Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 3, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Horton House, Chad talks to Charlotte (doll-in-blanket, not very convincing) about the 'deep connection' he felt when he first held her. Julie comes in, pleased at the sight, wants him back with Abby, gives him a pep talk. Chad admits he let Abby down, he should have believed her.

At the Police Station, Abby is going to give Gabi a piece of her mind. It's a bunch of blah blah as Abby reviews Gabi's 'friendship' and Gabi reviews how she learned about her medical condition just as the tech delivered Abby's paternity results, and 'before she knew it' she had switched them to make Abby suffer. They recap every little step of Gabi's machinations as Gabi claims she's owning up to her activities, unlike Abby. An assistant DA comes in, Abby tells him she won't be pressing charges.

At the hospital, Kayla is angry that JJ covered up Haley's attempted suicide. (Note: They discuss this by the nurses' station.) Although she understands his intentions, she feels it was inappropriate, and of course Haley walks in on it. Haley starts yelling at him, Kayla drops the bomb that Kelly informed her, and it's good she did. She gets paged to the NICU, Haley is off duty until Kayla can meet with her. Later, Haley apologizes for lashing out, and JJ apologizes for involving her in their family drama. Later yet, Kayla and Haley are about to meet, after Haley updates another nurse. JJ tells Kayla Jack is alive, asks for the non-FDA approved drug they tried on Will.

At Jack's hotel room, Jennifer wants to talk to Jack, hoping to jog his memory. She shows him doctored photos (when was the whole family together?) as well as baby pictures of JJ. Jack is looking at a stranger's life, Jen wants answers on what he's been doing all this time (6 years). Jack doesn't have answers. He was in a coma, came to in bad shape. He was nursed to health by a brilliant, but peculiar doctor, Wilhelm Rolf, and his large henchman, Xander. They were in Nashville, the same building where EJ was held. He never saw anyone in the building; Xander got him out before the building exploded. He hasn't seen Xander since Jack was reunited with Eve. Eve's telling of Jack and Jen's history was not accurate, and Jennifer updates him that he married Eve for an inheritance, then stole the money from her, and she tracked them on their honeymoon. Jack thinks they had problems of their own, and knows they weren't married at his 'death'. Jennifer admits it, admits she tried to move on, had other love, but nothing which compared to Jack. They kiss; he doesn't feel it and asks her to leave.

In the Private Area, Eve exchanges texts (gotta love the Salem numbers) with someone, who is right behind her. She turns and sees Xander, who recaps his attempt to kill Eric, Sami's intercession, and that he's wanted. Eve insults Kristen, whom Xander reveals to be responsible for resurrecting Jack. We now enter a new flashback, which per Xander occurred in November, in New York. Eve arrived at a hotel, glad her messenger reached out, shocked to see Xander. Xander apologized for sending the text as Brady, and for his part in torpedoing Brady/Eve. Eve placed the blame on Jennifer Horton. Xander had an offer for her. (We step in & out of the flashback between scenes, but mostly just to recap what the flashback's about to show.) Eve did not want Jennifer physically harmed. There was a knock on the door; it was Xander's friend, whom he met last year. The door opened and Eve gasped as Jack walked in. Jack introduced himself, but didn't remember Eve. She introduced herself as Eve Donovan, his ex-wife.

Xander had been taking care of Jack until the "Wonder Twins" showed up and blew up the building; Jack had two more years of 'rehab' than EJ DiMera. Xander shooed Jack out of the room; Xander told Eve that since Jack doesn't remember Jennifer, Eve could do Jennifer great psychological harm by turning Jack against Jennifer and bringing him back to Salem. Apparently, it took some time for Xander to persuade Eve...Eve agreed to give the plan a go, but wanted to know what Xander wanted in return for his part in the plan. He told her off-screen what his terms were as Eve worried that Jack would get his memory back and ruin her plans; Xander assured her that wouldn't happen and agreed to lie in wait until Eve acted. Eve gives Xander a flash drive as payment. Later, he gleefully examines the "jackpot" alone. Eve returns to the hotel room just as Jennifer is leaving, Eve yells at her to stay away. Jack demands to know why Eve's been lying to him.

Kayla calls Steve with big news.

Haley tells someone on the phone that she won't tell Dr. Johnson.

After the ADA leaves, Abby tells Gabi they won't be friends but it's time to focus on their children.
She shows him doctored photos (when was the whole family together?)
While we didn't see them together as a family (with this version of Abby and JJ), they were a together as a family in England before Jenn came home when Alice was about to die. So I guess we can pretend that picture was taken in England.
Jack was funny "I try to stay out of the sun". But Jen "no pressure", really? All she is doing is pressuring him!! I was not a big Jen/Jack fan and I personally don't really chemistry between them. I am glad they are giving back story. Xander should be interesting. What is on the flashdrive?

Guess they won't have to redeem Gabi now. While it is frustrating I can totally understand Abby doing this. Her alters did do some horrible things to Gabi. Yes, Gabi did all the horrible things to Abby, not an alter but everything she went through affected her very much. Julie is gonna blow her top though!!
I’m glad that Xander is back, but I still hate the whole Rolf & Kristen resurrection thing. I feel like Jack’s amnesia will drag on for months. Hopefully, he doesn’t become a criminal like John did.

