Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Feb. 22, 2024


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Peacock's Description: Wendy and Tripp find themselves kidnapped; Steve proves to Stephanie that Everett is Bobby.

Show opens up at the "halfway house": Theresa doesn't want to stop hugging Tate. He pushes her off. She asks if he's lost weight? He says "the food here sucks". Brady suggests they sneak in a hamburger from the pub next time. Theresa tells Tate she loved his letters. Tate sarcastically looks at Brady saying "yeah, my letters."

Stephanie walks into the pub and greets her dad (Steve) with a hug. She hasn't slept, doesn't know what to believe anymore. Steve said he did some research since he couldn't sleep either. He's ready to tell her what he has found out.

In his room at the Salem Inn, Everett/Bobby is on the phone exclaiming that he is NOT Bobby. He's leaving a message for Stephanie, telling her how much he loves her and wants her to call him. After he hangs up, he talks to himself, asking what the hell is happening? Why does "that cop" think he is Bobby "what's-his-face"? He says, "Why can't I remember what happened before the accident?" Then there is a knock at the door that interrupts his conversation with himself. He opens the door to Jada, who says he has a lot of explaining to do.

At the station, Ava runs in and tells Rafe she can't get ahold of her son, Tripp. Wendy is missing too, and she's certain Clyde Weston has them. She says they need to find them before something bad happens.

We then see a warehouse building, where Tripp and Wendy are being held. Wendy had fallen asleep and is just waking up. She has a sore throat from all the yelling. Tripp is angrily looking around the space, Wendy wants to get out of there. Tripp says they will once they figure out how to.

Back at the station, Rafe has called Wendy's work and confirms she didn't show up. Ava is panicking. Rafe insists she tell him what this has to do with Clyde Weston first.

Back at the warehouse, Wendy and Tripp decide to discuss the events that led them there. We see a flashback, they were playing the cupid geocaching game, when Officer Goldman has stopped them to tell Tripp that they may be in danger, and she needs to get them to a safe place. She insists they go with her." Back to present, Wendy says "this is one hell of a safe house."

Back at the "halfway house" visitation area, Brady says the place doesn't seem that bad. Tate says the wi-fi sucks. Theresa is surprised he gets internet. Tate explains they get to stream a movie a day, but they don't get to pick it. Brady says he hopes it's a good one. Theresa changes the subject; she wants to know how his group therapy is going? Tate says it's weird and sarcastically points out they have to talk about their feelings in front of each other.

Theresa thinks the therapy must be helping, then she refers to the letter he wrote his dad. Tate interrupts, angry that Brady let his mom read the letters. Brady defends himself, says he didn't let her read them, he just told her about them. Tate angrily says he doesn't want them talking about him. Brady says he is sorry that he shared the letter with his mother. He tells Tate it's fine to be upset, but he can't change the past, and he is here now.

Back to the pub, Steve tells Stephanie that he had contacted an old colleague who did some digging. He found out that there was indeed an accident. He says they found out he was in the hospital for over a year as "John Doe". His release does coincide with his resurgence. So that part of his story is indeed true. But now he has the bad news.

Back to the Salem Inn, Everett/Bobby again insists that he is NOT Bobby. Jada pushes her way inside his room carrying a box. She doesn't know why he is playing a sick game. She shows him their marriage certificate, signed Robert Stein. She also shows him a picture of their wedding day. He says none of it is familiar, he doesn't remember any of it. Jada says if she wasn't a police officer, she'd smack him. She tells him to prove he's not Robert Stein and demands he give her his fingerprints.

Back at the pub, Steve asks Stephanie if she wants some coffee, but she just wants him to cut to the chase and tell her what he found out. He says ok and shows her Robert Stein's driver's license photo with a Seattle address. Stephanie asks if he has a twin? Steve also has a copy of his birth certificate. No twin. Stephanie asks Steve if he thinks that Everett/Bobby is lying, or that he really can't remember who he is?

