Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 4, 2023


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiMansion - Gabi and Stefan are smooching on the couch. Gabi can't believe this is real. EJ comes in and snarks at them. Gabi wants to review EJ's performance. Gabi has been surveying EJ's managing skills and bargaining tactics. His cologne is pungent. EJ tries to snipe through it as she presents her report. Stefan thinks the board will be disturbed by it. EJ calls for Nicole to get her report and learns she's out of the house. He leaves. Stefan and Gabi smirk. Later, they're not sure how seriously the board will take the issue and how hard EJ will push back.

Square - Eric gives Sloan a rose and makes a big deal about calling her his girlfriend. They smooch as Nicole walks by. Sloan gets a text about a client and has to suspend their night of romance. She leaves; Nicole maneuvers around to exchange acting faces with Eric. They talk about their drugged night of passion and Eric and Sloan's relationship status. She worries about him because she still cares about him. She then asks him to make sure Sloan keeps their sex secret since it was only because of the drugs. He deduces she doesn't want EJ to find out. He wants her to be happy, even if it's with EJ.

Paulina's - Paulina is breathing heavily in the dark. Chanel comes in and learns Paulina was meditating. It was recommended by Talia for Paulina's temporarily horribly crippling panic attacks. (Remember those?) Paulina wants Chanel to thank Talia when she next sees her. Chanel talks about her date. Paulina is surprised and they talk about how appealing and irresistible Chanel is, and whether or not she's ready to date again. Paulina doesn't want Chanel hurt again because she falls deeply in love so quickly.

Seedy Hotel - After an apparent romp, the bizarrely-accented Colin (sounds like he's going for a rugged Cockney lad who went to a posh finishing school?) reminds Talia (who must be dumb as a rock) about their stupid plot as she frets about her date with Chanel. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. Nobody can know Colin's in town, not even his sister Sloan, which is why he can't seduce Chanel himself. It hurts him to see her with someone else, so he says. She goes to get ready for her date.

Pub - Jada enters, highly upset. Rafe tries to calm her down as she recaps the holes in Talia's story. Jada is upset that her sister is stalking Paulina and Chanel. Rafe continues to suggest alternatives to Talia's guilt. They will get through this torment together, Rafe assures, as he squeezes her hand. Talia enters and says she won't be home tonight so she can hang out with Chanel. Jada asks her point black about Paulina's office. Talia plays hurt, admits she made a key that day for Jada's room. They've both been forgetting things lately. Talia thought her sister would believe her. Jada and Talia go to test the key. Later, Jada comes down and admits the key worked. She didn't mean to blurt everything out. She wants to go apologize to her sister, Rafe calms her down. Talia stomps by and Jada tries to talk to her. Talia ignores her. Rafe is flummoxed.

Blue Hallway/Club - Salem-disguised (i.e., wearing a baseball cap) Colin slumps at a table as Sloan passes by. Sloan meets her client as Colin skulks. The client is worried about the investigation and whether or not she'll need another lawyer. Sloan assures her she's innocent and will be able to defend her. Meanwhile, Talia and Colin exchange texts about Jada's accusation and Talia's nerves. (Talia's at a fancy-looking restaurant.) Talia is worried Chanel will sense she's not into women. Chanel enters in a revealing dress.

Blue Hallway/Club - After Sloan has left, Colin approaches Sloan's mousy client and assures her Sloan is innocent. (He is using the name Logan when speaking with her.)

Private Area - Sloan and EJ encounter each other. They recall the awkward Valentine's dates they had with Eric and Nicole, respectively. Sloan says it wasn't as awkward as finding Eric and Nicole in bed together. Sloan apologizes as EJ fumes - she assumed he knew. She's not losing sleep over it because it was caused by the drugs. Sloan tells EJ he shouldn't worry about it either. She leaves. He remembers catching Nicole on the phone.

OOPS! DiMansion - Gabi and Nicole are snarking back and forth about whose consulting report will end whose career. Gabi is confident she has the upper hand. Nicole winces and doubles over, hands on her stomach. END
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Agree with Jason.......Sloan was actually a bit likeable....also seemed to realize she spilled some upsetting beans to EJ when she mentioned finding Eric & Nik in bed. Guess we are gonna have to sit thru all the stupid stuff with Chanel/Talia/Colin, which has already gone on too long.

And so now......what has caused Nicole to double over in pain while confronting Gabi?
Well done, Jason, thank you!

Agree about Sloan being more likable, but she didn't have to mention Eric and Nicole. HOWEVER, glad that she said they were together only because of the drugged biscuits. No matter, she did not tell EJ, and that is why he will be angrier than if she had told him herself.

Chanel and Talia should be on What Not To Wear (a now-defunct fashion show). Too much not left to the imagination. I will admit, though, that they both carried off their respective outfits, and that attire seems to be the trend in Salem.

In Salem time, how long ago ago were Eric and Nicole together? Wasn't it just a few days ago? Doesn't it take two-to-three weeks to become pregnant? The show is not based in reality, anyway, so anything is possible, I guess.

