Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 27, 2016


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Gabi comes into the DiMansion, thanks Chad for letting her & Ari stay, it is clear she is moving out. Chad's upset because he and Thomas have gotten used to having other people around. She put some special touches on his breakfast tray to say thank-you.

Eduardo brings Kate breakfast at the Martin House. She only drinks black coffee before noon. He has brought a breakfast burrito to keep demons away. Kate asks about Eduardo's wife, he corrects her, ex-wife. She has gone back to Mexico permanently, it seems. Kate wonders if he's just biding time until she [Adriana] changes her mind, doesn't look forward to being a consolation prize. Eduardo says they can't go back. They talk about working with children, as Eduardo is planning to work with Dario and build a legacy. They talk about her working for Chad DiMera, she is angry that Ed didn't invest in her when he had the opportunity. He asks her to work with him. He won't tell her what his company is or does, and she worries about ethical compromise. He acknowledges that her ethics are flexible. She wants whatever's happening between them to stop. Really. He gives her the burrito, says don't give up on this.

At the hospital in Kayla's office, Steve has brought Kayla a soy latte. He gets an update on Abe. She asks him for a favor, tells him about Abe's lack of physical history. Steve (who says it's October, 2016, for future reference) has apparently never had one. Even though he cracks jokes, Kayla keeps serious, wants him to get a physical. Later, they're eating, he gives her a present.

In the square, Blanca walks with Dario. (Apparently the siege ended two days ago?) It's decorated for Halloween. They talk about Guillermo, Blanca thanks him for his help, but she could have handled it. He asks for their dancing date. She has to work. He is laying on the...charm? Says he's looking for a woman to help him change his ways.

Gabi and Chad go to the Hospital to check on JJ. Jen tells them he's sleeping, not fully conscious. Jen is planning to bring him ice chips, which Gabi asks to do in her place. Jen looks pained for a bit, says okay; Chad then tells Jen that Lucas and Adrienne moved out last night. He's ready to be a full-time father to Thomas, hopes she is OK with this. Jen seems OK with it, recognizes that she has work to do in her recovery before she's ready to help out with Thomas.

At JJ's bedside, JJ tells Gabi he's sorry. He is a hero, she argues. JJ tells her he loves her so much, and always will.

In the Square, Dario meets with Eduardo. Dario worries about work, it will take awhile for the Club to reopen. He wants to know about Eduardo's business. Eduardo explains the new Club will be a front; Dario realizes things might not be on the up-and-up. They talk about how to get their merchandise in & out of Salem, Dario suggests the Kiriakis are hungry since they've lost a significant share of their shipping business to the DiMeras. Eduardo likes Dario's fire, doesn't want a yes-man working with him. Eduardo also says he's working on something in his personal life.

Chad returns to the DiMansion, André is sitting at Chad's desk. André has been fielding calls. André's mad that Chad has cut out a mobster client, Chad reminds him that going forward, DiMera is not going to operate illegally. Aggressively, yes. Chad reminds André that HE (Chad) is in charge. Chad reminds André that trust is a two-way street, asks what he's hiding. André waxes sentimental about how Thomas/Theo/Chad are the only family he has left. Chad doesn't seem to be buying it. André talks about leaving something for Theo and Thomas, something worthwhile. They have to get creative. He learned things in prison that will help. Chad says if André runs afoul of the law again, he's on his own. André has an errand to run in preparation for the Halloween festivities.

Dario has taken Blanca to his hotel room, where they dance. In the next scene, they're doffing their clothes and falling onto the bed.

In her office, Kate is on her laptop, thinks back to Eduardo's metaphor talking about the burrito.

Chad talks to his son, asks for his patience. Wishes he weren't doing this alone, but promises to do a good job.

At Kayla's office, Steve gives Kayla a picture of them from the old days. They talk about their past and their future. He never wants to forget this moment. Steve clears Kayla's desk and they laugh about how romantic it should have been. (Kind of a cute scene, they kind of struggle to get up on the desk.) There's a knock on the door. There's an emergency. There's a body missing from the morgue.

