Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Dec. 3, 2020


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
I'm home today for medical reasons and I have a boat load of pharmaceuticals in me, so I apologize for the added snarkiness

Kayla and Lani in the hospital. Kayla is Lani’s doctor. Eli shows up for the appointment. Lani wants to know why he is there. Eli says they are his kids, Lani says it’s her appointment. Eli wants to know how his kids are doing. Lani agrees only because she doesn’t want to keep Kayla from other patients. Kayla has enrolled them in Lamaze classes, Eli takes the paper as Lani says he won’t be her coach. Eli and Lani argue over Lamaze coaches. Kayla has patients to see and leaves the room. Eli wants to know who will be her coach if not him. Lani says well not my father he’s on your side, not my best friend she’s in prison because of you.

Eli tells Lani that he is sick and tired Lani throwing that in his face. Lani is upset that Eli is yelling at her when she is 8 months pregnant. Eli tells her that Kayla says she’s doing fine. Eli has been holding his tongue for so long. Eli did what he did to keep Lani from giving birth behind bars. They continue arguing the same thing we’ve heard every time they’ve been on. Eli will no longer apologize for doing his job, tells Lani she’s wrong. Eli tells Lani he doesn’t expect anything but criticism from her, and that’s not good for the babies and her. Eli says even if you don’t want to be married to me anymore those will always be my children.

Nicole on phone - knock on door. Brady appears, Nicole is surprised Brady was hoping to find her alone. Brady wants to talk about him and Nicole. When Brady came back to Salem after his dad’s aneurysm it was to be a short-term visit. John is doing fine. Kristen is behind bars for a couple of years. Brady needs to stay in Salem and he needs to be a single parent and he needs to work. He wants to work with Nicole at Basic Black as her partner. Nicole says I don’t think so. Brady is incredulous that Nicole wouldn’t want him to join her. Nicole explains the reasoning why, using common courtesy.

Nicole says if I couldn’t count on you then, why should I believe I can count on you now. You abandoned me our employees everyone. Brady begs to come back. They make an excellent team. Nicole reminds him that when he left, she had to work really hard to convince people to stick with her. Brady then mansplains about running a company that he walked away from leaving Nicole to do it herself. Nicole assures him she is fine. Brady says but you’re a single parent and you are trying to run a company so you need me. And of course, she caves because in the Days writers’ minds women can’t do anything without a male to watch over them. Nicole missed Brady as her partner and as her friend. Brady assures her he won’t let her down. Brady will start work tomorrow. Nicole tells him that she has hired someone else in a big role. It is someone he knows. It’s a her. Knock on the door and the new person is there, Chloe.

Lucas and Steve talk over Henry. Steve tries to apologize to Lucas. Lucas is indignant talks about how Allie has to do this all on her own, raise the child, yada yada. Steve says the DNA test was a mistake his son didn’t harm Allie. They agree there is no winners here. Both agree to not making a scene. Lucas throws Ava Vitali's name at Steve. Steve admits that Tripp has made some bad choices in the past but he didn’t do this thing. Lucas mentions Kayla running the test 4 times at least a dozen times.

Ava and Kristen talk about Philip, and Xander. Ava isn’t worried, she’s told Philip to deal with Xander if Philip doesn’t take care of Xander she will. Kristen says she wants to get out early she needs to stop this conversation. Ava sees the headlines accusing Tripp of rape on the computer in the room. She needs to go to her son. Kristen wants her to think before acting. Kristen is looking at the story it doesn’t list the “victims” name, Ava gets angry she’s not a victim, she’s an “accuser”. Ava thinks this is why Tripp looked sad the other day. Kristen says but he isn’t being charged he is not going to jail. But his picture is everywhere he’s been labeled a rapist. Kristen tries to assure Ava that Tripp will be fine people will forget that he’s been charged with rape. (LOL) Ava is sure Tripp won’t turn her in. Ava’s father made her give up her son. So, Tripp doesn’t know his mother at all.

