Days of Our Lives - Thu., Mar 26, 2015


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Western Wisconsin
Nicole is researching Serena on the web, in public of course, and is caught by Marlena. Nicole asks if she has a specialty sneaking up on people, Marlena persists, but Nicole tells Marlena it's none of her business. Marlena asks if Nicole really needs to investigate Serena again, Nicole points out that although Marlena thinks she knows everything, Serena isn't what she seems. (Her language is more colourful though.) Marlena concedes that although Serena might not be all she claims, it's not Nicole's business, because she's moved on. She tells her to leave Eric alone. Later, Nicole is by herself, talking to herself in the middle of Club TBD, noting the parallel between Serena & Marlena. She's about to begin her research again, decides she doesn't need to be the one to get the truth on Serena; Marlena gave her good advice (and yet another flashback as she thinks about Daniel telling her he won't be second fiddle). She texts Daniel, asking him to see her so she can clear the air; gets impatient and gives him a ring.

Replay of Xander telling Serena to get moving, opens the door to find Eric standing there. Eric greets him happily, they half-hug. They reminisce extremely superficially about their time in the Congo together, but what brings Xander to Salem? Xander's going to let Serena explain; Serena punts, Eric guesses Xander is fundraising. Xander claims to be running a pharmaceutical company (Randall Lewis), further claims he's recruiting Serena to write an article about a new drug. Eric wonders why Serena didn't tell Eric Xander was coming to town. Xander claims he surprised Serena, jokes about how Eric was wasted on the priesthood, and how Eric & Serena are together again. Serena tries to usher him out coyly, Xander calls her on it; Eric defends Serena, but she admits she's throwing Xander out, claims to be busy, Xander gives Eric his card. Xander promises to be in touch with Serena as he leaves; Eric asks if Serena's okay, she claims not to like Xander as much as Eric does. Eric didn't know that, Serena says she likes him fine, he's just pushy. Eric gets handsy, is hopeful that getting involved with Xander's company will keep her in Salem. She tells him not to worry, it's looking less & less likely that she'll be leaving Salem. Eric wants to talk about her run-in with Nicole, brings up the two elephants issue, Serena plays the victim. Eric wants everything to stay civil, Serena hits his chest, doesn't want him listening to the liar. She apologises, Nicole drives her crazy, sorry she lost control. Eric just wants to forget about the elephant (don't we all???); they get close again, Eric wants to know the next time Serena & Nicole run into each other. Serena's not worried about Nicole; they kiss.

Sonny comes home, still looking woeful, Will asks if he's just going to avoid him from now on. Sonny claims he was just working, Will counters that Sonny gets up early, works till close, has been avoiding his texts. Sonny's not in the mood for texting; Will insists they have to talk if they'll get through this. Sonny's not ready; he came back for the club, due to the massive cash losses since Vic opened his club "on the west side," and he had to come home to deal with it (apparently he talked to Tad, who was worried about his job). This of course upsets Will; Sonny admits that he thought they could try, in person, Will keeps laying his hands all over him, Sonny keeps pushing him away. It hurts too much, won't give Will an answer to when he'll be ready to talk, scoots to the club.

Paul flashes back to Will wondering why Sonny would want [the spawn of Sami] when he could have had baseball guy. He calls the club, but Tad tells him Sonny's not there. Paul avoids leaving his info.

Daniel flashes back to the saga of the coat, how JJ had it, then didn't want it, ruined his life. He says "!" as he realises the truth, Paige enters with Parker and asks what's wrong. Paige then apologises for talking about her mom's hookup, Daniel is visibly shaken, Paige guesses she'll never know whom her mom was with that night. As they clutz around the conversation, Paige further reveals that right after her mom's mystery date, stuff got weird with her & JJ; Daniel starts to console her verbally, but she counters that they're back together. Daniel is confused, Paige explains JJ ended it with the other girl, and Daniel's advice about not settling got to her. She was really only seeing Cole to get over JJ, which was unfair to Cole. Daniel agrees; Paige takes Parker to the park.

