Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jul. 25, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Salem Mayor Mansion (Just kidding, Salem Inn): Xander taunts Eve in her hotel room about duping Jack. She affirms that their alliance is over. They have a new flashback to explain their plan, which would make them even again. Xander thought she might want the real formula; she does not. He makes himself comfortable, taunts her, and laments that there's not a way for Sarah to forget about Rex. This enrages Eve, who kicks him out, no more get-out-of-jail-free cards.

Square: Jennifer and Jack run into each other. She tells him about her date. He does not tell her about the serum, instead giving back her press credentials.

Hospital: Tripp talks to Kayla while having flashbacks of Haley's talk from yesterday. He is claiming to have the symptoms Haley is having, but Kayla wants to worry about him (she's his stepmom). She worries about Haley and Tripp living together, lest any residual feelings complicate their lives. She has given him some medication.

Teen Loft: Haley has another nightmare about Claire. JJ surprises her. She claims she couldn't sleep because of new place, new noises. He offers her breakfast; she declines and he sends her upstairs. Later, Jack is there and tells them about the serum. JJ thinks he's lying. Jack assures him he's telling the truth, changed his mind about it, but doesn't want Jennifer to have false hope. JJ wishes "dad" good luck. Haley goes in to bed, has a vision of Claire. This sends her running into Tripp's arms.

DiMansion: Gabi is angry at Stefan for harassing Kate, which endangers his release. They wonder why Kate and Ted are lying. They suspect that Nicole wants Stefan out of the way so she can run DiMera. (Apparently Nicole-really-Kristen is still an employee.) He is resolute to fire her, rather than Abe's let-her-resign approach; Gabi thinks they should keep her close. Stefan gets a text that he's suspended - still technically CEO but no power.

Kmansion: Outside, Nicole-who's-really-Kristen admires her looks in a compact; Brady wants to talk about her unhinged behavior. She claims she had cried after Stefan and Gabi were mean to her, to explain wearing the wrestling mask. Brady buys it. Nicole-really-Kristen comes on strong, then says she just wants to help him take over DiMera. Brady points out that she's not a DiMera, and its corporate charter demands the CEO be a family member, and being EJ's ex doesn't count. What if she could be a DiMera?, she poses.

Pub: Outside, Kayla and Jennifer talk about Jen's pending date with Dr Shah, who is a great guy, and she's done waiting for Jack's memory to return.

Square: JJ and Jennifer talk about her date. He discourages her from going.

Mayoral Hotel Room: Jack walks in on Eve burning the diary.
So glad Jack caught Eve burning that diary. She rips out all the pages, lights the last 2 ala Claire (where did she get a lighter and why does she have one) throws it in the waste basket, even the diary cover is in there. And in comes Jack.....what the heck are you doing?
I guess she could not stand all the taunting Xander did, about Jack, and what would happen if his memory came back.
I sincerely hope Jack becomes aware now of all her lies, manipulations, etc. Sigghhh.
So, Dr. Shah evidently gave Tripp some kind of prescription, and he even told Kayla some lie about not sleeping well.
Where is this all headed with Haley..........and if sleeping in Claire's room is so traumatic for Haley, why doesn't someone switch with her. Why can't she sleep in Ciara's room? What about Tripp switching with her & JJ???
Frankly, Days is going overboard with having the young people go bananas! Who is next? Gabi? Ari? Tripp? JJ? Ciara? Or will the problem go to the next older crowd..........Eric, Brady, Sarah, Gabi, Stefan?
Was Brady there when "Susan" gave Xander that mask? I had thought he was but maybe not.

Jack. I'm just tired of him.

Tripp's shirt was interesting. Were those flowers on the cuff of his sleeves?

I cannot believe Eve would start a fire in her hotel room!! Where are the sprinklers? Glad Jack caught her!
Delusions abounded in Salem today.

Eve: She really thinks that now she's "even" with Xander? She ought to guess again. If Jack ever found out about her fake serum plot, she'd be ruined, meaning that she is now firmly in Xander's pocket.

Zero: He really thought that he could get the truth out of Kate by confronting her? A veteran scheming liar like Kate would just bat aside Zero like the insignificant gnat that he is. Proof of his gnatty nothingness is that the board suspended him merely for being arrested. The mighty Phoenix was arrested several times and nobody associated with DiMera Enterprises dared say boo to him.

Haley: She's making a classic Salem mistake by concealing her Claire hallucinations. She ought to fess up ASAP and get the care that she needs. And if she really wants to give JJ a good breakfast, it should be that Pub favorite, choco-puffs, not the dog kibble that was in the loft cereal container.

Finally, it's too bad that the flaming Rolf diary didn't set off the Inn's fire alarms and sprinker system. This would have brought the Salem F.D. to the scene causing Eve significant embarrassment and bad publicity.
I thought he had gone upstairs to shower and change after his workout? Then Kristen-as-Susan went into his room (thinking it was Xander's room) to look for the mask.
He did, but that was later, after "Susan" lustily interrogated Brady downstairs; the Mexican mask exchange had happened earlier in the episode. Last Thursday.

Honestly when is this nightmare double story going to end?
Thanks, Jason.

Eve burned the journal, but what did she do with the vials Xander left?
Break them? Too bad Xander didn't take the vials with him.

Will JJ spill the beans to his mom that Jack took the serum? I hope not
I want Henry to finally have a whole date with Jennifer.

Will Haley go "coo coo for Cocoa Puffs" because she's seeing Claire?
I sure hope they made a copy somewhere so that the diary isn't gone. Didn't Rex mention that Rolf was working on some kind of facial mask? I am not sure if that is in this diary, but someone needs to READ the darn thing and start using a brain.
Yep, said weird things were in the diary, and did mention facial mask. I honestly cannot imagine anyone not making a copy before letting it out of their hands. i.e. Jack gave it to that private lab so they could make the serum. Whoever made up the masks would have to have copy. Even ol Xander, as sly as he is, might have made copies before handing it over to whoever. I mean it has been around. Hospital, cop shop, Eve, Jack, However Will got it.....At least copies of various pages.