Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jul. 4, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
JJ's Apartment: Somebody's pounding on the door. JJ comes out of the shower, dons a shirt, answers the door. Jen's there, won't let him talk, wants to make him feel better about Haley's deportation. Haley comes out of the shower. Jen gets updated about Haley's status and Jack's dropping the charges; they recap Jack's amnesia/the serum.

Doug's Place: Doug welcomes Lani to their party, Julie is snide. Lani has news, Julie recaps and won't shut up. Eli comes in, kisses Lani, Julie's stunned that they are back together. We're stunned as Julie admits she was in the wrong.

Pub Rooms: Roman asks Carrie about Rafe sneaking out. Downstairs, Hope wonders what Rafe's doing at the Pub as Eric frowns and Rex looks on with Sarah. Eric steps in, Rafe tries to stop him, covers with a lie. Rafe wants to know why Hope's upset. Later, Hope has recapped for Rafe. She takes some take-out and leaves. Rafe didn't want Eric to lie for him, Eric lied to protect Hope. Back upstairs, Carrie tells Roman she split up with Austin.

At Eve's office, Jack wonders what happened (he saw Marlena and John leaving). Eve goes on about how Marlena's been fooled by Ben. Jack interrupts her, admits he was wrong to withhold his having the diary from her, wants to know what she's holding from him.

Sarah calls Julie, invites her to the barbecue; Julie makes faces but accepts, and will corral Eli and Lani and Jen and JJ (who had been planning to attend the Williams' party).

Sarah and Carrie talk about Carrie's brother while Roman watches Eric and Rex argue about grills; Carrie tells Sarah about the separation and they talk about Rafe's divorce from Hope. Outside, Julie doesn't want Rafe to attend the barbecue. Carrie admits she slept with Rafe; outside, Rafe tells Julie and Doug about the Claire/Ciara fiasco. He decides to leave; Julie invites him to stay. Back inside, Sarah and Carrie are talking about her one-night stand with Rafe when Hope enters.

Jack and Eve have a confrontation with Jen, JJ, and Haley in the private area; they learn that Jack agreed to drop the charges against JJ in exchange for Will's giving him Rolf's diary. This delights Jen; Eve spins it. JJ says Jack can forget about the whole family as far as he's concerned.

JJ, Jen, and Haley arrive at the barbecue; Roman sends Haley inside and tells JJ and Jen about Claire. Meanwhile inside, Lani and Eli are learning about Claire from Hope, Julie, etc. In the back, Carrie tells Rafe that Hope may have overheard her with Sarah, but didn't act like she had.

Later, Rex and Eric make Sarah choose whose burger is better. (There's lots of odd cuts, really awful editing today.) Rex makes a toast.

Sorry folks, breaking news about the quake in California. I'm not sure I missed much - it was about 5-6 minutes long.

Eli asks Lani to marry him in the Private area. She accepts as fireworks go off.

Rex and Sarah congratulate themselves on the barbecue as they watch the fireworks from the Pub's gated area. Eric looks out the window at them. Roman says goodbye to Carrie, who leaves, thanking Eric for keeping the secret.

The cast watch the fireworks from the Square as Rafe wheels baby David around. He and Hope talk about Claire, and she tells him she knows about Carrie. She returns his ring. Elsewhere, Jen and JJ talk about Jack, while Jack and Eve kiss.
Rex dose nice speech/ toast to "family" inside the pub. Enjoyed feud about propane grill vs charcoal grill.

thank you, Jason....I know hard to take time from festive stuff.
Carrie: She reminded viewers today why she was once labeled a "hag" on this board: indulging her lust for Rafe and then leaving town, leaving in her wake the wreckage of the post-divorce Hope-Rafe relationship.

Rafe: He again displayed the same lack of judgment that got him fired by the FBI and suspended from the Salem P.D.: trysting with Carrie over the Pub, a location where he was almost sure to be found out by Hope and the rest of Salem.

Rexy & Eric: These two obviously have never read Bo Brady's best-seller How to Make the Perfect Brady Burger. As for Sarah, if her taste in burgers is as bad as her taste in men, the picnic guests probably would have been better off dining on garbage-can nachos or Wanchai Ferry. (It might have made for a good scene if Roman had stopped by the Rexy-Eric table, taken a bite of one burger, made a face, and blurted out, "What da hell?").

Eve: This one is beyond delusional about Ben and the fires and the legal status of Haley Chen. Instead of ruining everyone's Fourth of July by making an appearance, she ought to be packing her bags so she can leave town ASAP. If the full extent of her corruption and abuse of power become known, Lani and Eli will be celebrating their reunion by slapping the cuffs on the faux police commissioner.

Jack: This man clearly needs help. His Swiss cheese mind was serious short-circuiting today. He badly needs some sessions with Marlena and time away from the diabolical Eve.
Jack: what a train wreck. He is a collection of carnival acts all rolled into one. His mind was always “Swiss cheese”. I count the days when he and his witch hit the road.
So, Carrie's big secret that was part of the spoilers is that she is separated??? Who cares??? And she is gone now, so I am hoping that if she finds out that she is pregnant, Rafe will go visit her and not the other way around. I never cared for her character. And since we were promised 4 weddings this summer, have had 2, I guess Eli and Lani will make number 3?

And, Hope, you don't get it both ways. You either want to be with Rafe or you don't. Once you agreed to a divorce, you don't get to be mad at him for moving on. If Ted had been in town, you sure would be.

And when is Eve going to be confronted with what she did to frame Ben?

And thanks for doing this today, Jason.
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Thanks, Jason. Are you able to do summaries on Thursdays again?

This episode could be called "Parents, grandparents surprise day" Julie
found out Lani and Eli are back together. Roman figured out Rafe slept in
Carrie's room. Jennifer found out Haley staying with JJ again.

Are parts of Salem experiencing Global Warming? Several people in town
were wearing winter clothes.

Roman was right when he talked to Carrie that you can't keep secrets in Salem.
Hope overheard Sarah and Carrie.
Jack slipped and JJ and Jen know he has Rolf's diary.

What will Jack do when he finds out Eve didn't tell him Claire confessed to starting
the fires?

Sorry to see Carrie leave so soon.
Hope was the one who served divorce papers on Rafe. Hope is the one who is already dating Ted. So, put a sock in it Hope. I'm convinced that Hope is now the female version of sad sack Eric and a version of his twin, Sami, who believes any guy she has been with may never ever be with anyone else. I love Hope but enough with the mopey, dopey, poor me, I'm sad look.
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Surprised Carrie stayed as long as she did. Sami, Lucas already gone. And the writers try to pretend she was working in Pub??? Give me a break. She wasn't seen for days, then appears, only to share her bed with Rafe and then off to the airport.
Plus, she & Austin are "separated" no divorce.
Heck, I was hoping her big secret was she left Austin and took up with Mike Horton again. LOL
Or that Noah was really Rafe's child (with a rewrite to say they had sex). What a letdown on her "big secret", which we all figured out when the preview showed her kissing Rafe.