Steve says he doesn't have the medical records, but he guesses he could have had some neurological trauma. Steve also shares that Robert Stein did legally marry Jada Hunter, that the marriage certificate is on file. So it does show that he just doesn't remember that he was married when he was dating Stephanie before. Stephanie says she has to go, she needs to process this and she thanks him for helping her.

Back at the visitation area, Tate sarcastically says "yeah, dad, you're here for me in this halfway house where I don't belong, where you two should be." Brady and Theresa scold him for lashing out. Tate says he is not an addict and didn't do anything wrong. Tate is going off about how he wishes Holly would just wake up and tell everyone he is innocent.

Brady asks Tate to listen, he's been texting with Nicole, and Holly seems to be doing better. She is off the ventilator and breathing on her own. Tate is so thankful to hear that, asks how long until she wakes up? Brady doesn't know, but with her apparent progress, she could be home any day now.

Back at the Salem Inn, Everett/Bobby has given Jada his thumbprint, and it's a match to Bobby Stein. He says that can't be right. Jada says fingerprints don't lie and calls him a slimy, two-faced, *bleep*. She tells him that filing for divorce is the best thing she ever did. He insists he doesn't remember it. She calls him a liar, tells him to be a man and own up to what he did.

Back at the station, Rafe wants Ava to tell him everything. He has taken her to the interrogation room. Ava says this is a mistake and tries to leave, Rafe yells at her and demands the truth. Ava caves, she tells him about the deal she made with Harris. That the only way to save herself and her son was to work with Clyde Weston. Harris convinced her to work with him to bring down Clyde for good. Rafe says she was basically an informant.
At the warehouse, Wendy and Tripp wonder why that cop brought them there? We see a flashback to Officer Goldman putting them in the warehouse room, telling them "They have eyes on this place at all times. You'll be protected." Wendy says she will call Rafe to check with him, but Officer Goldman pulls her gun and aims it at Wendy saying "You're not calling anyone. Toss over the phones, now." They comment "what a hero" and give her their phones.

Goldman forces them "in the tank" and locks them in there. Wendy exclaims she thought the lady cop was one of the good guys. Tripp says he did too. Back to present, Officer Goldman has walked in, aiming a gun at them. They stand up, but she forces them to sit back down, but they pull out stools to sit on. She tells them to ration their supplies, then walks back out and locks the door. Tripp angrily punches the door.

Back in the visitation area, Tate is going on and on that this means he can come home. Theresa tells him to be patient. Tate knows Holly will tell the truth. Brady advises him to be wary that Holly may not want to tell the truth.

At the Salem Inn, Everett/Bobby is yelling at Jada, and Stephanie walks in the open door. Jada shows her the picture. Stephanie says, "you were married when we started dating?!" Everett/Bobby exclaims he doesn't remember Jada. Jada tells Stephanie that he was claiming to love Stephanie while being married to her. He is nothing but a player, a liar, and a cheat! If she wasn't her friend, she would just say good luck! But she tells her to run, get out while you can!" Before Jada leaves, she tells Everett/Bobby she will not stop digging until she gets the whole story on him, and will make sure everyone knows. Perhaps she will put the story in a rival newspaper.

Back at the station, Ava is still telling Rafe about the hold Clyde has over people. Rafe wants to know what he has over her? She starts repeating her deal with Harris and Rafe interrupts, arguing they are just "dancing around". Ava says Clyde is untouchable.

Back at the pub, Steve is on the phone with Milan, asking him to do some digging on Everett Lynch. He hangs up and gets a call from Ava, she tells him that Tripp is missing. Steve is on his way to the station now. Rafe leaves the room to get the missing person paperwork started. As he opens the door Officer Goldman walks in to get the descriptions of the missing persons.

