Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jun. 21, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Kayla is rifling through Kate's hotel room while speaking on the phone with Stefan0. Kayla dislikes this. Big Zero reminds her that she must if she wants her hubby to see him again. Steve bumps into him, lays into him for not helping his niece Abigail. Back and forth about how Kayla is honorable and would never help Big Z (this scene lasts about 25 years, but Stephen Nichols/Patch is so good it seems like only 10).

At the Kmansion, Sonny is stymied by Chad's desire to be CEO of Titan. Victor enters, declaring, "When Hell freezes over." Chad points out how the stock is falling, Victor says the news cycle will reset when Leo accepts their settlement. Later they get a message from Justin (see below) about the rejection of their offer, and Chad says he will give up DiMera secrets to favor Titan because "Stefan is not my brother" and his actions have killed Chad's loyalty to the family. Victor listens; but finally tells Chad to "find someone else" to "play Cain and Abel" with. Chad lays out the case against the rapist, including the business sabotage, the murder of André/framing of Gabi, and rape of Abby. This isn't business, Chad states - it's personal. (How is this a winning argument to taking over another business?) Chad plans to take down Stefan0, then turn the reigns over to Sonny.

Hope (at the Station) takes Ciara's call (from the cabin on Ben's burner phone). Hope is mildly frantic, wants to know where Ciara is. Lots of pausing from Ciara while Hope freaks a little bit out (and Rafe tries to calm her). Ciara doesn't want to come home or tell Hope where she is, nor to talk about Claire. She needs some time to figure things out after the revival of the trauma with Chase. Rafe takes a turn talking to her, and they suggest that Ciara may not be alone because of the boot print. Ciara says the man she's with saved her life, and that she's okay and she loves her. Then she hangs up; Hope loses it. (I may not like the story but Kristian Alfonso [Hope] is stellar in these scenes.)

At Titan's legal headquarters - just kidding, at Doug's Place - Ted meets with Justin. Ted says the offer is good, but not what he and his client are looking for. Back and forth. Justin wants to know who put them up to this, thinks it was Vivian Alamain who put them up to it before her death.

Back in the hotel, Kate catches Kayla. Kayla covers fairly well with a lie, she was looking for a pen so Kate could sign some board budget business. Kate signs it while eyeing her up, then asks about the Bionic Eye. Kayla denies talking to him, because Steve didn't want her to. Kate talks about the men (lovers and sons) in her life, who don't listen to her, except Chad occasionally. (Blech.) Kayla leaves, and seconds later Ted arrives. He shows her the settlement and they discuss their plan to hurt Titan so she can buy shares on the cheap. He tries to get frisky and she slaps him. She wants the power of Titan and tells Ted to get over the fantasy of them together. Ted seems confident that they can turn that around after their scam.

Back in the Square, Kayla comes upon Steve and Stefan0, about whom they were just speaking. Big Z lays it on thick about how Steve has Kayla on a pedestal; Kayla lays it on about DiMeras only do things for malicious purposes. Later, Steve and Kayla are at a table and Big Z texts her from a storefront, laying on the pressure. They are kissing later, and Kayla pulls away. She tells Steve she's going to see Seth Burns (her cover for her frequent texts earlier). Justin comes upon them, Steve asks about Sonny. Justin recounts the refusal of their offer, says the lawyer's a real piece of work. Ted walks by, throws a dig, leaves. Kayla connects the dots. As she is finally able to get away, Steve cracks a joke about birdwatching. Kayla steps five feet from the square and calls Big Z - she knows Kate's secret.

After her call with Ciara, Hope worries that Ciara will be injured despite Rafe's attempts to reassure her. Later, Rafe and Justin meet in the interrogation room, Rafe updates Justin on Ciara; Justin has an update on Gabi.

In the Mammoth Falls cabin, Ben shows off his asylum-sculpted muscles unintentionally to the presumed-sleeping Ciara. He has been trying to clean the cabin, but no matter how hard he works, he can't clean it up. He's not sure why he's trying. Ciara understands - no matter how much one wishes they could change what happened, they can't - one must just accept it and try to move on. She reaches out for him, but he flinches away (with a longing look). Later, he pours her water but she's asleep. He tells her she's safe.

