Days of Our Lives - Thur., Aug., 16, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Mostly “filler” today.. as Salemites head towards upcoming wedding. Cop shop has Hope & Rafe kissing over and over, after spending a wonderful night together.Abe comes in, notes it all, is glad for them, mentions them closing the Weston case. He has been keeping an eye out, Ben was in homeless shelter last night. May have left this a.m.He leaves. Hope worried Ben might have not left.

And of course he did not, Tripp comes home from work, Ben walks out of shower in towel. Tripp has fit, Ciara says shelter overcrowded, he had to leave, she said he could clean up there. Tripp not happy, argues with Ciara, Ben gets dressed, will leave. She says no, needs to eat, Tripp gives him a box of cereal. More argue between Tripp and Ciara, who then invites Ben to stay there temporarily. Ben rants.

Marlena still in square..joined by Claire, who whines about Tripp hung up on Ciara, who is hung up on Ben. Marlena doesn’t think he started fire, working hard to make himself better person. Claire smiles, Ciara can have him, then Tripp will notice me, She takes off.

John is with Steve, who tells how he asked Kayla, but doesn’t think she told him truth. Will ask once more that is all.

Stefan visits Kayla, wants Abby’s complete file, Kayla refusing, him making threats to take Steve’s sight, waving phone around. She caves, gives him file.

At K mansion, more of Abby trying to talk to Chad, Gabi listening, interrupting, sending Chad off to Ari, then lying and manipulating Abby, who eventually leaves, then Chad when he comes down.

Stefan in park, going over file, Abby comes, he hides file. Don’t know why she talk to him, or tells him anything, but now Stefan knows Gabi living at Kmansion, as is Chad.

Abe sees John & Marlena, lets them know he arranged to have the entire square blocked off for their wedding!

Steve brings Kayla chowder for lunch, still thinks something is wrong, she insists not, leaves for meeting, he sees her phone, knows the code – 72588 (their yacht wedding date) – comments how he loves the 80s. He spots something unusual, Kayla returns, what are you doing?

Tripp is sure Claire will veto Ben staying (in background, he is eating handfuls of the cereal, lol), she walks in, Tripp explains it all, Claire votes to let him stay. Cue the looks between Ben & Ciara.
Thank you, Poirot.

I agree that this show sounds like a bunch of filler junk that that they didn't know what to do with.

Oh my goodness, this made me laugh out loud. "Abe sees John & Marlena, lets them know he arranged to have the entire square blocked off for their wedding!" Of course they'll have the wedding in the square. The church set has probably been long gone from the studio.
Ugh Hope and Rafe back together and all lovey dovey all over each other. :sick:

I do like Ben and I hope he's sticking around but I kinda didn't like that smile he had at the end. Like he is up to something. Should be an interesting loft now.

Chad just has to say to Abigail "Gabi said you said I wanted to spend more time with Arianna than Thomas" which Abigail will deny of course since she didn't and then they will realize that Gabi is playing them. Stefan and others are surprised that Gabi seems to be so forgiving. Why don't Chad and Abigail question it?
Then again... Abigail herself is stupid enough to continue to talk to Stefan, letting him get to her, letting him touch her after he raped her. So to me, she deserves everything that's happening to her right now. Sorry. I realize this may sound harsh, but I'm tired of the "good" characters being presented as poor victims when really, they are no better than the villains. But mostly, I'm tired of The Abigail and Chad Show. They are on practically everyday, for stories that are worthless in my opinion. Now, I want them gone. Too bad, I used to like Chad, but Abigail just brings him down.
It make have been filler but I loved Steve's comment about loving the 80's!

Thanks for the write up, Poirot. By the way, I've always loved mysteries and your name finally inspired me to actually watch Poirot. I found it on Britbox through Amazon Prime!

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Today's episode seems to be getting low grades from the posters. Perhaps it would have been better if:

1) Hope, not Trippy, had walked in on towel-clad Ben;

2) Ciara had pointed out to angry Little Trippy that he has Ava's genes, which means he could go crazy at any moment (she also could remind him of the Biblical story of the Good Samaritan);

3) Hope and/or Abe had pointed out to Abe that the mayor meddling in a criminal investigation is highly improper;

4) Immediately after talking to Pervy O. McVile, Kayla had hustled over to the K-mansion to ask Victor to please make him disappear -- followed by Victor calling Xander and telling him to catch the first flight from Athens back to Salem;

5) John or Marlena responding to Abe's offer of the Town Square as a wedding venue by recalling that the last wedding performed there -- Sonny's and Will's -- had been spoiled by the presence of obnoxious reporters. (Imagine the following: "Mr. Black, just how many times have you and Dr. Evans been married?" or "Dr. Evans, is it true that your daughter, Sami Brady, once saw you and Mr. Black fornicating on a tabletop?";

6) Little Trippy had responded to Claire's vote for Ben by accusing her of having a mind whose gears are powered by a mini-gerbil running in a wheel.
Sorry - had to laugh about the "church" wedding. I doubt they can get married in a church....She's been married way too many times.... and I doubt any of them have been annulled.
Based on past weddings, Father Louis appears to be flexible on this subject. Speaking of Father Louis, I'd suggest that he respond to intolerant attitudes toward Ben by preaching a sermon on forgiveness and Christian charity, but in-crowd Salemites only go to his church for weddings, funerals, or if some loved one is facing a medical crisis.
They probably frown upon a wedding in a church after being possessed by the devil too. Hahaha!
If Father Louis agreed to marry them, he could always perform a conditional exorcism on Marlena. He also could add a few prayers asking the Lord to keep John safe from any more comas.
Thanks, Poirot.

The best part of the show was Ben eating cereal. Every time Tripp said serial killer
you saw Ben with his hand in the box.

We learned Kayla's phone password is 7 25 88. Steve and Kayla's wedding date, right?

Marlena told Claire she was getting married a second time. Maybe she meant
second time on that date since John and Marlena have been married a lot
more than two times.

Were Gabi and Abby upstairs the whole time when Paul, Sonny, and Will
were in the living room yesterday?

Why is Gabi not dressed yet?

Little creep threatened Kayla he'll turn off Steve's eye again to get Abby's
medical records.

I think Rafe needs to stay away from Hope. I think his hair got grayer overnight.

You can tell by Claire's smile she has a reason for Ben staying in the loft.
Have to say, watching Ben with the cereal was funny. Plus.......not going to take credit for this..but someone noted - is Ben now a "cereal killer". Cracked me up.

Thought I mentioned the yacht wedding date in the summary???
Why don't Chad and Abigail question it?
Because the Salem Brain is in the repair shop having the dry rot (from non-use) sandblasted off?

Every time Tripp said serial killer you saw Ben with his hand in the box.

This reminds me: Did you hear that Tony the Tiger, Cap'n Crunch and the Kix rabbit were all found dead?
The police think it's a cereal killer.


I think Rafe needs to stay away from Hope. I think his hair got grayer overnight.
Maybe he thinks it was worth it. :)
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