Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 26, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Eric/Nicole's apartment: Brady visits Nicole. (He had been visiting Tate, but Jeannie T had lots of plans so Brady came home early to see Holly & Nicole.) There was a gift outside the door from Eric; she is convinced their love will overcome all, then realizes it's for Holly's birthday/Christmas. Later, Nicole laments her keeping his daughter from Eric. Yet later, Brady has shown Holly the gift, a doll set with furniture and Brady wants to see how she sets it up. (She's playing at the table.) Brady sits with Nicole on the couch and they reminisce about Canada and she admits to blowing their life together. Nicole worries about Holly, who wants to know where Eric is; later, she and Brady explain that her cousin Mackenzie has two daddies, just like Arianna: Xander and Eric, and Eric needs to be with Mackenzie because she's sick. (No update on the doll furniture placement yet.) They talk about how their Christmases have been different than planned, and how Kristen is a nun.

Boston Hotel Room: Xander laments that Sarah hasn't been able to spend time with him, but knows it's his fault for arriving unannounced (note they have moved along with the rest of Salem, so he has flashbacks to his arrival and new flashbacks afterward); Sarah enters, shocked he's still there. He had to know about Mickey. She's doing great, but has no idea the danger she's in. Xander comforts her with supporting words and strong embraces. She is glad he made the trip. She goes to shower, later comes out to a candlelight dinner of her favorite meal (short ribs over creamy polenta, brussel sprouts with bacon, and a green salad with light balsamic vinaigrette). He pays attention; later, he has some of Maggie's homemade cookies for her (he even helped make them). She is teary, but happy; later, he gives her a bracelet that had been his mother's (and gets information about Ciara's attempts on the lockbox). She gets a text from Eric, needs to go; she doesn't think he should stay. He agrees because he doesn't want to complicate matters further; she will call if there's anything she or Mickey needs.

Townhouse: John scolds Marlena for not telling him about Hattie. They compare Hattie vs "Hope", and Hattie has donned a dress of Marlena's (so they say - doesn't look like something she'd wear). Marlena gifts it to her, and is grateful for assisting in saving her life. She's going out, to see "Christmas decorations". She leaves; Marlena and John laugh that she's on her way to see Roman. Later, they toast and he's not mad at her; they discuss Ciara/Ben and Will/Sonny/Evan.

Hospital: Kate and Roman replay as she then flashes back to Steve-aNO's mention of Marlena.

Hospital Hallway: Kayla asks Santa if it's Steve. She touches his shoulder, gets beeped to ER. She will be right back, bids him stay. Kate appears and scolds him. You were always smarter than this, Stefano. Steve-aNO goes nuts, declares it's time to get Marlena for himself. Later, Kate is in Marlena's office and Kayla demands to know if she's seen Santa. Kate tells her that Roman called a sub because he couldn't find his suit. Kayla tells Kate that she thinks Santa was Steve. Kate debunks the theory since there was no patch on Santa's eye, admits she may have caused it by being so hard on her. They go round and round and Kayla's one-shot indicates she's not convinced.

Pub: Roman is searching for his suit. Hattie enters. He gives her a celebratory beer to celebrate her release and she invites him to join her. Albeit reluctantly, he hires her to wait tables (she's actually looking forward to working with Kate). Hattie is excited, can't wait to show Roman her talents. He tells her to go upstairs and tell Kate.

Townhouse: Marlena finds Stefano's gift, which has a note. John is sure it's Stefano; he's preparing to get prints and Marlena walks through the timeline (she was searched at the prison, no present there). Marlena's sure she'd have seen Stefano at the hospital - but John says what if he didn't look like Stefano?

Kate's Room: Hattie enters, Steve-aNO sees her.
Hattie has donned a dress of Marlena's (so they say - doesn't look like something she'd wear)
There is no way that hideous dress had belonged to Marlena at some point. For crying out loud. Would've made more sense had it been some gaudy 80's outfit Marlena actually wore back in day, that Hattie would be delighted with now.
(No update on the doll furniture placement yet.)
This was about the only thing that had me on the edge of my seat...and we never did find out how she placed the dolly furniture.
he [Xander] gives her [Sarah] a bracelet that had been his mother's (and gets information about Ciara's attempts on the lockbox)
Was pretty crafty of Xander to show Sarah a picture of the lockbox where he kept his mother's bracelet and have her say "oh hey, looks just like Ciara's little memory box she was trying to open." Dang, she innocently walked right into that one.
Christmas "cheer": If Sami had seen Kate wearing those faux antlers, she just might have said something like: "OMG, it's finally happened. The old hag has finally grown horns!"

Christmas disconnect: Even Ebenezer Scrooge would be shaking his head at sourpuss Eric's idea of Christmas spirit -- he sends Holly a nice gift, but treats her poor mother like dirt.

Cookie baking: So Xander-baked cookies were a big hit with Sarah? If Eric had tried his hand at this, the cookies probably would have given off the awful aura of famine, war, pestilence, and death.

