Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 6, 2016


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Western Wisconsin
At the DiMansion, Marlena has shown up to talk to Kate about Clyde so she can update his psychological profile. Kate is miffed, but backs down quickly. She mentions Clyde's plan to get Thomas. Later, she is talking of regretting not believing Jordan, how she saw the fun side of Clyde, how he hid his bad side. Chad says that's gone, Kate agrees that Clyde's unhinged now, wants nothing more than to take Thomas to Ben. Marlena and Kate talk about the stress of the siege when Marlena has a flash, remembering a session where Clyde snapped (this would be a good place for a new flashback, Days). Marlena thanks them, prepares to leave; Marlena is not sure her profile will help, but it is all she can do. They talk about Kate's mentoring of Chad, and Marlena worries that Clyde is learning from Orpheus.

In their dungeon, Clyde is needling Orpheus, frustrated by their lack of food and supplies. They were supposed to get in, get what they wanted, and leave. Orpheus thinks things are just peachy, loves jangling John/Marlena/Steve/Kaylas nerves. He warns Clyde not to become a liability. Later, Clyde is drinking and lamenting his abuse of his kids, plans to break the cycle of abuse by killing Chad and taking Thomas to Ben. (Orpheus ignores him, is doing a crossword.) Clyde laments shooting Abe, who has a boy of his own who's not right. Clyde talks about a time when he looked in his father's eyes during a beating, and saw nobody was there; laments thinking Ben might have felt the same about him. Clyde offers Milo a drink, which he refuses; there's a noise outside, Clyde goes to investigate. He comes back, false alarm. More Orpheus and Clyde needling each other.

At the Horton house, Ciara comes in and talks to Jennifer about Theo's escape. She worries that she's never seen him like this. Later, they're talking to Roman on the phone, the cops assigned to him lost him, are out looking for him. Ciara worries that Theo will be killed; Roman demands she stay with Jen, don't worry. Jennifer assures her that Theo will be OK, where might Theo go? Ciara's already checked there (or they have been checked), she feels helpless. Jen insists they pray.

In the private area, Theo sits down and pulls a gun out of his backpack. Later, he's reading his tablet about the shooting. Later again, he's creeping on the pier, someone grabs him; it's Roman, who scolds him and wants to know the truth. Theo tries to lie, Roman is not buying it, tells him they're going to the station. Roman calls Jenn, updates her; Ciara is thrilled, heads to the station to see Theo, needs to tell Claire. She leaves.

In the Square, Aiden is trying to arrange a private dinner for Hope Brady, to no avail. He threatens the owner with a bad health inspection in their future. André comes upon him, reminds him of the terror Aiden put Hope through. André seems to know about the blackmail, Aiden fumes; André needles.

At the police station, Rafe is processing Hope's statement about taking a break. He wants to know what else is behind this. She claims she has feelings, but not as strong as his. He disbelieves this, grabs her, asks for the truth. She says she just need times alone. Rafe suspects Aiden is making her do this. She finally admits it, her voice cracking. Rafe knew it, keeps pushing. Hope says this is why she needs a break, when she doesn't give Rafe the answer he wants to hear, he pushes. Rafe figures out what Aiden's holding over Hope. Hope tells him he's wrong, she implores him to back off despite his declaration that they're in this together. Rafe deduces that Aiden's on to him, too. Hope worries about the others, wants to do this her own way. He keeps grabbing her, she pulls away, he says they're in this together. He kisses her, she pulls away.

In his hotel, Aiden is ordering dinner and champagne. Rafe pounds on the door. Aiden opens it, gets punched. They go back and forth. Aiden makes threats, Rafe leaves.

At the DiMansion, Kate is flashing back to dumping Clyde. Chad comes in, informs her of Sonny's stabbing. Chad laments taking advantage of the Kiriakis weakness from their blunder at the docks; Kate tells him not to be sentimental, those deals will keep the company running.

In the private area, André is talking to someone on the phone. Laura is helping. He won't tell anyone until "you are good and ready."

At the police station, Ciara and Theo hug; she has been worried about him. Theo talks about punishing the guy who shot his dad; Ciara wants him to leave it to the police because those men are dangerous. Theo says so is he, shows his gun.

Orpheus sends John an email detailing the exchange demands; meet in the Square prepared to transfer $20 million. They both fondle their guns as they talk about leaving town. Later, Clyde is upset that Roman/John have not responded yet.

At the Hortons, Jennifer and Hope talk momentarily about the teens, all have been updated. Hope tells her she's broken up with Rafe. Jen balks for a moment, how can she, Rafe loves her, she saw him in the hospital. Hope asks for support, Jen agrees unconditionally.