Laszlo and Orpheus meet on the docks. Orpheus looks forward to causing lots of really neat havoc on Halloween.
I agree with Gramcracker. This wasn't a very interesting show overall, although it certainly wasn't the worst of the past three months. Also, the cliffhanger was pretty good, as we did get a nice break from Rafe & Hope.

Believe it or not, I'm warming up to the idea of Kate and Eduardo. Sure she bedded his son, which is gross, but now that it looks like Mami won't be returning and Deimos is done with Kate, why not go back to what the writers planned originally for these two? They do have chemistry, and it'll give us (hopefully) more screen time for Eduardo. I'm also enjoying Dario more now after his attitude change. So glad he seems to be over Nicole, although I wish he and Blanca took things more slowly.
Kudos to all posters who smelled a rat about the "death" of Orpheus. And fie on the incompetent staff of University Hospital who declared a man dead only to have him walk out of their morgue. Fie too on sleazy Eduardo for turning to the dark side after Mami left town. He and slimy Dario deserve each other. Speaking of the con-artist in the gray leather jacket, his tacky hotel-room scene with the clueless Blanca stood in sharp contrast with Steve-Kayla office encounter -- fleeting lust vs. true love. Finally, a few stray questions.
  • Why are TPTB wasting a set on Kate's home? Bring back Chez Rouge so Salemites no longer have to have romantic dinners on the piers or in the middle of the Town Square.
  • Can Clyde get some credit for the repair of Abe's heart? If he hadn't shot him, the mayor's ticker would still be a ticking time bomb.
  • Should Jenny be so thrilled over JJ's relationship with Gabi? Does she really want to sit down to holiday dinners with sleazy Eduardo and slimy Dario?
Jen was very much against her daughter marrying Chad, so Abby suffered at Ben's hands, nearly died........and we all remember how many people came to Abby & Chad's wedding. And Jen's daughter is apparently gone. JJ is laying in the hospital, badly injured, he apparently loves Gabi, I don't think Jen wants to cause any problems, or alienate anyone.

That said, JJ's repeatedly telling Gabi he is sorry, whether delerious or semi-conscious has me thinking JJ has had sex with someone else. And then there is Rafe talking of always having wanted kids.

And now, we have the mystery of "who is the father of Chloe's baby?". Now would it not be a stitch, if either JJ or Rafe became a daddy?
Pretty boring episode. The scenes with Steve and Kayla were nice. I just can't get into Kate/Eduardo or Dario/Blanca. Eduardo was much more enjoyable as a romantic interest with Eve or Adriana. And Dario and Blanca could both be gone tomorrow and I wouldn't care or notice. Blanca would have worked as a character if they would have invested in a triangle with Rafe/Hope but she's lost now and Dario is rather inconsequential as well.

Of course Orpheus is alive and well. Wonder what he's going to do next?
Thanks, Jason.

It's Halloween time in Salem. Time for someone to come back from the dead LOL

I hope the new business Eduardo is planning is legit. We don't know what it is, but I hope the
clues are going in the wrong direction.

Will Andre dress up for Halloween? I hope he's not a clown again.

Nice picture Steve gave Kayla. Are we supposed to wonder who took it?
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Eduardo, Eduardo, Eduardo, what in the holy heck are you are doing man? Am I going to have to come up with some incredibly witty alliterative nickname to use in place of your name? Because if whatever you're up to causes my Gabi, your daughter, any pain I will do it! Don't believe me? Just ask the Dixieland Dirtbag what happened when he dared make threats against a then incarcerated Gabi and little Arianna. It wasn't pretty.

In all seriousness, when Eduardo first showed up on the scene last year he was pretty shady. We saw that he had a henchman keeping taps on Gabi and Arianna in the Town Square and was keeping journals which showed he had some familiarity with the main players in Salem. I suspect now that Dena Highley is back as one of the headwriters we're going to get what may have been originally intended.

I just wonder how long we're going to listen to Papi and Dario yammer on in ambiguous terms about "merchandise" which I suspect to be a euphemism for knockoff Prada handbags or perhaps counterfeit Girl Scout cookies.

