Days of Our Lives - Thu., Mar. 30, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Dario visits Abby at the DiMansion to apologize for saying he loves her. She's not sure why he thinks that, and it's not a good idea to talk about it, especially with Chad gone. (Dario had waited outside until Chad left.) Abby is grateful for Dario's help when she needed it. He wants her to forget the whole "I love you" thing. Abby can't, both because she can't forget and she and Chad are working on their marriage. He vows to show her what love really means, just in case Chad ever hurts her. Jen [after her Square scenes, see below] enters, senses the tension.

Jennifer and Hope are chatting at a table in the square. Jen says Abby's doing well, and Hope asks about Eric. Eric's doing great, but is very hard on himself. They talk a bit about Jen & Eric's drug-fueled relationship; Hope speculates the feeling may still be there. She thinks Jen & Eric could be good for each other. Jen worries that Eric is being too hard on himself.

Retired Roman stops by the Horton Center to see Eric, who also implores his father to let them hold a fundraiser for the Center at the Pub. Roman agrees; thinks Jennifer is good for him. Later, Roman is mad that someone isn't coming home - and his sink is broken. Eric offers his "skills" as a plumber. Roman invites him & Jennifer to dinner at the Pub to discuss details. Eric refuses, Jennifer is his boss. Roman says that they are friends as well. Eric says he's hard on friends (Ed. Note: ). More pity for Eric from Eric as they talk about how he helps people.

In TBD, Chloe and Eduardo talk about "her" baby and leads; Chloe plants a kiss on him as Kate enters. Kate comes up, warns Eduardo from tackling Deimos alone, or Chloe, for that matter. Chloe reminds Kate of her poisoning. Later they're out in the Square; Chloe gets a call from Parker (on Nancy's phone) and Ed goes to get a fro-yo. He runs into Deimos and they exchange threats.

In their cabin, Nicole assures Holly that Hillary is not on to them. Brady can't get in, spooks Nicole, but she lets him in. He has Tate with him, and they're here to stay. Brady and Nicole discuss this a bit; she thinks he's foolish to give up his life, he wants his life to be with her. Nicole pushes him away, Brady pushes back. He loves her. He love loves her, she loves him as a friend. Brady assures her that he knows real love, because of Jeannie Theresa. (Brady says it's over with her although he hopes someday she has a relationship with Tate.) Nicole states her focus is Holly and making a life for her, not figuring out her relationship with Brady. Brady suggests they test things with a kiss. Nicole keeps saying no, Holly is her focus; Brady keeps saying he understands, they both have an unexpected child they love more than anything. He'll be patient while she gets ready to love him back. Back and forth, until Nicole asks if this is Brady talking, or Daniel's heart.

At the DiMansion, Abby denies anything's going on, and Dario states he's leaving. Jen thanks Dario for saving Abby. Abby tells Jen all, Jen stands by her daughter's decision, thinks it's the right idea. Abby will miss Dario.

Deimos and Hope talk in the area just off the square; he had to get out of the mansion. She asks if he's had his eye looked at. Later, he makes a call to someone to postpone their meeting as Hope listens in. She runs to the DiMansion, warns Abby that the war will destroy the families.

Jen arrives at the Pub. A-shirt wearing Eric pops up from under the bar. He needs her to look stuff up on the iPad so he can finish the job. They hi-five, Jen says they make a good team. He invites her to lunch at a Café in the Square. Later, they're getting ready to go on their date, texting about almost being ready. Eric has a rose.

Dario makes himself a drink at TBD. He gets a call about someone who's been spotted "that far up north" and runs to tell his "dad."

Eduardo and Chloe talk about Kate as they eat frozen yogurt. They discuss dropping the plan to pretend they're a couple since it's not making Kate jealous. Eduardo thinks it's working a little bit, maybe perhaps they should keep it up; they are interrupted by Dario, who alerts them to Brady crossing the border with Nicole and Holly.

One more scene with Brady and Nicole and St Dan the Tan's Heart.
Gee, Jason, did not nod off during all of the Nicole/Brady talkathon.

So let's see now. Brady has brought Tate, gonna live with Nik & Holly, has declared his everlasting love to her, but she doesn't feel the same way.

Dario has waited until Chad left, to come in and apologize for declaring his love for Abby, but does it again, understanding she doesn't feel the same way.

And Eric, who has rejected any friendship overtures, suddenly is making lunch plans with an eager Jennifer, just because Roman said she was good for him.

And Hope runs over to warn Abby about the family war? Since when are they so cozy, and I thought she planted that bug to get evidence against Deimos for the police dept. ????
Wow it is so strange to see Eric not all doom and gloom. Ok, I'm gonna try to warm up to him and Jen. I know I will probably be crucified for this but I was never a Jen/Jack fan. I actually did like her with Daniel. But hopefully with Eric won't be another triangle with Nicole.