At the police station, Marlena has brought Roman the updated file. Roman tells her about the email demanding the exchange; both of them realise it's a trap but they have no choice. Roman tells her that John has to be in the Town Square ready to wire the money in 30 minutes. Ciara and Theo come in and exchange looks.
Well, some fun stuff, and some thing rather intriguing today. Loved when Clyde was doing his soliloquy, taking gulps from his pint of whiskey, while Orpheus ignored him, instead working his crossword puzzle. 7 letter word meaning sad. Ahhh, maudlin. LOLOL

And then, I really want to know just who Andre was talking to on the phone, mentioning that Laura is already helping. Hmmmm. Who does Laura know that Andre knows?

Thanks, Jason
I also loved the "bonding session" between the Dixieland dirtbag and Orpheus. Well if you read the spoilers that's what I expected those scenes were going to be. The way Orpheus would ask the crossword questions was timed and delivered made me wonder if those were really questions or if he just taking digs at the Hillbilly. LOL I think it was probably a bit of both.

I have to say that I find Clyde's (sprinkles holy water on keyboard) apparent meltdown kind of surprising but on the other hand he is not in complete control of the situation and knows it. So maybe it's not all that big of a surprise after all.
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Thanks for the summary. A good and intriguing episode. It's actually nice to see Jennifer now that she's more involved with her family than with Chad. This episode makes me want more right away! Also, while I hate what Aiden is doing to Hope (and by extension, Roman and Rafe), I'm glad she broke up with Rafe. They're not a compelling couple. The actors are doing superbly, of course, but this storyline is just blah.

Theo is usually the only teen I really enjoy (sometimes the same can be said for Claire and Joey). But today, Ciara was also nice to watch.
Thanks, Jason.

I'm glad Rafe figured out the reason Hope wanted to break up with him. I wish he could figure
out where the Trio of Terror are hiding.

Aiden better watch out. Three people today want him dead. Four if you count Clyde.

Enjoyed Clyde and Orpheus. Clyde kept going on and on about his boy and Thomas.
Orpheus just kept doing the crossword puzzle.

Why is Ciara helping Theo? She should tell someone he has a gun.

Andre had some funny lines. He called Rafe a young stud.

It must be fall in Salem. Everyone in long sleeves, but Jennifer :)
I thought the scenes with Clyde and Orpheus were superb. The back and forth with Orpheus doing the crossword puzzle while Clyde waxed poetic was on point.

I liked the sign behind Theo at the police station. It said something about properly containing your firearm or some such. All the while he's got a gun in his backpack. As if anyone could get into a police station of all places without going through a metal detector. Ah, Salem.

The Rafe/Hope/Aiden story is still bad. And I don't see it improving anytime soon.

The most interesting and intriguing (and frankly unexpected) scene was the phone call that Andre made. Was he talking to Abby????
I thought the scenes with Clyde and Orpheus were superb. The back and forth with Orpheus doing the crossword puzzle while Clyde waxed poetic was on point.
Agreed, they were truly a highlight today.

I enjoyed Kyler Pettis' [Theo]'s performance today. When given good material, almost all of the teens (I think we all know who's excluded from that) can handle it!
Was he talking to Abby????
I can't think of anyone else he could be talking to. I assume Abby (and now, Laura) are captive somewhere, André knows where, and will spring them on Chad to manipulate the company, like we all knew he would the day Abby flew the coop.

I really hated how physical Rafe was with Hope. Is this what the writers think we want to see? (And by we, I know I don't mean me, but women 18-34.) Do they like seeing women manhandled by their "loves"? Sure, Rafe at heart is a good guy...but NO MEANS NO Detective Hernandez.
I agree about Rafe's grabbing Hope to keep her from leaving the interrogation room. I know they wanted to show him pressing her out of love to get the truth, but it was a bit too handsy. And hard to believe he would be that way.
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Some advice for various Salemites.

Advice for Roman:
  • To catch Clyde stake out the liquor stores. The way he was drinking the hideout dry today, it looked as if he'd need a new bottle of Old Rot Gut very soon.
  • To catch Orpheus, announce that the Salem Public Library will be holding a crossword puzzle tournament with a big cash prize, and then pick him up when he appears to demonstrate his brilliance to the Salem riff-raff.
Advice for Orpheus: Don't make veiled threats to creepy Clyde about getting in the way. Who do you think you are, the only bad guy in Salem with a gun?

Advice for Roman: You were on target when you warned poor Theo about going out alone, but what about you? What chance would your aging self have alone against three ruthless shooters.

Advice for Rafe: OMG, back off with Hope. You're starting to look overbearing and desperate. She just isn't going to tolerate that nonsense from you.

Advice to Aiden: You threatened Andre? Are you serious? Threats are to Andre what batteries are to the Energizer Bunny -- they keep him going, and going, and going.

