Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 24, 2019


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Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
In a predictable Days-style development, Stefan Zero and Chad were named co-CEOs. Why did Mr. Shin and the imbeciles on the board stop there? Why not also make Sami, Mummy EJ and Kate co-CEOs too. After all, EJ is a veteran DiMera and the screecher and the schemer were once briefly co-CEOs. And to illustrate this new arrangement, the company logo could be changed from a phoenix to a hydra-headed monster.

The new DiMera Enterprises corporate logo.

As for other possible combinations:

Ted and Justin as co-D.A.s: One has the legal smarts, but is an unethical shyster. The other is a bumbler who has some ethics.

Xander and Brady as Titan co-CEOs: With Xander's ruthlessness and Brady's CEO experience, the XB/BX combination would be unstoppable.
At the Teen Loft, Claire is working on a song. Tripp comes in, she sees his injury; he talks about the cute nurse who helped him. Claire is jealous, thought they had something growing; he admits the feeling isn't not mutual, but with Ciara coming back, he's reluctant as it would be awkward. Claire regrets that once again Ciara is standing between them. They start kissing and take it to the bedroom.

At JJ's, Haley is cooking as JJ watches. A smoke alarm goes off; later, they are eating and Haley talks about treating Dr Johnson's stepson (only in Salem, right?) who she learns is JJ's cousin. After their meal, they talk about their families (Haley's mom was just a mom); JJ's dad is considering a run for Mayor of Salem. He tells her about the biggest mistake he ever made, sleeping with Eve Donovan (whom Haley calls "that witch" "from New Year's Eve"), whose daughter was his girlfriend. He also tells Haley about Paige's murder, and trying to remember her life, not her death; Haley asks how they met. He tells her that Paige found his wallet (no flashback, but this is actually true). They talk about Paige's love of music, and Haley wants to hear him play. He plays for her and they sing together.

In the Square, Hope expresses her surprise at seeing Ted with Kate DiMera. Hope tries to scurry off, Ted asks if she has a problem with his talking to Kate. He recaps their relationship from the past; he makes it clear that Kate made it clear that they are through. Hope's relieved. Lots of back and forth, eventually Ted invites her to dinner when he learns her husband is out of town. Back and forth as she puts him off, he's fine if she doesn't want to accept. Eventually she does, later they are at dinner and talking about Sami/Rafe.

Gabi has gone to the police station to see Rafe; she is speaking on the phone with Kate about the DiMera board. Eli informs her that Rafe's out of the country, on leave. Gabi's shocked Rafe didn't tell her; Eli jabs at her.

At the Horton house, Jennifer is telling her paper to run the Trask story overnight. She closes the call, admires some baby clothes Chad got for Charlotte. They talk about Chad's efforts to win her over, and her love for him and whether it can endure the DiMera feud. Abby is standing firm in her refusal to live with Stefan, and Chad is bullheaded in his desire to stay at DiMansion. Abby ended her feud; it is clear she wishes Chad would forget his, too, but as a DiMera, he's feud-driven. They then talk about Jack, Dr. Rolf's serum, etc.

At DiMansion, Stefan and Chad wait for word on who'll be CEO. Their phones beep; Chad is victorious at first, until he learns he'll be sharing the position with his rapist brother. They blah blah about what a loser Stefan is, why should he stick around, nobody wants him there. Gabi stalks in, wants to know how the board's decision affects her. Chad wants to dump it, Stefan wants to keep and destroy it. Gabi's not backing down, makes threats, blah blah. Stefan offers her an alternative: Quit. She refuses, will make his life hell. He will do the same since he's splitting CEO duties.

Chad goes to the Horton House for a late visit, to tell Abby about the co-CEO mess, which means he'll still be living with Stefan. He offers to resign if it means he will lose his family.

At Hope and Ted's dinner, Eli enters to talk to Julie, but instead decides to deliver the news of Trask's resignation. (They high-five.) Hope hopes someone who is more agreeable to her will be appointed. Ted looks on.