Tripp is home as Allie shows up at the door. Allie pulls a gun, she got from Grandma Kate’s lockbox. Allie knows the combination. Allie is delusional and wants Tripp to finally tell the truth. Tripp can’t explain how Henry shares his DNA. Tripp tries to explain that he doesn’t have a different story. Can’t she understand how the DNA proves that he is Henry’s father. After more waving of the gun Tripp admits to having sex with Allie that night. Tripp tells his version of the story. Met at a club in London, Allie was wasted, falling down drunk. Took a cab to Allie’s, Tripp undressed her, Allie undressed him, they had sex he got up and got dressed and went home.

Allie asks about the note, you never found it so I must be lying. Allie tells Tripp that she said no, she was pushed to the bed. Tripp said what I’ve just told you is a lie, I thought it was what you wanted to hear. We never had sex. Allie calls him a sick rapist. Allie says she’s going to make sure he never does this to anyone ever again. Allie says it’s funny she’s spent her whole life being a different person than her mother, so she’s going to make sure that Tripp won’t hurt anyone ever again. Allie is waving the gun around tells Tripp she’s going to shoot him in the groin so he can never hurt women again. Tripp is in disbelief that Allie wants to shoot him. Ava bursts into the room rips the gun from Allie’s hands

Steve shows up at the hospital. The authorities in London aren’t going to peruse charges against him. Kayla doesn’t want to talk about it. Steve is unhappy about the tension between them. Kayla isn’t going to tiptoe around her house. Steve says it’s over. We have to learn to live with it. We have to get past it. Kayla wants nothing more than to get past it. Kayla loves him, Steve loves Kayla. Kayla wants Tripp to move out.
Hospital Room: Kayla and Lani talk about her pending due date. Eli arrives for the appointment, to the anger of his wife. They argue a bit, but Lani agrees to let Eli stay. After the appointment, they argue about whether he can be her coach or not. The same argument; Eli did the right thing, even if Trask was ready to relent. He's done apologizing for putting Kristen, who plunged a knife into Victor's chest, behind bars. She's still mad, he accepts that he won't be her coach, but he will always be their twins' father.

Eric's Apartment: Nicole is doing business on the phone. Brady arrives. He wants to talk privately. She asks about John, who's out on bail and at home with Marlena. The scenes take a bit but the upshot is Brady wants to be Nicole's Basic Black partner. She says no - she hasn't forgotten how he abandoned her. She admits they were a good team, but when he left, she scrambled, and finally has the ship right. He keeps pleading.

Square: Lucas and Steve talk about whether or not Tripp got away with anything and whether or not Henry is their shared biological descendant. Steve is sorry that nothing will be done, but Lucas doesn't believe it. He's angry that there's no justice for his daughter. (Good scene.) Steve is sorry for what happened to Allie, but the reason Tripp is free is he's innocent. Round and round about the DNA, four tests, by Kayla, Steve says mistake. My son couldn't do this, I know him, says Steve. Lucas says he's also the son of Ava Vitali and is capable of anything.

Prison: Ava recaps to Kristen Philip's dirty deeds which will be repaid to the Vitali org through Kiriakis book cooking. Ava's not worried because she will deal with Xander if needed. She sees the report about Tripp. Just like yesterday (sorry it wasn't in the summary), Kristen wants to stop hearing about this criminal scheme so she can get out of jail. Why is my son accused of rape? She must see him. Kristen reminds her she's supposed to be hiding, Ava does not care about anything but her son. She's worried his good name will be ruined. Kristen says people's opinions can change, especially since he's innocent. Ava's son needs her. Kristen points out they don't even know each other.

Kayla's Condo: Replay of Allie arriving & revealing the London police aren't going to do anything. He's relieved; she whips out a gun. Allie's done letting Tripp off the hook. He won't talk while she has the gun, she won't put it down, and 2007 scenes (including a DNA recap) later he says they had sex. He relays what happened, she asks for more details, but the upshot is he then recants, he was telling her what he thought she wanted to hear. She knew he wasn't telling the truth because he didn't mention pinning her down. The truth, apparently, is that they did not have sex but he did write a note.