Back at visitation area, Brady and Theresa are explaining possible scenarios to Tate. Tate doesn't want to hear it, he and Holly are friends. Theresa just wants him to be prepared. Tate yells at them to stop, he didn't do anything wrong. He wants out of there and wants to go home.

At the station, Steve has arrived and discusses with Ava when Tripp was last seen. Steve yells at her that last time she kept half the story from him. But not this time, tell him everything NOW.

Back at the warehouse tank thing, Wendy and Tripp are talking about Officer Goldman and her working for Clyde. Tripp knows that Clyde did it because he knows Ava will do whatever he asks to get them back. Wendy starts to mess with the door, but Tripp sees something on the ceiling. He's going to lift up Wendy to check it out.

At the Salem Inn, Stephanie is very upset. Everett is begging her, she knows him. She says no, she doesn't. She says none of their relationship was real. Everett/Bobby insists it was real. Stephanie says how? She was the sidepiece. Everett again exclaims he doesn't remember being married. Stephanie points out that their relationship happened BEFORE his accident. So is he a lying dirtbag or a sociopath? Who the hell are you?

At the visitation area, Brady and Theresa carefully try to help Tate understand their worries. He is at least in a safer place than prison. He repeats that he is NOT a drug addict, and they don't get to pass that guilt trip to him.

At the warehouse, the ceiling thing didn't budge. Wendy and Tripp agree that people are realizing they are missing because they didn't show up for work. They try to remember what they can about how they got there. Goldman had convinced them to hide since they didn't want people to see them, but now they realize she just didn't want them to see where they were going. Tripp thinks it was about a half hour that they were in the car. Wendy agrees that sounds right. It was dark when they got out of the van, but Wendy remembers hearing a plane, smelling gas, and gravel. Maybe they are near the airport?

At the station, Ava is telling Steve about Clyde and the blackmail and everything she did trying to keep Tripp safe. Steve looks really annoyed. Ava is going on and on about "please help save our boy".

At the Salem Inn, Everett/Bobby insists he is not a sociopath. He is the man that loves Stephanie and did all the romantic things. Stephanie is still mad. Everett/Bobby feels like this is a nightmare, and then he collapses into the floor.

At the station, Steve says you don't have to "make me" save my own son. He yells at Ava that he needs to know every detail of her involvement in this mess. Outside the interrogation room, Jada has walked in and tells Rafe about her confrontation with Bobby/Everett. She is very upset, thought she had put all those feelings behind her. Rafe thinks she should go home, but she wants to stay. Rafe says ok, and that there is stuff he needs to catch her up on, about Tripp and Wendy being missing.

Back to Salem Inn, Everett/Bobby is waking up and struggling to stand. Stephanie asks if he is faking? He says he is ok, but then Stephanie says he looks clammy and pale and she's taking him to the hospital.

At the warehouse room, Wendy laments that they will be there for a while. They look back up at the ceiling, I think it's a high window?? She couldn't reach it, even on his shoulders. They think there is a reason they are being kept alive. Tripp reassures Wendy. They agree to keep trying to find a way out.

At the visitation room, Tate wants Brady and Theresa to leave. Theresa wants to stay and talk. Tate says no. He is not required to have visitors and wants them out. Brady begs him not to do this. Tate says that's his problem and he hates them both, then walks out.
I thought Jada proved Everett was Bobby??? (fingerprints....& she told Rafe)

Hmmmm, well, Everett was all alone, and bemoaning how he is thought to be some "Bobby" guy. this memory loss? And if so, where did the Everett name come from? How did he get it. Are they going to do a repeat of how John Black got his name?
I thought Jada proved Everett was Bobby??? (fingerprints....& she told Rafe)
She did tell Rafe at the end of the show.
What a letdown after yesterday's wonderful show.
I disagree. This show was very good. Jada's actions made sense. She wasn't whiny or screechy (like Sami), Stephanie was strong (I'm rooting for her, finally!), and papa bear Steve was fantastic. I even felt for Ava and Everett/Bobby. I was least impressed by the Jeannie T/Tate/Brady scenes, although the actor playing Tate is doing great - it's just the (inherited) story is a dud.

