Days of Our Lives - Thu., Mar. 16, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In Jade's hospital room, Jade is told (by Kayla) that she's not responsible for Hal's actions. Joey's there, too. Jade hopes Hal makes it. Steve enters, says he has new info on Tripp. Jade is missing something, learns about Tripp being Joey's half-brother. Everyone at the hospital is nice because of Kayla; Jade thanks the family for having her back. A bit later, Joey has fetched some water, and Jade refuses to retract her groggy confession of love to Joey. His friendship and smile are precious to her. She goes on and on about how she doesn't want to be needy, has been reading about relationships, etc., as he grimaces uncomfortably. Joey does lay it on the line, says she's strong and brave, but he doesn't love her the way he thought he did, or that she loves him. He wants to be friends, they can still be roommates. Jade admits it hurts, but appreciates his telling the truth. Joey leaves, Jade cries.

At the police station, Hope is showing "her cousin" Eli her desk. Raines enters, mocks Hope, tells her to get back to work. Eli wonders why Hope is chained to her desk as she avoids telling Eli why she's not on the good side of the force. Rafe, fresh from Deimos's (below) enters. Rafe asks if Eli knows Tim Carter, he does, good guy, the best. Eli is considering transferring to the "FBI post" in Salem.

At the Kmansion, Deimos berates his goon for not finding Brady & Nicole. Rafe enters; he has questions for Deimos. Deimos shoos his goon. Rafe wants to know about the missing artifacts, thinks Titan is involved, intends to look in their warehouses. Rafe runs down the ongoing investigations, including Gabi's imprisonment, the stolen computer program, etc. Rafe promises to keep an eye on Deimos, leaves.

In his office, laughing between the half-nude Chad and Gabi as Abby enters. She is not pleased. After a moment, the air is cleared; Gabi needs to talk to Abby about the benefit. The ladies leave; Chad chuckles.

Deimos is enjoying some booze; the goon enters and asks if Rafe should be taken out.

Later, Rafe and Hope talk about Eli transferring to Salem, Rafe could use the help nailing Deimos. He wants to take the snake down. He gets a call that the warehouses were a bust. Later, Hope intends to work overtime to prove herself to Raines. Rafe doesn't understand.

In the Square, Abby talks about some of the donations (I need her working on my non profit, LOL) she's gotten, including free belly-dancing lessons because she promised they'd take 6 more classes. Chad arrives; Gabi chooses to skip lunch, leaves Chad and Abby alone, will meet them later. Meanwhile, Deimos has been lurking in the background. After lunch, Abby reluctantly goes to pack the bags for the benefit, she doesn't want to leave Chad. Kate slinks in and helps herself to a seat. Kate has Chad's back, decries Abby's lack of business acumen. Chad could find better, and Gabi is so right for him. Chad knows, needs something to change. Chad is committed to Abby and Thomas. Kate steps back, will be impartial, won't push Gabi, but questions how loyal Chad can be to Abby if he loves another woman. He resolves to come clean, Kate thinks this is a terrible idea. Don't break Abby's heart, blah blah. (Basically every idea Chad has, Kate plays devil's advocate.) Chad resolves to cut Gabi out of his life completely. He is resolute about telling Abby his feelings tonight.

At the Pub, Steve tells Kayla that he's run Tripp through a thorough background check, kid has a record. Is she up for this? Kayla affirms that if Tripp's Steve's son, and wants to be part of this family, she'll be the first to welcome him.

At the bag table, Gabi and Abby talk about Gabi's company and her decision to start it. Eli enters, Abby goes over to introduce herself. Eli doesn't recognise her name, so Abby says she's "Jennifer Horton Deveraux's" daughter, I'm "your second cousin." Eli acknowledges this, he's met so many people, catches sight of Gabi. She's not a Horton. (Nice scene, but Ed. Note: Eli and Abby are second cousins, once removed. Sorry, I had to say it.) He asks why they're there, they talk about the benefit Chad's throwing to which Gabi donated. Eli thinks lip balm is a bouncy ball. They laugh, Eli says he has good instincts. They talk about Eli's potentially moving to Salem for the FBI, Gabi reveals Rafe is her brother. Abby invites Eli to the benefit as Gabi's date, then takes it back, then pushes. They agree.

