Days of Our Lives - Thu., Nov. 2, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In the Square, JJ is kvetching over meeting Lani's dad, and Abe overhears it. (Valerie is with him.) Valerie and Lani seem to agree with JJ's assessment that Abe is being too hard on JJ. They talk about the Will case, and what a great team Lani/JJ are. Abe worries about a hot head cop being his daughter's partner. (Ed. Note: This from the man who promoted murderer Hope Brady.) JJ vows to work to be better.

At the Kmansion, Maggie and Victor are talking about the relief of Sonny's mild injuries and not having scheming relatives/impostors about the house when Eve enters. Maggie learns that Eve married Deimos (which Victor couldn't tell her because of the Sonny news). Eve claims she's moving in, and has a hunky helper named Lars move her stuff to Deimos's room. Maggie claims this isn't a good time, because Ben Weston stopped Paul's wedding by announcing he didn't kill Will. Eve's mood changes sharply, and she rushes out to find out if that means Paige could be alive, too. Victor seems to soften for a second, but is actually scheming to toss Eve out while she's gone. Maggie convinces him to be compassionate; for 24 hours.

In Memphis at Lucas's hotel, Adrienne tries to explain, but Lucas doesn't want to hear. Through the closed door, Adrienne threatens to sing, which causes Lucas to grant her entry. She explains at length how Bonnie took her place with Anjelica's and Hattie's help, and when exactly it happened. He finally believes her, and asks if she still loves him. She does, but her hesitation signals there's someone else in her heart. Even though she thought about Lucas every day, learning that Bonnie/Justin reconciled made her realize that Justin still loved her (Ed. Note: That makes absolutely no sense.). This coupled with the euphoric rush of her rescue by Justin caused her to remember those feelings. She wants to be by his side, and help him, but he doesn't want her pity. He says they're over. Adrienne starts to cry, is shocked that Lucas doesn't want to be with her; Lucas knew eventually he'd lose her to Justin and he's not the same person who loved her. She wants to talk about it, wants to help him. She cries that she loves him, and she's sorry.

In what we are calling a Memphis hospital, Justin and Paul discuss Sonny's injuries and his quest to find Will and Sami's Quixotic quest at Roger Fisher's house. Paul will stay at the hospital; Justin knows how much Paul loves Sonny. They compare notes on being in a love triangle. Paul recalls the first time he met Justin, when Justin flew from Dubai to convince Paul in San Francisco to come to Salem and work things out with Sonny.

At the spook house, Sami has broken in and sees wooden letters spelling 'EJ' on the wall. Sami is interrupted by John and Marlena, who try to talk her out of her harebrained scheme. The EJ letters make her think perhaps the lead means both EJ and Will are here, or one or the other. Blah blah blah. Sami searches through drawers while John searches the house. John emerges after a bit to declare a woman lives in the house as well.

Eve is passing through the Square en route to the Station, and asks JJ if Paige is alive. He says no, and Eve doesn't believe him. She resolves to go to the Station, and JJ pursues her in the next scene. At the station, JJ is sorry that Eve's hopes were raised, because although there is reason to believe Will is alive, there is none for Paige. Eve cries, and JJ hugs her as Lani enters. Eve apologizes, the memories in Salem were just too much, but she'll have to get used to it, because she's staying for good.

At the Memphis hospital, Adrienne has looked in on the sleeping Sonny, and then talks to Justin. She admits she told Lucas about Bonnie, and then Justin assumes she's back with Lucas. No, because of you, is Adrienne's reply.

At Roger Fisher's spook house, Sami thinks only a crazy woman would be as obsessed with Elvis as its occupant is. John speculates Susan Banks is the co-resident. Susan emerges with a shotgun.

In a Memphis bar, Lucas drinks alone as he toasts Adrienne and Justin. He asks the bartender for another drink. The bartender looks like Will.
Thank you, Jason.

This Adrienne/Justin/Lucas stuff is getting on my ever loving last nerve. The same goes for Sami.

So Susan is living/staying with this Elvis guy? She moved to the US, and never contacted her grandchild or the child's mother?? That's just plain weird.

Is this really our Will as the bartender or a somewhat look a like to throw us off?? (I will have to watch online through Roku tomorrow.)
Another episode where EJ's memory and Sami somehow invade the screen. It almost seemed like Sami would've happier if it was EJ instead of Will to be alive

I'm glad Lucas broke up with Adrienne. He is in no position to handle a relationship anymore, even though Lucas is just saying that drunk, he may end up regretting his decision. Lucas can't even tell if Will is real or not anymore, that's how delusional he is.

I missed the scene with Susan, it must have been real brief. The big question is how would goofy goof Susan have any information on Will? Unless she somehow was investigating about EJ, though I don't really see Susan doing that. Let's see.
Lucas can't even tell if Will is real or not anymore, that's how delusional he is.
I really liked that angle. Frankly I'm on board for either, but the plot needs to get moving. Overall a very slow episode with a stellar ending. Again the last 3-4 scenes felt like they were from a different episode. I could get used to that.
So, the man who once called his husband a "glorified barista" is now, a glorified barista? Love the irony, even if he didn't remember ever saying that.
Sami is on my last nerve. Did Susan not name her baby Elvis John? I am so sick of hearing Sami spouting the name EJ, and her insistence that all that matters is her.
He was named John Black, Jr. at birth. Then when the truth came out, Susan renamed him Elvis Aron Banks. But when he came back to Salem, he went by EJ Wells, then EJ DiMera. I don't think they ever really said what the J stood for. I'm guessing his legal name is Elvis Aron DiMera.
We haven't heard about Edmund in years and years. Every so often, EJ would make a comment about Edmund (in a nice way), but Susan didn't mention him when she came to Salem the last time.

I wish we'd have heard that Susan and Edmund had some kids after they took baby Elvis and moved to England. Maybe some sisters named Lisa Marie and Priscilla, and brothers named Jesse and Vernon.
She was shown for a nanosecond at the end.
Frankly, I wish that Susan would fire a few shotgun blasts in the direction of "mean, mean" Sami, chasing her out of Memphis, out of Salem, and off the viewers' TV screens. Truly radiant she isn't.

As for other characters:

Lucas: Will this long-suffering man ever get a break? If gloomy sourpuss Eric thinks he has problems he ought to take a look at poor Lucas.

Eve: She seems to think that the K-mansion is some kind of hotel. If the house is Victor's, she has no right to be there even if she is the widow of Deimos.

Sami: She actually said that she doesn't believe in coincidences? Really? Much of Salem life is built around them.

Justin: Today, he mentioned people taking the low road. This too is an ingrained part of Salem life.

Abe: He ought to lighten up about JJ. Sure the hothead detective is nobody's idea of an ideal boyfriend for one's daughter, but who else is available? Would Abe prefer that Lani take up with the now penniless LIttle Trippy, one-time Horton Square tree vandal Cole or the ethically-challenged tech nerd Myron Raddatz?
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Thanks, Jason.

I'm so upset with Adrienne. She loves Lucas, but Justin saved her. I wish she would
think about how many people in Salem were stupid and didn't even realize it was
Bonnie the whole time. Even Justin.

Lucas needs to stop drinking. He sees Will a lot when he does.

So Eve is going to move into the K mansion. I wonder if Lars will too?

I keep wondering where Eve bought the coat. Maybe Goodwill since a lot of
people no longer wear fur coats.

So EJ's mom lives at the house. Does she know what happened to Will? Should
we stay tuned?
I think, but probably wrong, but I want to say Eve had a fur coat way back when.