Colin is getting skankier by the minute. What does he want with Sloan's client?
I get it.... new characters are cheap.... and Colin is really cheap..... He can leave at any moment. He is just the type of man you DON'T want in your life, controlling, deeply attached to dead parents and will now be a FF character.

Hands raised for people who broke up with a guy because he was judgemental about you sleeping with another guy while married, then another guy who you ended up marrying only to divorce so you could be with him, but he got all judgy again so you didn't re-marry but moved on to yet another guy and you see your guy giving a rose and tonsil check to his new girlfriend in the town square.... do you

A. wait around to talk to him about things
B. keep moving on because it's obvious he has
C. stick around the town square to feel sad that you really messed up the one true love of your life.... or so you thought?
In Salem time, how long ago ago were Eric and Nicole together? Wasn't it just a few days ago? Doesn't it take two-to-three weeks to become pregnant? The show is not based in reality, anyway, so anything is possible, I guess.
In Salem, a woman can get a positive pregnancy test the day after having sex. :sarcasm: :rolleyes:

Real-life time has no relevance on soaps. On the soaps, a couple can have sex on Monday, the first week of the month, and the woman can be in her second trimester by Friday at the end of the same month.

Or she could get pregnant in January of this year and have the baby on New Year's Eve of the same year. Soap pregnancies can be full term anywhere from 3 months to 17 months. :rolleyes:

That was like when Chloe was pregnant with Parker. Her stomach was flat as a pancake in a form-fitting dress. She went into Daniel's bedroom to take a nap, then came out of the bedroom later in a robe, looking like she had a beach ball under it.

Here's Chloe's sonogram from that day:

Colin (sounds like he's going for a rugged Cockney lad who went to a posh finishing school?) reminds Talia (who must be dumb as a rock) about their stupid plot
couple of thoughts on this

1. people are so amazed and in awe of this new lad they have to be reminded of the plot because the go gaga over him.

2. people are so bored by this lad that they tune out so by repeating the plot over and over we might care about the people and story

3. people don't give a rat's patootie about either character, this plot, and wish it would join the backburner crowd of stories not going anywhere sooner rather than later
Buried Alive: Colin the toad has buried foolish Talia in b/s and she’s eating it up with a fork and spoon.

Clueless: Foolish Chanel is exulting in her attractiveness while the rest of her world is collapsing around her. She needs to get a grip.

Same Old: Zero, Gabi, and EJ are beyond stale. They all need to take a break.

Queen Rat: Why is Sloan talking about Eric and Nicole? Doesn’t she have enough enemies?
Thanks, Jason.

Colin is a toad covered in pond scum :)

Why were Gabi and Stefan on today? They did kissing on the couch and Gabi gave EJ her report how the
DiMera employees don't like him. I hope we hear Nicole's report about Stefan.

Talia was smart making a key for the room she's sharing with Jada. Did she make more than one key
that day? How will Roman react when he finds out extra keys are being made for the rooms he rents?

Why is Colin hiding from Sloan? And how did he know she was going to be at the Small Bar or did he
just happen to be there when she came in?

I'm glad Talia is telling Colin she doesn't like the idea about doing it with Chanel. She seemed happy when
Chanel said they would do things slow.

Poor Nicole. Sloan opened her big mouth to EJ about Nicole in bed with Eric. It's Salem.
So I thought the brief look at Sloan's face when she walked away showed she was happy she outed Eric and Nicole. I didn't get the impression that was just innocent but maybe I just can't give the character the benefit of the doubt.

And speaking of that Colin can head back to wherever he came from like yesterday. Sloan going after Chanel was ridiculous. Him doing it is even more ridiculous. And I don't even care why he seems to be happy to have his sister dragged into it. And sadly it probably starts with me not caring much about Chanel. She's been on for a while but she just seems to get stuck being bounced around for the storylines of others. The character could leave tomorrow and it would take me a while to notice and yet it's like she's everywhere. Sort of like Tripp and Wendy could never be heard from again and it would have zero effect.

I do enjoy Rafe and Jada together. I hated the stupidity of claiming coworkers couldn't date but at least it gives them a chance to have a slowed down relationship.
I just love how Chanel has learned nothing about pooping where she eats, i.e. getting involved with a coworker, especially when Talia’s seemingly the only employee. The whole story is idiotic.

Maybe Colin is just here to make Sloan look like she has a soul. Please tell me he’s going to be a murder victim.
Thanks Jason.

Well Sloan's scenes with EJ sure were good. Finally he knows the truth, just as Nicole is having a crisis. What will this mean for their relationship? At least he knows it was because of the drugged biscuits. Everything else today was filler for me. Not awful but not noteworthy either. Besides Colin and the plot with Talia, which is very awful indeed.
Just an aside, but I do not understand how these stories are being O.K.'d by the suits when they are so asinine, and unwatchable. Is it they look good on paper, but the execution to film is extremely faulty?
Well, at least we know it's not just Days, because Y&R and B&B have been just as bad lately.

Today B&B had Jimmie Walker (who played JJ Evans on Good Times) and a little boy who was recently in some viral video make an appearance. The scenes were awful and added nothing to the show. My mum and I sat here wondering what in the world the writers and producers were thinking.