Gabi and JJ: These scenes brought a smile to my face mostly because they showed where Gabi's heart lays; where it should with a certain Officer J.J. Deveraux. I like Chad and Gabi's friendship but I am even more convinced that's all it will be.

However I am somewhat concerned about J.J. continued muttered apologies to Gabi. My previous warning to Eduardo equally applies to him. *shakes fist threateningly*
Add me to the list of folks who dislike the dark turn in Eduardo's storyline. Also, I don't like him going into shady business.

Seriously...this show needs someone in charge who can think a few beats ahead. Directional changes shouldn't be this sharp. (I'm going to surmise that this is the character as Ms Higley envisioned him, but who really knows.)

I really liked the Jennifer/Chad scenes, too.

Orpheus is alive? Worst return from the dead ever. Just plain lazy writing.

I really liked the Steve & Kayla scenes, although I WISH THE WRITERS would acknowledge HIPAA regulations when it's not convenient to the story. It takes too much out of it when a doctor/chief of staff is revealing a patient's medical history to her not-even-husband-again-yet. VERY BAD.
Let's see, Eduardo returned to Salem, wanting to get to know and be with the family he had to desert years ago. The fact remains, Eduardo was taken out of school, and forced into becoming a trained assassin. He has lived and worked in the underbelly of society for years. His marriages, family, were times he had to be "undercover". He wanted to leave that life behind.......and whatever the writers planned for him, well,

Drake Hogysten who plays John was badly injured, and had to be written out. And then Kassie dePaiva, playing Eve became ill, and unable to work. Plus Jen Lilley (Theresa) opted to end her stay in Salem.

So....whatever stories, directions, etc. that were planned, thought out, etc. all had to be changed, and, except for Theresa, definitely last minute scrambling. So, guess the upheaval would make for some scrambling, as those absences needed to be covered and fast.

I think Blanca perhaps had been written out (this is strictly a guess on my part) and AGAIN PERHAPS went thru an intensive learning to speak English course. (She does very well, but spoke no English when she first appeared on the show, sounded out the words, etc. She very obviously has no trouble or barely any trouble now) So she was brought back to fill a gap somewhere, very pretty girl, but a shame to be wasted on Dario. I do like we saw her at the hospital, I am glad I did not see her in bed with Dario...that is Days' stupid thing......put them in bed for a roll in the hay. Just wish characters could come on the show and not have to immediately be tossed into doing the horizontal tango with someone else.
Thanks for that information on Blanca, Poirot. The actress reminds me a lot of a roommate I once had, who was from Brazil. Could barely speak any English when I first met her. Looked something like this actress too. I could like the actress and the character a lot, if they would give her a decent story. I also liked her in the hospital scenes. But this thing with Dario leaves me wanting to skip her scenes.
I'm also hoping Eduardo's business is legitimate.

Enjoyed Steve/Kayla stuff even though it was filler. It was good filler.

Happy to see JJ again but it has been a week. Instead we've seen Hope 3 times already this week. If they want fans to enjoy the show, the pacing and balance needs to get better.
I agree with Gramcracker. This wasn't a very interesting show overall, although it certainly wasn't the worst of the past three months. Also, the cliffhanger was pretty good, as we did get a nice break from Rafe & Hope.

Believe it or not, I'm warming up to the idea of Kate and Eduardo. Sure she bedded his son, which is gross, but now that it looks like Mami won't be returning and Deimos is done with Kate, why not go back to what the writers planned originally for these two? They do have chemistry, and it'll give us (hopefully) more screen time for Eduardo. I'm also enjoying Dario more now after his attitude change. So glad he seems to be over Nicole, although I wish he and Blanca took things more slowly.
Kinda hard for me to think of "Cruz" (the character A Martinez, who plays Eduardo, played on Santa Barbara in the 80's), with Kate!!!
I actually enjoyed this episode.

Praise be to the god of soaps, Orpheus is alive.

I found Chad and Gabi awkward but enjoyed Chad and Jenn and Chad with Andre.

Eduardo and Kate. Eddie knows how to lay out the charm! But props to Kate for not leaping straight into bed, its a refreshing change.

Steve and Kayla were fun to watch.

Looking forward to the Halloween episode!
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