Days of Our Lives - Thurs., July 16, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Will & Sonny return from a ball game they went to with Justin. Sonny wonders why Will did not go to Uncle Eric's wedding. Will was afraid his mom would show up, he was scared of her. She would find out all knew about Allie, and he did not want her to know he knew, & did not tell her. Sonny points out they have offered to adopt the baby, Sami will know then!

Ivan continues telling his tale, how another boy was delivered to Vivian, still passed out. Doc said baby pale, weak, sickly, would not make it, put him in incubator. Ivan took Stefan before Stefano would find out and come looking. Meanwhile, other baby survived, Ivan never told Viv since she did not know about the 2nd baby she had anyway. Jake calls adoption agency to confirm, and yes, Dr. Stewart deliverd him, he was very small & sickly, Ivan telling truth. Gabi gets very upset, starts crying, Jake is not her Stefan. Viv tries to get her to celebrate Vivian getting another son, but Gabi takes off. Jake is going to follow, Viv stops him, but he ignores her, he is his own person, and he thinks Gabi should not be alone.

Marlena sits with Allie, gives her some wise counsel. Agrees Sami caused big problem at wedding, but thinks Allie needs to cool it with her combative attitude towards her mother. Bedtime, prom dress, Marlena is tired of this conflict. Allie agrees she needs to take some responsibility here. Lucas shows up, Marlena leaves, Lucas thinks Allie needs to talk to Sami, she agrees, off they go. Marlena goes to see Will & Sonny, tells them what happened at the wedding, they wonder if Sami knows they want to adopt. Marlena figures if Sami doesn't know yet, she will soon. Will figures she'd be happy about it, but then in horrified........Sami might want to live with them, then. Or be over visiting a lot. LOL

Sami & Nicole are still going at it, Sami throwing more cake at Nicole, Eric pulling her off, finally putting her in a chair, telling her to sit down, and listen, telling Nik to go up and change. Nicole goes upstairs, Eric makes Sami shut up, telling her how Allie arrived unannounced, did not want Sami to know, how everyone tried to get her to tell Sami, she refused, would run off, no one would find her. Allie felt Sami would cause troubles, create a scene, would not listen......and Sami herself proved Allie was spades. Sami seems a bit contrite, will try to find Allie, apologize. She starts in again about helping her, Eric told her Allie has a plan, Sami demands to know, Eric won't tell, not his place, but in comes Allie & Lucas, Eric leaves them all to work it all out.

Gabi is at DiMansion, Jake comes in, she is angry, thinks he came for the money, no he came for her. She is sarcastic, he explains he saw her face when she realized he was not her husband, understands why she wanted Jake to be Stefan so badly. She doesn't want him there, just go. He turns to leave, she says she never wants to see his face again.

Viv is already making plans for her new son, talking of how she got the suave, sophisticated Stefan, but now she has this “lump”. What will she do. Ivan points out first we need to figure out how to keep you out of the slammer. Viv figures she could apologize to that Lani that won't work. Got to think outside the box. Box, that's it. Box!

Allie & Lucas sit with Sami who has repeatedly said she is sorry. (Love Lucas in these scenes).

Sami is still trying to talk Allie into keeping the baby, but Allie has thought long and hard. She mentions Will & Sonny, Sami figures, good, all in the family. Allie lets her know that when they offered, she already asked someone else, a man, not married or in a relationship, but she knows is a great father. Lucas is making asides to them both, Allie finally says, it is Rafe. Ohhh, the look on Sami's face!

And now to the newlyweds. I could never do them justice, but these two know how to do a love scene, be sexy, loving and definitely H O T! When Eric goes to the room, Nicole comes out in sexy little nightie, they are kissing, get passionate, she takes off his tie, unbuttons his shirt, they are kissing, holding each other, he picks her up, she wraps her legs around him, and off to the bed. Later, they are under the sheets, her leg out, but on top of him. They are so happy they are finally married, exchange I love you so much, kiss some more, and we leave them to their wedding night.
I almost really felt sorry for Gabi today. She was devastated that Jake is not Stefan. She really did love him. Then Jake was so sweet because he did feel sorry for her and was worried about it. I'm sure soon enough he will love her.