At the student union, JJ wants to know what Eve wants. Seated, she grabs his arm and once again warns him to stay away from her daughter!!!! JJ says it's not going to happen, Jen bursts out and says, "Get your hands off my son!" Apparently Jen had a notebook for JJ, gives it to him and he scurries off. Jen asks if Eve's out of her mind. Round and round they go, with Jen pulling out a new trick by declaring she'll tell Paige all if Eve doesn't mind her. (Sorry folks, this is really repetitive and hard to watch In My Opinion.) Another scene of the go-round, JJ will destroy Paige, we have a deal, and Jen decides to call Paige, pulls out her phone and dials. Eve tries to grab the phone, agrees to the deal being back "on." Jen says next time, there will be no warning; Eve promises she'll never be alone with JJ again, runs into JJ (whose class was cancelled) as she leaves. JJ and Jen talk about whether or not Eve will blow the deal.

A pensive Daniel is watching his teapot boil when JJ comes over, looking for Paige; Daniel explains that she's at the park with Parker, asks about their reunion, slyly questions him about Roxanne, but JJ gives up no information, says it's no biggie. Daniel's expression falls; JJ asks what's wrong, and Daniel reminds him that he is there if JJ has a problem. They're interrupted by Nicole calling, he says it's not a good time. JJ says he should have taken the call, he's got to go; Daniel tells him they need to talk about the other woman. Daniel tries to get him to open up, JJ gets uncomfortable, says everything's cool, Daniel promises there's no judgment. Nothing to say, JJ asserts, Daniel opens the door. JJ's upset, thinks Daniel thinks he's lying. Daniel asks about JJ's attitude toward the jacket. JJ won't open up about it, leaves and immediately calls Jen (who's been sitting at home wondering how Tom & Alice would handle this) to ask about what she said to Daniel. JJ feels he knows everything.

Tad has dropped by on his break to visit Will, pointing out they haven't seen each other since Will returned from LA, wants to know what's up with Will & Sonny. He came on his own, is upset that Will ignored his texts while Sonny was gone (he had been offering his help with Ari). He knows something's wrong, wants to know what it is. Will admits it was all his fault.

At the Club, Sonny is working when Paul enters; Sonny notices, looks around the room and sees Nicole; then gives Paul a signal and asks someone to cover for him as Paul leaves. Outside, Paul tells Sonny that they need to talk because Will came to see him. Sonny says not here. They go to the most private place around, the bushy clearing, Paul tries to take the majority of the blame, claims he kinda did make Will have sex with him.

After Nicole got put off by Daniel, she stood up to leave and Xander approached her. Nicole offers to pay for the shirt she ruined, and he invites her to dinner with his friends in town. Introduces himself as "Xander." Nicole smiles, wonders if he really came back to find her; she's flattered. Xander knows she's spoken for, won't pressure anymore, but says he doesn't like things not turning out the way he wants. (It's kinda charming, kinda scary, about 60-40.) Nicole asks if that happens often, he says, ultimately, it never happens, before he leaves for a meeting. (The menace factor just upped a bit.)

In the park, Paige is watching Parker play when Cole approaches her, says he's okay with JJ/Paige, is glad she told him instead of just dropping him. Cole wonders how a straight A student can be so dumb, talks about JJ's past in London, how he "broke" Bev's heart, hooked up with this skank, will hurt her and make her think it's her fault.

At her apartment, Eve is stewing, vows to Paige's picture to do whatever it takes to keep JJ & Paige apart. Later she goes to the Student Union, finds Cole, who explains Paige dumped him. She wants to see what they can do about that.

Back at the park, Paige is saying goodbye to Maggie & Parker, JJ approaches and wants to know what she said to Daniel! At Daniel's, Jen arrives, angry, wants him to stop bothering Daniel, who declares that she doesn't get to tell him what to do. He thinks she knows. Blank stares are exchanged.
Wow. Lots of repetition, lots of really terrible writing. "Let's go talk" instead of just talking; Marlena AND Jen both inserting themselves into their sons' romantic lives by telling off alleged interlopers; waaaay too many flashbacks and retread lines; completely circular dialogue between Jen & Eve for what seemed like hours. And both Sami, Jr, and his uncle Eric trying to warm up their cool love interests by constant fondling. Bad writing, meet bad direction. (And for my tastes there were a few too many "truly radiant" commercials on breaks, LOL.)

I'm hoping Paige slaps Jennifer when the truth comes out. Any chance Daniel and Jen will have a screeching hate boink tomorrow, since the writers love both so well? :sick:

I really don't like Jen bringing Tom & Alice into this JJ/Eve/Paige fiasco (which now includes Daniel & Jennifer, ICK-ICK-ICK).

