Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 18, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Replay of Chad finding Gabi at the Kmanse. She claims "Gabby" attacked her. Chad seems skeptical. When he leaves, Gabi calls Kate and orders her to get there. Gabi's mad that Abby gets her way no matter what, and that Chad thinks she's lying. Kate is playing the sounding board, being sarcastic. Gabi demands Kate help her, uses her same old blackmail card.

At the Dimansion, Abigail comes to in that frightful wig. Her rapist is near; she thinks he did something to her. She doesn't realize she's wearing the wig, he tries to convince her "Gabby" is re-asserting herself. They argue. Abigail tells Stefan0 to let the baby go and Chad walks in. Neither man believes her assertion that Gabi drugged her. They are going to go to the source, they fight over whether the rapist should go with them. Kate appears and tells the males that she saw "Gabby."

Sami bursts into some room with a gun. She appears to be looking for Kristen. She and Eric talk on the phone about their plan to leave (see below) and the "motel" manager startles her. She gets some information from him that Kristen was there yesterday, but not with EJ. (She had shown him pictures of Kristen and EJ on her phone.) She gives him $200 for an hour to search the room. She finds Brady's bag, makes an angry call to him and texts Eric.

In that dingy medical warehouse, the unseen patient croaks "Samantha".

In another part of that warehouse, Kristen tells the bound Brady goodbye. She's going to leave him there (but not kill him directly) after he entreats her several times to let him go so they can run away together.

At Nicole Cook's apartment, the towel-clad Xander wonders whom Nicole is texting. She claims she's texting Sarah. He reminds the viewers of his blackmail scheme if she goes back to Eric. (Eric is outside the apartment, and takes a call from Samantha.) He waits outside the door for Xander to leave, while inside, Nicole tries to push Xander off to work. Xander tells Nicole to forget Eric and make their marriage real; Nicole says that would be easier if he stopped threatening her all the time. Outside, Eric got a text from Samantha. He hides when Xander leaves, then emerges to kiss Nicole before tailing Xander.

Back in "E.D."'s room, Kristen laments that there's no response in the patient. Meanwhile outside, Eric lurks behind a dumpster and Sami finds him. She updates him on Brady's betrayal. Inside, Xander arrives. He's surprised Brady's alive. He won't kill Brady unless she orders him to. He goes in to the "E.D." room and asks to kill Brady; she tells Xander to take him away, but keep him alive.

Sami and Eric make it into the room where Brady had been held (this is the literal next scene after the Xander/Kristen talk, paragraph immediately above). Eric wants to look for the evidence. Sami goes to look for EJ. He's successful.

At the Kmansion, Gabi is glad Kate came to her side.

At the DiMansion, Abby denies Kate's claims. She doubles down.

At the Cooks', Nicole is hoping for a long trip with Eric if he found the evidence. Xander arrives.

At the warehouse, Eric is unconscious. (No, you did not miss a scene.) Sami opens the "E.D." door.
Everything about this episode was dreadful.

StefanNo and his victim, Chad and Gabi, Kate and Gabi - bleechchhchchc.

Sam-me gassing on about her rapist, Kristen and Brady, bleechchahcich.

The only thing I liked was Sami and Brady referring to each other as brother/sister.

Even Xander in the towel wasn't fun, because he was so busy menacing a female character while thusly clad.
I gotta say Xander does looks pretty nice in that towel. :love: Please keep resisting though Nicole!!

I cannot believe Kate went along with Gabi's plan. This needs to end and now. Get the tea cup! Test it for drugs!! Cameras! There have to be cameras somewhere! And Gabi drove Abigail's to the Dimera Manse? She walked back? Is the Kiriakis manse right next door? Ugh. Enough!!
Thanks Jason. Got to see some of the show, Gabi/Kate. Loved Kate pointing out that what Gabi was u pset about was true. She WAS lying, Chad WAS skeptical of her story, she DID screw up. However, despite refusing to lie for her, that stupid blackmail threat of telling Chad she was passing Titan info to Stefan turned Kate into Gabi's lackey.
Just an FYI....Nov. sweeps begins October 25th, ending November 21, 2018
It sure does appear these stories are all leading into Nov. sweeps period.
Gabi and Kate: I will admit there were a few brief moments I enjoyed about their interaction. Such as the look on Gabi's face when Kate was going over how ridiculous it was that Gabi was offended that Chad doubted her story when she was in fact making it all up. It just very briefly reminded me of how despite what she's doing and the things she's been through Gabi at her core just isn't all that sophisticated. That is one of the things I've always found and still find endearing about her. Bun unfortunately that was a very brief moment. Other then then that as Jason summed it up very succinctly *blech*

So after watching this train wreck, I decided-in the immortal words of Popeye the Sailor Man- that "I've taken all I can stands and I can't stands no more" I sent a respectful but nonetheless sternly worded message expressing y displeasure, to the twitter feed of our esteemed head writer. I suspect that after having a good cry he will immediately get work on getting things back on track immediately.

So yes I know I am quite the hero and your very welcome.
I hope listens as well Jason, otherwise the gloves will to come off! :angry:

I saw that tweet Poirot, I thought at first that may be hinting at something as I've said I want some kind of twist so bad but after yesterday's show it doesn't seem like we're going to get one. Now I think he probably just to start a game of "How did she do that?" If that's the case it doesn't seem to be a game that most of the people I saw responding were interested in playing. LOL
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Thanks, Jason.

It's too bad noses don't grow in Salem when people lie :)

It still doesn't make sense to me the mystery man is left in a wheelchair
all the time. Why did he say Samantha, but didn't do anything when
Kristen badgered him. Was it because she looked different to him?

I hope this story with Gabi/Gabby/Abby ends soon. Chad was believing
Abby's story until Kate showed up.

Was Kate dressed like a wall flower today?

macgyverswife, at the end of the show, Gabi was cleaning the cups out with
a rag. Maybe one day soon Kayla will figure out something since Gabi
got the pills from her.
Really? She was carefully washing and drying the cups..........But the drugs would still be able to be detected? Amazing!
It didn't look like she was carefully washing them - just wiping them out with a rag. If she washed them with a detergent, it would depend on the dose if they could get a trace of it. (And I honestly didn't see "careful washing", but stand corrected if I am wrong.)

Actually, it depends on whether the writers want to decide a trace was left or not - real world rules don't apply. After all, "Gabby" had to carefully remove the entire set to beat Gabi's face? This should have flagged something with our dunce wonder, Chadwick.

It's almost like being named Titan CEO makes you lose 60 IQ points, or something.