Days of Our Lives - Thu., Mar. 14, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
37 minutes, 6½ of which are before the opening sequence. Lots of short scenes.

Tripp/Ava/Wendy apartment - Harris is in Ava's bed. She brings him a tray. She slept on the couch. There's a weird picture of Tripp and Ava on the bed stand. Recap about Tripp/Wendy, Goldman, and the mysterious prison escape. Harris asks if Stefan helped with the escape. They talk about his recovery. Steve calls (see below), Ava leaves.

Square Eating Tables - Eli tells Julie it was really hard to see the Horton house. They're acting like they don't own another mansion in town. Julie isn't confident the investigation will be revelatory. She's looking forward to refurbishing. Recaps about Abe, Paulina. Julie thinks it will be good for Abe and Paulina to have the kids here. Eli says sadly, that won't happen. He tells her about his promotion. Julie says if it's what he wants, she is happy for him. He admires her strength and perseverance. They go to tell Doug about the promotion.

K-Mansion - Maggie and Konstantin eat some baked goods he made. (Look out, Chanel!) They chat about his dead daughter. He likes the kids running around the mansion. (Maggie talks about the sprawling K-Mansion like it's a 5-bedroom house.) Maggie talks about the pain of losing two children (whom she disgustingly refers to as Sarah's "brother and sister") but she still has her Sarah. (No Melissa acknowledgment.) They are holding hands. Maggie talks about the healing power of touch. Konstantin cherishes Maggie. Maggie tells him she feels she's being disloyal to her (second) late husband and she can't get close to another man. Later, Konstantin asks if Maggie's red hair means she's Irish. She's not sure since her parents died when she was young, and she never knew any of her biological relatives. They talk about how who/where they're descended from really doesn't matter, because the past can't be changed. Cue Konstantin's creepiness.

Evans-Black Townhouse (with the same sweeping city and condo building establishing shot) - Marlena and John discuss how he's been sleeping. They're going to have a meal with Eric.

Pub - Eric and Roman talk about how cute Jude is. They talk about how Lucas will have to stay in hiding since Clyde is at large. They wonder how Clyde got out of prison.

Black Patch offices - Steve reads about the rescue of Tripp and Wendy and Clyde's being on the loose. Later, he calls Ava and tells her to hightail it to his office. (She tells Harris she's going to visit Tripp with Steve.)

Pub - John and Marlena arrive. They talk about the miracles of Salem and the christening, which will be moved to the K-Mansion DiMansion. Jude's godparents will be Melinda (whom we are reminded found Jude for them) and Brady. Roman compliments John on the rescue of Tripp and Wendy. John is tortured and claims he's no hero. Later, Steve arrives and takes John away from the gathering. He promises Eric he'll be at the christening. Outside, he tells John they're meeting Ava.

Kmansion - Maggie calls to have flowers delivered to Paulina. Konstantin comes in. Julie and Eli come in, and she announces his promotion. Eli will rid the world of Evil. Konstantin gets a meaningless one-shot. Eli jokes it will take more than one person to do that. Konstantin says Eli's made his family proud, and excuses himself to go call Greece. Maggie and Julie talk about Abe and Paulina. It was good to see Eli and the kids again, the family is together. Eli leaves. Julie is sad. Maggie knows what loneliness feels like.

Tripp/Ava/Wendy Apartment - Harris is upset to find out from Rafe that there are no leads. Later, he worries that he can't trust Ava as he picks up the weird Tripp/Ava picture. Later, he calls Stefan and leaves a voicemail demanding a return call.

Black Patch offices - Ava meets Steve and John. They are glad that all roads lead to Goldman helping him. John wonders why. Ava tells them Goldman loves Weston. They are mad Ava double-crossed them. She says they double-crossed her first by changing from the original plan. John and Steve are mad they broke Clyde out of prison. They all bicker for a minute about how evil each one of them might be, until John says, "some very bad things" and gets distant. He is silent for a moment, and Steve rubs his arm, asking if he's OK. (Even Ava seems stunned.) They worry about mob fallout. Ava says she'll handle it, the guys don't believe her. She says it was worth it to save Tripp. She wants to be done here, they're done for now, the guys say. Ava and Steve are going to the hospital. John is hanging back on business. He calls Konstantin and asks him to meet him at the office.

Pub - Marlena tells Eric fatherhood suits him. They talk about how Sloan got drunk, Marlena says it's not unusual with her job and demands of being a mom. Eric worries Sloan's jealous of Jude. Eric thanks his parents for raising him (who knew they did that? the magic of SORAS).

Square - Ava asks Steve if John's OK. Steve says John is a mystery to him sometimes, even if they've known one another 30+ years. Ava talks about how scared she was when they found Tripp, and how smart Wendy is. She half-apologizes for going behind his back. This really goes on too long before they part (Steve to the hospital, Ava to the "house" to "check on some things" before the hospital).

K-Mansion - Julie asks Maggie how she's doing. Maggie tells her she misses Victor, still expects him to be there when she wakes up sometimes, and is hating herself for being drawn to Konstantin. Julie says Maggie has a lot of years ahead of her, and she shouldn't be alone. Whether it's Konstantin or whoever, Victor would want her to be loved.

