Days of Our Lives - Thurs., December 14, 2023


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Show opens at the hospital, Xander brings baby Victoria to visit Mommy Sarah. Victoria is sleeping. Xander and Sarah have apparently been taking turns keeping her, 2 days at a time. Xander talks about how he misses her so much when she is gone for two days, but looks forward to getting to see her mum for the handoffs. Sarah smiles at him.

Marlena is in her office on the phone letting someone know their medication is ready and she will see them next week. She hangs up and John walks in and says "Surprise!"

Johnny and Holly just finished a sword fight. Holly pokes him in the butt with her sword and he jokes "that'll teach me to turn my back on you."

At Paulina's, Chanel is asking her help for what to wear when she and Johnny have their date at the Bistro. Paulina hopes they aren't getting serious too fast. Chanel and Paulina discuss her relationship with Johnny and how Johnny is planning a surprise. Chanel is so happy; it feels good to put all the drama and dark days behind her.

Nicole and EJ are enjoying dinner at the Bistro. It warms EJ's heart to see her smile. He admires her strength. Nicole says she is starting to come out of the dark a little. EJ holds her hand.

Back to the Hospital, Sarah thanks Xander for bringing her all the way there. Sarah can't believe Victoria slept for 7 hours straight for Xander. Xander says he sang her a Scottish lullaby. He describes it. Sarah hopes she will sleep like that tonight, as she is exhausted. Xander reminds her he is there for her, to just let him know if she needs his help.

Marlena and John talk about how Marlena needs more time in her day and more balance. It's more difficult this time of year. So many people are depressed and anxious and self-medicating. John just sighs and smiles at her.

Nicole wants Holly to have a good birthday and Merry Christmas. She's a kid and not sure how much she understands. EJ says that Holly has her "eye on Tate" which is surprising to Nicole.

Holly and Johnny are in the living room. Johnny pours himself a drink. Holly wants one, but isn't old enough. Johnny says maybe in 5 years. Holly is hungry, wants to order food. Johnny is meeting Chanel for a date at the Bistro. Holly makes an annoyed face while she drinks whatever kid drink Johnny gave her.

At Paulina's, the chat is now about Abe and how Paulina invited him over for Christmas dinner. Chanel says this will be the best Christmas ever. Paulina looks sad, so Chanel asks what's wrong. Paulina tells her she is sorry that she has some bad news to tell her. She called Eli today and found out Lani's release had been delayed, something about her paperwork being processed wrong. She was supposed to be out before Christmas. Paulina is very upset about it. Chanel tries to comfort her.

Holly tries to convince Johnny not to go on his date with Chanel, saying it might be weird to go on a date at the same place her mom and his dad are. Holly says she prefers a guy who's a little more mature. It doesn't work, Johnny leaves to shower so he won't be late. Holly texts Tate that her plans changed, let's have dinner.

Nicole and EJ have left the Bistro and he's being really sweet to her. She talks about how beautiful the night is, and he says she is the most beautiful thing he sees and kisses her.

Back to Marlena's office: John is holding a picture of grandson Jude (Eric and "Sloan"'s baby), says he has been waiting for her to come home so he could give it to her. But then, would she like to have it for her office? She is so thankful and so happy for Eric and Sloan. John and Marlena agree grandkids are the best. They discuss the DNA test and Nicole.

Xander and Sarah still talk about how much Victoria changed in just 2 days, her likeness to them. Xander hopes she will have her beautiful brown eyes. They begin to hold hands and Sarah freaks out and runs away with the excuse that she needs to check on a patient.

Back at Paulina's: Paulina and Chanel discuss Paulina's health. Chanel wants to stay with her instead of going out. Paulina insists she is ok and Chanel should go. Chanel says ok and leaves to get ready.

Back at Marlena's: John and Marlena remember the ones they lost and hug. Sarah walks in, apologizes for interrupting. John leaves to get some coffee and offers some to them. After he leaves, Marlena and Sarah talk about how Sarah is feeling. She is scared she is going to make a huge mistake. Then we see Xander admiring his baby as John walks by. Xander stops him and asks him to give him advice.

At the mansion, EJ and Nicole are walking in with his hands covering her eyes. Surprise! He got her a beautiful Christmas tree. Holly and Johnny walk in and they talk about plans for Christmas. She is so blessed to have her and also Johnny, and she and EJ are together. Johnny heads out for his date with Chanel. Holly has to go as well, she has plans. Before they leave, Johnny tells EJ a package arrived for him. It's a box from the funeral home. Nicole insists he open it. It's a small, but a nice-looking box, it's a box of ashes. Nicole is holding the box and starts to cry.

