Days of Our Lives - Thu., Sept. 6, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
A fairly boring clockwork episode - hard to get excited about for my return. LOL Anyway, here we go...

In Marlena's room, alarms are going off. John is worried as Val and Kayla go to work.

At the hospital, Brady overhears Will telling Sonny (on the phone) that he loves him. Will explains how the wedding brought all of his memories back. Brady understands but doesn't like that that means Paul will get dumped when he opens his eyes. Brady is mad that Will and Sonny used Paul as a placeholder. He seems to think time will cause Will to reconsider his decision and/or that Will should string Paul along rather than break his heart (even though Paul said months ago he would enjoy his time with Will as long as it was to last).

Lani and Eli wait outside while Big Zero has lengthy flashbacks from yesterday's episode about Kristen. He lets them in; then has a flashback as they stalk around. Big Z claims he doesn't know Kristen and (Poirot and others, hold on to your hats) the cops point out that both Z and Kristen are "DiMera blood." His flashbacks reveal that he stashed Kristen in the secret passage. They are going to look around and head upstairs. Stefan and Kristen have a 30-second conversation as she pops out of the passageway. He shuffles her back in and Lani and Eli enter, wanting to see the tunnels. He claims they were sealed and refuses to let them check without a warrant. Later, he tells Kristen (on a cot in the secret room) the cops will be back. He wants her gone soon; she just wants to get into bed with Brady.

Later at the Kmansion, Sonny and Chad talk about Will getting his memories back. Sonny worries about Paul's reaction when he comes out of his coma, and laments that his happiness is blocked continually. Chad laments Abby's pregnancy. Sonny believes that Chad's love for Abby is stronger than his hatred of Rapist and urges his friend to fight for his marriage.

Gabi has sneaked into the Horton House, but is caught by Abby, who doesn't buy her excuses. This confrontation goes on for about a decade before moving one step forward and Gabi admits she blames Abby for ruining her life and never having any fault. Abby apologises. Abby's phone rings. Gabi realises it's Chad and leaves the room. She stays and listens to the call.

Back at the police station, Lani and Eli try to get a warrant for the tunnels. Lani has a flashback of their close scene from Wednesday. He wants to talk about them; he's sorry if he made her uncomfortable yesterday. He tells her he really cares about her.

In the waiting room, Val tells John (who has no good news on Paul) that Marlena is in septic shock. She is not breathing on her own, and they are using antibiotics to fight the infection. They're doing everything they can. He's frustrated; he and Brady hug.

A few feet away, Sonny and Will have a close moment as they worry about Paul.

Horton House: Gabi listens and stews as Abby talks with Chad on the phone; then goes upstairs with a wig she pulled from her bag.
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Better, I suppose, than from 15 min. before. LOL
Well, seems like Brady gave Will what for, since he was planning on telling Paul "the minute his eyes opened" he was dumping him. There is a time and place for everything.....and hitting Paul with the news he is being dumped as he comes out of surgery, is neither. Yes, you can tell him your memories are back perhaps, but thank him for saving his mother, (yeah, grateful Sami is there, checking, right? :sarcasm:
Abby learns Gabi is very angry at her, and yet doesn't make sure she is gone??? So Gabi once again is sneaking upstairs.......with a wig?? Ahhh, she wants Gabby to return, I bet.
So, lots of rather repetitious conversations, and evidently nothing moves forward. No Paul, Marlena news - both in dire straits. Gabi is her usual lying self, Abby her stupid one. Sonny his pushy self, Kristen manipulative, Stefan making sure he holds all the right cards. O.K. sooooo, now what?
Yeah the Stefan/Kristen flashback was really unnecessary. When Stefan said he and Kristen don't even know each other and Eli and Lani say but your blood. No they aren't ! Kristen is not a blood Dimera right? She and her brother Peter (Jason Brooks, who i love!) were just taken in my Stefano I forget why. I was so glad when they said they wanted to checked the tunnels!! Would have been first place I checked. And gee I'm sure they buy that oh he sealed them up.

Couldn't believe Will said no to Sonny dumping Paul when he learned Will was alive. Umm yeah he did. In a heartbeat! Yep walked right out of the wedding!! Maybe he wasn't using him but he sure didn't give a second thought to Paul once Will was back in the picture. And now I don't think he seems that concerned about Paul falling out the window. Only how Will is feeling.

