Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 3, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Kmansion: Sarah is planning to leave town in order that Eric never know he's the father of her baby. Xander opposes this plan; Sarah says it's for the best. Her plan is to leave immediately. Xander wants her to stay around to keep him honest, admits that he's been close to some schemes (but only talks about Kristen). She agrees to sleep on it, he will make her a peanut butter and bacon sandwich.

Kristen's Hotel: Brady is knocking, Vivian has a gun on her so she can't get the door. Kristen says Brady's not leaving; Vivian threatens to kill Brady and Kristen/baby if outed. Viv hides in the bathroom, Brady enters; he suspects someone's there. She claims she was talking to her new OB. He knows she's pregnant. She tries to embrace him, he doesn't believe he's the father. He suggests Xander hooked for her; she slaps him. He points out her Nicole scheme, no telling what she could do; he swears to stand by the child if everything's true. (Kristen will get a paternity test when it's safe, even though Brady is dubious.) Back and forth about this not uniting them (Brady's take) but it really does forever (Kristen's take). Brady leaves. Vivian emerges, says focus on your child, they never turn on you. Vivian wants to know who else was held after resurrection, Kristen shoos her away.

Trellis/Police Station: Rafe/Lani have a recapping phone call about Viv's escape from DiMansion's tunnels. (Eli is on a family emergency, non-Julie-related.) Rafe enters his home, calls for Jordan. He is about to get a TV dinner when she appears, has something made for him.

Pub, outside: Ciara likes what Doug said to Ben yesterday. Ben has something on his mind, has to call Stefan. Ciara steps away, screaming mere seconds later. She is fine, but someone tried to run her down. Ben suspects Jordan. They relax in the pub, where Lani questions them. Later, a police officer (who actually has a few lines) gets Ciara's statement, Ben will take her home. First though, they have dinner and Ben tells her about Jordan's statements about Ben hurting Ciara. He thinks Jordan attempted to run Ciara down to send him a message.

DiMansion: Stefan gets a call from Vivian, who needs rescuing from Kristen's bathroom. Gabi watches as he makes arrangements. Later, he has spoken with Ben about getting Vivian out of the Salem PD's jurisdiction. Gabi is relieved; will be glad Vivian is gone even though Stefan loves her (blechhh). Stefan gives her a heart necklace; talks about how he gave her his heart and she didn't break it. They rehash their tumultuous relationship, exchange loving words, and then start making out and doffing clothes.

Rafe's House: Rafe and Jordan are the eating dinner she made, her favourite; Lani arrives, has questions for Jordan. She recaps; Jordan claims she was home all day, but only David could vouch for her. She doesn't have a car, etc. Lani leaves; Rafe demands answers from Jordan. Jordan professes her innocence; she wouldn't harm her chance to be with David. She wants him to believe her; he hesitates. David cries and she leaves the room. Later, Rafe has concerned looks superimposed over Jordan.

Square: Marlena is walking & texting, happens upon Brady. Brady reveals that Kristen's pregnant and it might be his. Marlena warns him to be the aggressor, never let Kristen make the first move. Maybe file for full custody. She sees Vivian lurking through the square in a cloak.

Pub: Lani has returned to the Pub, gives Ben and Ciara the news, tells them to stay away from Jordan.

Guest House (?): Ben and Ciara fret. Later they are in bed, Ciara is sleeping; Ben worries.

Pub (outside): Lani tells the officer to take a pic of Jordan to rental car agencies. Then Marlena walks by, tells Lani about her Viv-sighting and she has called 911.

DiMansion: Gabi and Stefan are finished; he gets a text from Vivian and has to scoot.

Private Area: Cloaked Vivian is prancing like a silent film villain when Lani emerges, telling her to stop.

Kristen's room: She is looking at a book of baby names.

Kmansion: Brady enters, plops down on the steps and reads the pregnancy test again. Meanwhile in the living room, Sarah is dozing on the couch when Xander enters with her food and a glass of milk. He puts the food down and covers her with a throw. He sits near her and eats some of the sandwich.

DiMansion: Gabi admires her ring and appears to be having happy thoughts.

Square: Stefan is texting.

Private area: Vivian turns around and doesn't drop her weapon as ordered. Vivian blabs about her resurrection and Kate, then raises the gun. Lani shoots as Stefan leaps from nowhere, he gets shot in the neck.