Back at DiMansion, Stefan and Gabi exchange approximately 300 threats to each other. Stefan's enthusiastic about his chances for victory; Gabi stomps off.
Does Gabi do anything besides whining and threatening people? Her sense of entitlement is quite astonishing for a felon who should be in jail right now. Perhaps finally spending a little bit of time with that daughter of hers that she has used an excuse for all her misdeeds would be nice.
Thanks, Jason.

Today's episode could be called "Singing Days"

I wondered the same thing about Ted being appointed DA since they showed his face
when Hope talked about it.

Will Abby agree to Chad resigning as co-CEO to DiMera or will she let him
keep the job?

Eli took it very well when Gabi called Julie "old bat"

I agree with JJ he's better looking than Tripp.

I was surprised when JJ told Haley about Eve and Paige. JJ is lucky he found a woman
in Salem who can cook.
Gabi is so annoying. Always threatening and saying how everything is for Arianna. Yeah, great mom you are. I can see it coming already because they hate each other so much, Stefan is going to decide that if he can't have Gabby, Gabi will do just fine. The age difference bothers me.

Hope is also annoying. Yes, she did seem a little jealous. Then lied to Eli about why she was having dinner with Ted. They had business to discuss? I also thought Ted looked like he would want Trask's job.

Tripp and Claire never ever mention that he was originally very into her when she was with Theo.

They have brought a million people back from the dead they need to bring Paige back. I did enjoy JJ and Haley. They were very cute with each other.
They have brought a million people back from the dead they need to bring Paige back. I did enjoy JJ and Haley.
As much as I want Paige (and Wendy and Serena) not dead anymore, I also don't want the writers getting any ideas! Can you imagine a Paige/JJ/Haley/Tripp/Claire love quadrangle?
I got the same idea, Poirot.

I'm wondering why Salem's DAs are appointed. We vote for them around here. (Though they would appoint an interim DA to fill a vacancy, I think.)
I wondered about that too and looked it up. It all depends on the area. Some vote for D.A.s and others have them appointed. Frankly, Salem should consider a switch to an elective position. Look at whom they have as appointees: blithering idiot Charles Woods, bumbling Justin, scheming Aiden, and barracuda Melinda who has all the charm of an enraged rattlesnake. It's hard to imagine any of these lighting up Salem's electorate.
Thanks, Jason. I somehow got the impression, seeing Ted's expression when hearing Salem will need a new D.A., that he would like to have it. may go after it. ???
I had the same impression, although why a crooked shyster like Ted would want the job is a big question? Currently, his crooked schemes can stay hidden, but corrupt practices by a D.A. would be subject to public scrutiny. His only motive for seeking the job despite its pitfalls would be so he could work "closely" with Hope.
As much as I want Paige (and Wendy and Serena) not dead anymore, I also don't want the writers getting any ideas! Can you imagine a Paige/JJ/Haley/Tripp/Claire love quadrangle?
I'd rather not.
They have brought a million people back from the dead they need to bring Paige back. I did enjoy JJ and Haley. They were very cute with each other.
Yes, bring back Paige. This would help clean up Ben's image. In addition, both characters could help bring some life to the too-often snooze-worthy episodes. Imagine Paige's reaction to Eve's creepy relationship with Jack, while Serena could reunite with Xander for some illegal, but lucrative, business schemes. (Calling Fred the Elephant II,)
Ted: "Do you have a problem with me talking to Kate?"
My response to the screen: "We have a problem with you talking to anyone."

Also, thank you for having someone with a truly beautiful voice (Haley) singing. I can't stand Claire's singing voice... something about the tonal quality just grates on me.
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Does Chad's position require his living in the mansion or is it that he doesn't want Stefan to have the house? (It's probably all due to budget cuts anyway, but I digress.....) Chad could rent a table at the pub and conduct his business there and be among Salem's elite business people.
I'd rather not.
Does Chad's position require his living in the mansion
Depending on the script (and with the mistakes thrown in lately, who knows what was intended anymore), both have been true. I think the current pitch is that he doesn't want the Rapist to win by his backing down from his position.