Days of Our Lives - Thu., Feb. 21, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Horton House: Jack, Jennifer (holding Charlotte), Kate, Doug, Thomas (yes, he's still around), and JJ watch as Julie marries Chad & Abby. Jack thanks them for allowing him to be there. The ceremony occurs and good-byes are said. Chad and Abby have to run an errand, Jennifer will cherish time with her grandkids before they are back. Doug and Julie talk with Jennifer about Jack, whom Jennifer feels she can help.

In that vine-covered Private area: Eve gets a text from Jack about Abby's wedding. She sees Haley, has a flashback about her immigration problem. They snipe at each other.

Doug's Place: Melinda asks Chloe about the security precautions being taken and how she'll prevent criminals from crossing the border. Chloe supports Abe. Melinda questions this choice, stomps out, exchanging barbs with the entering Eve. Eve and Chloe hug; Eve learns Stefan saved Chloe, Eve now will hate him a little less. Eve says Chloe will be the beauty to Stefan's beast, and they rehash Chloe's reasons for not living at the Kmansion. They then talk about Jack, whom Eve claims to love. She wants to knock one of the two candidates out of the race so Jack can run for mayor. Edited to add: Eve wants this because "3rd party" candidates are long shots, and Jack would have to run 3rd party.

DiMansion: Gabi storms in, angry that Chad's given up. Gabi and Stefan are unsure of Abby's status. He fires her, will follow André's plan to strip Gabi Chic for cash.

Square: Tripp is working, Haley comes upon him. They talk about his now-healed injury. He gives her a burger intended for the trash. She says she's trusted someone with her problem, and it's working out well for her. They laugh. Melinda sees them and scowls. When Tripp gets up for a minute, Melinda yells at Haley, grabs her arm, and orders her to come with her now. Eve gallops behind them.

DiMansion: Chad and Abby enter as Gabi and Stefan are fighting. Gabi is mad, throws barbs at Stefan as Chad/Abby announce they're remarried & moving to Paris. Chad goes to get things. Stefan apologizes for taking advantage of Abigail, but a part of her loved him. Chad says bye to the portrait, says "Goodbye brother" to Stefan. They leave.

Pub: Jack and JJ talk about the wedding, forming new memories, and Haley's immigration status. Jack admits he was going to "call out" Haley. JJ begs him not to tell Haley that he knows.

Stony private area: Melinda scolds Haley for getting cozy with "whoever that was". Eve overhears that Haley has a secret and is Melinda's sister.

Square: Kate is yelling for a drink, Gabi sits down and complains about Chad/Abby and her being fired. Kate is confident that Gabi will get revenge.

DiMansion: Stefan throws a fit, knocks the chess pieces over. Chloe enters, asking if he's having a bad day.

Horton House: Doug, Julie, and Jennifer say good-bye to Chad, Abigail, Thomas, and Charlotte. They leave. The show closes on the teary Jen, Doug, and Julie. (Reminds me of the Sami-good-bye scenes in 2014.)
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Thank you Jason. You do have a wonderful way with words. I was captivated by your description of Eve when she "gallops" behind Melinda and Haley. Did she smack her posterior, I wonder, when she galloped off, shouting "Yee hah!"?
She wants to knock one of the two candidates out of the race so Jack can run for mayor.
Is that how it works in Salem? Because, I don't think that's how it works anywhere else. Doesn't a candidate needs to be associated with a political party to get onto a ticket, or run as a 3rd party candidate (going through whatever motions are needed for a 3rd party to be on the ballot)? Hoping one of the two of them drops out so he can step in is absurd. What party does he represent? What are his issues? I know we need to put reality aside when watching Days, but come one - this entire mayoral race story is stupid.
I thought it would have been sweet if Abigail put out her hand for Jack so he could walk her the last 2 feet. If I was a fan i would have been crying. It was very sweet though but Chad said it was love at first sight when he met Abigail and it was not. Honestly Chad didn't look that happy today. Thomas was so cute today!! When doing good byes though, JJ says goodbye to Abigail and Chad but not his niece and nephew!! I was half expecting Gabi to come in right as they are pronounced husband & wife but nope. No drama today.

Chad seemed almost sincere wishing Stefan luck and shaking his hand. I thought it was curious how Abigail turned back to look at Stefan. I thought Chad was kind of impatient saying good bye to Jen who was sobbing that she's going to miss them so much. Chad says we're going to miss you too. You guys ready to go, all in the same breath.

So now Eve knows that Haley is Trask's sister. That can't be good
I thought they did the best they could with the wedding. Doug & Julie helped and I really liked Jack’s speech. At least with Chad gone, the writers can’t milk his relationship with Kate anymore. I hope this is the end of Gabi Chic.
Doesn't a candidate needs to be associated with a political party to get onto a ticket, or run as a 3rd party candidate
It would depend on the locality - I've lived in places where local races are non-partisan.

However, for what it's worth, Eve says that "3rd party" candidates are longshots; she hopes one of the others will get knocked out of the race so Jack can run for their party. I've clarified the post.
Chad seemed almost sincere wishing Stefan luck and shaking his hand.
Really bad writing today. Characters forgiving their enemies as they say good-bye is just lazy writing.