Chloe is despicable. I think she's enjoying kissing Eduardo. And do you really want to irk the woman that has tried to kill you before? She needs to go away.

And along those lines - I just want Nicole to be happy. Please resolve this, let her and Brady come home and just be happy with her baby finally!!! And honestly I wouldn't mind when this is resolved if she and Chloe and still be friends. I like women friendships.

I was surprised that Abby told Jen that Dario said he loves her. That kind of thing is usually a secret for quite awhile.
Thanks, Jason.

I can't believe Abby told her mom Dario loves her.

I wonder if Tater Tot will miss his nanny.

I wish I could call Eric to unclog my sink. It's awful.

How did Eduardo's man find where Nicole went and no one else has?

Anyone else wonder if something is going to happen when Brady talked to
Nicole about making a life with her and the children and nothing is
going to stop him from doing that?
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Kat, you're right. The men in Salem are forever making promises they are unable to keep.

Today was one of those episodes that I enjoyed when reading the summary more than I did when watching. I was mostly uncomfortable watching Brady, who said he was not going to push Nicole but in my view he was being very pushy. He wouldn't keep his hands off her and he kept trying to close in for another kiss. If he really wanted to not be pushy, he should have sat down on the couch and explained his feelings instead of getting in her face.

Dario should have just stayed away. He no longer has any wiggle room, now that he's told Abigail how he feels about her.

Eduardo and Chloe are ick multiplied.
If Mayor Abe is trying to promote Salem tourism, the locals didn't do much to help out today. Any tourists who went to TBD looking for a friendly bar to have a drink instead found the place empty except for the thuggish Dario taking swigs of whiskey. Over at the Town Square, visitors might have had their sensibilities offended by Chloe planting a big wet one on Eduardo. Anyone who didn't flee after witnessing that offense to good taste might then have been subjected to the sight of Deimos and his new face, which was sure to send them racing back to the interstate. Finally, if Brady is serious about moving to Canada, he better start thinking about eventually signing up Tater Tot for youth hockey, taking him to the local Tim Horton's for a snack, teaching him the words to "Oh, Canada," and instructing him about the names of all the provinces and major cities.
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If Mayor Abe is trying to promote Salem tourism, the locals didn't do much to help out today.
And the Pub was closed for some reason, and Eric wouldn't even eat there. LOL

I agree about the Brady/Nicole scenes. They were uncomfortable. I found it interesting because 5 years ago, I would have flipped for joy at this pairing. Now it feels icky. And of course, we have to mention Daniel's heart. :sick:

I like Eduardo but I hate Chloe. I'm hoping he tries to kill Deimos and accidentally kills her. I'm just sick of her. Why can't she have Parker in Salem with her, exactly?
Why can't she have Parker in Salem with her, exactly?
Because then the baby-stealing diva couldn't sit in the Town Square occasionally smooching Eduardo and trying to think of ways to annoy Kate. Speaking of child care, now that Roman seems to be running the Pub, will he now become the babysitter of choice the way Caroline was? The way Salemites love to dump their children on somebody else, poor Roman might just be constantly thinking: "What da hell, why can't these people take care of their own kids."
...poor Roman might just be constantly thinking: "What da hell, why can't these people take care of their own kids."
Considering that Roman's children were dumped in the care of their Grandmother many times over the years, maybe Roman figures it's his turn at bat.
I loved Jack/Jen, the first couple I watched fall in love on this show.

I liked Jen/Daniel. They did have chemistry and in theory they made sense. They just had awful writing all around.

I'm very open to Jen/Eric. They have chemistry too. The age difference does bug me so I hope they address it. But other than that if they won't bring Jack back, this is one of the few things I enjoy on the show right now.
Thanks for the summary.

KathyLu and Mcgyver'sWife, I also was not a fan of Jennifer and Jack. Believe it or not, I used to like her with Daniel, until around the time Chloe started meddling in their love life 4 years ago. It went downhill from there. And I just can't get behind her and Eric. Part of it is the age difference, and part of it is just wanting these characters to be alone. (I'd be open to an Eric and Nicole reunion years down the road, though.)

Cannot understand why Dario, who used to really like Nicole and be her friend, is now betraying her to his father and Chloe, for a storyline he was never involved with. I also don't get why he told Abigail that he loved her. He knew it wouldn't go anywhere. Strange. I'm shocked Abigail spilled the beans to Jennifer as well.

This whole thing with Daniel's heart is absurd. It'd work better if the audience suspected it but the characters never addressed it. Just stupid. Sad, because I really wouldn't mind if Brady and Nicole were together for a little bit.