Back in Marlena's office: Sarah talks about how she is allowing herself to get sucked in by Xander again. Her stomach does a backflip. But every time she feels like she regrets it. But they work so great together. Marlena listens as she wrestles with her feelings.

Back in the lobby, Xander is asking John for advice, to give him some tips, how to overcome things and be romantic. John has had issues in the past, how did he win back Marlena? John calls him a donkey (he uses the a word). John is a firm believer that people can grow and change, because he did. Xander just looks at him.

Holly walks up to Tate. He compliments her appearance. She says she just decided to have dinner with him. He tells her he has his dad's gold card, could do whatever she wants, even fly to Paris. She sees Chanel and Johnny walking together towards the Bistro. She suggests that Tate take her to the Bistro. They can work their way up to Paris for next time. Tate says the sky is the limit and they head to the Bistro.

At the Bistro: Chanel is looking at the menu trying to decide what to eat. Tate and Holly walk in. Tate and Chanel see each other. Chanel complains about it and says she isn't convinced Holly isn't trying to get Johnny's attention. Holly looks at them all mischievously.

At the mansion, Nicole talks about her feelings. EJ says this is God's way of helping them, giving them closure. They can now lay their baby boy to rest. They'll plan a small service, surrounded by family. Nicole says no, she wants it to just be the two of them. EJ knows the perfect place.

At Marlena's office: the talk continues about what Sarah should and should not do. Marlena thinks Sarah has done everything she is supposed to and is ready to make that decision. She asks Sarah to just enjoy that baby girl, because it all goes by so fast.

Back in the lobby, John continues to give Xander advice about how to be a better dad, a better person, for his own sake and the sake of Sarah and the sake of baby Victoria. Sarah walks up and John shares his sentiment about precious baby Victoria. John leaves. Xander asks Sarah if he can walk her and baby Victoria home, and Sarah smiles and would like that very much.

At the Bistro: Johnny just wants to focus on Chanel. They talk about their day. Johnny asks about Paulina. Chanel talks about Lani's situation and how Paulina is pretty down. Johnny asks if she wants his dad's help? He is a DiMera and can pull some strings.

Holly comments that Tate isn't eating his shrimp cocktail. He calls her out on picking the Bistro because she wanted to see Johnny. She denies knowing he would be there.

Chanel and Johnny continue their talk about how DiMera can help. He says maybe his former mother in law could also be his future mother in law some day.
EJ shows Nicole the place in the courtyard, she says it's perfect and beautiful. She asks him to go inside the house and get her scarf, she is a little cold. She stands there alone, holding the box. She talks to God and asks His forgiveness for all her sins. She prays for the strength to heal, and she asks God to watch over her precious baby boy until the day she hopes he will allow her to reunite with him again. Amen.

Nicole then talks to the box of ashes, tells him how he will always be loved and will always be right there in her heart. EJ returns with her scarf and puts it on her. He calls her beautiful and asks if she is ready? They open the box to pull out the ashes and Nicole starts to cry. EJ takes her by the hand, kisses her hand, and together they pour the ashes out over the greenery in the DiMera garden.

John returns to Marlena's office and tells her about how Sarah and Xander are walking home together. He wants to do the same with her. She argues she has a lot of work to do. He says that he has surprises for her at home. She agrees to go with him and they kiss and profess their love for eachother.

Xander and Sarah walk through the square together pushing baby Victoria's stroller. They had just taken Victoria to see Santa and she cried her eyes out in his lap. Sarah wonders if she will be scarred for life, Xander says it's a rite of passage. Sarah points out the most beautiful dollhouse, Xander sees it and agrees. They both exclaim together "I should buy it for her!" they look at each other and agree to buy it together, to be from the both of them. They'll put it in her room as a symbol of family.

Back at the Bistro, Tate is upset. Holly tells him he did say he would help her with Johnny. Tate says not anymore. Holly is a terribly mean to him about it. Tate gets up and leaves her alone at the table.

At Johnny and Chanel's table, they are talking romance and how they both have grown. He kisses her hand, saying she needs to be treated like a Queen rather than just made to live like one. He vows that she has his heart and they kiss. Holly is seen looking very distraught at the scene.

At the DiMansion, Nicole and EJ are back inside talking about their peaceful moment out under the stars. He gifts her a pretty red Christmas present. She opens it, and it's an ornament of an angel baby boy sleeping. She loves it. and she doesn't know how she would have gotten through this without him. They kiss and then together hang the ornament on the tree. a slow version of "O Holy Night" plays in the background as EJ and Nicole talk about how they will hang that ornament every year and they will never ever forget their baby boy. The camera zooms in on the beautiful ornament.
Johnny is really dense if he doesn't see that Holly has crush on him. Poor Tate. Holly is such a liar.