An officer tells Hope that an alarm is going off at the Hernandez house (the security company must have called his desk) and Rafe can't be reached. Later, she has gone there, enters with gun drawn, sees broken dishes on the floor. She finds him in the bathtub, only way to get her here, the uniform was in on it. Kiss, smooch. Later, they're on Rafe's bed, she cuffs him to the headboard, leaves.

Steve and Kayla meet Joey in the hospital by the nurse's station; Jade is sleeping. They tell him they're en route to the airport, they will deal with this together, let's not talk about how you murdered his mom. Joey also reveals that he leveled with Jade. He stops in to see Jade, who awakens, asks for pudding. Joey confirms they're good, goes to get the snack. Jade affirms that she will be with Joey.

At the Kmansion, the Goon returns and finds Deimos is back. Deimos orders a change of focus, wants to target Chad. Later, Deimos is on the phone, wants her (Nicole?) brought back tonight. The goon brings in a briefcase. Deimos looks inside, Chad won't know what hit him.
At the police station, Hope is showing "her cousin" Eli her desk.
Why can't the writers get it straight?? Guess they didn't want her to tell Raines that Eli was her great-nephew.

Unless it was a blooper by the actress and they kept it due to the one-take rule.

Edited to add: Guess it wasn't a blooper by the actress, as she also introduces Eli to Rafe as her cousin.
Hope is showing "her cousin" Eli her desk.


I need her working on my non profit, LOL

Same here lol

Guess they didn't want her to tell Raines that Eli was her great-nephew.

As I said on twitter today, Hope is not allowed to have relatives with the word "grand" in the title. But seriously, this is absurd. Yesterday, Claire was eliminated from the Eli party so that Hope wouldn't have to acknowledge she has a grown granddaughter and today she introduces Eli as her cousin instead of as her nephew. I think it's time to start writing to SOD and other soap publications about this nonsense.

So Eli has now met all of his Salem Horton relatives except for Claire and the kids. Also, the setup for him being in the FBI was wrong. They should have set it up such that he and Rafe already knew one another rather than having a mutual friend.

Hope cares more about the Hernandez home than she does about her son and granddaughter.

I don't understand why the Johnsons owe Jade any type of explanation for what they are talking about? It does seem like they are probably setting up an eventual Joey/Jade/Tripp triangle.
I don't know if this is true or not, but many years ago, I read in a "soap" magazine that Eileen Fulton (Lisa - As The World Turns) had it in her contract that she would never be a grandmother on the show. Maybe Kristian Alfonso (Hope) has a similar provision. :back:
I also read that about Eilene Fulton some years ago. Maybe the actress playing Hope doesn't have it in her contract, but has let it be known she does not want to be called Gramma.

Hope is related by blood to Julie, even if Julie is also her stepmother, but she definitely made sure she referred to Eli as her cousin...making the stepmother part more important. LOL

I wonder (Claire has managed once or twice to call Hope gramma, so...did she sneak that it, and with one take rule, it stayed. ? Ahhh, to be a fly on the wall there. heheheheh.
Thanks for the summary.

Rafe & Hope:

Yes to Chad & Gabi. I'd be interested in seeing her with Eli eventually, but I'm really rooting for her and Chad now. Let Dario and Abigail be together.

Sick to death of Deimos. Why was he even in this episode? It felt really odd. On the other hand, I'm actually excited to see what happens with Tripp, Kayla, Patch, Jade, and Joey. This is probably the most interesting family on the soap at the moment, and I'm looking forward to more of their scenes. Also liked the Eli scenes today.
Thanks, Jason.

I'm enjoying Eli. I'm glad he came to Salem. Maybe it's easier for Hope to
say cousin instead of trying to explain the family tree.

I guess at one time it was considered romantic/sexy to be handcuffed to
a bed. But with all the stuff going on with slave trade, I was not happy how
the handcuffs used today.

What is Raines' first name, since it wasn't his office door? :) I hope Raines is going
to do more than tell people no fraternization on the job or tell Hope everyday
work and not socialize.