I’m very disappointed with the conclusion of the DID storyline. That storyline was too sick and dragged for too long to have such a anticlimactic ending.
Thanks, Jason.

I enjoyed Jack's witty remarks today. I hope he smiles soon.

I laughed when Jennifer told Jack that getting married twice to each other
was below the Salem average.

Why did Jack lie to Jennifer that he wasn't getting any memory back?

Was Julie wearing PJs and a robe? Why was she wearing earrings?

Abby & Gabi both sounded like a broken record. I hope we don't have
to ever hear Gabi say she can't have another child again.

Abby is right. All of us have suffered enough with the DID story line
and what Gabi did.

What's on the flash drive? Information about the DiMera or the
Kiriakis' companies?

The big question of the day is how long will we have to wait to see
Xander in a towel :)

I'm so glad this Gabi/Abby storyline is over. I actually liked the scene today even though the end of this feels rushed given how much time was dedicated to this insanity. Can we get Gabi some therapy so she gets to shake off the stink of all that she did?

When is someone going to tell Jack about Eve having sex with his son when he was basically still a teenager? That's not going to go over well. I did laugh when Jennifer said, "No pressure," with the intensity of a serial killing stalker. She might need to see some of Ben's doctors.

I hope the Haley stuff gets connected to the main storylines soon. Those scenes feel disjointed.

And is it me or did they rewrite the end of Eve and Brady's relationship? I thought that at the last minute Brady tried to forgive Eve, but she decided that it was never going to work out because he didn't trust her and left. They keep talking as if Brady hadn't forgiven her or tried to move on. That's not how I remember it.

And the flashdrive, is it the Nicole-murdered-Deimos flashdrive? Did Xander still have that? I wonder if Nicole is still alive and Xander is still blackmailing her or something? Whatever it is, I'll be it's something that Xander can use to get back into Victor's sphere or punish Victor in some way. That's what he's obsessed with. Maybe if Xander takes his shirt off, I can figure it out. I predict he and Eli will be in dueling towels within the week.
Thank you TinaY for saying you enjoyed the Abigail-Gabi because I was afraid I would have been the only one. Not that it would necessarily have been a bad thing since I like to consider myself a lone wolf who's not afraid to go my own way. But on the other hand, it's always nice to have some company. *Roars off on motorcycle as Steppenwolf's "Born to be Wild" plays in the background.* LOL

Maybe it's just because I still have leftover Christmas spirit, but I liked the note it ended on. Maybe I'm just glad this saga is over. But whatever the reason, I liked them. Now hopefully my Gabi can move on into a happier and possibly redemptive New Year.

JJ and Haley. Here's my problem with this story: Haley popped up out of nowhere without a proper introduction, tired to kill herself and now is a major of JJ's life. Why? I mean I get JJ is a compassionate guy and is trying to help out somebody who appears to be in trouble like he was last Christmas. I get that. But I need more of a reason to get invested.
That storyline was too sick and dragged for too long to have such a anticlimactic ending.
I'm glad someone else felt this way.

Maybe John and Marlena should stage another wedding to bring back Jack's memories? Weddings seem to be good for that.
Did Xander still have that
I believe so. Eric got it, but then Xander beat him up if I recall correctly.
Haley popped up out of nowhere without a proper introduction, tired to kill herself and now is a major of JJ's life. Why?
I also ask this question, but mainly because this is just plain bad writing. People who write a story like this shouldn't have a job headwriting any show, let alone a soap. There's nothing likable about Haley (although at least she's hollering less now).
Eve gave him a flash drive - little thing - he put it in computer...Jackpot, he says

am guessing it is either Titan or DiMera business info ...
I’m glad that Xander is back, but I still hate the whole Rolf & Kristen resurrection thing. I feel like Jack’s amnesia will drag on for months. Hopefully, he doesn’t become a criminal like John did..
Agree. It's good to have Jack and Xander back, but I dislike the circumstances of their returns. Yes, Days is a soap where anything goes, but Jack falling into the hands of the DiMera designated resurrectionist, Dr. Rolf, makes little sense considering what was going on with Stefano and EJ at the time of his presumed death in an elevator shaft, EJ was on run from the Salem P.D. because the silver-haired fraud, Ian McAllister had framed him for Stefano's "death." Stefano himself was in dire straits himself because McAllister had kidnapped him and was holding him captive. Prior to his kidnapping, the Phoenix had his shorts in a knot because his Katarina had "failed" his absurd test by hitting the sheets with McAllister at the Salem Inn. Given that Jack hadn't been involved with the DiMeras since the Peter Blake nonsense many years previous, why would any DiMera bother to steal him from the inept University Hospital staff, given their own personal difficulties and the chaos of the tunnels explosion? As for Xander, involvement with the DiMera resurrection business and Eve's stupid revenge plan is certainly a step down. Previously, he'd been a diamond smuggler and drug trafficker who was not adverse to homicide. He also had hopes of getting a big job at Titan. The X-man is meant for better things that being a party to Kristen's or Eve's nonsense.