I loved the Gabi/Abigail scenes!! I thought those were great. Gabi is going to be hard to redeem since it appears she's gonna try to gaslight Abigail. Which should be good. I had to agree with Gabi that people are always aw poor Abigail. She's sick. Not her fault. Abigail is not a nice person. She had an affair with EJ who was engaged to Sami, cheated on Ben with Chad that resulted in a child. Faked her death leaving that child. And I remember her trying to break up Chad and Melanie back in the day. I could be wrong it's been a long time but that's what I remember. I think I will like that Gabi and Abigail are not really friends now. Should be more interesting!
Kristen is not a blood Dimera right? She and her brother Peter (Jason Brooks, who i love!) were just taken in my Stefano I forget why.
Yes, he adopted them, or became their legal guardian, after their parents died (although it was later found that Rachel, their mother, was alive).
Better, I suppose, than from 15 min. before. LOL

It's pretty funny to watch Brady's outrage over Will breaking up with Paul, the brother he barely has any relationship with.

Also funny to see StefanZero trying to take the moral high road with Kristen. His papa would be so disappointed in him.

Lastly, I'd love to know what kind of makeup Steve bought for Valerie to cover John's shiner. It's still the same day, John has cried and wiped his eyes repeatedly, yet his black eye is still nicely hidden. :rolleyes:
I'm probably the only one, but I am actually rooting for Gabi. I am so sick and tired of the "poor Abigail" tirade everyone is always repeating, I want Gabi to stick it to Little Miss Perfect Jr (because Abigail clearly suffers from the same self-righteousness her mother does) and stick it good. Yeah, I know, Abigail has mental illness. And maybe, just maybe, I could feel some empathy towards her if she didn't act so condescending all the time. So I want her to get knocked out of the pedestal she's been walking on for years now. She did so many things that are glossed over, and letting Stefan, her rapist, "feel" the baby was the last straw.

Brady, though he is not one to talk, was absolutely right in everything he said to Will. And though I wouldn't want Will to lead Paul on, I sure wish he would indeed take the time to think about who he wants to be, who he wants to be with, etc. He did just get his memory back 5 minutes ago. Process things a little. Again, like mother, like son. Act now, think later. Or not think at all. Or care about anyone else.

Eli and Lani : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The rapist and his pseudo-sister: why, oh why are we stuck with such horrible characters when others like Steve are gone!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:
Once again, Salemites weren't exactly at their best today.

The Hortons: With Kristen on the loose, why was their front door unlocked? For all Abigail knows, Kristen could have taken up residence in her old attic home.

Brady: Yes, Will shouldn't greet a newly-awakened Paul with the news that he's been dumped, but was somebody with Brady's relationship history the best person to pass along this message?

Eli & Lani: They get two points for remembering that the DiMansion had tunnels, but why didn't they ensure that the place was surrounded by cops while they got a warrant? After all, Hope must have lots of cops with nothing to do. (Note that Bo Brady would have pushed the Big Zero aside and gone charging into the tunnels with his gun drawn.)

Gabi: A line of an old Euthymics's song applies to her: "Lies, lies, I can't believe a world you say." Lacing her come-clean speech with lies about the baby's paternity was a new low even for her.

Stefano: His tunnels smell? Who knew? The Phoenix may have been too cheap to invest in a good security system for the DiMansion, but he could at least have supplied his tunnels with some air fresheners.
While I was glad to hear Gabi admit being angry, confirming Abby's thoughts, and actually tell Abby all she has gone thru because of what was done to her, the fact remains that Abby was not in her right mind. It was her alter who did those things. For Gabi to blame Abby herself is not fair. I do get it, like Chad having the difficult time accepting that the baby Abby is carrying is his brother's.......he knows it was rape, knows it happened without Abby's permission, but is finding it hard to go beyond that.
And that is where Gabi is wrong, wrong, wrong. If she wants to get revenge on Abby, fine. But she is making Chad miserable as a result. Does she honestly think that her revealing the truth to Stefan when he becomes attached will negate what misery she has put Chad through. Oh, no, Gabi wants Chad.......this is why she is doing this, and she won't ever admit the Stefan will not pay, unless it is some other way.
I've been checked out for the last couple of weeks with the wedding stuff. I've been watching mostly just because it's slightly more diverting then string at a blank tv screen or the wall LOL

So as is my usual practice I'll start with what I liked least to what I liked the most.

Kristen and the guy who lives in the D-Mansion.: I just don't care about anything having to do with these two at as all. Words cannot not even begin to express my apathy toward these... you know what scratch that. Now that I think about words indeed can express my apathy in fact I could compose an epic poem about my dislike for these two and their story. I'm, talking about something that make both The Illiyad and The Odyssey look like comic books in comparison. Now I don't mean any disrespect to the quality of either of those two works I'm talking about length. Comic books are short and what I would create would be massive and epic the two aforementioned poems would seem as short as comic books in comparison but I digress.