I'm surprised no one told Jade who Tripp's mother might be.

I wonder what's in Deimos' briefcase. Is he planning on ruining someone's
else's day?
Cannot believe Chad said you don't think I know how right Gabi is for me. Wow yeah sounds like a devoted husband.

I think he might be a little old but yes Eli and Gabi. Hey she's the only woman he isn't related to.

Eli has a few choices besides Gabi. There is also Lani, Chloe, and Nicole, although Nicole is a little tied up at the moment with baby Holly.
Hope is related by blood to Julie, even if Julie is also her stepmother, but she definitely made sure she referred to Eli as her cousin...making the stepmother part more important. LOL
Even if going by the stepmother part, Eli and Hope would still be nephew and aunt. LOL Using "step rules", David and Hope would be step-brother and step-sister, since David is Julie's son and Hope is Doug's daughter. So David's son would be Hope's step-nephew.

Then biologically, he's her great-nephew. But nope, Days seems intent to make them "cousins". :rolleyes:
I know this was mentioned yesterday, but I needed to get it off my chest today. The contrast between Gabi's hootchie-mama-ready-for-the-strip dress and Abigail's long-sleeved. dowdy, Puritanesque dress was laughable. They'll need a blowtorch to get Gabi out of hers and a flashlight to find Abigail under all of that fabric. Can't they find a decent medium between the two?
I don't know if this is true or not, but many years ago, I read in a "soap" magazine that Eileen Fulton (Lisa - As The World Turns) had it in her contract that she would never be a grandmother on the show
I believe this is true; she was worried she would be back-burnered like the character who played her mother-in-law had been. (This was in SOD back in '92, Eileen herself was talking about it.) It was in there until the 1980s and she had remained not a grandmother until she received hate mail because of the clause (after her TV son's wife had a miscarriage, potentially because of the clause), which she had forgotten about.

I like Eli and Gabi. Chad is an idiot and even the terrific Mr Flynn cannot convince me he's torn.

As to Rafe and Hope - well, I'm super glad that they had such fun and romantic scenes.
If I was Hope I would have been mad that Rafe made her think he was in danger just to get some alone time. Of course maybe that's why she left him cuffed.

Hope irritates me with her attitude at work. She is lucky she got her job back. She killed a man. Yeah I know she thinks he's alive but she shot and disposed of him so yeah, ya gotta get back in the forces good graces.
I really think this show needs to stop giving in to actor demands. We saw it last year with Alison Sweeney (Sami) and her returning for Will's funeral including the EJ stuff. We've seen it more recently with sudden changes in Nicole's love life. Now we are seeing it with how Hope is portrayed. This hurts the show overall. Martha Madison (Belle) did an interview with Dishin Days last year where they asked about Claire referring to Hope as Grandma and she laughed it off saying it would never happen.

There are many youthful looking grandparents on the show: Lucas, Jennifer, Marlena, Kate. It's how soaps work overall. Age rarely matters on a soap. In this particular case, both Hope and Shawn became parents at a very young age. So it's completely plausible for Hope to have a child and grandchild around the same age. So much missed story opportunity by ignoring this. And I believe this has been going on since Claire was born. If you watch scenes with Baby Claire, Bo and Hope, Bo is always referred to as Grandpa but Hope is never referred to as Grandma. A lot of the times she is the one referring to Bo as Grandpa. sister-in-law became a grandmother at age 36. A neighbor had a grandchild and son the same age. It happens. When an actor plays a role long term, on a show where children are regularly aged a lot of years, they would have to expect it.

Certainly is a disservice to the viewers for Hope to act and talk as if Claire is a good friend of Ciara's, instead of being related. Wonder if that is why there was so few scenes between Shawn & his mom while he was in town.

Sure glad Frances Reid (Alice) had no such aversion. :)
As we've mentioned before, Alice would've been at least 100 by the time Scotty was SORAS'ed in 1989. Scotty was about 20, which would've made David about 40, making Julie about 60, Addie (had she lived) about 80, pushing Alice to at least 100, making her about 120 when she died in 2010 (by the laws of SORAS). :rolleyes: