Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Aug. 9, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Sorry…missed the first 20 minutes of the show, but evidently, Steve & John are having a beer at the Pub, Kayla and Marlena have picked up wedding dresses, trying on, Rafe has brought Gabi some non-melting ice cream, J and they talk……..while Chad has come in, seen Stefan with his hand on Abby’s stomach and goes ballistic. Abby stops him from committing mayhem, says it all meant nothing, right Stefan? So he agrees, chad is nearly frothing at the mouth, Stefan leaves, but not before thanking Abby for connecting him with his child.

Abby & Chad talk, he tells her of seeing Marlena, who assured him he was a good father, husband. He loves Abby, loves Thomas, but while he thought he could accept her baby as his own, he can’t, he won’t. He is leaving. She understands his feelings, the whys, and isn’t going to try and talk him out of it. Later, he comes down with suitcases, doesn’t know where he will be going, will want to see Thomas, ask Jen to call me when you are not around and I will come to see him. He leaves, outside the door he is crying, almost returns, but leaves. Inside Abby takes several deep breaths as she leans against the closed door.

Steve talks with John at the Pub, tells of how Kayla is keeping something from him, John figures he just should ask her. He himself only thought that she seemed distracted a few times, but figures it was because she was worried about him ever seeing again. Meanwhile, Kayla has tried on her bridesmaid dress, Marlena thinks she looks beautiful, Steve will be so happy to actually see her. Kayla talks of Stefan, her doing him a favor in exchange for the sight, Steve knows something was bothering her, she lied to him so many times. Mrlena advises her to tell Steve. He has his sight now, it is better to come out with it, he will know it was because you love him so much. Steve calls, wants her to meet him at the Pub, he has something he wants to talk to her about. She agrees, has something to talk over with him as well. John is nodding, when Steve hangs up, John leaves.

In comes Stefan, who goes to the bar. Steve goes over to talk to him, warns him again about messing with his niece. Stefan says he & Abby are having a baby together, he only wants to assure himself of his baby’s welfare. Steve tells him if he messes with his brother’s wife, or any of his family…I will end you!

Gabi sits with Rafe, mostly small talk. He fills her in how him & Hope are doing, Ben Weston, apologizes for not being there for her, Gabi says tis o.k. They are spooning out this ice cream, Gabi mostly eating, but Rafe takes a spoonful, talks, waves it around, not a drop falls, melts,not

even gets soft. LOL

Tripp is arguing with Ciara about Ben, calling him a serial killer. She notes she knows Ben a lot better than Tripp, who met him for less than 5 minutes. He is not a serial killer any more. Even Marlena said so. Tripp doesn’t think she should believe the lying manipulator. They agree to disagree, Ciara decides she needs some air, limps out.

Marlena has her dress on, John comes in the door. Ohhh, Doc, beautiful. She gets upset, he should not be there, now the wedding is ruined.

Stefan leaves the café, running into the arriving Kayla. He just came from seeing Abby, who doesn’t want him to be with her for dr. appointments, etc. So he wants Kayla to keep him updated by giving him her medical files when she has appointments. He warns her if she doesn’t he gave her husband his sight, will take it away.

Hope is rather cheerful with Ben, tells him she can close his case, he would no longer be a suspect, thus can leave Salem. She will do this, but he must leave town, never ever see her daughter again. Later, she meets up with Rafe, all bubbly because she closed the case, Ben is leaving town.

Gabi call Sonny, asks if now is good time to come see Ari. She wants to talk to her.

Ciara limps along, sits down on a bench, just as Ben comes along. Are you o.k. ? Yes, just a bit tired. He is glad to see her, he wanted to say goodbye. He is leaving town.
folks, Thursdays are hard for me, I have appointments, I have tried to rearrange but is not easy. If I missed anything important in the first 20 min. feel free to fill in. I am going to try and get my other appt. done this afternoon, if possible.
Kinda weird that Ciara was thinking about Ben when making out with Tripp. Apparently she does have a thing for him though she thinks she doesn't right now.

Hope is the most hateful person. I do not like her. He fooled Marlena, a trained psychologist, but he's not putting one over on super cop! I wish Ben would bring her up on harassment charges but apparently he did agree to leave town. I can only assume Ciara will say oh no way and go scream at her mom. So Ben will not be leaving Salem.

I thought for sure Steve was gonna say something that made Stefan think he knew and then he was gonna spill the beans. Can he just turn Steve's eye off? I'm not sure how the whole bionic eye works.

I am not surprised that Chad left. And Abigail was absolutely letting Stefan feel the kick. I don't understand why they hooked him up with Abigail since the actors are like 20 years apart but I can see them going there. Abigail and her Gabby part and Stefan bonding over this baby. Ugh.
macgyverswife - My guess is that Stefan was threatening to pull a Bo and carve the eye out himself. Though knowing the crazy technologies of this show, he might have some weird remote control for it in his office somewhere.
folks, Thursdays are hard for me, I have appointments, I have tried to rearrange but is not easy. If I missed anything important in the first 20 min. feel free to fill in. I am going to try and get my other appt. done this afternoon, if possible.
In the beginning, Marlena and Kayla were looking at a wedding dress in a garment bag (we don't get to see it, though). It's Marlena's wedding dress from her first wedding to John (when he was believed to be Roman). She says she periodically looks at it because she loves it so much, even if it has shoulder pads. She and Kayla laugh about that. Marlena also says she loved her headpiece. Then they show a quick clip of her and John from that wedding in 1986. Marlena says in that moment, she didn't think she could love John more, but she was wrong. She loves him more today than she did back then. (with no mention of the fact she thought he was Roman at that time)

Everyone hates Stefan, understandably so. So why do they keep approaching
him and getting in his face when he’s out and about?
Abigail, Abigail, Abigail, I have no words! Well yes I do but if I were to express
them exactly as they are in my head I would surely be severely edited or kicked
off Salemspectator Forum.
P. S. I am beyond disgusted, disappointed, and fed up. The idiotic story plots and writing of
our beloved DAYS OF OUR LIVES seems to worsen day by day. It’s like watching someone about to step on a nail and not being able to stop it.
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Thanks, Poirot and JS.

Since Steve has an bionic eye, maybe it has an off switch like a computer.

Gabi said "our sister Paige"

As police commissioner, can Hope make Ben leave town?

Chad got mad when he saw Stefan's hand on Abby's belly. Sad to see
Chad leave Abby at the end.
I thought this was a good episode. Episodes are so much better when Eve, Brady and Kate aren't dominating them.

How many times is Steve going to say the exact same thing to Stefan yet we hardly ever see Steve with Abby? Will he confront Chad now too?

Speaking of Chad, what happened to the guy who fought so hard to be with Abby in 2014 and 2015? He would never do something like this. And where is Abby's backbone? I'm tired of everyone walking all over her.

Hope looked like she was more ready to go out clubbing than work all day as a police commissioner.

I'm kind of over Ciara and Tripp now. I'm all for Claire and Tripp.

Loved the Rafe and Gabi scenes and the mention of their sister Paige.

I liked that Marlena and Kayla were discussing Hope at the beginning. Other than that, I still would prefer Sami and/or Belle be matron of honor. Nice use of flashbacks too. A throwaway line about Sami's closet full of dresses would have been funny here. Hated Kayla's dress. Marlena's was ok and appropriate but it didn't wow me either. I hope she actually wears a different one.
I think someone needs to strap TBTB into chairs and make them watch the older stuff. And give them homework: make them write essays about why these episodes drew us in. Ask how they can apply this today? Point out that scenes actually CAN exist between two characters that are not interested in falling into bed together. Explain the concept of strong family dynamics in bullet points and pie charts.

Then burn the current scripts, supply fresh paper, and turn them loose.

.... *sigh* A girl can dream.
How many times is Steve going to say the exact same thing to Stefan yet we hardly ever see Steve with Abby?

And where is Abby's backbone? I'm tired of everyone walking all over her.

Hope looked like she was more ready to go out clubbing than work all day as a police commissioner.

I liked that Marlena and Kayla were discussing Hope at the beginning.
Steve seems to be afflicted with a common Salem condition -- confrontationitis. Maybe, he picked it up from the master of loud, pointless confrontations -- Jenny.

Abigail has become Salem's living carpet. In fact, her actions bring to mind an old 1967 5th Dimension song -- Carpet Man. Updated for Salem it would go: "Stefan walks all over you, he knows he can, he knows he can. You're the carpet woman, you're the carpet woman."

Hope actually works at being police commissioner?

Marlena and Kayla should think twice about having Ben-obsessed Hope at the big wedding. She'd spoil things by loudly complaining about Ben and how Marlena foolishly believes he's rehabilitated and didn't set the infamous cabin fire.
Heather, maybe Marlena will change to another dress, since John saw her in this one. I didn't care much for her dress either. Not horrible but nothing special. Kayla's, on the other hand, was pretty awful, to me.

I'm over Tripp and Ciara too. I've always liked Tripp but have not tolerated him well since Ciara came back. I understand how everyone is concerned about her involvement with Ben but Hope and Tripp are not attractive in their condescending, sarcastic (and empty) threats.