Ed. Note: The editing is awful.
And Lani doesn't put down her gun, doesn't go to aid Stefan, who has blood gushing from his throat, while Viv screams??????
Well, he is related to other maybe something with JJ, or Hope, or Jen...or.........who knows. Did they say Family emergency leave....or just emergency leave?
She said he had to leave for a family emergency, non-Julie related. But none of the other Hortons (in Salem) appear to be in distress to the point of it being a "family emergency"
New Pub taste sensations: Rafe shouldn't have tossed out his Salisbury steak TV dinner. He should have given it to Roman who could have tweaked the recipe a bit and come up with a new menu sensation. The same goes for Sarah's favorite, peanut-nut-butter-and-bacon sandwiches. This one could be another big hit. After all, Xander seemed to like his.

Don't go, please stay: Another argument that Xander could have used to get Sarah to stay in Salem would be to point out that University Hospital is a little short of doctors now that Jack has sent crazy Dr. Shah to the big O.R. in the sky.

Who gets custody: A Kristen-Brady custody suit could be a real circus. Testimony involving the characters of the formerly drug-and-alcohol-addicted Brady, a man with a distinctly messy past personal life, and that of the homicidal psychopath for the ages, Kristen, could make the head of legal dunce Judge Damon Thorpe explode.

Criminal defenses: The Salem Bar Association should notify all members who are criminal defense attorneys of Vivian's novel excuse for killing Kate: it was personal. If used by a skilled lawyer, this could be a new defense that would help Salem's criminal classes avoid justice.
DB....I absolutely L O V E your last one. "It was personal" as an excuse. Reminds me of the statement given by a man convicted of sexual assault of very young relatives over a period of time......he said in a long statement " the judge does not have the right to sentence him at all!! I believe he cited something about the 11th amendment to the constitution, or something. I only scanned the article today in local paper, to read later. (He also claimed he was drunk, blacked out, could not remember the incidents. )
I thought it was really strange the way they had to say that Eli was out on a family emergency, but not Julie. Why couldn't he just have had an appointment? And Lani was "filling in" for him? I don't really think that the Police Commissioner or Chief of Police or whatever he is just asks someone to "take my shift." I would think it is a more appointable position? Anyway, Lani was just so busy interviewing Ben and Ciara and then Jordan and Rafe, that by the time Marlena figured out and told her where Vivian was in her super stealth disguise, she was just too exhausted to react when Stefan was shot. That was just too strange and, yes, she should have shot Viv way earlier. If any back up comes, it will be from hearing Vivian scream.

I think it will ultimately turn out that the shot came from Vivian's gun.

And more Stefano anchors dropped today.
She said he had to leave for a family emergency, non-Julie related. But none of the other Hortons (in Salem) appear to be in distress to the point of it being a "family emergency"
I wondered the same thing, and actually rewound to re-watch the scene. It was baffling.
Lani should have shot Vivian (say in the arm or leg) the moment she saw Vivian had a gun and wasn't going to disarm. Vivian is obviously deranged and extremely dangerous.
I knew what was coming but I was still screaming at the TV, SHOOT HER! This woman is an unhinged psychopath holding a GUN on an officer. She should have been shot in the forehead. Too bad JJ's not still a cop.

Here's my humourous take for the day:
thanks for enduring this mess Jason
The show was really all over the place. Stefan and Gabi did the deed and he got to the Square while Viv was moving from the Square to the Private Area, and Lani went back and forth to the Pub and Ben and Ciara went home.

I feel like if we're to believe this nonsense, they should at least have a map of locations they consult to see how much they're asking us to accept.
I think it will ultimately turn out that the shot came from Vivian's gun.
I think that, too, although there were no effects today to indicate that Vivian did shoot. Frankly I think Lani's in danger since she just (apparently) shot the ARMED and UNHINGED psycho's son in front of her.
Thanks, Jason. You did a good job with what was shown today.

I thought it was strange too Lani said Eli had emergency, but not about Julie.
Maybe the actor couldn't work that day for some reason.

Today we met a Salem cop named Bobby. First thing I thought of was
he the one driving the car. If so, why would he do it? Did he know one of
Ben's victims? Or has he met Jordan and she talked him into doing it.
Later, Lani had him look to see if Jordan rented a car.

When Brady sat on the steps, he put his hand in his jacket. I was afraid
he had a bottle in there.

I couldn't believe Lani just stood there while Stefan was bleeding out.
I was thinking it would be good if Vivian shot Stefan. Looks like he was shot in the throat so his survival is looking dim. I will be mad if he dies. Why did they even bring him on!? Someone needs to take Stefano's place! They do keep dropping his name. I hope they do not recast him. Maybe have Stefano's brother come to take over. I don't know if he had a brother but certainly one could show up!! At least Gabi got one final boink in. Will that be the one that created a child? Yout know the one she can never have.