Pub - Marlena leaves to go to the hospital. Eric is going to get food for Sloan, Roman suggests the clam chowder which Sloan loves. Eric says they might need some babysitting soon.

Tripp/Ava/Wendy Apartment - Ava check on Harris. He's gone. There's a rose on the tray she brought him.

Pub Entryway - Marlena is on her phone when Steve comes up. They need to have a private talk about John.

Black Patch Offices - John is waiting. Konstantin enters. John asks to tell him what he knows about his past. Konstantin plays dumb. John says he's not been the same since he met Konstantin in the park "that night". What did you Konstantin do to John? Konstantin retorts, it's not what I did to you, it's what you did to me. END
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Oops, that was my mistake. They were talking of the christening being at the DiMansion on Nicole's invitation. Marlena was saddened. There were many rapid scenes in the first half of the show with just the right amount of mix & recap, so I erred when I said K-Mansion initially. I'm assuming they mean the party, I honestly don't remember if they said that or just "christening". I don't understand these weird Salem rituals. Sorry for any confusion.
I hate that John and Steve are lying to their wives because they had to go along with Ava's stupidity in getting under Clyde's thumb.

Harris needs to realize Stefan is not going to help him in any way, and remember the guy literally put two bullets in him, and turn him in. Protecting him makes no sense at all.

Glad Maggie put the brakes on Konstantin. Guess he has to go back to Plan A and get Theresa to give him half of Alex's "fortune". Pity she just broke up with him. I imagine we are in for a grifter double wedding where Xander breaks in with the truth and ends this mess.

Very happy to see Eli and Julie share a scene, even happier to see Julie and Maggie together.

Zoned out during the pub scenes, woke up a bit when Steve wanted to chat with Marlena.
Eric was so proud that his 4 month old is now holding up his head. He should be trying to roll over, enjoy standing when held. But since Days won't purchase a doll bigger than a newborn, we must ignore normal baby development till they cast a 2 year old that is always carried for the one to two scenes the child is in till they return as an angry teen.

How rude of Maggie to forget all of her children. Sami will come down hard on her.

Thanks Jason for the summary.
But since Days won't purchase a doll bigger than a newborn
Excuse me, but Toddler-in-Blanket would like to have a word with you. :rotfl:


This is when toddler Holly was kidnapped from the DiMansion and Kristen set up a plan to make it look like she was killed in a car crash with the kidnappers.
Nicely done, Jason!

Pleeeeez don't have Maggie go to Konstantin's bedroom in the middle of the night out of loneliness. That would be Pepto Bismol time. And Julie is not helping by sort of encouraging her!

Marlena's townhouse is, indeed, too small for a social gathering. DiMansion is not appropriate even though we know it is due to Nicole being Jude's mother. But no one but Sloan and Melinda know this now. Hopefully, everyone will know soon. Tired of this deception. Tired of all the deception, really.

What is Harris' end game with Stefan? Xander must be absolved.

Steve is going to tell Marlena about what John did in Greece before John is told? That is bad.

Agree about Steve and John hiding the Clyde mess from their wives.

There is already a Bonnie on the show, but if Goldman's first name was Bonnie, there ya go, Bonnie & Clyde. Yuk, yuk, yuk:sick:
Thanks, Jason.

The Brady Pub put up shamrocks for the holiday coming on Sunday.

Konstantin mentioned 4 kids running around. It wasn't until Eli went to the K-mansion that I realized he was counting
Jules and Carver with Thomas and Charlotte.

I'm glad Eli was able to spend time with Julie.

It was odd that Eli was excited about traveling out of the US for his job. Wouldn't he miss Lani and kids?

Ava told Harris she had to sleep on the couch. Why? There are three bedrooms unless the Salem elves
took one away after Li moved out.
It actually would have been an OK episode if yesterday also hadn't been a recap episode.

We need to start see some new stories clicking into place. But since these "writers" don't know the characters - we feel like we've been treading water for 10+ weeks.
Do we know when episodes from the real writers with the new producing team will start to air? Between the strike and waiting for fired guy to go away, it feels like we've been treading water so long the show might drown!
When the guy was fired, there was upheaval, rewrites, as the suits scrambled to keep things moving. Don't forget scripts were written 5-6 months in advance, and same for filming. So it take some time before we see real changes.

No idea why they almost immediately took the fired guy's name off the credits.......but just because it isn't there, doesn't mean we might not be still seeing some of his handiwork. There is still no headwriter name listed, patient. They have rewritten some stuff where they could, but having filmed.......cost too much to re film.

I imagine this is all hard for the cast as well....writers who would do well as head man are not easy to come by. :)
Do we know when episodes from the real writers with the new producing team will start to air?
The strike was 148 days, and this is the ~80th scab episode, so including weekends, were approaching 48 days left, so I'm guessing 33-35 episodes? Which would put us in early May. This is based on math and Jason47’s reports.