Days of Our Lives - Thu., Sep. 5, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Kmansion: Victor tells Brady that Kate made a play for his job, and is now gone. Victor tells him it was close, given Brady's lack of judgment lately. (Victor asks good questions, throws barbs aplenty.) Victor declares Ciara the hope of the Kiriakis family, wants Ben eliminated.

DiMansion: A walking garden - oh wait it's Kate in an awful ensemble - asks Gabi where Stefan is, Gabi doesn't say much. Kate is throwing around her power, wants to be informed of Stefan's whereabouts. Gabi stalls, lies, etc. Later, Kate's calmer, thanks Gabi for interceding and saving her life, they recap their history and united front. Kate wants Gabi to dump Stefan; she says she can't. Kate understands, fell for monsters, too; Kate tells her Gabi's just lucky Vivian is dead and "Stefano is missing". Cue one-shots of nervous Gabi.

Salem Inn: Vivian greets Stefan. They joke about how they've each changed. They shoo Ben, Vivian says Ben's keeping his skills up. Stefan tells her that Kate is the new CEO. Vivian wants to go to Shin and convince him he's been had, Stefan recaps, drops the bomb that he's married to Gabi. Vivian calls Gabi a money-grubbing, disgusting s-word (rhymes with nut). They plot to get Stefan's birthright back. He gives her a gun to feel safe. (Her gun.) She kisses it and acts insane after Stefan leaves.

Sarah's room: Sarah gets a call from Eric; he's still looking for Nicole and Holly, and he is cracking the code. She wishes him luck. Xander enters, they talk about Nicole and Eric's happiness. Does that make Sarah happy? She claims that it does, she loves Eric enough not to interfere and herself enough not to be with someone who pines for another. Xander makes a play for her, sweet talks, and leans in for a kiss. Sarah throws up. He jokes he's not that repulsive, maybe she's pregnant. She's a doctor, she knows how not to get pregnant. She thanks him, appreciates him and his kind words, but is not sure she believes him.

Hospital: Ciara updates Ben on Julie's condition. He goes to get everybody breakfast.

Chicago: After his call with Sarah, Eric exchanges texts with the thug's associates (using the thug's phone). Even he is surprised when his plan succeeds.

Kmansion: After his talk with Sarah, Xander comes to the living room and Victor tells him that he and Brady need Xander's help with a plan. Later, Victor talks to a photo of Bo on a tablet.

Cabin of Mystery (circa Chicago): Eric is ambushed by a thug who monitored the antics at the townhouse and seeks vengeance for the murder of his colleague. (His word, colleague.)

Hospital: Brady tells Ciara it's time for her to join the family business.

Square: Xander gets the drop on Ben, chokes him out.

DiMansion: Gabi and Stefan talk about keeping Kate and Vivian out of each others' way.

Private Area: Kate is walking through, Vivian appears and shocks her. She pulls out her gun ("Belinda").

Sarah's Room: Sarah is speaking with someone at the hospital, arranging coverage for her patients (she's worried she has the flu). She gets her calendar out to check which patients should be seen by another doctor right away, thinks she might actually be pregnant.

Cabin of Mystery (circa Chicago): Eric and the thug exchange punches. Eric amazingly gets the upper hand, screams out for Nicole. She emerges, apparently dazed. They hug and kiss passionately.
I keep waiting for Stefan to make a comment about something he did with Gabi except it was "Gabby". If I was Gabi, I'd be bothered by the relationship he had with Gabby. It is weird that they are together now.

Oh Eric. Tough guy you are not. I had to laugh when he said yes, they bought it. Or did you buy it? Yeah, I think it was you!! Glad we saw Nicole today.

If Sarah is pregnant, please do not let it be Eric's. She has slept with 3 men in a short period of time!! Eric would be expected, just to put a crimp in him and Nicole. I think Xander would be the perfect answer to who's the daddy!

Poor Ben. I really like the actor so I am all for Ben's redemption.

I really miss Louise Sorel (the real Vivian).
Sounds like Victor has completely given up on Sonny.
He mentioned Sonny's marriage to Leo, and now he's with Will (whom Victor never liked). Frankly I'm willing to forget about CEO Sonny. Although Ciara was smart as a kid, she's been dumb as a brick since being SORAS'd. Oh wait - that makes her the perfect Titan CEO.
She has slept with 3 men in a short period of time!! Eric would be expected, just to put a crimp in him and Nicole. I think Xander would be the perfect answer to who's the daddy!
They sure have the best chemistry and it would make the most sense since Sarah's been with Eric for what - 2 weeks screentime? Certainly less on the show's time.