I might actually have felt for Stefan if Chad had walked away without a word, and Abby had refused his milquetoast apology.
Too bad Eve had to be seen today, with her whining to Chloe about how she loves Jack, will be with him, and wishing one of the other two would drop out of the mayoral race. She claims that with 3 candidates, the 3rd is at a disadvantage, and Jack would have better chance against just one other. (Days never mentions parties, lol)

I thought the wedding was lovely, Julie did such a nice job, the vows were well done. I liked that Abby singled out her dad, noting he wasn't at their 1st wedding, when mom recited a passage, which she recites, and Jack realizes it is from his book. I liked that he & JJ went out for a beer after, and resumed their discussion about Haley. I Loved Chad saying.......we really hate to marry and run......lolol.

I liked that Doug brought in Thomas all dressed up, and how the kid smiled and giggled, and was the one who gave the rings to Julie to give to Chad & Abby as they said vows. I laughed that Doug had to remind her to declare them husband and wife. I think Charlotte could have been there in her carry thing, or a bassinet or something.......but o.k. Gramma wanted as much time as she could.

I did like Haley telling off Eve, who very obviously had intended to wheedle some info from her, but got stopped effectively. Jason described the GALLOP Eve did after Trask & Haley perfectly! LOL. I don't know what Chad had to retrieve from DiMansion, (which should have been done before the ceremony) but good that they both could tell Stefan they were married and leaving town. Loved Doug & Julie throwing rose petals as Chad & Abby left........but........did not Julie have the chef at Doug's place do canapes and champagne??? No one had any, did they? LOL
LOL, there is the "in" party, and the "wanna be in" party. Then comes 3rd party.
Where I live, many candidates prefer to run on the Independent ticket..........and there have been times when 2 or 3 run under that designation, with not a single candidate running from "major" parties. Ha.

The Haley/Tripp thing was........sorry, but stupid, and evidently put in, just for Trask to grab Haley, hustle her off to scold her, so the eavesdropping Eve could get the info.
It would depend on the locality - I've lived in places where local races are non-partisan.
Yes, they are. And in others, candidates don't represent the national parties, but instead local ones. Where I lived on Long Island the two local parties were United and Concerned Citizens. That said, the usual way to get on the ballot is to submit petitions signed by a specified number of registered voters. The thought of Eve trudging from door to door trying to get signatures for Jack and getting doors slammed in her face would make for good scenes.

As for today's characters:

Wedding guests: Kudos to them all for being on their best behavior. Nobody fired any shots or tried to disrupt the proceedings.

Stefan Zero: He may think that he can abuse Gabi with impunity, but as Leo could tell him, give Gabi some drugs, rope, and scissors and she can still be lethal.

Abe: He'd be feeling rather good about his election chances if he'd heard Melinda on the campaign trail today. Her approach seems to be to insult voters and to make scenes with her little sister in public places.

Trippy: He'd better be careful about offering free meals to friends. The management might not be amused. (Decades ago, when I was young and foolish, I heard a story about a young guy who was supposedly fired by a hot dog place called The Big Bow Wow for giving free franks to hungry stray dogs who came to the back door.}
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Wedding guests: Kudos to them all for being on their best behavior. Nobody fired any shots or tried to disrupt the proceedings.
Reply from Doll-in-Blanket: That's why they used me, the quintessential professional. Nobody wanted a real baby crying, spitting up or messing her diapers at the wedding.

I thought Doug and Julie looked beautiful in gray. Jen Jen is finally looking better! (this is a dig about the wardrobe and hair, not the actress!) I love Chad but I was disappointed in him during the wedding, very little emotion shown. Loved Jack's speech but wish Abby had acknowledged it a little more and I wish Thomas or Charlotte had been sitting on Jack's lap. I thought it was kind of odd that JJ hugged Chad one more time but Abby had to remind him to hug her. I'm not a Haley fan, but, she rose a notch today, but not buying Eve's baloney. All in all, an OK show.
Is there some reason Haley can't just buy a meal? Or rent an apartment? Not sure if this was addressed and I missed it but she's one of the few people on the show we see at work once in a while so I assume it comes with a paycheck.
Thanks, Jason.

So, Eve galloped to the private area in the park and now knows
Melinda and Haley are sisters. I bet she can't wait to tell Jack.

They need to get a better dolly in a blanket. No one seems to hold it
like a baby anymore.

Was Kate wearing a someone's curtains or wallpaper?

Thomas was a cutie today.

I loved Doug and Julie especially at the end when they kept
throwing petals and talking.
Is that how it works in Salem? Because, I don't think that's how it works anywhere else. Doesn't a candidate needs to be associated with a political party to get onto a ticket, or run as a 3rd party candidate (going through whatever motions are needed for a 3rd party to be on the ballot)? Hoping one of the two of them drops out so he can step in is absurd. What party does he represent? What are his issues? I know we need to put reality aside when watching Days, but come one - this entire mayoral race story is stupid.
My hubby says no, not for mayor.