I had to laugh when Lucas gave Sami a C- on her "I'm glad Nicole was here for you" comment.

Nicole and Eric were very sweet. I hope they get a baby. Though honestly, I like Nicole with Brady better.
I liked that Nicole bemoaned Sami ruining their wedding cake, but Eric managed to save the topper, so they could freeze it, do that "corny thing" on their 1st anniversary.
Gee, it was mighty convenient that someone happened to remove the top of the cake before Sami and Nicole's brawl. I looked and couldn't find any scenes showing the cake prior to Sami walking in. But here it is as the cat fight begins and then the cake is smashed:


And here is the perfectly fresh cake top that was delivered to their apartment:

Allie: Somebody should remind this kid that discretion is often the better part of valor. Telling somebody like Granny Sami that she will play no part in her grandchild's life is needlessly provocative and just invites more trouble in the future.

Jake: He showed himself to be a stand-up going by feeling sorry for Gabi and going to see her despite all the grief she's given him. Naturally, she was then her typically rude, obnoxious self, which means he's now entitled to keep his distance.

Ivan: He's looking for a way to keep Vivian out of jail? He ought to try an insanity plea. Viv has clearly not been playing with a full deck for years.
This was our 3rd wedding, and so far, been the best week of story telling, & the wedding itself went thru without any trouble. That blew in after the couple became husband & wife. While Sami finally listened & seemed to understand how she acted was out of line......she still cannot let go of making it all about her, what she wants, what she can do, do what she says. Marlena may be tired of all the hassles, the viewers are even more so.

And while it had to be crushing for Gabi to know she was wrong all along, that her obnoxious stalking of Jake was not warranted, I was not able to feel sorry for her. She was rude, crude, unable to apologize for her persistent insistence that Jake was her husband. He was the bigger person, going after her to make sure she was not alone, but she was as mean & petty as ever.
I would agree here. Lucas was her best coupling, I really don't understand why he is not on more. But I guess, since Sami is only temp., it would not work for them to hook up again. But Lucas, heck, why must he be "paired" with anyone. He is great all by himself.
Thanks, Poirot.

I loved Vivian's face when she got the idea about a box.

I can't believe Will didn't think before if they adopted Allie's baby that
Sami would want to move in or come to town more often.

It was probably the Salem elves that saved the top of the wedding cake.

Eric was the voice of reason when he talked to Sami. I'm glad she listened.

Why did Sonny wear the suit coat to a game?

Poor Gabi, Stefan is really dead. What will she do now? Maybe she can
be a mom to Ari.
Oh I could defininetly take more Lucas even if he's alone but I'm not sure what they'd do with him. I just really liked the dynamic today. I've always thought they did a good job with them where even when they were at odds you knew they would always love each other, and that came across to me today.
Will afraid of Sami was a little weird considering he always stood up to her in the past. And why was he worried she'd be around more often if they adopted Allie's baby? She never moved in on them when Ari was born or even interfered in the way they were raising her. It was almost like everyone forgot about Ari today.

Eric and Nicole's wedding was the best one so far this month. After 20 years, they finally got together.:love::love:
But Sami was all "EJ" , and trekking her children all over in search of - or caring for him. Being that she has been in Italy now for years......surprised Will would think what he did. Heck, Sami did not even show up to "mother" Ari when Gabi was in prison! But perhaps that is why Will thinks Sami would be around. because this baby would have no "mother" per se, since Allie would not be involved????
At the end when Nicole said that they have a lifetime to make up for lost time (or however she worded it), did anyone else's mind think "oh boy here we go again"? Those aren't good words to say in Salem. They are often followed by the grim reaper.
It's been rough catching up with Days since I was furloughed at the end of March, the stories haven't kept me interested enough. Just the past week I started watching again. I do like how Peacock channel offers past Days episodes from as far back as the end of March, so I can somewhat catch up.

I'm kind of disappointed the Stefan twin rumor ended up becoming the reality, and it seems like the wildest speculations end up being true. Kind of disappointed though, I am glad that Brandon Barash (Stefan/Jake) can return as a separate entity that is and isn't Stefan, so it clears the rapeyness.