Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Apr. 25, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Sarah pushes Marlena even further to tell her what Eric said about his feelings for Sarah. Marlena mentions his promise to God, she asks about that, knowing it was when Marlena was poisoned. Marlena is rather hesitant, Sarah guesses he promised to stay away from her. Marlena notes Eric did not want to hurt Rex as he had Brady. Sarah asks what Marlena herself thought of all this, Marlena only says she was glad this all got said now, before Sarah & Rex were married.

Kate shows up at Kmansion, Maggie is warning her about trying to move in on Victor, they trade insults, Kate mentions they are going to be family, Maggie comments that her daughter Sarah could do much better than Rex. Yes, he is standing behind her, says don't worry, all o.k., she says no it isn't. But he knows she doesn't think much of him, being a cheater, etc. She asks him to take his mother out, but he wanted to talk to them both, and tells of Will's tumor being benign, surgery too risky to remove, and so try to shrink it.

Ciara is at the cop shop, evidently making a statement (??) . She talks with her mom, asking how it went with Rafe, Hope says it started o.k., but then they just got into it again. Ciara is sorry. Hope just glad she is o.k. Ciara going to meet Ben, waits for complaint from her mom, but none.

All thru the show, there is a mysterious figure all in black, we never see the head, but even black gloves. The figure is in Chloe's room, fingering Holly's doll, but as Chloe comes in, hides behind a sofa, listening to her phone conversation, leaving the room when she goes to take a shower.

Ben is with Stefan, who thanks him for all he did, Chloe is now safe, as are the kids, she is staying there now. In fact they have a date for later this evening. Ben wishes him well, leaves.

Ted in walking in park, (glad it is so warm in Salem, compared to real mid-west), gets call complaining Chloe no longer at Salem Inn. Not Ted's fault, he gave latest info he had, will check. He reads text from Hope, why has he not called her back, impt. He texts her to meet him at Doug's Place.

Later, she asks him about the phone call Eli heard him on, what was it all about, what is he hiding. O.K. He will tell......a briefcase, takes out large square box, had intended to give to her later when she was no longer with her husband. She doesn't want to see it, but he is charmingly persistent, opens it, a silver necklace. She looks a bit uncomfortable, he of course is pleased.

Eric at his apt., looking at album, pic of Nicole & Holly. Rex is there a bit later, sees the pic, Eric talks love of his life. Rex mentions making dinner for Sarah, invites Eric, he declines, leaves.

Eric is outside the Pub, remembering something with Sarah, bumps into Chloe, they talk for a bit. She mentions Holly, knowing Eric worries about her, yes, he promised Nicole. Chloe suggests that maybe it is time he moved on. She herself, for different reasons, has decided to do so, maybe he should, as well.

Stefan calls Chloe, making sure they still have a date tonight, yep, of course. She returns to her room, finds Holly's doll, which she missed when at Salem Inn. She goes to shower, the figure in black comes out of hiding, leaves the room.

Eric is digging into a plate of spaghetti. Sarah comes in. He stands up......soap opera stares!

Chloe comes downstairs, kids are asleep, safe, Stefan greets her, has the champagne read, they sit and sip.

Figure in black is in Holly's room, she is sound asleep.

Ciara is with Ben, having brought Chinese food for Ben, They chat lovingly back and forth, she tries getting some chow mein out of the container with chopsticks, isn't very successful, but feeds a mouthful to Ben, spilling some, is sorry she got some on his shirt, he takes it off. They talk of picking up where they left off when interrupted, start kissing (they are on the bed) is in full bloom.

Rex is lighting candles, saying Perfect! Knock at door, he says just in time, opens door thinking it is Sarah. He gets a shocked look, as he stares at Nicole standing there, looking rather puzzled.
I think it is ridiculous how delighted Marlena was thinking Eric finally professed his feelings. And perfect timing! Sarah and Eric about to profess their love and Nicole is back!! Yay! Nicole is back!!

Maggie, maybe when you open a door you should see who it is before you keep rambling and throwing shade at someone?

Wonder who the black gloved person is? And how do people keep getting into DiMansion so easily??!!! I thought he had top notch security!?

Good grief. That was quite a reaction for Chloe just seeing the missing doll. Was she expecting it to answer!

I also think it's ridiculous that people keep telling Hope and Rafe "you two love each other so much". Really? All they do is fight. There is no love between them. Not that I want her with smarmy Ted. I wish they'd bring on new character for her. I liked her when she was with Aidan. I didn't watch in the Bo Hope heyday.
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The thing is, Marlena would never, ever blab what she did to Sarah. No matter what she might assume Eric said. When Sarah was getting so pushy & nosy, Marlena would have said Sarah should just ask Eric.

While Eric is her son, Rex is his brother, the son of Roman...and just as she treats Brady's conversations privately, Eric & Rex both deserve the same from her. It is too bad the writers are changing Marlena's core personality traits.
Nicole is back!!!:clap::clap::clap:And Ben and Ciara were another bright spot for me.

All of the Kate/Maggie, Rex/Eric/Sarah, and Hope/Ted stuff was bland filler. Beyond overkill. What were the writers thinking adding all of that in today's show? Marlena's behavior today was absurd and disappointing. :rolleyes:
Thanks, Poirot.

So, who is the person dressed in black and how does that person know about the
DiMera secret tunnel?

Why was the pub sign on open when no one was there, but Eric? Was it
on open so Sarah could just turn the sign around?

Will Eric finally tell Sarah how he feels about her? Of course, he will and just when his
lost love comes to Salem :)
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. Nicole showed up at Eric's sans a coat.
It would have been easy to remove a coat.

@KathyLu I first thought Nicole but then why the black gloves? Then they showed Nicole at Eric's. Funny her first scene is with ex husband. Real life ex.
In Salem, time stands still. I remember when Stephanie went to France (?) and she got there in the time it took for Salemites to have lunch at the pub.
Now that we have seen both Nicole and Ted talking to someone, I don't think the person with the black gloves is Nicole. I think it is the person working with Ted. At this point, I am thinking either Xander or someone else. But, way to throw your source under the bus, Hope. She didn't have to say that Rafe told her that Eli told him. . . I'm sure that Ted would have figured it out, but to just blab on that to get her answer was ridiculous!

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS
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Thanks Poirot!
I'm really disappointed in the fact Marlena tells Sarah so much. Shut up Marlena!
but he is charmingly persistent,
In my opinion, he's so sleazy it isn't possible for him to be charming.

That's how I feel too, LisaK. They have ruined Hope, and after today, it appears they are also trying to ruin Marlena.
I've asked it before - when will these writers catch on to the fact most of us would like them to write more women as strong, intelligent, independent, funny, etc. Join the current times!
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