Days of Our Lives - Thu., Mar. 7, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Square: Sheila and Abe are sitting at a table, working on raising money for the homeless. Their hands touch. Jennifer want their opinion on the new candidate, who turns out to be her ex-husband. Sheila is confident Abe couldn't possibly lose to an amnesiac.

Eve's Hotel: Jack reports to Eve that the Party liked his outing Haley, and are backing his bid to be Mayor. After some bla bla, they decide to go to Abe's fundraising event.

Police Room: Eli asks JJ about Haley. JJ asks what will happen if ICE finds her. Eli doesn't know. Lani comes in with breaking political news. Later she and JJ talk about their past and their dads' rivalry. He is happy for her and Eli. She is thankful.

Teen Loft: Haley thanks Tripp for allowing her to stay, wonders if Claire will be OK with it. Claire enters, Haley hides. They talk about Haley, Claire wants Tripp to trust her. Haley emerges. (Claire is dressed like a drum major.) Claire gives her blessing (and does about 55 shades of subtle face acting to show how she really feels) but thinks that Ciara won't like it since "her mother" is commissioner. Ciara's cool, Tripp says, Claire hugs him and does a few hammy takes. She welcomes her to the loft, squeezing Tripp's hand demonstratively.

Viny area: Brady runs into Gabi, tells her about Chloe's encounter with his guard. He is especially sore that Chloe told him off in front of Stefan. He wants Gabi's help sticking it to Big Z; she's still not sold on the matter.

Dimansion: Chloe tells Stefan she trusts him. He kisses her. She puts on the brakes and they banter; he's attracted to her. He wonders if she feels a connection; she puts up walls. He babbles (like a fool) and fishes for compliments, eventually getting her to agree to a trial run. If it doesn't work, they can go to just roommates. They make out as Gabi watches. She clears her throat, Stefan is furious, Chloe bolts. She wants his signature and they trade barbs while he does. He accuses her of being jealous of Chloe, who she suggests is insane for considering Stefan as a mate.

Square: Brady gives a big check to Abe's fundraiser for the homeless. Eve and Jack show up to make an announcement. Jack is running for mayor, and he talks about making an example out of Haley Chen. Later Brady goes up to Eve and confronts her using Haley and Jack as cannon fodder for her revenge against Jennifer.

Police squadroom: JJ is advised by Eli and Lani to contact them if Haley contacts him. Abe comes in, they all talk about the mayoral race. Later, JJ volunteers to help Abe's campaign - he might never forgive his dad.

Teen Loft: Haley comes down the stairs, having just seen Jack's announcement, distraught; Tripp hugs her as Claire subtly seethes.

Dimansion: Stefan tells Chloe that he's going to make Gabi's life miserable. She thinks his anger is unhealthy; he wants to get back to their make out session. She halts it, asks for time to figure things out. She goes upstairs; he seethes.

Kmansion: Gabi arrives, telling Brady (who was in a scene moments ago with Eve in the Square) she is all in for destroying Stefan. She also relays that Chloe and Stefan kissed.

Square: Jennifer tells Jack that his performance was sad.

Teen Loft: Haley and Claire and Tripp have watched the clip of Jack's announcement. Haley needs a nap, Tripp takes her upstairs to get her fresh sheets. When they are gone, Claire calls Eve. END
Actually the episode is abysmal except for two parts:
JJ and Lani have a nice scene that acknowledges their past and gives closure.
I liked Stefan reviewing Gabi's history with men and her retorting with "at least Will Horton was a real person."

The rest...meh.

I think the performances are getting worse every day. They now aspire to be one-dimensional.
I am wondering if they got a temp story writer, maybe Ron C. went on vacation for a bit. This is truly boring, dragged out, immature, ridiculous. Maybe they all got writers' block, so just decided to drag out this kindergarten plot until they came up with SOMETHING ????
Stefan was like a horndog caveman today. "Uuuugh, pretty girl, must have her" All he was missing was a club to bonk her on the head so he could drag her to his bedroom by her hair.

After 50+ years of watching Days, Eve, Leo and Gabi are the three reasons that have me seriously considering ending my loyalty with Day. And I mean this from the bottom of my soap opera heart.

Clearly the writers are not listening to the public opinions and have no interest in bring fresh new, exciting twists and turns. They are swiftly taking DOOL to an unfortunate loss of loyal followers. Pity, such a pity.
I just can't stomach sleazeball Stefan with Chloe. And having her ignore how Stefan talks and acts towards Gabi is alarming. She didn't want Nicole to have Holly because of the Deimos mess but Stefan who raped a mentally ill woman and kidnapped and tortured another woman is okay to be around Holly.

Speaking of rapists, Jack calling Haley a criminal is rich.

Claire's crazy eyes could've melted Haley today if she had superpower.

I need Jennifer to really ruin Eve's life.

I kinda like Brady and Gabi teaming up.

I also kinda liked Abe and Shelia today.
Thanks, Jason.

Is Stefan a bad kisser? Chloe told him she didn't want to get involved
with him now.

Where did Ciara go? She just got home from the hospital and

Is the Salem PD incapable and incompetent? Eli didn't ask JJ for
Haley's phone number so he could it to track her down.

Is Claire possessed by the devil like Marlena was? She had that
same look in her eye today.
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I was surprised a few minutes later when Claire referred to Hope as "my grandmother". For a second, I thought she was talking about Marlena.
Claire better watch her mouth. If she keeps referring to Hope as a grandmother, she just might replace Ben on the crazy commissioner's hit list. As for the rest of this snoozer of an episode, here are a few comments.

The party chose Jack: What political organization chooses a total amnesiac to run for mayor? They'd do better running Rory on a free-pot-for-all platform.

Haley mania: Why don't the frantic friends of Haley do the sensible thing and either get her a good immigration attorney or buy her a bus ticket to New York, L.A., or San Francisco where she could blend in with the large number of Asian residents?

Bringing down the DiMeras: If anyone needed proof that Brady isn't that sharp, they could refer to him reviving the old doomed war cry of "bringing down" a member of the DiMera family. This never works and is a fool's errand.

Incremental improvement?: Yes, Stefan Zero is a total sleaze, but was kissing Chloe, a real person, a step up for a man who was infatuated with a schizophrenic's alter?

Abe can't lose: Running against the likes of Jack would seem to ensure his reelection, but let's not forget that this is the same man who once lost an election to career criminal EJ DiMera.