Days of Our Lives--Thurs., April 4, 2019


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Dec 30, 2012
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The first scene is on the DiMera property, at the groundskeeper's house. Ben and Ciara are flirting, talk of how he wants to find the men who fired those shots, but Ciara doesn't want him to. Hope arrives, not to question Ben but to spill the details about Jordan's baby, and Rafe investigating. Neither of them heard about this, wonder if Jordan is lying about the child and the fire. Hope leaves, and Ben is left wondering about why Jordan hates him now. Ciara consoles him and they kiss. He shows her a gun he now has a permit for. Then she is thrilled when Stefan calls Ben and asks him to stay in Salem for now.

In the Square (where else?) Ted hands Abe his resignation. He knows Rafe spilled everything to Abe, who is disgusted with Ted, feels used and taken advantage of, wishes he vetted Ted himself. Ted tries defending Hope. Jack and Eve arrive, having overheard, and start questioning what's going on. Abe tells Eve to back off, says Ted is resigning because he was born in France, doesn't want to affect their anti-immigration campaign. They walk away but Abe tells Ted to keep his mouth shut and do his job.

Later, Eve & Jack reappear. They start in on Tripp marrying Haley to get her a green card. Abe is repulsed by his "old friend Jack" who used to tell Lexie stupid jokes. He says Jack might as well have stayed dead if this is the person he's turned into. At the police station, Ted shows up to find Hope. He asks if he should fill in Rafe on the situation, she explains his California trip. Ted can tell she's upset and she confirms this. Ted says that Rafe running away seems to be a pattern. Suddenly, Rafe arrives.

At the loft, Haley and Tripp go over their backstory. Later, he's in a suit and she's "wowed." JJ arrives to see Claire, remembers the lighter. Claire is packing up her things at Salem Inn, complains to Eve. Then Claire smiles as Eve explains that her new plan will have a bigger impact. Later, she returns to the loft and acts like she had a good night alone watching films. Haley is sorry for the inconvenience, they were getting to know each other, both leave, and Claire screams. JJ asks about the lighter in the jewelry box, she is upset he went through her things. JJ explains he saw it when Haley returned her ring, thinks it's the one that started the cabin fire and fills her in on Jordan denying starting it. She paces and rants, never started the fire, acts shocked that Jordan didn't. JJ quietly tells her he's not accusing her, wonders if Ben left it behind. Claire says she found it in the loft, queue the fake smoking story she told Tripp.

In the immigration office, Tripp and Haley are nervous. They go over their story with the immigration officer, but she is skeptical, points out she knows that he was with Claire Brady, saw her social media posts. She has read their application and hates "fairy tales." Tripp admits he was with Claire before, she was his world, and the officer thinks that it "sounds like true love." Tripp covers, saying she was just a rebound. Laverne--the officer--brings up Haley kissing JJ. Haley claims it was nothing, her love for Tripp was true and sudden. Laverne says that this "true love" could end with both of them living in China.
Thanks, DaysDG. Wonder why Days is twiddling it's thumbs with all the storylines. Nothing moves. Wonder when Jack will realize his new persona is not winning him any plus marks, and the mouth attached to his side (meaning Eve) is even worse.
Wow, Salem must have some crazy gun laws that a mentally ill individual who killed several people and then was put into a mental hospital, was given a permit for a gun.
How did that application process go?

Official: So, Mr. Weston, it says here on your application you've spent time in a mental facility. Can you elaborate on that?

Ben: I killed 4 people; 3 by strangulation and 1 by gunshot. Well, let me amend that, I only killed 3 people, because Will Horton is still alive. But I also tried to strangle Dr. Marlena Evans, then I took my pregnant fiancee to a cabin in the woods and forced a midwife at gunpoint to deliver what I thought was my child, then I took the midwife outside and shot her. After she was dead, I tied my fiancee and her lover to the bed, then set the cabin on fire, kidnapped the baby and went on the run. I was eventually caught, put into the hospital and well, now I'm fine... as long as I take my medication. Oh, and I'm dating the police commissioner's daughter.

Official: Sounds good to me. Here you go, Mr. Weston, here's your gun permit. Have a nice day.
Glad Ben did not have to go out looking for the bad guys. Who the blazes does Stefan think he is? One thing to protect the home/person. Quite another to send someone out to perhaps "kill" someone.....that is murder! Having a gun to protect yourself is another matter, however, as has been the heck did Ben get a permit. Oh, wait, I forgot, inept P.D. plus DiMeras grease all palms necessary.
If he isn't going to carry the gun off the property where he resides, then he might not need a permit depending on the state (or Salem) laws that apply.

In Pennsylvania, you need to pass an instant background check to purchase a gun at a gun store.
You need to pass another background check at the county sheriff's office in order to get a concealed carry permit. Each takes less than a minute if your fingerprints and background checks are already in state police and FBI databases for work. I've seen some people denied gun purchases, and I've seen a few denied concealed carry permits at my sheriff's offfice.
Luckily I went to the gym this morning and had 5 cups of coffee. Otherwise I may have ended up asleep on the sofa.

Still, not sure that all those endorphins and caffeine would've kept me awake if Rex/Sarah/Eric were on today instead.:rotfl:
I actually did doze off a few times, but saw enough to be able to make the following observations.

Looking for Noodlites: Ben's dedication to his security job is admirable, but a search for members of the Noodle crime family brings to mind the time that Marlena and John flew to Italy to hunt for DiMeras without any plan on what to do if they actually found one. John predictably ended up getting shot and promptly went into one of his many comas.

Call the Exterminators: Eve and Jack are beyond annoying. The next time that they harass poor Mayor Abe, he should call one of Salem's pest control companies. In the alternative, he could summon the Salem F.D. to turn a hose on them.

What's Love Got to Do with It?: When the ICE person asked Trippy about Claire's feelings for him, he should have told her that it wasn't love, but instead obsessive possessiveness.
Thanks, DaysD.

My mouth fell open when Ben told Ciara he has a gun permit.. Then I remembered where
they live.

Agent Smith couldn't believe Tripp and Haley had a fast courtship. I guess she doesn't
live in Salem, because that's how most courtships go there :)

I enjoyed Abe's speech to Jack too. Hopefully, it will make Jack do some research
on himself.

Will JJ ask Claire again for the lighter? Will she give it do him or set him on fire?

Did Jordan have a baby? Will Ben be an uncle? Will Uncle Ben make rice?
I will never understand why people like Ciara and Ben. I see nothing there. He's so stiff and never smiles. It just seems too forced for me.