Advice for TPTB: Your plywood over the windows is way too clean and neat. How about some hand-written messages about shooting looters, "Salem High Rules," "Rory Was Here," or "John Black Ruined My Life."
I can't think of anyone else he could be talking to. I assume Abby (and Now, Laura) are captive somewhere, André knows where, and will spring them on Chad to manipulate the company, like we all knew he would the day Abby flew the coop.

I really hated how physical Rafe was with Hope. Is this what the writers think we want to see? (And by we, I know I don't mean me, but women 18-34.) Do they like seeing women manhandled by their "loves"? Sure, Rafe at heart is a good guy...but NO MEANS NO Detective Hernandez.

I think it's Abby too but I cannot figure out why she and Andre would be so civil to one another. I also don't think Laura is being held captive. Otherwise she wouldn't have come to Salem alone. I do however think she knows Abby is alive.

Agree 100% about Rafe manhandling Hope. He was NEVER EVER like that with Sami or Jordan. No means no. I was actually surprised Hope had lines calling him out for being so pushy, similar to what some of us here have said in another thread. And going after Aiden was a big mistake.

Shocked that Orpheus contacted Roman and John. Confused that Roman set up the meeting for just John.

Great stuff with Orpheus and Clyde. I really hope we don't see Ben but there certainly were a lot of anvils.

Is Joey's given name Joseph?

Nice to see Jen but why didn't Ciara go to her mother? And where was Claire?
Is Joey's given name Joseph?
Yes. At times, Patch has called him by that name.
Advice for TPTB: Your plywood over the windows is way too clean and neat. How about some hand-written messages about shooting looters, "Salem High Rules," "Rory Was Here," or "John Black Ruined My Life."
Or "John Black is a stoopid doodyhead".
When Andre said laura was "helping", that could have meant that yes, she knows Abby is alive, and ....perhaps getting the care & help she needed??
In that case, it would be plain horrible to allow Jennifer, JJ, Chad and all who loved Abigail to think she is dead. I would not go for such a horrid storyline. But since I never liked Laura, if that gets her to be kicked out of town for good, I say go for it.
Laura doesn't live in Salem...Jen has gone "out of town" a couple times to visit mom, or be with her after some surgery. Abby could be held somewhere by Andre, who also grabbed Laura, who is a psychiatrist, or psychologist to treat Abby.......perhaps Andre figures he then can restore a healthy Abby to Chad who would be forever grateful.....which would definitely be to Andre's advantage.

See, I am still bothered immensely by the note Abby wrote that Andre first claimed he found under a drape (stupid, stupid place), then admitted later that Abby gave it to him. Also claimed he was unable to stop her from leaving. Since when? Andre is twice or 3 times Abby's size/weight, could easily have kept her from leaving. It bugged me no end that Chad did not question that.
I'm lost on this DiMera/Kiriakis thing but Chad SHOULD NOT trust Kate or Andre'. What is he thinking?

Also, what kind of fallout is there going to be when Chad finds out André fabricated Abby's death?
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Ciara knows Theo has a gun. I doubt Theo could get a permit so it is "stolen"? Why do these moronic teens (Theo is the lone exception) think they are capable of handling dangerous situations. If anyone I knew showed me a 'secreted' gun I would rat them out to a person who could help them. Ciara is nobody's friend. Claire cares about herself and YouTube. Joey cares about Jade and whining. Tell John, tell Roman, for the love of God, tell Caroline. They all have more sense and skills than any of these teens. Theo needs a qualified grown up and Ciara does not qualify as stable.

Chad trusting Andre after all the fabulous writing for him before this, once again tells me the New writers are lame. Where is Anne? We need her to go after Orpheus. Match wits with the master. She would win hands down with Billy Bob Dimwit and breathing through his teeth moron, Xander.

Once again they seemed to have failed to pay the electric bill. Who needs a romantic soap with this many villains: Andre, Aiden, Kate, Orpheus, Clyde, Xander?
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Laura doesn't live in Salem...

Oh, I know. When I said "kick Laura out of town", I meant for her to not come back again. Because frankly, I still don't understand why she bothered to show up the last time. To tell Jennifer that Abby was not given the right medication because, contrary to what was believed, apparently by idiot doctors, Abby was having PTSD. :eek: Well duh... :rolleyes: Seriously ? Of course she was suffering from PTSD ! What was that all about ? Again : duh. :rolleyes:

I do agree though that right now, Laura could also be held captive by sicko Andre, thus the "helping" part. And I too think it was very stupid of Chad to take Andre's word regarding the note.

Surprise, surprise, more sloppy writing by the oh so wonderful Days writers. Though there is some improvement, I must say, there is still work to be done to improve the storylines in the future.