I really miss Louise Sorel (original Vivian)
I do, too. I'm not buying this performance and the recast jokes are getting thin. I loved this actress on One Life to Live, but here she's doing a hammy caricature of Vivian (who was a sophisticated psychopath). At least she's not playing Dorian Lord (her OLTL character, who was a matriarchal grey character and never a psycho).

I'd have found it a more compelling story if Sam's real mother - Ms Maitland - had come to town and actually liked her son's wife, Gabi.
Will say this Vivian is a hoot...and seems to be over acting the dialogue & facial expressions on purpose. (however a little goes a long way!!!)
vic managed to complain about Brady's idiocy in not realizing he was bedding Kristen, since he had bedded both Nicole & Kristen, Claire, going bonkers over Ava Vitali's whelp (his words), Sonny marrying....I forget his Leo snark, & now Ciara with Ben, who is still sinister underneath. He thinks Hope fell down on the job, as he tells Bo's picture....but he won't! LOL
The set for Nicole's hideaway looks like the one they used for the farmhouse Eric stayed in after he was released from prison. It was later re-dressed to be Roger's (Susan's Elvis impersonator boyfriend) Nashville house.

I thought it was pretty funny that Xander did his dirty work at the end (choking Ben until he passed out) in a suit and tie. He looked so businesslike and no-nonsense as he choked poor Ben.
Backsliding: Xander put on a suit, seemed to be making progress with Sarah, but then did Victor's dirty work by going after Ben. The X-Man is going to have to choose what life style he'd really prefer: the true love of the fair Sarah or Victor's stooge.

On target but losing it: Victor was on target about Brady making a fool over himself with Fake Nicole, but then went over the edge by deciding that Ben has to go. Perhaps, it's time for Maggie to find an appropriate facility for elderly, grouchy tycoons who've forgotten that they're too old for the rough stuff.

Dumb but lucky: Idiot Eric decided to forgo the services of the Chicago cops and find his beloved Nicole. Why? The last time he tried to do it himself, he wound up in Xander's cage. Things went well for him only because the thug stupidly stood to close too him while pointing a gun.

Somebody call Bayview: Stefan Zero had better do something about his Mommie Dearest. First she falsely accuses her savior, Ben, of murdering the thug; rushes to Salem; and then points her pet pistol at Kate with the intent to commit murder. Considering how much she drank in that hotel room, she probably couldn't hit the proverbial side of a barn. The old Vivian was decidedly batty at times, but this version has gone completely over the edge and is falling fast toward the abyss.
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I just noticed it today, Vivian (Robin Strasser) was Hecuba on Passions! The makeup she is wearing and that wig, it looks very witchy, just in time for the holidays. Wow, okay I see why she was picked to play Vivian lol!
Thanks, Jason.

Today we sort of saw the old Vivian. Her gun is named Belinda.

It was funny when Vivian told Stefan he's changed and he told
her, you changed too :)

I enjoyed Victor today. He told Brady that Ciara was smarter when
she was younger. That's true.

Nice to see Bo's picture.

Poor Xander. Sarah got sick when he tried to kiss her.

What's Ciara going to do when she finds out Ben is keeping two things
from her? One Vivian is alive. Two he killed someone.

My question is, what happened to the body in Chicago? Eric
took the man's
gun, but where, oh where, did the body go?
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I can't stand this Vivian. She's so over the top as to be clownish. That thug, Eric knocked out, better not come to! I thought the cabin looked like the one in Canada. Of course Sarah is going to be a thorn in Eric and Nicole's story--isn't she still married to what's his name?
Why after all these months and the numerous times Ben has rescued Ciara is Victor suddenly concerned about him? Terrible writing.

And yeah, why wouldn't they have told the police about the dead guy? He was a thug and a kidnapper who was threatening others with a gun. Just call the police. Did Eric help dispose of a body with a former serial killer and a woman who has buried people alive?

I liked the scenes with Gabi and Kate. This is going to get really ugly though.
My question is, what happened to the body in Chicago? Eric took the man's
gun, but where, oh where, did the body go?
Since I didn't have time to watch yesterday, I was wondering if this was something that was shown. Now I know.
Ben has rescued Ciara is Victor suddenly concerned about him? Terrible writing.