I love EJ and Nicole and wish so much he was baby's father. This show depresses me. Baby's ashes? Did they name him? The ornament brought a tear. Nicole needs her baby back while he's still a baby. He cannot bond with Sloan.
Here is the angel baby ornament EJ gave to Nicole:

They did a really good close up at the end, it has pretty sparkles all over it. The scenes with Nicole were so sweet today that I had tears in my eyes. Ugh. I want her to find out her baby is alive and get her baby back more than anything. I also want her to stay with EJ. She makes EJ a better person all around. They are so so good together.
Well done, DaysLady!

It was heartbreaking when they scattered the "ashes." They never even had a chance to name their son. Truly excellent performances by Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) and Arianne Zucker (Nicole). I want them to stay together. And I want a Christmas miracle for them.

I am so glad Tate left Holly sitting there in The Bistro. He is a sweet young man and deserves better. I can only hope he didn't leave that credit card on the table.

Holly looks and acts older than her years but is still immature. Even if they weren't step-siblings, Johnny would never look in her direction, it is inappropriate.

I loved it when Johnny would not give Holly the scotch. The only scotch she should have is butterscotch.

I wonder if EJ will be able to get Lani home for Christmas?

The framed picture of Jude was very sweet.

I agree about seeing characters interact who usually don't. John and Xander was refreshing.

As for Xander and Sarah, the flames are still glowing, it is a matter of time before the fire is entirely lit. But can Xander stay completely clean? This time around, he must be 100% honest with Sarah and with his activities. I think that becoming a father might change him to stay on the light side.
Thanks, DaysLady.

Thanks for the closeup of ornament, JS.

Interesting conversation Xander had with John. Will Xander change his ways permanently?

I'm surprised Chanel didn't notice Holly glaring at them after Tate left.

Why oh why did Brady give Tate the Basic Black gold card? Will Tate charge things he shouldn't?

The scenes with EJ and Nicole were sad.
Johnny says maybe in 5 years.
More like 5 weeks in Salem, right?

And then 5 months later, she'll graduate high school, and 5 months later, her younger step-sister Sydney will graduate.

A novel viewer might think EJ and Nicole are the rooting couple. (They are being written that way, but the writers have no intention of making it stick.)
A novel viewer might think EJ and Nicole are the rooting couple.
That has been my fear! I have NEVER like EJ, and I hate that they seem to be trying to make him likable. I get that it is standard soap opera plotting to change a villain into a hero, but they have to be very careful about how evil they were to begin with.
The only way they got me to like EJ was by changing the actor. I think if it were the previous guy I wouldn't have been able to move on from disliking the character which probably seems odd. The current actor I guess has allowed me to believe EJ has changed if that makes sense. I actually think that EJ loves Nicole and I don't believe the old EJ ever loved anyone to be honest. Nothing to do with the actors themselves, I just think it was able to bring a change.
Sorry guys, again, questions. It may have been brought up already so I apologize if so. I've never had children so, moms or dads answer please? Shouldn't there be a birth certificate somewhere? They baby was born live, and I'm thinking my personal one asks the question if live birth. Is that still on a birth certificate?

Isn't one issued for a stillbirth? Possibly even a miscarriage? So, if there is a certificate, wouldn't it normally have a name put on it? But then, I am asking "normally" and this is Salem where little is normal. And let's not even get started on a birth certificate for the baby that Eric and Sloan are adopting. I guess some of this stuff we're supposed to assume happens off screen, but it drives me nuts.
No, birth certificates aren't issued when a baby is stillborn, or for a late-term miscarriage. And when death certificates are issued for newborns, I don't believe a first name is required. I believe it can just say "Baby Boy Smith" or "Baby Girl Jones".

I remember several years ago seeing a bunch of women on the news who were trying to have laws changed to have birth certificates issued for babies who are stillborn, with a section to note they were born deceased. I don't know if they ever got any traction on that, though.
There definitely should be an available birth certificate for any live birth. Every place is different, but I received one from the hospital itself, and then a "legal" one came in the mail a week or so later from the City/State.

Writers here do not bother with those details, as Jason D. says........."DA PLOT"
Yes, there should be a birth certificate for a live birth, but since the shady doctor said the baby died from injuries pertaining to the crash (like Baby Mickey did), he wouldn't have to issue one. I believe the doctor said the baby had already died by the time he got to the hospital.
But the crematorium would have to have signed permission for cremation before doing so. They also will ask parent/relative if they would like to see their loved one one more time. (Went thru this 2 yrs. ago, very fresh in my mind. )