I have to say I found the scenes with Eli, Lani and Whats-his-face to be kind of silly and pointless. I mean Eli and Lani have no experience with the Di Meras that we as the audience that we know of and the other guy hasn't even been on the show for less then a year and has had no meaning full interaction with either of them. So the whole scene fell flat in my oh so very humble opinion. One interesting thing did happen when Eli told What'his-face that both he and Kristen had "DiMera blood" my mind for some reason flashed to my first quarter in junior college and of the classes I took was 20th Century Novel. One of the books we read was Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor. I don't know why I thought about that maybe it's because it has the word "blood" in the title. Or maybe it was just my brain's s way of resisting the mind-numbing drool. that was on my TV screen. But once again I digress.

Eli and Lain: So re they finally going there? If they are cool. While I liked him with Gabi I always thought Lani and JJ was just okay. She has much more chemistry with Eli. So if they are finally done spinning their wheels where these two are concerned great. But I have wonder if it just might be too late.

Gabi and Abigial: Yep these are the scenes I enjoyed the most. Because not only did Abigail get Gabi to admit that she's angry, she'll realize that their conversation didn't resolve anything. That if anything Gabi is even angrier. My hope is that this doesn't go on too much longer and Gabi can finally go on to better things.

I have to say that it's true what they say about absence making the heart grow fonder because even though I still don't approve of Gabi's moos recent behavior I sure did miss her.
Thanks, Jason.

Great seeing you post today, Troy.

I was shocked to see Gabi had a wig. Does she want Abby turn into Gabby again?

I'm glad Lani and Eli asked Stefan to look in the tunnels. Did either of them notice
how Stefan looked toward the entrance? Or how many times he stared off into
space when they asked him have you seen Kristen?

Brady knows Will's memory is back. How long before everyone in the hospital knows :)

Brady made me laugh twice today. He talked to Will about love "I don't think you know
what the word means" Really, Brady how many times have you fallen in love with
someone right after you fell out of love with someone else?

Brady asked Will if he was going to throw Paul aside like a piece of trash. LOL

Poor John, the love of his life and his son are both in the hospital, unconscious.
Brady said the words I have been wanting to say to Will all week. Thank you, Brady!

Abigail kept a little Gabby with her. The way she was talking to Gabi today had a flare of Gabby in her tone.

Stefan and Kristen are not blood. I hate that the writers had that come out of Eli’s mouth. They may both share the same last name but they are not blood.

So is this the same night as the wedding still? With all that has happened the last 10 or more episodes, this is way more what can possibly happen in 12 hours. And why are people like Abigail and Sonny and Chad and Stefan awake and dressed formally in suits at what must be 5 am?? When is the sun coming up?
Maybe he meant yesterday in audience time not Salem time

I was also thinking this day has gone on way too long. Hopefully tomorrow is a new day. I'm tired of seeing John in that bloody shirt.

Also, I thought it was odd we had 2 days in a row without Sami and now 3 days in a row without Belle and Eric. It's great to see Brady but he's still written as more of an outsider rather than Marlena's son. I want to see the same level of devastation from him that we are seeing from her other kids and grandkids.

I really wish they'd get rid of the DiMansion altogether and bring back home sets for characters I actually care about. Kayla can move to the Pub with Roman and Eric but I'd like to see Hope's house set back again and also John and Marlena's townhouse.

I was underwhelmed by Abby's reaction to Gabi but I'm glad she's on to her and I'm hoping this is the beginning of the end of their friendship.
Abby is supposed to be taking meds......maybe that is why she stays on the super even keel all the time? Admittedly, I do not understand at all about alters being "integrated", but the meds are to help Abby stay in control at all times, I THINK!
I'm probably the only one, but I am actually rooting for Gabi. I am so sick and tired of the "poor Abigail" tirade everyone is always repeating, I want Gabi to stick it to Little Miss Perfect Jr (because Abigail clearly suffers from the same self-righteousness her mother does) and stick it good. Yeah, I know, Abigail has mental illness. And maybe, just maybe, I could feel some empathy towards her if she didn't act so condescending all the time. So I want her to get knocked out of the pedestal she's been walking on for years now. She did so many things that are glossed over, and letting Stefan, her rapist, "feel" the baby was the last straw.

Brady, though he is not one to talk, was absolutely right in everything he said to Will. And though I wouldn't want Will to lead Paul on, I sure wish he would indeed take the time to think about who he wants to be, who he wants to be with, etc. He did just get his memory back 5 minutes ago. Process things a little. Again, like mother, like son. Act now, think later. Or not think at all. Or care about anyone else.

Eli and Lani : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The rapist and his pseudo-sister: why, oh why are we stuck with such horrible characters when others like Steve are gone!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:
You're definitely not alone. I'm with you, because it makes the storyline more interesting and for the reasons you listed above. However, I've got to admit that I’m not happy overall with the direction the show is going in.