Hire an ex-convict: It was nice of Roman to give Hattie a waitressing job, but hopefully her presence at the Pub won't start a rumor that University Hospital pays Doc Evans so poorly that she's had to take a part-time job. And when Hattie does go to work at the Pub, she really shouldn't wear Marlena's old dress from the back of her closet. It might just scare away the customers.

Steve-ano: He continues to act in an un-Phoenix manner. The stress of being trapped in Steve Johnson's body must be getting to him. How soon will it be before he's asking how come Rolf was able to conjure up an exact copy of Rafe, but couldn't provide a Stefano duplicate for him?
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You do have a point about people thinking Doc Evans perhaps had her license to practice taken away, so was reduced to looking for tips. That was one ugly dress, but Hattie thinks it is gorgeous. LOL

The Rafe doppleganger was achieved thru a miracle working plastic surgeon, who even made sure Rafe's scar was included in the makeover. Makes one wonder how they get the hair to be as thick or thin, grow the same way, etc. LOLOL
Kate on her high horse is asinine. Those were antlers (I like horns better, Dr. B) not a halo, which is what she acts like she is wearing.
Gad, I hope Hattie seeing Steve-ano is a start to getting Steve Johnson back.
And if there are chips somewhere in Hope & Steve, please let them be discovered and removed. Also get John back to normal. Sheesh........are we sure this all is not gonna turn out to be someone's dream?
i.e. Jennifer really has yet to come out of her coma, but can hear things, so is having this whole thing going on in her head. ???? SPECULATION
It's not just that I don't like the way Stephen Nichols (Patch) is playing Stefano (I don't), but it is also the way Stefano is being written. There is no way on earth the REAL Stefano would be skulking around sniffing out Marlena and whimpering over her. Plus, he is too old (Stefano) and has been over this obsession for years. It's kind of like in the movie "The Fly" when the scientist tried to switch a fly with a man and the machine had a glitch and we ended up with a creature that was half fly and half man. That's what this feels like - Rolf didn't get all of Stefano's essence (I feel so stupid even writing that) so he is back when he was mooning over her. And now he is going to try to be both people??? Enough.

Also, what the heck was Kayla thinking confiding in Kate that she saw Steve and how she felt, etc. Has no one learned that Kate is no one's friend and will use any bit of info she can glean?

Hooray, we got to see the sniveling, groveling Nicole again go overboard about how forgiving Eric was and that she was not worthy. That whole scene was disgusting.

I like the chemistry between Sarah and Xander and that was a nice scene.

Aren't there certain conditions on release from jail? Maybe Hattie is just done with no parole, but I didn't think ex-cons are supposed to be drinking.
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Thanks, Jason.

Maybe the dress Hattie found belonged to Calliope.

Did Rolf add the essence of a 16 year old to Stefano's essence to make
Stevano act the way he does around Marlena?

Children must get a growth or SORAS'ed spurt at a certain age in Salem.
Holly is the same after one year, but Ari aged a few years.

Does Stefano know Hattie is Marlena's look alike? Does Hattie know who
Steve is? I guess we find out the next time we see them.

Xander got his lock box opened somehow.
Dang, she innocently walked right into that one.
This works for me because Xander can still be a shark and use dum-dum Ciara as chum, while being charming and winsome. This is the kind of stuff we were promised with EJ, but never received.
If Eric had tried his hand at this, the cookies probably have given off the awful aura of famine, war, pestilence, and death.
And if Eric had tried to bake with Maggie/asked her to bake, she'd have probably hit the bottle again.
Hattie's outfit was terrible, there's no way on Earth Marlena ever wore that.
On the whole I agree - but when Hattie had the coat over it, the part that showed didn't look completely un-Marlena-like to me. However as a full ensemble - no way. Marlena prefers pants.
Rolf didn't get all of Stefano's essence (I feel so stupid even writing that)
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: The sad thing is it's somebody's job to write daily dialogue about this.
sniveling, groveling Nicole again
I agree!
I didn't think ex-cons are supposed to be drinking
Depends on their parole. If she's served her time and isn't on parole, it's not the least illogical thing on today's show. :)
Did Rolf add the essence of a 16 year old to Stefano's essence to make
Stevano act the way he does around Marlena?
Does Stefano know Hattie is Marlena's look a like? Does Hattie know who
Steve is?
Well since it was originally his plot - I would think so - but then again - it'll be whatever Ron (Carlivati, head writer) and the poor shlubs who work for him want to throw at us!! LOL
I'm sure it wasn't intended but this episode has made me start to root against the people I think they want me to like. I'm really into the idea of Xander taking down Ciara and I'm hoping we won't go back to Xander being all bad. I'm also rooting for Kayla and Justin to stay together. Too much damage to the Steve and Kayla relationship in my opinion. Also hoping that Gina goes and takes Hope with her. And Brady needs a brand new never seen before love interest.