Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 10, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
JJ and Chad converse via telephone; JJ admits it will be rocky but is willing to help Chad win back Abby. Lots of recaps.

Abby is wandering around the Horton House, looking at photos. Melinda Trask stops by (she does ring the doorbell), she wants Justice. Abby tries to put her off, Melinda offers to come back tomorrow - or the day after that, etc. Abby lets her in, Melinda lays out Gabi's crimes as Abby says she wants to forget the whole thing. Abby persists (we're even); Melinda persists (what if Gabi keeps pursuing you). Melinda lowers the boom: she will prosecute Chad for kidnapping. Abby won't help with that either; sends the career-minded Trask out.

Chloe and Brady are sitting closely together in the Square (it looks like he dyed his hair) as he shows her pictures of Tate at the beach (he just got back from a trip to see him). They mutually lament that he misses so much not being there. Eve comes upon them as they are embracing, tosses barbs. Chloe leaves; Eve and Brady trade barbs as she purports a deep relationship with Jack. She tries to stalk off, but Brady stops her to scold her for her treatment of Jennifer and wonder why Eve has changed. Eve states her case: Kindness caused her to lose, and she wants to win.

Eric is looking longingly at a picture of Nicole; Sarah stops by with Holly. Eric's glad to see her; Sarah brought her since Maggie was working out and Parker was napping. Later, Sarah smiles on them as Holly and Eric play a game. (News Flash: Holly speaks!)

Ciara confronts Ben about allying with Claire to break up Tripp/Ciara. He doesn't deny, accepts his guilt. Ciara is furious, and he answers her questions. He offers very little defense (right move in my opinion). Ciara tells him to leave, learns that he's done working for DiMera, is upset that he didn't care about her enough to leave DiMera on his own. He doesn't defend himself, says good-by, nobody will ever accept that he's changed. He leaves. Ciara appears upset.

Still at the hospital after his call with Chad, JJ talks to Haley, who has just left her meeting with Kayla. She has mandated counselling with Dr. Evans. She plans to tell her whatever she needs to hear; JJ wants to know what she's keeping from Kayla. She doesn't want to reveal it, thinks he's just being nice to her so they can sleep together. He denies it, talks her down; later, JJ goes to the room where they expected to meet, she's gone.

In the Park Private Area, Haley meets with Trask, who asks about her meeting with Dr Johnson. Trask hopes Haley kept her mouth shut.

Chad calls Julie, who is helping him and has the best table ready for him. Chloe shows up as Julie is getting ready, and she's angry that Julie has cancelled all the reservations for the night for Chad's stunt.

Julie goes to the Horton house, tells Abby she and Doug will babysit Charlotte so Abby can go out. Abby figures out the scam, tells Julie she's not going to see Chad. Elsewhere, Chad gets a call. Back at home, Abby's firm in her no, Julie pushes for a yes after all Julie did for Abby. Abby says she learned her lesson, maybe she shouldn't forgive Chad. Julie references her history with Doug, lots of pain and hurt back and forth, but they forgave, and have had a wonderful life together since. Later, Julie and Chad exchange texts, Abby comes down dressed. She heads out for her evening with Chad. At DiMansion, Chad gets the text, is excited and bolts.

Chloe and Brady talk about Eve at the Club. Brady asks her to dinner (she's available since the Club was rented out). She takes a raincheck so she can see Holly & Parker. He leaves; Chloe calls Maggie and is furious to learn where Holly is.

Later, Ben is by that bench behind the Pub (with the ivy-covered wall behind it). He flashes back to kissing Ciara. Back at the Teen Loft, Ciara is in her jacket with a suitcase packed, talking on the phone to someone she misses. She's headed to South Africa.

Eve comes home, Jack is not there. At Eric's, Holly is down for a nap. Chloe knocks on the door, Eric gets it. Chloe wants Holly roused so she can take her home, thinks Eric forced Sarah to take Holly. Sarah gets ready for a yelling match, Eric calms things. He's made a decision about custody. END.
So Ben doesn't get the chance to tell Ciara that he DID go to quit his job with Stefan?
And Eve wants to imply she has this big great thing going on with Jack?
Wonder about what is Melinda is so insistent that Haley keep her mouth shut?
Am glad Brady got to go see Tate......but am already tired of Sarah sticking her nose into everyone's business. Enough now.
[Brady] wonder why Eve has changed.
I don't see that she has changed. I know Brady's a fool where women are concerned, but he knows what Eve is like.

am already tired of Sarah sticking her nose into everyone's business.
C'mon, Barb, she's just carrying on the family tradition and taking over for her mother and her sainted egg-brother.
So Ben doesn't get the chance to tell Ciara that he DID go to quit his job with Stefan?
He could have; it appears he chose not to. These scenes were nicely done.
Am glad Brady got to go see Tate
It's amazing that they bothered with this, to me. Brady has millions (supposedly) and could go to California any time he wanted to - so there's no reason for him to boo-hoo about missing his son.
Everyday I come here hoping for the headline: JACK REMEMBERS! I can hardly wait for it.