Hospital Nursing Desk: Steve arrives, tells Kayla that the London police won't do anything. He wants her to accept that it's over, doesn't want anyone tiptoeing around the house. They love each other & don't want to fight. Kayla wants Tripp to move out.

Kayla's Condo: Long long long exposition as Allie holds the gun on Tripp and blathers on about Sami, eventually revealing she won't kill Tripp but will shoot him in the groin. Ava rushes in, grabs the gun and holds it on Allie. "Mom" Tripp says.

Eric's Apartment: After a few pitches, Nicole accepts that they can help each other. She misses him as a partner and a friend, and trusts he'll do the job right. They'll start tomorrow, and they'll be working with someone in a "big role" who's not a partner. Knock, knock; it's Chloe. END
Some one PLEASE make Lani and her self righteous ridiculous storyline go away. When you marry, you take vows. When you become a police officer, you take an oath. When you go to school, you learn how to use your brain. She is a one track train wreck that isn't even in the realm of one of those scenarios. Stupid writers and then some. Can 2020 end soon enough?
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I was really hoping Eli was going to finally slap some sense into Lani. Glad he at least is not going to take anymore of her crap. I hope Kristen being involved with Ava Vitali will do it. Same ol' Kristen. Not your best friend Lani. I'm hoping it will knock some sense into Brady too!

Tripp got me worried but glad he was lying about having sex with her. Allie is a small woman, he couldn't get the gun from her? But at last - Mom to the rescue! I'm still curious how they are going to explain DNA tests. Is the rapist Tripp's unknown brother/twin. Did someone dupe Kayla and mess with the tests? I just want it over and I want everyone to stop calling Tripp a rapist.
I hate this rape storyline so much. It's making a mockery of "believe women," which is important in real life, by creating a ridiculous scenario where everyone is certain and full of belief on zero evidence and when the victim herself admits she doesn't know what happened. However, everyone's encouraged her to run with the idea that it was Tripp. Now Allie is waving a gun around like a loon, and she really was raped by someone. When she finds out it wasn't Tripp, she's going to feel like a fool. Hate. Hate. Hate.
Don't mind Tripp as Steve's son. Headwriters have changed parentage, ages, relationships every time we get a new one. Poor John has been told he is so many different people, it has been disgusting. I know it is difficult when an actor decides to leave a show, but it has to be apparent to the "suits" that whatever they say, the exodus of so many indicates dissatisfaction with what they are being asked to have their character portray. Especially the repetitious conversations.

So Allie waves a gun around for quite some time, but has yet to fire it, giving Ava plenty of time to travel from the prison to Steve's place. You know, the one with the big hallway outside the door, but yet Steve put up the outside lights the other day. Nice of him to do that for an apt. bldg. LOL

Why every single story is being dragged out so long is beyond me, but sure am glad to hear Eli get a backbone, & stand up for himself. Lani needs someone else besides Eli to talk about being in prison, having her babies behind bars, and having to then give them up. Also what does she think should happen to a person guilty of attempted murder.
Nicole: Charity and forgiveness still live in Salem, the land of revenge. Nicole goes to the head of Santa's list for taking the wandering Brady back into Basic Black.

Chloe: She gets kudos for just showing her face. After all the unrelieved nastiness in the episode, her appearance at the end was a most pleasant development.

Lani: Please, please make her go away. All she does is recite the same tired mantra. Even Kristen, the object of her affections, would tell her to put a sock in it. Eli made the right move by walking out today

Lucas, Kayla & Allie: They'd better stop talking serious trash about Little Trippy. As Steve could tell them, Ava is not to be messed with.

Trippy: He has so much to process, he ought to get an appointment with Marlena. As for his tale of woe, even the experienced Marlena would probably drop her jaw: even in Salem, how many people narrowly escape being shot in a rather sensitive area while discovering that their supposedly-dead mother still walks the earth?
I'm glad Eli walked away from Lani rather than continuing to fight. But how long does she think she can stay mad about his doing a good job as a cop? Sure in Salem it's rare, but it's still how it is SUPPOSED to be.

