Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Aug., 23, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, August 23, 2018

It finally is the wedding day, time….I missed the first 10 minutes or so…..but…everyone is seated, Abe is presiding, calling Will up to say a few words. He reads a passage from Shakespeare, then talks of losing his memory, being a bartender in Memphis, how folks have said he & Marlena were close but he has no memory of that. However, she talked to him in Memphis, convinced him to come to Salem where folks loved him, and that he found. He is grateful, thanks her, loves them both. Suddenly, he has a memory flashback of Marlena presiding over his marriage to Sonny. He is shocked, taken aback, tells no one. Everyone can see him sort of in a trance, but he shakes it off, goes back to his seat as Paul is called up. Paul reads something from a poet named Goethe, mentioning the guy was a baseball player, who knew to hold up his glove to catch a ball. He winks at John….then reads the piece, all about eternal love. Will is rather shaken, gets up and goes out for air.

All thru the show, while Marlena & John are saying vows, there is Will outside, remembering various parts of his wedding to Sonny. It is rather disconcerting…plus Sonny is in the Pub, drowning his sorrows over Will telling him no dice, he loves Paul, etc. etc. Sonny moans on Roman’s shoulder, Roman talks of how he was against Will/Sonny when Will first came out, but is so proud of them, helping him to eradicate some of his ideas, etc. Sami had warned him if he would not be in Will’s life, he changed his attitude.

Marlena does her vow, very long, drawn out, the ups, downs and how much she loves John. Shots of audience, Eve’s head on Brady’s shoulder, Jen next to Eric, Susan sniffling into a hanky. Now John’s turn, he talks of their crazy life, how he had to sometimes leave middle of night for some far off place, but she was always in his mind. And that stuff is over. His vows are not as long as Marlena’s, but heartfelt. Will is outside, lots of remembrances of his vows, he is in tears. And Will is pulling himself together, taking deep breaths, about to return inside, when up comes Sonny. Stares.

Inside, Abe is asking John if he takes Marlena as wife. Yes, puts ring on finger, With this ring, I thee wed. Abe now starts to ask Marlena, only a female voice rings out, no, no, you can’t marry him, you can’t, & a disheveled Sami runs in, trips and falls face down on the aisle. Susan is digging in her purse.
I missed the first 10 minutes or so
Jen is fussing with the floral arrangements; Eve walks up and is snarky, saying that maybe Marlena wanted them to look that way. Jen snarks back about Eve wearing white to a wedding. Eve says it's "pearl" not white. The ladies continue to snipe at one another for a few minutes. Jen and Eric are talking and she makes a comment about Rafe and Hope having to go to Chicago on business and it must've been important for them to miss the wedding.

Marlena was late because she hired a car, but it got a flat tire, so Valerie went to get her. John said she saved the day twice and he was extremely grateful. Susan was in Doug's Place, saw the Marlena doll with the knife in its back, then removed the knife, with an evil grin, as Will walked in behind her (she hid the knife). She talked to him about not remembering his wedding to Sonny. They go out to the square to take their seats, and she pats her purse, as if she's making sure something is in it. (oddly, frumpy Susan is wearing a pair of very sexy stiletto heels, which you see as she walks out of Doug's Place)

Claire walks around with a basket, collecting everybody's cellphones, per Marlena's instruction. Marlena wants everyone to be in the moment and not posting on social media. Susan then quickly pipes up to take care of the basket of phones, and leaves with the basket. Claire sings. Kayla walks down the aisle, then goes up to Steve to tell him how much she loves him and that he's right, no secrets, and she's going to tell him what's been going on, after the wedding.

Marlena now appears, the music plays, and she's walked down the aisle by Brady and Eric. They get her to the altar and both give her a kiss. She then whispers to John that she's sorry she's late. He tells her she's worth the wait. Then she mentions his shiner. He chuckles and says he can't get anything past her, and they both laugh.
Well Sami knows how to make an entrance. I'm curious what Susan is looking for too.

The wedding was really sweet. Finally. Married. Well almost. I thought John was gonna cry and his make up was gonna come off. Interesting Hope and Rafe are in Chicago? Trying to find something to frame Ben no doubt.

I still don't see Will and Sonny as great loves. Will did cheat on Sonny - twice!! So I'm not sure why Sonny wants him back so much. As Rachel on Friends said "once a cheater, always a cheater" . Well I guess actually her mom said it but Rachel repeated it.

I thought it was a little crazy to give all the cell phones to Susan! Wonder what's gonna come of that.
Well Sami knows how to make an entrance. I'm curious what Susan is looking for too.

The wedding was really sweet. Finally. Married. Well almost. I thought John was gonna cry and his make up was gonna come off. Interesting Hope and Rafe are in Chicago? Trying to find something to frame Ben no doubt.

I still don't see Will and Sonny as great loves. Will did cheat on Sonny - twice!! So I'm not sure why Sonny wants him back so much. As Rachel on Friends said "once a cheater, always a cheater" . Well I guess actually her mom said it but Rachel repeated it.

I thought it was a little crazy to give all the cell phones to Susan! Wonder what's gonna come of that.
I think she has a gun, to shoot Sami, but I bet Sami gets it away, there's fight for it and shoots the wrong person. My opinion.
My one wish for this wedding was that they were actually pronounced husband and wife.

About time Will started getting his memory back. Talk about slow moving. I agree. Will and Sonny were never that great for me. I don't care for the character of Sonny. I used to, I don't know what happened. But, when he came back he was different somehow.

Really?? Hope missed Marlena's wedding. They've been friends for years. If there were an eye roll emoji I'd use it! She of all people have to know that Marlena is just doing her job. I wonder if Marlena is the one who helped pronounce Hope sane after she was lighting the town on fire! HA!

deleted spoilers in non-spoiler forum - JS
Thanks, Poirot and JS.

I enjoyed John and Marlena's wedding even though it made me cry.

Interesting conversation Roman had with Sonny about Will coming out.

Hopefully, the cell phones will be easy to find if needed. Maybe someone
kept theirs.

Sami comes to the wedding after all. I hope she's not going to tell Marlena
she can't marry John because she wants Marlena to marry Roman.
She of all people have to know that Marlena is just doing her job. I wonder if Marlena is the one who helped pronounce Hope sane after she was lighting the town on fire!
My thoughts exactly - except Marlena was not in town when the "night Hope" stuff happened. That was just about the time I was getting back into the show.

I hope Susan stabs and/or shoots Sami. End of story.

I would ship (that means support) Will with any guy. I was over him with Sonny but I am feeling it again. I hope we go for a John-Marlena-Roman thing with him, Paul, and Sonny.
I thought would I drop in with some thought about the wedding; it was nice enough I suppose. Of course as always gatherings on "Days" are notable by who was not present. No Doug and Julie. I thought Abigail had RSVP'd. I thought Gabi might be there because I remember an episode where Marlena told her she and John were getting remarried and she wanted Arianna to be a flower girl. But to be fair that was a couple of years and head writers ago so I guess I can't really blame them for forgetting.

I may be a stonehearted cynic but I thought the poems Paul and Will read were as romantic as drying paint. At least Paul's was clear on it's subject. I had no clue what Will was reading. He said Marlena picked it out, and that's the best she could come up with? I just could follow all ornate and flowery language. But then I've always said William Shakespeare is no Ron Cavalarti. :rotfl:

FYI For those who might not know Ron Cavalarti is "Days: head writer.
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