Chad goes to Kate's hotel room with news. Back at the Kmansion, Sonny congratulates Victor on his decision. Victor admits he'd sell his soul for Titan. At Kate's, Chad announces he's the CEO of Titan.
Not me, Noel........this was JasonD....on Thursday. I have been gone all day, just got home.

Thanks, Jason. Too bad Stefan is back....Ted would have made a better DiMera villain my opinion! So.....Chad, who Kate is so fond of, is CEO of Titan, the company Kate wanted to destroy so she could head it up,. Poetic justice....What does Kate do now? LOL
Is Stefan's face ever going to heal? Of course time does move really slow in Salem. Ben said it had been 24 hours since Ciara's accident and that was 2 weeks ago. Right? You can see her falling for him already. Tried to touch his face. Hope Ben resists. Ciara is a little melodramatic, isn't she? She and Tripp had 2 dates and she broke up with him but now she is devastated like they had been together for years and he cheated. Guess she gets it from her mom.

I know if my adult daughter was missing I'd be beside myself too but I'm not a police commissioner who can order every available officer to be looking for her daughter. I'm not a big Hope fan. She is always so holier than thou.

I hope Kate gets caught. What is she going to do now that Chad is head of Titan? And funny that she is being sexually harassed. Deserves that!
Kayla: She really ought to give up the cloak-and-dagger business. She's clearly not very good at it. Even without his eyesight, Steve could have done a better job of searching Ms. Blue Chunk's room.

Sonny: If the Big Boy wants to have a career in big business, he'd better educate himself on the nature of legal settlements. They are NOT an admission of guilt. Instead, they are a tactical determination that to defend a lawsuit would cost more in monetary terms and bad publicity than giving the plaintiff all or part of what he/she is asking for. And if Justin knows what he's doing (always a very big if), any settlement would include a provision that creepy Leo never, ever talks to the press and reveals any of the terms of the settlement.

Chad: It's good to see that he won't heading over to the Salem unemployment office, but was he really the best choice to "save" Titan? If Salem University's Business School doesn't have at least one graduate of its MBA program who's better qualified to lead Titan than Chad, it should close its doors.

Ciara: It was welcome news that she's called her trigger-happy mother to say that she is alive and well. Hopefully, this will keep a self-righteous Hope from charging into the cabin, waving a pistol in Ben's face, and loudly demanding that he get far, far way from her daughter.
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Thanks, Jason

I was surprised when Kate told Ted she wanted Titan stock to tank so she could
buy it up. I thought she wanted to be in charge. Maybe she actually wants to
get Victor's job.

Kayla couldn't be a detective. She went in Kate's hotel room and left the
door open.

Kate's pant suit (?) was freaking me out because of the of bright purple color.

I thought it was interesting Ben apologized to Ciara because he took off his shirt.
So Ben is outside, trying to clean all the soot, which he says is a hopeless task....but Ciara is laying on a bed with very clean sheets & even a pillowcase, still in her leather jacket...not a speck of soot.

P.S. And she doesn't have to need a bathroom
With all of Ciara's pauses and hesitations, I was afraid whatever charge the phone had gotten out of the wireless charger was going to run down before Hope had a chance to find out Ciara is okay.

I've always thought the actress who plays Kate is a beautiful woman. Her hairdo lately looks like it is designed to make her look like a witch. Maybe they are trying to make her appearance line up with the character's witchy personality.

Overall, I enjoyed this episode. It's surprising to me that I'm enjoying the scenes with Ciara and Ben. I'm liking him more now than I ever did before. Even before he turned mean, I never cared much for the character.
Her hairdo lately looks like it is designed to make her look like a witch.

And her make up, to make it look like cats' eyes. That was just too much. She reminded me of Endora in Bewitched. So, a witch indeed.

Ben and Ciara have my full and undivided attention

Hope and Rafe are much more tolerable when they're not discussing their marriage or relationship. I enjoyed their scenes this week. However, I do find it odd that they have hardly been out in the field. I feel like Bo and Steve would have been out immediately.

Poor Philip can't catch a break