I liked that they took the time to have Wendy and Tripp try to find a way out. Rafe wasn't smug when dealing with Ava, who still kept a few story points hidden. Really strong writing and good performances all around.

The pacing of the show also worked well today (Jada told Rafe today's plot development, which could have dragged for a week; Goldman showed up to take Ava's statement, but we didn't have to watch her tell the story again!!!). Each scene flowed to the next. There was also movement in some stories. I'm intrigued and eager for tomorrow's episode.
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Everett was all alone, and bemoaning how he is thought to be some "Bobby" guy. this memory loss?
My speculation is that Bobby was a slime and a con, fell for Stephanie, but then got amnesia and only remembers the con as his real life.

It'd be original (I can't think of a similar story on Days or any other show) and could give each character several facets to play.
Ava hates Clyde and lies to Steve
Did she? She told him she was running drugs through the Bistro because Clyde threatened Tripp. She held back with Rafe, but leveled with Steve.

Edited to add: I see that's not in today's summary, but it happened at the end of the episode.
Pity poor Everett. In the past, better-looking Salemites who developed amnesia received sympathy and understanding. His dorky self is getting nothing but nastiness and accusations. (By the way, how would angry Jada and Stephanie react if Julie showed them a picture of her darling Nicky? Would they start squawking about it being a photo of the awful “Bobby.”)

It’s too bad that Brady now has to deal with a son who says he “hates” him, but in a way it was ironic. Recall when angry Brady was spurning John’s attentions and the poor man was reduced to repeatedly saying “please son” when begging Brady to simply talk to him.

On the bright side, rescuing Trippy and Wendy might be easier than anticipated. By now, Steve must know the location of every sketchy warehouse in Salem and he’ll quickly find the right one. He’s also been listening to Ava for years and can sort out the truth from all her nonsense.
I did not want Everett to be Bobby. There is a lot of explaining to do. Did something else happen to him after marrying Jada but before dating Stephanie? Where did the name Everett come from? Ugh.

I think the Tate actor is very good. He hasn't done anything wrong and it does suck that he is in trouble basically because of his parents misdeeds. Hope Holly does wake up and tells the truth. But you know she won't.
Thanks, DaysLady

Is the hospital where Everett stayed after his accident run by people from Salem? Someone there should have run
his fingerprints while he was in coma. Then they would know he's Bobby.

I can finally put on my bingo card that Goldman is the dirty cop :)

Steve told Stephanie that there wasn't a record Bobby had a twin. That might not be true. Someone could have
kept that a secret.

Rafe and Jada know what Ava has been doing. How will they handle it since they don't know who the dirty cop is?
Thanks for the write-up. Yes, a lot of really bad storylines, and this certainly can't compete with the previous episode. Still, at least we got some good acting and storyline movement. I also like how there was a lot of flow with the characters, in the sense that everyone is dealing with separate drama yet all are woven in to this Clyde/kidnapping storyline towards the end. Besides the dud of Brady and Theresa visiting Tate. That was truly filler.
I really enjoyed Tate giving it to his parents. The poor guy is in a rehab place for no reason at all. Wasn't crazy about the way Theresa was portrayed when she was hugging and clinging to Tate. Not that Theresa doesn't love Tate but that just didn't fit the character we know. And honestly the character we know would be wanting to kick butt for Tate I think.

I assume the Everett deal when he walked out of the restaurant last month was just a head fake for us. They've done nothing to lead us to believe he really knows who he is. He certainly wouldn't be alone in his room pretending. I assume he's just a cheater who got in an accident and only remembered himself as who he presented to Stephanie when they were together. Unless they go with boring split personality.

Biggest fear he's Nick and Rolf did something to him back in the day and he's spent years running around as two people with a side trip as the devil's apprentice.