Anyone else notice Xander didn't say his last name to Nicole? A bit odd in my opinion, given how strongly he was hitting on Nicole. (But alas, poor Nicole, being used by another slug in order to foist drama on Fr Sourpuss.)

Very nice to see Tad again, though! I'm surprised the writers remember Rory, Bev, and that JJ was in London, since their memory span is about 4 episodes, LOL.
Ah, Jason, you echo many of my thoughts as well. Although I purposely watched the credits to see if Xander's last name was listed. But, it was crew credit day......and the director was Alison Sweeney.
So now, is Eve going to plot with Cole? Of course she will. I am glad someone else has figured out the JJ/Eve connection, and let JJ know without saying a word or mentioning her name.
However...........Jen marching over to Daniel's???
Good job, Jason. Thank you!
I know Sonny is still upset, but he is not being understanding to Will. As in other sites today they said he was being a jerk and Will was being the kind one. Sonny says he did not come home for Will but for the club further more feeding on to Will's insecurities. Will says we need to talk which is the same thing Sonny once said to WIll, but now he does not want to talk yet. Then leaves the club to be with Paul. The former writers sure have messed up this whole story so far.

JJ and Dan is another issue. Dan has been the only one who seems to be able to talk to JJ and because of what Paige told him I see nothing wrong with him adding up the facts and come to the conclusion of Eve and JJ. Jen wanted him to talk to JJ and now says butt out.
I can't fathom how Paul telling Sonny that he practically forced himself on Will is going to help things. Besides the fact that it's not true, it just doesn't make sense. If I really thought that Paul wanted things to work out for Will/Sonny then I could buy it as his way of trying to shoulder all the blame for the cheating but I think deep down Paul is hoping Sonny will leave Will which may clear the way for him to get back together with Sonny. Hopefully there will be more explanation tomorrow. I still don't feel anything for Will except disdain. Although I did like the scenes with T. I thought T was a good friend and I'm glad he called out Will for not being around much since his return from LA. More T please!!

Anyone else a little weirded out by the conversation between Paige and Daniel? It's just gross. I liked that Cole pointed out to Paige how stupid she is for such a smart girl. LOL. Oh goody, can't wait for the blow up between Daniel and Jennifer tomorrow. Jason, if they have hate sex I will VOMIT. :sick: Can Eve come sit at the grown-up's table now? Ugh....

I see pop-up Marlena was on today. Pfffttt...what is the point?! Good grief. And of course she's only on to rag on Nicole. I must say I didn't expect Xander to be someone Eric knew from Africa as well so there's that. Anyone else get a Billy Zane (Cal, from Titanic) vibe about the actor?? Mmmmm, he's certainly nice to look at and has a mysterious yet slightly dangerous appeal to him. I like him so far and I have loved the interaction with Nicole. I certainly don't want her to get hurt or end up in a dangerous situation but I really hope she accepts his invitation to dinner with Eric and Serena. Should be fun! Hehehe
Best thing about the entire show was Will telling Tad it was all his [Will's] fault...he might not have admitted it to Sonny yet, but he's starting to take some responsibility!!!

Yes, that was another positive! I was really shocked!

I'm sure tomorrow Paul will come up with some lame-brained explanation to try to take the blame off Will, and Sonny should be too smart to buy it.

The Paige and Daniel scenes were VERY awkward.

Cole is the voice of reason, as have been Lucas, and Rory. Telling Paige she's dumb, I laughed out loud. But I did like that she recognised using Cole was wrong, first time I've liked the character.
I truly am having a problem with Will. He is doing all his "poor me" histrionics at Paul, at Sonny. I am glad he realized he ignored his good friend, Tad, just as he did Sonny.
But......why SHOULD Sonny have returned home from AZ for Will? He has been very very hurt, and probably did not want to "talk" until he felt he could do so without saying something he might regret.
Sonny already lost the new business, and of course has to worry about this one. He is not ready, and so far, all Will has done really, is to shift blame to everyone else. It was Sonny himself, it was Paul, it was his boss, his career. He cried this to his father, to Sonny, to Paul, and now may be doing the same to Tad. Whaaa, Whahhh, Sonny asked Paul to marry him before me. I was 2nd choice. Poor me.

