep her abreast of things? I've said several times I'm not anti Hope and Rafe but I see how this constantly making him her end-all-and-be-all isn't doing the couple any favors popularity wise.


And the dialogue doesn't help either when Hope is constantly telling people Rafe is her rock or when people have to repeatedly tell her how much Rafe loves her. Half of Salem is concerned about Hope. She has plenty of other people she can turn to for support.
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Oh man, this one was something else! I'm so OVER Abigail right now! And I really thought Rafe & Hope were going to start being dropped somewhat--boy, was I wrong. Nope, did not care for this show.

Thanks for the write-up.