I do wish they'd play the beat that he didn't know his bio dad growing up so he's going to be there for his kids. That's supposed to be core to his character.

Finally there are so many things that bug me about the Allie/Tripp story, but from a character perspective we have superinvestigator Steve walking around talking about "I know my son" (which sorry, he doesn't, 18 mos together - half of which Tripp spent poisoning people and wielding knives at Kayla - isn't a great bonding record) instead of doing something to investigate Tripp's claims. For example:

1. Tripp took a cab to Allie's. Did he leave it running? If his tale is true, he should have been out of the apartment in less than 3 minutes.
2. If he didn't leave it running, did he get another? When did he call? Where did he wait?
3. When did he return home?
4. Was he captured on any regional surveillance equipment (I'm told London is the "most monitored" city on the planet)? Or more importantly, was anybody else?

That's added to all the implausibility, left turns, and suspension of disbelief we must sustain in order to accept this waste.
Thanks, robin and Jason. robin I hope you feel better.

Ava must have ridden her broomstick to get to Allie before she shot Tripp.

What else does Kate have in her boudoir? She kept Jack's letters and Allie found
a gun. Allie said the code to the safe was easy. Mmm, should we guess what it is?

Lani needs to stop thinking about Kristen. She needs to think about her family
with Eli and kids.

There were too many lowlights in today's show. Nicole and Brady were ok.
The best part was Chloe at the end.

Barbara S that's a lot of money for a network to pay. Are they making the other
networks pay that high price too?
Question, how in the blue hell is Ava able to walk in and out of the prison so she can speak with Kristen the witch? Isn't she still wanted for serious crimes? Surely someone would recognize her, right? What am I talking about? *slaps* head, this is the same town in which Gwen was allowed to chat with the not-so-good Dr. Rolf after he tried to experiment on Kayla.
I honestly haven’t liked Lani’s character basically since day 1, and she’s becoming more and more insufferable by the minute. Eli blasting back at her was a long time coming and it was nice to hear him call her out.

I was so irritated at Nicole caving. So wanted her to say something like “ok, you can come my assistant, on a 90 day probation period.” Humble Brady so he can’t be so entitled. He needs to be knocked down a peg or two as well.

It will be nice to have Chloe back again. Wonder if Parker will be with her or if the poor kid will continue to be raised by his grandparents. We got a mention of Holly being at school. Who knows, with the way everyone ages, Parker, Holly, Thomas, and Charlotte night all be in high school in a few months!

So we got a reminder of the Sami & Alan story for the sole purpose of the writers to recycle a story. Got it. New ideas aren’t a strong suit of this current team. I was also wondering how Tripp didn’t just grab the gun from Allie. Did she even check to see if it was loaded? There was a brief moment where it looked like he might grab her arm but it never happened.

The amount of things we are just supposed to forget in order to watch these most recent episodes is insane. Tripp didn’t know either of his parents until he came to Salem, yet both of them “know” their son. Kristen has some moral compass and is a confidant of both Ava and Lani because she became friends with both while hiding out in a convent, apparently erasing the entirety of her deranged character. Steve and Kayla are constantly bickering even though we went through a whole “finding our way back to each other” story with flashbacks of how they’re a super couple. I think I keep watching out of habit more than anything these days!
Wonder if Parker will be with her or if the poor kid will continue to be raised by his grandparents. We got a mention of Holly being at school.
Due to Covid, I doubt the kiddies are going to be seen onscreen for a long time.

B&B only recently taped some scenes with the one little boy actor they have, but he was alone on the set and then his scenes were inserted into scenes with the adult actors. And his real parents were used to make it look like he was hugging his onscreen parents.
Speaking of Lani, nearly every comment I've seen online for literally months says she is insufferable and that Eli should leave and often that she should lose her job for what she's done (and would continue to do if given the chance). I don't understand why the "writers" think continuing to push her and Kristen the Witch as "besties" is the right thing.