Yes, I hope the two guys work it out. They both have a long way to go in the trust area now. But right now, Will gets no sympathy from me. As far as Paul goes, he knows he is a huge flirt, so does Sonny. And I certainly saw him doing so with Will, manipulating him into the entire situation. So, if he takes some responsiblity, fine. But I still remember Will always removing his ring before seeing Paul. Bad.
Pity poor Nicole. Being rude to her is a way of life in Salem. Where did Marlena get off marching up behind her and barking: "What are you doing?" It also wasn't a good day for JJ: harassed by lunatic Eve, prattled at by his meddling mother, grilled by Detective Dan, and then dumped on behind his back by Cole. Speaking of Marlena, she seriously overestimated Eric's powers of perception when she suggested that if anything was amiss about Serena, he'd discover it on his own. Good luck with that. This man is so clueless, that he'd be soaked to the skin before he realized that it's raining. Finally, it was good to see T, who, like a true friend, paid a call on Will. That said, the last thing T needs is to be drawn into the three-ring circus that is Sonny, Paul and the immature brat boy.
I need Serena to get her comeuppance.

Marlena needs to take her own advice.

Nicole needs to tell Daniel where to go, forget that moron Eric and let him get scammed by Serena. She should go find out where Rafe has been hiding and they can sit back an laugh at all the morons running around Salem.

I see Cole has the Salem brain today. Too bad Eve will make him lose it.

Daniel should forget his medical career and join the Salem PD. He solves more mysteries.

Tad should go visit Gabi and tell her how looney Salem still is. She'll be glad to still be in prison.
Thanks for the summary, JasonD!
Sparkster, YES! You've figured it out--I knew Xander reminded me of someone I'd seen in a movie, but only now after you said it does he remind me of Cal from Titanic! I'm glad that, even if this dude is kinda sleazy, Nicole is having a positive interaction with someone for once, besides Serena, Marlena, and Daniel (who ALL need a wake up call and to realize they aren't all that!).

I'm glad that Cole told Paige the truth--just as Rory said before, even if she's book smart, she's got NO common sense. And while I'm glad Daniel realized the truth, I think his convo with Paige was weird, and his pushing with JJ was unnecessary. NOT looking forward to him and Jennifer tomorrow. I also am tired of JJ, Jennifer, and Eve. All 3 are acting like children! For that matter, so is Serena the Not-So-Teenage Witch.

I'm glad to see that Tad is back on-screen, and love that he called out Will for not paying enough attention to him. I feel bad for Tad; seems like he always gets the short end of the stick. As for the Paul and Sonny stuff, I think it's noble of Paul to try and take the blame, but at this point, everyone already knows that truth that the romp was consensual. I'm impressed that he keeps defending the bratty Will, who's treated him like trash. NO WAY would I have been able to do the same.
It's nice to see Nicole with a new man. It is not nice to think that he knows exactly who she is and may be using her for his own purpose. If not, since he is clearly a criminal, I'd rather Nicole not be a partner to another Bonnie and Clyde type of story. Hey, maybe he isn't a criminal. Maybe he is really Alexander Kiriakis and he works for the FBI or ISA or something and is trying to catch and arrest Serena. Now THAT I would like. Then he could be okay for Nicole, maybe.
In re: Xander & Nicole........Was also very happy there was this really nice guy who took an interest in her. However........I don't like that "he always gets what he wants, or his own way". That smacks of EJ's personality, and I really want something better for her.
I thought I read somewhere on here that his last name is Cross? Only good thing I can say about Jennifer today is at least she didn't kick Eve's purse today! I thought that was so stupid the other day. I did love her pink jacket and thought she looked very pretty.
It's nice to see Nicole with a new man. It is not nice to think that he knows exactly who she is and may be using her for his own purpose. If not, since he is clearly a criminal, I'd rather Nicole not be a partner to another Bonnie and Clyde type of story. Hey, maybe he isn't a criminal. Maybe he is really Alexander Kiriakis and he works for the FBI or ISA or something and is trying to catch and arrest Serena. Now THAT I would like. Then he could be okay for Nicole, maybe.

Hey, now That would be a great idea! Xander as an ISA agent tracking Serena. And if he's smitten with Nicole, even better! I really hope Nicole will reconsider & accept Xander's dinner invitation. Can't you see the looks on Serena's & Eric's face if Nicole waltzes in with Xander? LOL!!

Edited to write out texting abbreviation - JS