I really don't think Chloe has to be that upset. Geez, let the little girl be surrounded by all the people that loved her mom. It's not like it was Stefan babysitting.
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Thanks, Jason.

Nice scenes with Eric and Holly.

I laughed when Brady called Tater Tot "my boy".

I wonder how long Ciara will be visiting Theo?

Did Chad put on his Superman outfit? He reminded me of Clark
Kent when he was running and taking his vest off.

So Melinda knows Haley.

I hope Eric made a wise decision about Holly, and Chloe will agree.
Ben frustrated me that he didn't say "Well I went to Stefan to quit but Chad was there, yada yada and he fired me." Why didn't he tell her he was doing the right thing?! I know he got frustrated that she was being so down on him. I do think it's funny that Ben broke up with Ciara.

Holly is so cute!! She was adorable with Eric talking and the puzzle - Mm hmm, mm hmm, it no fit! Such a cutie!

Oh Abigail. Don't let Julie guilt you into a date with Chad. Stick to your guns!!! I just know she will end up forgiving him and I don't think she should.
Boring episode

Did I miss something? When did JJ and Abigail make up? I know she forgave Jennifer but I don't recall a scene like that with JJ. Also, I'm already annoyed by all the sudden Chad propping but I suppose it was inevitable. Just wish the show wouldn't write Abby's happiness as being dependent on a man.

The beach comment must have been an inside joke because Eric Martsolf(Brady) had a visible wedding ring tan

I'm interested to see where Ciara and Ben go next
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Sarah had a lot of nerve taking Holly out without asking. She just left a note for Maggie that she had her. As an aunt, I would never had taken my nieces or nephews out without clearing it with their parents or my mother when they were small.

Isn't Parker a little too old to be taking a nap? A playdate or at school would have been a better excuse. Also, why doesn't Auntie Sarah spend any time with him? He's her nephew as well.

What's been bugging me in the last few episodes is where Thomas is. He's not with Abby at Horton house because she only has Charlotte there. The last time we saw him was at Christmas with Arianna. If he's with Chad, we never see him or hear Chad talk about him. Could they at least have a throwaway line that he's settled back in the DiMera nursery with a nanny to watch out for him?

Ciara did not give Ben any chance to explain that he had already quit before he knew Chad was the CEO. I hope somebody else will give Ben a chance to prove himself and show the town (particularly Hope) that he has changed.
Ciara did not give Ben any chance to explain that he had already quit before he knew Chad was the CEO.

That was Ben's fault. He was using romantic comedy phrasing. There was no logical reason for him to lead with "Chad fired me" instead of describing the event at the DiMera mansion from the beginning with him going there to quit. But that was intentional on the part of the writers to create the misunderstanding.
Yep, the writers evidently thought it was a "different" way to break them up....and that would have been the way anyone would have started out, but...they wanted to separate the couple, so.......
Could they at least have a throwaway line that he's settled back in the DiMera nursery with a nanny to watch out for him?
They're not supposed to be living there anymore, so many viewers are wondering the same thing about Thomas.

They needed Ben to be penitent and slow-paced so Ciara couldn't forgive him; not just for her excursion to South Africa, but because if she forgave him it would load more fodder from his opposition, mistrust that he was lying, etc. There really was no other way to do it.

Melinda's petty villainy is cheap writing. I'm so beyond sick of female villains (and villains in general and NO they are NOT needed to cause drama, at least not at the pace Days introduces them).

What on earth was Sarah wearing? The colour flattered her in low light but at times she looked like a radioactive highlighter.

Jen67, I'm afraid Parker and Thomas are now both at that Stage 3 of soap life - perpetually off-screen unless needed to say something about Mommy/Daddy to the other parent. I agree they could have mentioned he was at school. (Either 'he'.)
but at times she looked like a radioactive highlighter.

Here's a recent picture of Parker and Thomas hanging out in Horton Town Square :sarcasm:

Read the recap, will probably skip. One question though: Did the writers just bring Sarah into the fold to have a bright and shiny new character, without first figuring out what to do with her? Most of the time she feels shoved into scenes and really doesn't seem to serve a purpose. It's kind of a shame, honestly, because I can tell she has acting chops. I feel like her character is just being wasted.